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Massive Chemtrail Attack: Midwest

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posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by waynos
reply to post by hawaii50th

What is the research that converted you from a non believer? Can you show what it was that changed your mind?

For one, watch this documentary, What in the World Are They Spraying?

Than google the term and dive into the rabbit hole.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th

Originally posted by waynos
reply to post by hawaii50th

What is the research that converted you from a non believer? Can you show what it was that changed your mind?

For one, watch this documentary, What in the World Are They Spraying?

Than google the term and dive into the rabbit hole.

And remember that anyone can post a youtube video saying what they want you to believe. Ask youself why? Don't be a sheeple.

Check the science before you get conned
There are people out there who do not want you to know the truth!!!!

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:38 PM
Oh, ok. Thanks for the prompt reply Hawaii50th, but I was hoping to see something new to me and that hadn't been comprehensively, and correctly, debunked. I already know that this is bogus. But again, thank you for the response.

edit on 4-11-2011 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th

Originally posted by romanmel
I'm undecided.

I don't believe that such deliberate spraying can take place, over such an extended period of time, using a huge amount of pilots and supporting staff, with no whistle-blower coming forward with some type of concrete proof. Everyone has a cel phone with cameras today and we'd see a lot of evidence, if this was happening on a huge scale. I understand that they don't want to loose their livelyhood, but amongst all those thousands who would be involved, several SOMEONES would cry wolf!

It is like no concrete evidence of UFO's being extraterrestrial in origin after so many years of sightings. I live in the midwest and I did note all the trails in the sky Nov 1-3 and even today. Don't get me wrong, I believe BigGov is guilty of a lot of wrongdoing, but I'm not sure about Chemtrails.

I use to be a non-believer of chem-trails, I use to think that the people saying this were nothing more than conspiracy fanatics. But over the last three years of research, I've now become a believer. The only way to find out is to research it for yourself. Don't wait to long, the information may disappear in the very near future.

Still, out of the thousands and thousands who would be involved as pilots, loaders, purchasing agents, storage facility staff and distribution people, supplying this "chem-trail" industry world-wide, WHERE ARE THE WHISTLEBLOWERS?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by dw31243

It was worse in my city just outside of Dallas. Like 45 minutes out.

It started October 28th, through Novermber 2nd for me. It was quite obviously Chemtrails. Spraying at almost all altitudes, High... Low.. Really Low.. and Really High. In all directions as well. It was terrible. -- Oh, and spotted several formations. In packs of 2 and 3.

Shortly after we received random cold fronts and rain, not sure if that's related.

Has anyone noticed the chem-planes look kinda translucent? Even the low flying ones? I mean call me blind but that's just what I'm seeing in my area. And I'll see chem-spraying planes, then a regular plan fly by and they look completely different. Hmmm, not sure what to think.

"I understand that they don't want to loose their livelyhood, but amongst all those thousands who would be involved, several SOMEONES would cry wolf!"

Because I'm sure the pilots don't really know they're spraying poisonous / top secret chems. They probably just think they're altering weather for the good of humanity or something like that. Besides, forget their livelyhood, start thinking about their life and family. I'm sure our Gov would take them out if it meant covering up something as big as Chemtrails. -- Who knows, maybe someone has cried out, and it was just buried? -- Who knows, I just know there is something fishy with all this spraying, at the VERY LEAST.

Just being open minded, and not ignorant to what I see. Gotta consider every possibility, not just the lack of evidence, since evidence can be buried or burned (not literally).

edit on 4-11-2011 by Moteogen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:49 PM
I am over 50 years old here and all I can say is I have never never seen contrails/chemtrails bleed into a smoke screen and obtuse the sky like they have been doing the past 10 years or so.
Call me nuts, call me delusional, call me a fool. I see what I see and I remember what I remember from days gone by.
Regards, Iwinder
S&F to the OP

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Iwinder

Iwinder, I would concur in general with your post...I too do not ever remember contrails spreading out as they do now...but that could be a number of other things at, memory is the second thing to go (I do not recall what the first is)...two, although I have always been fascinated by flight and planes, I probably looked at things a whole different in my youth than I do now...three, changes occur in all forms of life as they age...I am getting older and the Earth is getting older, right along with me...All of this must add up to something and should be factored into the equation as well...

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by jeichelberg
reply to post by Iwinder

Iwinder, I would concur in general with your post...I too do not ever remember contrails spreading out as they do now...but that could be a number of other things at, memory is the second thing to go (I do not recall what the first is)...two, although I have always been fascinated by flight and planes, I probably looked at things a whole different in my youth than I do now...three, changes occur in all forms of life as they age...I am getting older and the Earth is getting older, right along with me...All of this must add up to something and should be factored into the equation as well...

Nice post and funny too, however I am from the school of people that actually laid down in a nice tall grass field and spent hours and hours looking up at the sky.
Very firm memories and very pleasant even as I type this I can taste the field sweet and green.
I assure you my recollection of this is perfect, my boyhood/teenage friends will attest to this.
Nobody can tell me what I have seen or what I have not seen in my life unless they were there.
Regards, Iwinder

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by dw31243

You spelled Contrails wrong.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 05:46 PM
Since your post appeared under mine I think you may have been addressing the statements in my post regarding the sun. I agree that looking at the sun SHOULD cause damage. From what I've been told it should cause permanent and serious damage. I was a little kid when I did this and honestly it was a stupid thing to do, but kids often do incredibly stupid things and my peers and I did not have that much parental supervision or guidance in those days. The parents just opened the doors and turned us loose on the neighborhood, and it was not the best of neighborhoods. For whatever reasons, I did not sustain any discernible damage according to every opthamologist who has examined me. I am nearsighted per heredity and farsighted per age, and therefore need bifocals. I have minor damage from years of wearing contact lenses. I see well in the dark. I see well in bright light...with my glasses on of course. I have black-brown eyes, maybe that helped. But in no way do I advocate anyone staring at the sun. You are correct it is absolute folly and I was incredibly lucky, or so the opthamologists have told me.

I'm not sure if your comments regarding perception and alarmism were directed toward me. Since I do not rely on changing perceptions to bolster a belief or disbelief in chem trails I will assume that part of your post was meant for the general audience. My changing perceptions only reflect an observation of the same climate change even the scientists are discussing. No alarm here. I am not saying I believe in chem trail spraying. I'm not saying I disbelieve. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, that some planes are engaged in scientific or military research, while most of the sightings are of ordinary contrails made to look worse due to an increase in air traffic over the past forty years or so. That seems a reasonable guess based on the evidence and anecdotes. Contrails or chemtrails, it all adds up to unwanted pollution and environmental impact. But such is life in the modern age.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 05:52 PM
I am glad that so many Chemtrail believers have joined this thread and are fighting the truth to be told against these paid government Internet Trolls. Please continue to post your comments and videos of Chemtrails. This is the only way we can bring the truth of Chemtrails into the Main Stream Media and educate people of what is being done to us.

Here is a video from Lake Mead Nevada on November 3rd. They begin spraying the Chemtrails at about 20-30 seconds into the video. Note how they spray the famous Chemtrail X!

Also, notice in the beginning of the video you see a few planes fly by make NORMAL contrails.

edit on 4-11-2011 by dw31243 because: Contrails are a CON!

edit on 4-11-2011 by dw31243 because: Images

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by brokedown

I thought I'd add my thoughts to this. Why do people like to debunk the Chemtrail threads, why do people care so much? Well most people have professions, and have a lot of knowledge on the subject of their profession. They have a hard time with other people who are not in the profession and are obviously not as educated in it telling them something which they know to be not true.

This goes for everything. Try to tell a plumber that all that PVC piping has been poisioning us for years, try to tell the mechanic that the new supreme gas they recomend is full of chemicals and will kill the neighbours dog. Try and tell the doctor, dentist, lawyer, accountant, fireman, paramedic, engineer, hairstylist, ANYONE that you know their profession better than them. You will probably find the same response. Most likely the professional would try and convince you that what you are saying is not true and would site much evidence and logical theory to prove the point. Hopefully at some point the person who was wrong would say, "oh okay, now that you have explained it I understand better, thanks I didn't know that."

I feel sorry for those of you who are spending so much time looking up at the sky thinking you are getting poisoned every day when a plane flies over you spraying frozen water vapor.

I almost want to offer to do a full documentary on what happens when an airliner arrives somewhere and leaves for another. To film all the places where Chemtrailers think the chemicals are hidden and show that there isn't any space. To show how fueling works, how it's tested each and every time, how the pilots operate and how the engineers inspect everything. How everything is accounted for, screened, and inspected to the point of redundancy... but I don't think it would be worth my effort.

That's why people respond to debunk these threads, they are the people who know a lot about aviation and want to share their knowledge. Much like you will see Phage pop in on most near earth or space threads, because he knows alot about it.

Anyway, probably falls on deaf ears but Chemtrails are not real, at least please don't claim that airliners are making them. Really please, just give that part a rest. That is like telling a chef that you can cook a turkey by leaving it on a sunny window for 5 hours.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Iwinder
I am over 50 years old here and all I can say is I have never never seen contrails/chemtrails bleed into a smoke screen and obtuse the sky like they have been doing the past 10 years or so.
Call me nuts, call me delusional, call me a fool. I see what I see and I remember what I remember from days gone by.
Regards, Iwinder
S&F to the OP

Except that they have been seen before, and photographed before, and studied before. Like in the 1940s before.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by dw31243
I am glad that so many Chemtrail believers have joined this thread and are fighting the truth to be told against these paid government Internet Trolls.

Another fantasy - it's sad that hoax believers have to keep inventing fantasies to justify their belief.

Why can't it be that you are just wrong? That people who are in aviation and meteorology know more than you?

Why do you have to invent this additional insult to my intelligence??

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by dw31243

More lies.

They begin spraying the Chemtrails at about 20-30 seconds into the video.

By now, the membership of ATS is becoming more and more aware of these false assertions being made, by posting these various videos.....perhaps it will be the task of someone to search on YouTube to see whether the authorship of each video is unique to the one account on YouTube who is posting them.

In any event, posting nice time-lapsed photos of contrails and cirrus clouds isn't new, on YouTube.....there are countless similar examples.

Of course, the vast majority of people in the world are intelligent, educated and knowledgeable of the sciences, and know what they filmed, and what they posted. A (thankfully) tiny minority attempt to pass off normal meteorological conditions and phenomena as something else. Unfortunately, there are gullible people still out in the world, too.

I ask every "chem"trail believer who flocks to this OP's thread....."Why Has Every Video This OP Has Posted Show Normal Contrails And Cirrus Clouds??"

Like, in these:

How about an educational video (that is badly, badly needed):

And, another:

Some might want to either stay in school, or consider remedial courses to better understand the science and basics....

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Iwinder
I am over 50 years old here and all I can say is I have never never seen contrails/chemtrails bleed into a smoke screen and obtuse the sky like they have been doing the past 10 years or so.
Call me nuts, call me delusional, call me a fool. I see what I see and I remember what I remember from days gone

nope - I'm going to say you never saw it.

Doesn't man it never happened tho.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Iwinder

Sounds like we have a lot in common...Like I said though, things become different as a person ages...perception and all...

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th

For one, watch this documentary, What in the World Are They Spraying?

WITWATS is not a documentary - it is a bunch of people presenting their ideas as if they were factual, but without actually justifying them with anything more than junk "science" that has been proved to be junk.

Read this to understand how you were conned.

Than google the term and dive into the rabbit hole.

Why bother?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by dw31243

I am glad that so many Chemtrail believers have joined this thread and are fighting the truth to be told against these paid government Internet Trolls.

Who's paying you to spread the dis-information and lies about contrails?

Come on!....the case for chemtrails is so poor and so weak......someone has to be paying you to push this junk!

Please don't tell me your doing it free of charge?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Moteogen
reply to post by dw31243

It was worse in my city just outside of Dallas. Like 45 minutes out.

It started October 28th, through Novermber 2nd for me. It was quite obviously Chemtrails. Spraying at almost all altitudes, High... Low.. Really Low.. and Really High.

And how did you measure the altitude??

In all directions as well. It was terrible. -- Oh, and spotted several formations. In packs of 2 and 3.

I expect that's because there are often airliners flying in all directions with multiple ones flying the same way at the same time.

Shortly after we received random cold fronts and rain, not sure if that's related.

It often is - the conditions in front of a rain front are often ideal for contrail formation - that's why it can be forecast - and why they often form in areas of cirrus cloud that also often precede rain fronts - in fact the appearance of cirrus cloud presaging rain has been a "rule of thumb" weather forecast for hundreds of years.

Because I'm sure the pilots don't really know they're spraying poisonous / top secret chems. They probably just think they're altering weather for the good of humanity or something like that.

ROFL - why don't you go down to the nearest aeroclub or FBO and ask pilots if they think they are altering weather for the good of humanity??

Besides, forget their livelyhood, start thinking about their life and family. I'm sure our Gov would take them out if it meant covering up something as big as Chemtrails. -- Who knows, maybe someone has cried out, and it was just buried? -- Who knows, I just know there is something fishy with all this spraying, at the VERY LEAST.

Glad to have shown you reasons why you are wrong - yuo can rest easy now and lower your anxiety levels

Just being open minded, and not ignorant to what I see. Gotta consider every possibility, not just the lack of evidence, since evidence can be buried or burned (not literally). can't - if "it" is in the air then you can filter hte air and find it. If "it" is in jet fuel you can buy some and get it analysed to find it. If "it" is equipment on aircraft you can take high powered photographic equipment to airports and find it.

Bet you won't tho......
edit on 4-11-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

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