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Proof Of Infiltrators and Provocateurs At OWS Oakland

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Thus it begins.

ATS seems to be full of threads of bought out people loudly shouting against OWS... when the ATS poll has shown that most of ATS is for OWS.

There is a war on for your mind.

Don't let the disinformation rule the day. Go down and see for your self. Watch the independent media.

Indeed I could not help but notice certain members regurgitating the same anti ows tripe in all the OWS threads yet they dont post in any other threads just OWS. ATS has always had a hand full of shills running multiple accounts but OWS really has them coming out of the wood work. Like these dirty cops.. they even do the same kind of provoking and practice similar tactics. No not just an opinion but an agenda with a smear campaign. It was the same members smearing anon in all anon topics. The MO says to me that OWS is a threat to special interests and these special interests don't want a thinking people supporting OWS.

Am i the only one to notice? Not according to my PM's
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Thus it begins.

ATS seems to be full of threads of bought out people loudly shouting against OWS... when the ATS poll has shown that most of ATS is for OWS.

There is a war on for your mind.

Don't let the disinformation rule the day. Go down and see for your self. Watch the independent media.

That's because some people on these boards work for the other side. I don't want to name them and start a fight here, but just pay attention to when they start posting, say around 8am every morning, when they get to their work. They only post for 8 hours or so - otherwise known as a shift.

Yes, some of us can also post from work, but if you're so lucky to never get caught while you post dozens upon dozens of posts in that period of time and do that consistently for months - well, that just smells fishy to me.

But whatever brothers, hope corporate pays well.


posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:18 PM
Star and flag for you sir. Excellent evidence of individuals in the force who would betray their own fellow countrymen. There's a word for people who do that on the tip of my tongue. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Kharron

I noticed that on another web site as well ( this is happening on several forums - psy ops) it's controlled opposition and yes same hours same threads and same MO. I pay attention to them as well as document the activity. Yes they do work for "THEM" and they are most likely funded. They star each others posts and give each other high fives. There is usually 4 or 5 of them am i right? Usually they will start with the smearing then if that does not work then they will derail the thread with some newly registered expendable back up sock accounts and have the thread closed suddenly ( for staff review) . They have infiltrated the staff ranks and have a few moderator accounts. Don't know of the owners are aware of this, are in cahoots or refuse to acknowledge this issue. But they have denied this when the issue was brought up. But we know about them and we see everything, we are everywhere and for every one of them there are at least nine of us.

edit I also know a lot more about them then I am at liberty to say here
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:10 PM
Sooooo cops are aloud to break laws and us citizens are to obey it???

Where have I been?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:10 PM
S+F. This is what I've been talking about. They want a reason to shut the protests down. Thus they must put the focus on the protestors themselves by instigating violence.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Kharron

That's because some people on these boards work for the other side. I don't want to name them and start a fight here, but just pay attention to when they start posting, say around 8am every morning, when they get to their work. They only post for 8 hours or so - otherwise known as a shift.

Yes, some of us can also post from work, but if you're so lucky to never get caught while you post dozens upon dozens of posts in that period of time and do that consistently for months - well, that just smells fishy to me.

But whatever brothers, hope corporate pays well.


Originally posted by Unknown Soldier

Indeed I could not help but notice certain members regurgitating the same anti ows tripe in all the OWS threads yet they dont post in any other threads just OWS. ATS has always had a hand full of shills running multiple accounts but OWS really has them coming out of the wood work. Like these dirty cops.. they even do the same kind of provoking and practice similar tactics. No not just an opinion but an agenda with a smear campaign. It was the same members smearing anon in all anon topics. The MO says to me that OWS is a threat to special interests and these special interests don't want a thinking people supporting OWS.

Am i the only one to notice?

4th paragraph down (not include quotes): link

This might also help.

And when you have a group that is aware or all this, and you are beating them to a pulp in a thread; as a last resort they sometimes resort to doing this.

So be careful how you proceed with that line of posting as I've lost lots of friends on here.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:11 PM


I'm sorry, but this is indeed where I need to put my foot down. So people here are claiming that 'disinfo' agents and something-or-other are infiltrating this website just to spread dissent? Have any of you ever noticed the extreme amount of fringe topics that get discussed on this message board? ATS alienates itself with the ridiculousness that goes on here on a daily basis. Discussing OWS on the same website that talks about Reptilian Humanoids, come on, we discredit ourselves. Like anyone would really waste their time paying someone to spread disinfo on a website with a bunch of people hundreds of times more crazy than the normal OWS protester. For goodness sake, Jared Loughner used to post on here haha. I'm sorry but some people here drip with paranoia.

To the person who says 'I know who the disinfo agents are.' Please name them, because I can guarantee it's just an unrelated group of people who disagree with these ridiculous theories perpetuated by ego-blown conspiracy-buffs who believe they are always holding onto some kind of esoteric knowledge.

In regards to the Oakland video there are two explanations:

1. The officer's legitimately support the cause. Did anyone ever hear the argument that a "part does not represent the whole"? All cops aren't hate-breeding oppressors.

2. The police department is conducting investigation into the movement. Why should they not? What if OWS is actually a large militia waiting to strike or become violent, if they were planning this, wouldn't the police department prefer to know this for sure? I don't blame them for checking out the scene for themselves. The entire local movement is drug-addled anyways, wouldn't this warrant investigation? It is public property after all.

If there was some gigantic conspiracy guided by puppet masters, surely they wouldn't look into the situation and be like "well lets use cops that people would OBVIOUSLY recognize as cops to be secret infiltration-instigators omgz." Such masterminds of the caliber everyone here describes surely wouldn't overlook such a mistake.

I know i'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but someone has to bring some sanity here. To be honest, I attended my local OWS - it was disgusting. Everyone was high and drunk spewing a bunch of senseless babble. I do agree that this nation is in need of reformation, just not like this. Not at all like this. OWS hasn't changed one piece of legislature or economic policy, because it is ineffective and misguided.

Here comes the moment where some Faux Mask fanboy spews some 'you're a sheeple'/'have fun living in your box' rhetoric without realizing the senseless blind devotion he has to his/her own cause.

edit on 31-10-2011 by LiberLegit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by LiberLegit


I'm sorry, but this is indeed where I need to put my foot down. So people here are claiming that 'disinfo' agents and something-or-other are infiltrating this website just to spread dissent?



It's not like they haven't been exposed...

link 2.
link 3.
edit on 31-10-2011 by pianopraze because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
4th paragraph down (not include quotes): link

This might also help.

And when you have a group that is aware or all this, and you are beating them to a pulp in a thread; as a last resort they sometimes resort to doing this.

So be careful how you proceed with that line of posting as I've lost lots of friends on here.

Soldier and praze, right on.

And yes, I've gotten involved in these debates sometimes but like you said in one of the posts you linked, praze, "it's fruitless". Sometimes it just leaves such bad taste in mouth, especially for a site that you would think would fight to "deny ignorance", it just makes me want to disappear for a few months.

In the end I get too passionate, maybe not in words but I do at home, and then I think, "Why am I doing this? They do it for a paycheck, they'll keep going as long as their shift is... I only get irritated."


posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

Ok so let me get this straight, you guys want people to join the movement......

but then when people do come to support during the hours they arent working..........then you guys call them provacatuers?

If those officers acted civil and peaceful then we would applaud them , however they acted like goons out to pick a fight with protesters. only CERTAIN people can come to the OWS is that right?

Who said that? We encourage the police to join OWS

Yes cause ALL police officers are evil , brutal people.........

Who said all of them are evil people? Ever hear the saying "it only takes a bad apple to spoil the bunch"

Many cops end up becoming what they were assigned to police. Or become their work, over worked stressed and brainwashed even by lawmakers "lobbyists" to think they are doing it for our own good. I have a buddy who is an ex cop and he quit for the fact that he had a conscience and realized he had to enforce laws that were unethical and that the system is more interested in making money then justice. After all people are ordered to pay to be in jail now for more then what would cost to stay at a high price hotel. That says there is money to be made in stiff fines for petty crime and jailing people. So the police are nothing but enforcers and henchmen and for the elite. But they have to make a living like the rest of us and will lose their job if they become insubordinate.

Who wants to flip burgers for minimum wage? I am sure plenty of these officers with a conscience are suffering from side effects of stress and depression because what they are ordered to do. But there are many that enjoy abusing authority and signed up to be a cop because they have that kind of personality that crave power. All the guys i went to High School with that went on to become cops were douche bags and bullies. They all seem to come from the same d!@$ head mold ? It takes a certain type to even want to be cop. The nice guys became fire fighters and paramedics.

Why is that?

Point: What if these guys were coming down to join the movement in their off hours?

They obviously cared so much about the protesters they felt they had to start beef ? Did you even watch the video?
edit on 31-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by LiberLegit
To the person who says 'I know who the disinfo agents are.' Please name them, because I can guarantee it's just an unrelated group of people who disagree with these ridiculous theories perpetuated by ego-blown conspiracy-buffs who believe they are always holding onto some kind of esoteric knowledge.

Like I said man, I don't want to start a fight and name the few names I've been tracking and checking into posting habits. My goal here is not to start a war, so I'll keep this generalized, but as pianopraze brought up in a few links - this is not news to a lot of us. ATS and many other sites have members that work for these groups, be they government (ours or otherwise), or privately funded groups. Governments do invest money to employ and train people who speak for their side. ATS is an important site, politically and culturally, and to think it would not be of any interest to those groups is infantile.

Could I be wrong? Sure, of course. Could I be right? Yep.

And you probably won't see any of these people in this thread tonight, but you might tomorrow morning.


posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:45 PM
How about this for an alternative explanation...

They see signs saying "Cops are part of the 99%" and that type of thing. So, a couple of them decide to go check things out when they are off-duty? In the end, cop bashing aside, they are part of this country and I would imagine that many of them feel just as disenfranchised as we do, especially cop was black the other hispanic, so they probably have family that have been hit especially hard by the criminal activities of the banksters and politicians.

But, you are probably right. My gut feeling is that they were up to no good.

Edit- Geez, I almost forgot! Good job to the person who noticed this and made the video.
edit on 31-10-2011 by DragonTattooz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:48 PM
I'm sure I've seen in other threads people telling the police that they should be down there protesting with them because they are part of the 99% as well.

Then supposedly (which the comparisons in that video are pretty flimsy) a police officer is at the protest...and doesn't appear to be doing anything controversal...and you guys are upset about it.

Make up your you want the police to protest with you or not?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:48 PM
You have to love it, really. These guys are on the clock for starting sh!t. Oh wait, they do that anyway.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:55 PM
Sun Tzu - The Use of Spies

It's not like infiltration is a new idea. Understand that the spies you catch are just as dangerous as the ones you don't ... and sometimes meant to be caught.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Thus it begins.

ATS seems to be full of threads of bought out people loudly shouting against OWS... when the ATS poll has shown that most of ATS is for OWS.

There is a war on for your mind.

Don't let the disinformation rule the day. Go down and see for your self. Watch the independent media.

I'm among those that did go down and see for myself, actually. I supported the OWS movement with time, energy and direct aid in supplies donated right up to the last couple days. However, I see a change and a very real one at that, within the Occupy movement and it's overall direction.

If the ATS Poll were taken again today, I'm not sure it would come out quite the same way. There are clashes and talk of turning toward violence by speakers at OWS camps more and more frequently. You're right, and I fully expect the threads to begin turning...but it's something that will reflect the changing of the overall movement and public face it's choosing to project.

If they would just.......well never mind. The movement is like a cruise liner. Once it's committed in making a serious turn, nothing is reversing that in good time. It's sad to see, but there it is.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze

Originally posted by LiberLegit


I'm sorry, but this is indeed where I need to put my foot down. So people here are claiming that 'disinfo' agents and something-or-other are infiltrating this website just to spread dissent?



It's not like they haven't been exposed...

link 2.
link 3.
edit on 31-10-2011 by pianopraze because: (no reason given)

This is exactly the kind of tactic a dis-info agent would use.

Trying to convince others that dis-info agents exist so it takes the focus off of you...infiltrating the ATS membership.

Hmmm...I think we should keep an eye on you.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:03 PM
This video shows nothing. What if these police officers actually believe in OWS movement and want to protest too. I didn't see anything that they did to provoke anything, but be on bikes and walking. Cops have the same right to protest. If they were there provoking cops in plain clothes and starting a riot and I can see that as provoking violence. I'm happy to see cops and military to be at the protests, they are part of the 99%.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:07 PM
Can I be one of the super secret spies?

(and ya, my avatar is a super secret tactic in making you want to go to Subway and watch the re-launch of the Spiderman movies....ummm chicken teriyaki)
edit on 31-10-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

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