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Massive Chemtrail Attack: Midwest

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posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 08:54 AM

Thank you for posting.
Lots of trails over NJ yesterday (11/3), though not as dense as your post.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:02 AM
They probably want the skies white to cover up something they might try to pull off on the 9th when OBAMA/FEMA does THEIR thingy

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:16 AM
The skies are clear today

I'm going to go sit at the park for a while later on and take some pictures. They are ALWAYS spraying on clear days out here. All I have is the camera on my iPhone but I'm confident there will be some trails being sprayed. I will try to get some video and maybe even some time lapse.

The sad thing is that usually my iPhone camera don't do the pictures justice and they're not worth uploading.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:24 AM
I don't know what's so abnormal about changing the weather? Not only that, but since when is a chemtrail bad? I don't doubt they exist but that doesn't mean they're spraying agent orange on us.

British government papers, just released by the National Archives, show that throughout the Seventies there was deep mistrust between the two superpowers over environmental warfare. The documents reveal that both the US, which led the field, and the Soviet Union had secret military programmes with the goal of controlling the world's climate. "By the year 2025 the United States will own the weather, " one scientist is said to have boasted.

These claims are dismissed by sceptics as wild conspiracy theories and the stuff of James Bond movies but there is growing evidence that the boundaries between science fiction and fact are becoming increasingly blurred. The Americans now admit that they invested L12million over five years during the Vietnam war on "cloud seeding" - deliberately creating heavy rainfall to wash away enemy crops and destroy supply routes on the Ho Chi Minh trail, in an operation codenamed Project Popeye. It is claimed that rainfall was increased by a third in targeted areas, making the weather-manipulation weapon a success. At the time, government officials said the region was prone to heavy rain.

Why are those things so hard to believe? Really? Why is it bad? Why are there so many people who claim chemtrails don't exist at all, ever?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by JAY1980

Because they're at different altitudes and you, nor nobody, has any ability to determine their altitude.

Contrails start at varying altitutdes depending on pressure and temperature so if one is forming contrails and the other is not, but they are going in the same direction or in generally the same airspace sector, then they are at different altitudes.

Saying an aircraft is at 22,000ft or 38,000ft is absolutely impossible, yet only 1,000 feet can cause a contrail to form or not.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:27 AM
Here is a before and after from the other day. Sadly they didn't turn out that well, and may not appear that impressive compared to the ones in the OP.

I remember the trails being much more visible to the naked eye when I took the pics.
edit on 4-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by spokaneman1983

White Bluff, TN 11/2/11 then the next morning it rained like h*ll. No doubt they are spraying this crap before a good rain. They want whatever it is they are spraying to get good and in the ground (maybe the water)

Take a soil and water sample before anything is "sprayed", and one after the alleged "spraying"..................then get them analysed and post your results here.................simples!

You have the opportunity to make quite a name for yourself!

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Even HD 50 billion megapixel photos wouldn't be worth uploading.

You show me a 'chemtrail', the exact local time and region, the exact place and the exact direction as best you can, and I'll search your area on ATC radar online for the same region (free plug-in through Google Earth for USA airspace) and show you the flight details of the commercial aircraft that you have witnessed.

We can then repeat this, or, you might learn to do it yourself if you choose, until you realise that 100% of the aircraft you catch 'red-handed' (so you can verify time/location/direction) are commercial flights that you can track from departure to arrival point, learn the aircraft, the route and how high it exactly was at that time.

It is very easy to debunk such tripe and I am giving you a gold bullion to debunk it yourself.

Until then, I'm happy to put into the (free) system, every location/time/direction that you witness red-handed so that I may then supply you with the aircraft flight number, type, route and altitude.

It really is so very, very silly, but I'm game.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by DB340

My pic was taken at 2:45pm Central Time on November 2nd 2011 the pic is facing south by southeast off the intersection of england lane and hwy 250 in White Bluff. hope that helps.

The c-trails were all over the sky, not just in the pic. However, the camera lens was not big enough to get the whole sky. Also, on a side note, my girlfriend who never notices things like this was the one who took the picture because she had never seen so many at once and it creeped her out. I almost always notice them if there are only a few.

I don't know that a before and after water/soil sample would prove much seeing as this is an ongoing practice and has been for quite some time. The damage is already done

edit on 4-11-2011 by spokaneman1983 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by JAY1980

Originally posted by Essan
OMG people have been flying in airliners over the USA. Quick, call the president! How could this possibly be allowed to happen? Millions will die now.........

Or, more seriously, why do people still believe in this silly hoax?
They are not chemtrails, they are contrails - and we know this because we've been studying them since long before you were born.

Please read and learn:

Sorry man I don't believe everything I read on the internet... I beleive what I see with my own eyes. When there are 2 planes that appear to be the same altitude traveling the same direction and one leaves a trail and the other one doesen't it makes me wonder. Why would one leave a trail and the other doesn't? Why have the skys been clear for a month now but when homeland security conducted there disaster training here the sky looked like a checker board then the next day the typical commercial aircraft and no trails...

"Appear to be the same altitude"

You can not actually tell us know they were at the same altitude. Chemmies have this idea that every plane up there is at the same altitude, and its just not true. Nor can you tell them apart from the ground.

And even that, thats still not something significant. What if I showed you a photo of two jets, side by side, with one making contrails and one was not?

edit on 4-11-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by spokaneman1983

I don't know that a before and after water/soil sample would prove much seeing as this is an ongoing practice and has been for quite some time. The damage is already done

edit on 4-11-2011 by spokaneman1983 because: (no reason given)

So if something is in the soil, it must have came from airplanes?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by firepilot

Originally posted by spokaneman1983

I don't know that a before and after water/soil sample would prove much seeing as this is an ongoing practice and has been for quite some time. The damage is already done

edit on 4-11-2011 by spokaneman1983 because: (no reason given)

So if something is in the soil, it must have came from airplanes?

I'm not sure I understand what you are getting at. Somebody above mentioned that I should take a soil and water sample before i saw the c-trails and then after. I was responding to that suggestion. I was not suggesting that anything found in the soil or water had to come from a plane if that's what you meant.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by brokedown

In Victorian London the Bethlehem (Bedlam) insane Asylum user to charge a fee to folks who wanted to see the inmates for entertainment purposes. This is not very far removed at all, and it's free.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by brokedown

This is the kind of baloney that keeps fueling ignorance:, and letting it go unchallenged contributes to the dumbing down of this planet:

Buy yourself a Atlas.

White Bluff, TN is NOT under a Flight Path of Normal Usage.

When White Bluff, TN gets Chemtrails it is ON purpose.

"White Bluff, TN" is near the town of Dickson, TN. They are both only 35 to 40 MILES WEST OF NASHVILLE!!!!!

People, you need to learn that this OP, who I am quoting, apparently either has no knowledge of the topic, or else....wishes others to remain uninformed.

GO TO this site:

Look upper left for the globe icon. Put mouse cursor on the globe, see the menu that opens. In that menu, go to the words "Enroute High". Look at the USA map, and see the white boxes. Find the box that highlights to magenta when you mouse on it and is labelled "Enroute H-6". Click to open, and you will then see the exact same Aeronautical Navigation Charts that all airplanes above 18,000 feet use in the United States!

Upper right-hand corner of that Chart, you will see Nashville. You will also see all the dark black lines....those are Jet Airway routes. It is important to note that airplanes do NOT have to always be on those routes, either....contrails can form regularly as a result of those Jet Airways, or can occasionally be in any place n the sky, as airplanes fly on any heading as needed and routinely this occurs every day, for many reasons.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:26 AM
Apparently, to make clouds all one has to do is burn jet fuel at high altitudes. After all, that's science. Just like science told us jet fuel can melt steel and bring a building straight down

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Take a soil and water sample before anything is "sprayed", and one after the alleged "spraying"..................then get them analysed and post your results here.................simples!

You have the opportunity to make quite a name for yourself!

Water, soil, goundwater and air samples -are- taken daily. Over cities, in landfills, in parks, on government owned land - it's a constant process. Daily in fact. The company I work for has many monitors permanetly on site in wells, and mobile air stations that monitor 24/7. The results are sent to multiple labs to follow CoC guidelines. There is NOTHING FOUND. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Massive spraying like this would leave incredibly obvious results. Results which are simply not there. Proof is on the side of these NOT being chemtrails. Where is the proof that they are?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:41 AM
I was born in 1966. I remember as a little kid asking my dad about contrails. We lived under an AFB flight path and not that far from DC air traffic. I honestly don't notice a difference between contrail behavior then and now. I think it seems they "spray" them on sunny days because it really is not that easy to see contrails except against clear skies.

So either a chem trail program has been going on for at least 45 years or it is just contrails as usual but for some reason people feel they appear different now. I do think there have been some changes to the atmosphere over the course of my lifetime, aside from increased pollution or due to it. An article I just read about the increase in noctilucent cloud formation seems to bear witness to some sort of change occurring. For me subjectively atmospheric sounds seem to be different with things such as extended thunder sounds that I'd never heard before. And again, subjectively speaking, the sun, for whatever reasons does seem whiter in color and brighter than ever. It is to the point that I with my older eyes and my daughter with her young eyes can't look up even in its general direction without serious pain. When I was a kid I even stared at it a few times with no lasting damage to my eyes as verified by my opthamologist. So I believe something has changed. But if so, I don't know if it is man made or part of our natural progression through space weather and natural terrestrial cycles. Or more likely a combination of these factors.

I keep an open mind on chemtrails. I think it is possible some planes may be spraying something up there for research or other purposes. But I haven't seen any hard evidence to make me feel certain it's taking place to the degree many people seem to believe it is. At any rate I thank those who presented informative links on the subject and contributed their knowledge and experience here. It's a fascinating topic.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:56 AM
I just walked outside for lunch and they are spraying Chicago, IL again!!! It's now Friday November 4th, 2011, and they have done it everyday this week.

When will they stop spraying their Chemtrails and poisoning us.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 12:09 PM
One relatively consistent theme I have found here is the willingness of people to state they have willingly rejected the advice of their parents and other notable authority (i.e., Bruce Springsteen) and took the time to attempt to look directly at the Sun...then they claim there was no damage...People, People, cannot look at the Sun and expect no damage...Looking at the Sun will damage your eyes!!!

One other thing...I have half a century in this thing and am on the downhill run...Things will change regarding your perception...It is called AGING...It is called ALARMISM...It is called AWARENESS...Do not let it propel you headlong into a wall...

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 12:12 PM
Today here in Amarillo TX, we are getting slammed with trails today
it happens quite often, and ive told my friends and even they have noticed them

say 2-3 years ago, we rarely/if ever got sprayed (maybe i just wasnt looking then?)
i will upload pictures when i get off of work

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