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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by gncnew

So what you're saying is it's ok for him to use excessive force to discipline his child because his job was at jeopardy due to her downloading songs like every 16 year old was at that time...

Was he really scared to think that Kazaa would bring down his job... I don't think so

He is a control freak with an out of control rage...

Nothing justifies child abuse, maybe you should watch the video again and think about what you are saying...

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:05 AM
Its making online news, and some people are looking into charging him because this is abuse and anyone on this thread who thinks otherwise is supporting a crime. Legally this is a crime. And morally this is a crime.

A video uploaded to YouTube on October 27th shows a man severely beating a girl with a belt. The level of venom and violence in each lash cannot even be measured — it’s painful to watch, painful to not watch, painful to know you can’t jump through the screen and intervene.

The girl apparently downloaded music and games from the Internet that were not available for legal purchase. The father didn’t take too kindly to that. Perhaps she might be excused for her transgressions due to the fact that she was born with ataxic cerebral palsy. Nope, no leniency....

Adams has ruled that you can never take the word of a child in abuse cases. “According to Judge William Adams, all children are fantasizers and their testimony should just be ignored. Anyone who believes a child should be sanctioned. This really happened,” writes one angry blog commenter.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by gncnew

... why in the world is this being posted now of all things?

The Youtube uploader didn't give that particular detail.

A better question might be: [color=FFCB3D]Why is it still in the 'Other Current Events' Forum on here? It is obviously very misleading, especially given the fact that the date of 2004, was conveniently left out of the OP.

edit on 11/2/11 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:07 AM
It's OK to hit other people, Right?

Let's run with this logic now.

So it will be OK for the judge or any of us to beat someone that steals, lies or does something illegal?

I think I am heading over to Wall Street now.

You know what, maybe I'll head over to a few politician's houses and take the strap to them.

Wow! we feel much better now problems are all solved.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by spurge
reply to post by gncnew

The Kazaa thing is an excuse for this evil bastard to just hit his kid. For starters, like i said, most people see nothing wrong with downloading music, it actually shouldn't be illegal, it's just stupid. That being said, the judge should have been smart enough to talk to his children about this and when they are using a computer, let them know, hey, i'm a judge, please don't do anything that could get me in trouble, if you do, i'll have to ban you from the internet for a month. It's so damn simple.

If she did download a song, big deal, sit her down and let her know, it could get them all in trouble and not do it on his account.

Seriously, what he did is beyond wrong. Hope he gets what's coming to him soon.

Ok, like I tell my son - it doesn't matter if you agree with the law, you still have to follow it. Agreement is not one of the stipulations of our legal system.

This wasn't her first time. He said that he told her not to before - so he tried your approach and it didn't work.... Next? Just FYI: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.

Did he go over the top in my opinion? Yes. Did he teach his daughter the right lesson? Probably not. Should he go to jail? No.

Again - I'm trying to give some perspective from a parent's side... not to condone the way he handled it... but to remind everyone that this dad isn't just some evil bastard. If that was the case, he'd probably not have a family.

Think about the motivations for things... why did he buy a computer in the first place? Because they asked him to. Against his better judgement - he conceeded to their request, and his fears have been realized.

He's not evil... stupid? probably. Rash? Yes. Impulsive and anger issues? Yes.

But evil - hardly.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

That is just straight up abuse. I couldn't watch it all the way through and I know how that is like. I was abused as a child with bad belt beatings. It is more wrong that this guy is abusing a disabled child.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by OzTruth
reply to post by gncnew

You're supporting child abuse. Knee jerk or not. End of story.

You're supporting ignorance and judgmental people... End of story.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

It's also not uncommon for black Americans to argue that black kids are different and need the belt. You live in America presumably, I'm usre you could leave your house and speak to some non-white folks to confirm it's more common amongst minorities
edit on 2-11-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

Why would I bother leaving my house and finding out how America is ?

I have you UK folks here to tell me everything about America already.

I'll just take your word for it, since you would know.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
It doesn't matter really.

Its not your business what people do to their kids. None.
They created them, it's their call.

WTF???? If he hit his wife the same way, it would be called spousal abuse and he'd go to jail. There is no difference. This child is in an abusive home.

Being a father of 2 girls, this video sickened me.

All respect, but you are so @#$!ing wrong when you say stuff like this.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by xavi1000
Technology today can save lives

Korea has a long history of this it is still part of the culture today....

wonder if that has something to do with their suicide rate as well....child abuse can eventually lead to death one way or another. I hope the girl in OP vid is going to be ok.
edit on 2-11-2011 by The Great Day because: the missing link

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by gncnew

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by OzTruth
reply to post by gncnew

She is 24 now, she has moved out of home, the wife has left the relationship. I am unaware of the little one Madison the 4 year old ushered out of the room before the attack. Her whereabouts unknown

Maybe people should read the whole thread before talking out of their posterior. you will find her YouTube page on this thread along with reddit page, dailymail story and the YouTube

There is no excuse for this violence towards children.

I am really upset by the amount of "it's ok to hit your kids" posts


It's pretty normal for Americans to beat their children. That's why Americans so many are so aggressive and violent with a tendency to crime and mass murder

In most Western nations it's considered to be the lowest of the low, in America it's like a secret badge of honour. They take pride in giving their children a good beating. You'll hear people talking about it with pride in public places, and many who don't beat their children are considered politically correct liberals.

But America has a huge tendency towards abusing children outside of this too, circumcision is also celebrated as being a good thing in America.

A very strange place. Fortunately attitudes are changing but you can see many of them are very brutal individuals

Is this post a joke? No seriously?

I'm pretty sure the long tradition of generations of warfare in Europe would probably contradict your point...

Oh, and unless I'm mistaken, you've got your own "culture of violence" to deal with... what causes that do you think (since there is no spanking in the UK)?
British knife culture travels with thugs

You're talking about the past, when beating children was acceptable. I'm talking about the presence. I can assure you that Americans are the most brutish, violent and aggressive in the western world. Even otherwise reasoned people, like yourself, think it acceptable to use violence.

Thank you for the post about British knife crime too. No guesses who these knife wielding criminals are. Predominately extremely poor, non-British migrants. Mainly from Poland and other such nations were poverty and child abuse is rife. Certainly these knife wielding criminals weren't raised by middle class "you're on time out" type parents

edit on 2-11-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

Dude, you're hilarious... no really..

So the French didn't just bomb the crap out of Libya? And I'm guessing that WWII is all just "distant past"... none of those people are still alive right?

And those roving packs of white kids slurring in poor English or riots in the streets of the UK are all poor immigrants...


I like how you are so eager to pull the speck from our eye while ignoring the wood plank your own eye.

You're spewing the very definition of ignorance.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Gseven

Who the hell uses kazaa anymore? about some ancient piracy practices.

Anyhow, a creative solution for the father could have been forcing the daughter to get a job, and confiscate most of her pay until she has accumulated the money to purchase every cd from whatever she downloaded...say 5 bucks a song...

What the daughter needs to realize is she can simply pop on youtube or a hundred other sources and listen to entire albums for free..and if she must have the song, just install freecoder that records the audio from your soundcard and p2p nonsense required.
Its not even piracy (in the same way tape recording a television show isn't piracy either...your just recording the sounds your computer is making for your own enjoyment)

This could have actually been a calm teaching moment...instead, the dimwit parents decided to beat things that confuse or upset them.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by gncnew

Must be just different upbringing then as i'm also a parent and that's why this video upset me so much. I could never, ever hit my child like this, NEVER, no matter what they did.

He should have just banned her from the internet if he felt so strongly about copyright laws. Hitting her like this should put him in jail. Sorry, but I think this type of physical abuse deserves a jail sentence.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by gncnew

ultimately it is a sliding scale, I say 7 because typically at that age, they start having favorite things, be it games, going outside, etc etc that are more effective and teaches them consequences without the need for violence.

at 16, they only see the person as a bully and monster..and how not to be as an teaches the exact opposite of what they are going for.

I don't believe in spanking children...if you do that, then you failed, spanking babys/toddlers..well, not spanking but rather attention type moves (hell, even a loud bang on something to startle them works) is required until they develop a bit further.

I don't often judge parents...if someone gives their 10 year old a well deserved spanking for something intentionally malice ridden (beating up some little kid at school for example), well, that is their decision..I would try to be more creative, and perhaps ultimately more cruel..such as lessons in humility over pain endurance, but I wont condemn their lack of originality...but this guy beat his pretty much adult daughter for playing a computer game...or telling mom to f off when she was playing it, either way..the punishment seems quite easy..remove the offending device and other forms of entertainment until she learns...not beat up the person.

and the next issue I have (and perhaps the biggest)..the father hit in anger...never hit any kid in anger...take 10 minutes...take a shower, go for a walk, and then do whatever with a clear and sympathetic tone...this resonates far more with kids when they see it not as some enraged beast with a belt, but a calm and loving person simply giving the punishment with a disappointed look in their eyes...If I was to be able to advise this dude of only one thing, it would be to calm down completely...its not a fetish to beat your daughter, so stop treating it like that (violence is passion, same with sex...same raw base emotions).

Take a walk and dont come back until your a calm man whom is laughing at how silly these problems are compared to real problems.

I agree with you...

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Its making online news, and some people are looking into charging him because this is abuse and anyone on this thread who thinks otherwise is supporting a crime. Legally this is a crime. And morally this is a crime.

According to Chapter 261 of the Family Code (recodified in 1995), child abuse is an act or omission that endangers or impairs a child’s physical, mental or emotional health and development. Child abuse may take the form of physical or emotional injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, physical neglect, medical neglect, or inadequate supervision. The law specifically excludes “reasonable” discipline by the child’s parent, guardian, or conservator; corporal punishment is not in itself abusive under the law. An act or omission is abusive only if “observable and material impairment” occurs as a result, or if it causes “substantial harm,” or exposes the child to risk of substantial harm.

It's actually not against the law in Texas to use corporal punishment.

There was no risk of substantial harm nor was it a result.

official source

edit on 2-11-2011 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:14 AM
maybe getting hit a few times was acceptable but continuing like that for such an extended period of time and talking down to her in that demeaning way and the second round was a little much. don't get me wrong i got my a$$ed whooped quite a few times when i was growing up but it was for really bad stuff like wrecking the car when i snuck it out or coming home completely smashed out of my head in the middle of the night but for games on a computer?...she coulda been playing angry birds and who would beat there child for that?...if they dont want her playing games on then take it out of her room, put some parental controls on it. i think he gets mad about because he's ignorant of how to use it as well as she does...a lot of people dont like when people are better at stuff then they's called jealousy and it affects most people but to this extent? anyway good for her for catching it on tape maybe he'll have a little more self control from now on.

"we should have never brought a computer in this. look at all the problems they cause" sounds to me like he's ignorant of how to use one or he's jealous because she does and he doesnt. computers dont cause problems, ignorant people cause problems.

thats like saying guns kill people. no. people kill people with guns because they are affraid of what is different

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by OzTruth
reply to post by gncnew

So what you're saying is it's ok for him to use excessive force to discipline his child because his job was at jeopardy due to her downloading songs like every 16 year old was at that time...

Was he really scared to think that Kazaa would bring down his job... I don't think so

He is a control freak with an out of control rage...

Nothing justifies child abuse, maybe you should watch the video again and think about what you are saying...

Oz, I didn't condone what he did - I simply put some perspective on the situation.

I realize that makes people uncomfortable when they're trying to climb into that high seat of judgement... but none the less - before you condemn, you MUST look at something from all sides.

And you don't think an elected official would stand to lose their job if they were sued for illegally downloading music? Hmmm, maybe you should go into politics?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by NadaCambia

It's also not uncommon for black Americans to argue that black kids are different and need the belt. You live in America presumably, I'm usre you could leave your house and speak to some non-white folks to confirm it's more common amongst minorities
edit on 2-11-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

Why would I bother leaving my house and finding out how America is ?

I have you UK folks here to tell me everything about America already.

I'll just take your word for it, since you would know.

Well I seemingly do know more about America than you do. It was only a few pages back you were trying to argue poverty and child abuse don't go hand in hand

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:17 AM
While I do not advocate for more Government, there comes a point when a parent abuses the rights of their children. This a$$ needs to have his own beating with a belt. There are better ways to deal with your children than beating them with a belt. This guy is only projecting is own inadequacies on a mentally handicapped little girl. What a big man he is.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:17 AM


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