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ANONYMOUS Identifies Cop Who Shot Marine Vet Scott Olsen

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by thedigirati
reply to post by Xcathdra

No I do not think that at all, I know it can be manipulated that way. The intent of law is to respect the rights of the individual. the same thing you said, just stated from a "laymans" perspective. you want to prevent chaos, I welcome the rights of others, you want order, rigid conformity, I want PERSONAL RESPONSIBLY from the white house to the out house.

Amazed that we are not so far apart? OWS and the teaparty want pretty much the same thing.

as an aside, you also fail to mention the personal relationship of law enforcement and the courts system, which is why there is great public distrust, you all Do work together and friends and acquaintances are more forgiving to one another, it's human nature. We are all tribal.

This is exactly where the frustration form protestors comes in. They have a right to be angry then the police instead of arresting those who have really robbed and hurt this country are protected. How do you expect people to not get angry. The people who are to serve and protect are protecting the criminal fromm the victim.. shouldn't it be the other way around??

yes courts, attorneys and cops are all very chummy it is sickening.
edit on 1-11-2011 by yaluk because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-11-2011 by yaluk because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-11-2011 by yaluk because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
As people argue, law enforcement is not judge jury or executioner, and neither are the people. Use the system and let it work

This is the entire ISSUE: the People think the system is BROKEN!!!
edit on 1-11-2011 by thedigirati because: messed up the quote tags, sorry

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

you are right we need evidence. but,

do you think the system is here to help us?

someone was shot in the head by a canister then flash banged, LEGALLY!

the system is biased and if you don't understand that then why are you on ats?
edit on 1-11-2011 by vjr1113 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

if rebellion breaks out in America, it WILL be a war crime, you said this circumstance was not a war crime,That is correct. There is just no jurisdiction, doesn't make it any LESS of a crime, it's just not prosecutable, see I know law too.

still waiting on which law was broken rendering first aid.........

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:29 PM
the lynch mob mentality on here sickens me

you guys forget that all men are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law...

If you want this guys information out there, his families blood is on your hands.... Hope you can live with the thought that you have damned yourselves...

Have a nice day

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by yaluk

While I understand what your saying, the problem with the viewpoint is the PEOPLE are the ones who must make the changes to the government. Law enforcement at the state level has absolutely nothing to do with the fEderal government, federal laws or federal employees who break the law.

Beung upset because of corruption and demanding to know why the police wont take action is a HUGE part of the problem. If our citizens dont even understand the basic structure of the government, at the state and federal level, and dont understand the role of local and state law enforcement, then they are going to continue being dissapointed and taking their anger out on a group who cant fix the problems the people want fixed.

The people MUST vote, they must participate in government at all levels, they must hold their elected reps accountible, and fire them when they dont do a good job.

In this area, we cannot fight the peoples battle for them.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by thedigirati

Originally posted by Xcathdra
As people argue, law enforcement is not judge jury or executioner, and neither are the people. Use the system and let it work

This is the entire ISSUE: the People think the system is BROKEN!!!
edit on 1-11-2011 by thedigirati because: messed up the quote tags, sorry

The system is broken.. However, the people think the police are the soltuon and its not. The people must get involved with government at all levels, vote, participate, hold your reps accountible etc.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by vjr1113
reply to post by Xcathdra

you are right we need evidence. but,

do you think the system is here to help us?

someone was shot in the head by a canister then flash banged, LEGALLY!

the system is biased and if you don't understand that then why are you on ats?
edit on 1-11-2011 by vjr1113 because: (no reason given)

Yes we need the investigation, and we need it because of your comment. Dont get me wrong, I understand what your saying but we have conflicting eyewitness information about what occured. Was it a flash bang that caused the iunjury? Was it a tear gas canister? Rubber bullet?

How about rocks from protestors? Glass Bottles? paint / paint cans?

Maybe he hit his head when he went down to the ground.

The fact we have so many differeing accounts should be the big red flag that an investigation is needed to determine what exactly happened, who was invovled and were any laws broken and if so by who?

If an officer acted innapropriately and broke the law, then charge him.
If a civilian acted innapropriately and broke the law, then charge him.

Both actions suggested will require evidence and an investigation to ensure a person is not wrongly accused. To throw the process out the window because of police involvement undermines what the protestors are there for in the first place.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by thedigirati
still waiting on which law was broken rendering first aid.........

Huh? There is no law that was broken for rendering first aid. The only law that could possibly apply would be refusal to obey a lawful command - IE cops telling the people to back off.

What you and others arent taking into account is the camera angle. We are only seeing things from the side looking at the police. We have no idea wht the police are seeing from their side. For all we know, law enforcement didnt know the guy was injured.

The other thing to take into account is the fight or flight respons ewith adrenaline dump. In those scenarios people tend to lose fine motor control functions, and instead fall back to muscle memory movement. A person under goes auditory and visual exclusion, where a person can see someone is opresent and their mouth is moving, but they arent hearing what that person is saying, nor are they seeing the entire area around them.

This situation is not as black and white as people think.

The Un argument you keep bringin up has absolutely nothing to do with this situation, at all. It does not cover domestic issues and it does not supercede US laws.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:56 PM
Voting without a receipt is worthless, and the same thing that is wrong with the federal Government, is wrong with state and local Government, too many "Friends".

IF I EVER get arrested I'm using the "lohan" defense, seems to work well for her, but we will see, we live by the Golden rule, only those that have gold, make the rules. Don't get me wrong a few million hard earned dollars is cool and all, but when you "wield" it like a weapon.Or take a page from madoff's book, or hide my academic achievements, and these are just the big ones, how many little ones happen daily, in my city they like to pave the same road often... how odd, the road I take to work is almost a horse trail now, 3 blocks from downtown, and on the street of the only tourist attraction in town. So yes it all corrupted.

ALL levels are putrid, NOW WHAT? let the system run it's course

Jeff Duham's peanut said it best


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Originally posted by thedigirati
still waiting on which law was broken rendering first aid.........

This situation is not as black and white as people think.

when facing an unknown, attack!

or do you assess the situation?

which holds more personal rights? the LAW or the person?

WHY did the Police even show up? and why in riot gear er PPG?

Funny how the radicals of the 60's are now conservatives, hitting bongs and passing drug laws, awesome, do I have proof, nope, just a hunch.

Never attribute to malice what can be covered in incompetence.

Some one freaked and now we are all waiting for the rest of the freak outs..but it was all lawful folks

I can't bounce the round off the pavement and still knock someone down.......

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Revealation

Originally posted by GodefroydeBouillon

Im sorry for his wife and kids for is action, im sorry for the marine that is in the hospital.
Lets hope he gets suspended for a few days, without pay at least.

Could care less about his wife and kids.

What about the children of the people and the people who've been beaten, murdered or wrongly imprisoned by scumbags like him, who've planted drugs or wepons on them just for a collar. They didn't give a rats ass that those kids lives were destroyed.

Suspended for a few days?. He should have his teeth kicked down his throat then both of his arms snapped in 1/2. F44k his wife and kids.

Me either, one would think he heard of "Anthony Bologna" and look what we did with him. Bologna has to look over his shoulder constantly, probably does not get any sleep. Probably had his phone disconnected after the calls

If his family are smart enough to know better they will leave him not just because of Anon but what he did to the warrior Scott Olsen

If they don't then i have no pity for he should be ostracized from society and all loved ones

He should have reserved himself, his superiors are just as guilty. He was clearly out of line. Now he will get it even 100 x worse then Bologna. I can only hope for the worst case scenario to happen to him. I will let you exhaust your imaginations. We are the internet hate machine, and as some may have noticed we are as cruel and ruthless as we are moral and compassionate. When we are at our most vile intent you better brace yourself. The internet is coming for you Scott Bergstresser. We will ruin your life.

Anonymous delivers

Your DOX are posted everywhere

Videos gone Viral, just the beginning

None of us are as cruel as all of us

Because of the internet hate machine, we had to buy a dog and curtains - Anthony Bologna
edit on 1-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:42 AM

Huh? There is no law that was broken for rendering first aid. The only law that could possibly apply would be refusal to obey a lawful command - IE cops telling the people to back off.
reply to post by Xcathdra

the cops knew the man was injuried, it was OBVIOUS people were coming across to aid the man, they even seemed to make their intention known to the officers as they approach, i did not see the cops budging to attend to him. so what were people suppose to do? just walk away and leave him there when he needed treatment? i suppose they could of shot the man on the floor a few more times with rubber bullets, seeing as though he was also NOT obeying a 'lawful' (any words that come out of an officers mouth in some peoples eyes) command.

common sense seems to go out of the window at times when cops react in certain situations. common sense also seems to get tossed out when people try their hardest to defend a cop doing something wrong.

if somebody does something wrong it is not suddenly justified just because your a cop. if this was a officer in need of treatment and police were trying to get to him to aid him, and protesters started throwing bottles to prevent them, i am certain it would be viewed differently.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:19 AM
I don't see any evidence whatsoever that this is the police officer that shot Scott Olsen. Not only that I don't see anything pointing to "Anonymous" revealing this information. All I see is somebody posting this police officer's name anonymously. Talk about herd conformity...

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:28 AM
how about they make an example out of him that s*** like this wont be tolerated!
i honestly don't understand why officers do such things, i really don't.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by yaluk

Hold on and let me take off my tap shoes, I couldn't hear ya over my dancing.Believe me I know who the problem is and it trickles down from the top. But to think cops aren't part of the problem is neive. They're all capable of standing down to help fight the tyranical law that's ruling this land.Instead they enjoy the thrill of corruptly abusing the laws they should be protecting.

They are part of the eqaution. I know all about " a house divided cannot stand", after all I'm a carpenter. Just look at the expression and neive overconfidence they have believing that nothing can happen to them. When they're swinging their batons trying to hit homeruns with people's heads,people have the right to defend themselves. If the crowd turned, the confidence would change to cowardice in a heartbeat. That's all they are when push comes to shove. COWARDS. The power lies in #'s and we know who has them.

Regardless police need to participate in taking this country back or they 'll be one of the enemies when this country is taken back , plain and simple. Your perception of my knowledge couldn't be further from the truth.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by SecondAmendmentUser

I have no problem with the higher standard...but you have to understand...what benefit would come out of posting the officer's address? His family who is innocent is now in danger...that is what I am getting it. If they wanted to post what department he worked for...fine...they should indeed....

Not everyone is made to handle high stress amazes me how many people ive worked with who can't...people like this should be fired...plain and simple...but posting their personal info is wrong.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by goldcoin

Have you ever shot tear gas? Do you know the accuracy of shooting such a canister? I would wager he didn't do it on purpose because you can kill someone with doing that....He should be responsible for the damages and suspended/loss of job. End of story. You know damn well they posted his info in hopes of someone retaliating.

This "all cops are bad" argument is getting so old on ats. In fact you guys are inspiring me to make a police scenario thread in hopes of better educating people what police can and can't do. Mind you im not defending this cop at just saying...posting his address has one purpose in mind and that is to harm him and or his family...what are we animals?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by thedigirati

You asses the situation in order to develop a game plan and contingenices on the off chance something goes wrong.

In terms of the rights vs law they go hand in hand and should always error on the side of the individual and personal rights.

The Police showeed up due to the protesting. As a side note since when do the police need a reason to exercise their very own freedoms? As many many people have stated people ae free to associate with whome ever they wish.

I find it interesting that people will make an argument about personal freedoms and rights while suggesting those very rights dont apply to everyone.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by lifeform11

First off law enforcement is not required to act.
Secondly if you browse the net you will find many occureneces where a medical situation is present and law enforcement takes no action. As a side note civilians arent required to act either in medial situations.

Again, you are seeing this incident from one agle - looking at the police.

we have no idea what the Police were seeing. We have no idea what it looked like behind the people taking the cell phone videos.

Until you experience large protests from a law enforcement position, you arent going to understand. I say that with all due respect. Try to see it from their point of view for a minute.

Your on the line with 30 other officers.
The protestors are looking at 30 officers.
the officer are looking at 10k protestors.

In those situations, coupled with the fight or flight response from both sides, trying to pinpoint a source is extremely difficult. People are assuming that officers knew a person was injured and the only peple who can confirm / deny the accusations are the officers themselves.

As far as law enforcement actions and methods go you cant dismiss law just because you dont agree with it. Basing crime and punishment on personal ethics / morals is no different than people stating the government has taken their rights away.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

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