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The word is out "OWS" is a tool in use to bring about the "NWO" DISBAND NOW!

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by firegoggles

What, no links? No source? No validation? Not even a 'reason' just mindless ranting without the WHY?
Why even make the thread?

Seriously people even FLAGGING it? how dumb can you be
edit on 31-10-2011 by Required01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

What do you mean by "better government"? If your answer is direct democracy, socialism, and tax the wealthy schemes, then you do not get my vote.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

What do you mean by "better government"? If your answer is direct democracy, socialism, and tax the wealthy schemes, then you do not get my vote.

Spending all the money on war&imperialism instead of its own people is much better,right?Rich people pay +/- 10% tax while the rest pays +30% is also normal,right?You dont even seem 2 have a clue what OWS is rly about...but you sure know how 2 ad hom

@[[^| why do i even bother replying

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:24 AM
I think it's a tool as well but disbanding is so not cool. Just occupy everywhere, occupy your lawn for christ's sake. Distribute the movement stop hording together that is producing a vulnerability, and they are going to sacrifice people just to rile this into a hornet's nest of chaos to bring about new world order. That is why the united nations registered LOL! We here at WAC VIC realize that much and we have been working hard and tirelessly to deal with the problem, they even indoctrinated poli-sci students into this, and whenever you raise a dissenting voice these leaders, "moderators" or "facilitators" all come crawling out of the wood work to isolate you from the rest of the group. They claim that people need a slow and painful transition into a new system and that they need to "trust" them, blah blah blah. Seriously I trust myself, I trust the sweat on my brow voting for what I want socialized and I will only start bothering with that crap once I've ESTABLISHED myself and have something extra to give. I will not tolerate a rule by force system and people here are getting the point that any new system in play must be voluntary so as to capture the minds of the people. We need self-credit issuance. We need an opt-out if we don't like whatever new offering, on all of it or any part. If all suggestions are on the table then how about the suggestion that they take their retarded rules and concensus and toss them away because this is yet another system and it was entirely setup to sweep people away into what these elites want us to do. It is incredibly naive for these people not to consider this possibility! We have their leadership all worried about us because our message is clear and given time our truths resonate in their crowd and people are beginning to speak out! More of their people join our group at our weekly we are change meetings. We have over 2 hours of livestream video set up and this group does not even have 1 video, the best they've managed was a few youtube posts (we dominate youtube as well). The websites, well that costs money to do and we are short on that, spending it all on dvd's, to infobomb these people with money as debt 3, and other useful videos. They were grateful for the 148 liters of water storage we provided which quadrupled what they had before. We even offered more, and guess what they will need it when the city switches the water off. Low and behold we are waiting till the temperature dips to see if they are too stupid to figure out how to store water in >-20C to

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by firegoggles

Any proof?

I love this place. You can make up #, post it and get all kinds of stars/flags that you don't deserve because you add nothing but white noise to the conversation.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

I'mma just lump all three of your responses to me into one big blob, cool? I apologize if i have to skip over stuff - ATS has that pesky 5,000 character limit.

What do you mean by "better government"? If your answer is direct democracy, socialism, and tax the wealthy schemes, then you do not get my vote.

That's a very broad question, as government covers a lot of functions. But the primary function of any government is the common welfare and security of its people. In order to meet these needs, a government must be responsive to the people it rules in common, rather than a slender margin of the most financially influential.

I'm not interested in direct democracy on any major level. As a method of community organization, it can work, so long as there is strong participation. Once you get a bunch of people, though, it just becomes messy. I'd be happy with socialism. I'd be just as happy with working capitalism. As for taxing the wealthy, absolutely - they'll still be wealthy.

Bad govt is all the fault of the evil corporations? That is laughable.

Who said anything about "evil"? I certainly didn't. Bad government is the result of moneyed interests superseding the interests and welfare of the governed. If you truly find that notion laughable, then I forsee difficulties in trying to engage you in any sort of intellectual debate.

The fact you have to ask me that means you don't know what they are really up to. I think it also means you do not see clearly.

“A Marxist system will be the best thing for all of us in America,” one protester told Mattera.

Ok so that was just one witness,

Even assuming the claim made is true (I give WND as much credit as the weekly Sun) then all that means is that, roaming the streets, is a dude who thinks there's such a thing as a "marxist system." Oooooh. Ahhhh.

And i asked you because I was curious where you were getting it all from.

and then there is this, their own declaration, not only undermining and mocking our Constitution, but attempting to replace with a phony "direct democracy" counterfeit.

Ah huh. You do realize that "constitution" is not a term exclusive to the US constitution, right? That in the case you mention, it's like any other organizational charter for... any other organization? I'm sorry if someone told you you need to be terrified of this and you believed them. But.. .they were lying to you. And frankly it's hilarious. One day it's like "Those OWS people don't have a clue what they want!" and then the next day "OMFG THEY ISSUED A CONSTITUTION DECLARING WHAT THEY'RE ABOUT HOW EEEEEVIL!"

If that doesn't convince you they are mimicking our Founding Fathers and trying to replace the Constitution with a socialist direct democracy maybe this will

No. it's a statement of intent to draw up a petition for a Redress of Grievances, with the content of the petition determined by common debate of those in attendance. it's kind of... right there on the site you linked. Black and white, left to right?

The document says it is for redress of grievances, but what do these people want to replace the Constitution with?

There's no intent to "replace the constitution." There's mention of ideas to push for constitutional amendments here and there, though. This is, in case you failed 6th grade social studies, permitted under the US constitution.

mandatory 20$/hr minimum wage

This claim doesn't exist in the document you linked. As i've had to explain a few times elsewhere tonight, making things up does not actually make them true.

They want to socialize campaign finance,

...Are you actually arguing against this notion? What, you like your elected "representatives" to be bought and paid for by the financial elite? How... weird!

Well, we already have that but with loopholes. What this amounts to is they want more taxes on the wealthy, which is income redistribution a la Karl Marx,

Marx didn't advocate wealth redistribution. Marx pointed out that in unfettered capitalism, the wealthy grow more wealthy, the poor grow poorer, and eventually the system fails to sustain itself, and topples in revolution. He then theorized that a utopian socialist society would evolve from this... Well, he got the first part right, at least.

Keynes advocated wealth redistribution, and do you know why? Because it prevents the situation Marx pointed out. That is, it keeps capitalism functional.

More socialism and redistribution of wealth, because obviously people who work and pay their own insurance will have to pay for those who don't, not to mention, it has already been declared unConstitutional by the court.

Explain to me why people should be forced to suffer ill health because of their financial status.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:58 AM
The only proof I see of the NWO using the OWS is that they were waiting for some people to actually get mad they are being destroyed so as to use them to invoke the police state. I'm sure they're amazed we held out this long. Blaming the OWS movement as a NWO agenda is just not valid. Though they use it, they use everything. So why should it be any different?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by firegoggles
Spead the word to your OWS friends. They are just being used as pawns in a game of chess. Spead the word post as many times as you can enough as enough. None of this will bring about any change and most people know it. This is a combined effort of many like minded people with the same goal. You know it's the truth as soon as you read it .. right? K then...


That's a couple of threads saying the same thing that I've seen now and my reply is;

disinfo, disinfo, disinfo. A poorly concealed attempt to end these protests by the spreading of rubbish. TPTB must be getting desperate to try something this transparent.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:29 AM
I'm not sure whether the OP is correct or not to be honest, but the speculations are plausible enough to me. However, I did think things were going to escalate further than they did during this years UK riots.

What I'm more incredulous to read, are posts here commenting on there being insufficient soldiers / guns to impose martial law, and the fact that these riots can be conducted without violence.

Re the former remark, you could do to research the outrageously powerful weapons that have been developed (particularly in the USA) specifically for the control of crowds - there are sonic weapons to render huge groups of people deaf, blind, paralyzed, and give them the sensation that they are on fire. Why do you suppose vast sums of money have been spent in the development of these weapons? Lots of information's been available on the internet about it for years. Just Google it. And while you're at it, look up just how much money, individual, allegedly impoverished, State leaders have spent on it in the last couple of years.

As for the latter remark - nobody's disputed that demo's can be embarked on with peaceful intent. But are you deliberately ignoring the staggering amount of evidence available on the internet, that proves agent provocateurs often involve themselves in these events, with the sole purpose of creating violence and anarchy?

There's a lot of naivety (at best) being displayed here, which is worrying.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by yellowbeard
That's a couple of threads saying the same thing that I've seen now and my reply is;

disinfo, disinfo, disinfo. A poorly concealed attempt to end these protests by the spreading of rubbish. TPTB must be getting desperate to try something this transparent.

Sad fact is when they come here, they do so with the knowledge that the general population is willing to believe goddamned anything you tell them, so long as you claim it's "NWO," "Socialist," or "Muslim."

"Deny ignorance" my big brown butt.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

That's because it's a two headed snake! Both the left and the right have been shanghi'ed

The balance of the two will be the only thing that can save the country if you ask me, not a seizing of power by one side or the other

Return to the foundation the country was formed on, we have strayed far from it and look at the mess!

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:27 AM
To the OP and everyone else,

Listen up and listen real good :

Everyone is in some sort of agreement and unison that a New World Order is coming right? The idea of this group is to take it from The SCUM and to let them know in one united and unified voice that we are not going to be slaves in their New World Order and to tell them that we own them and they need us more then we need them.

The rise of humanity that is ongoing currently is unlike no other at any point throughout our history. Instead of us willingly allowing them to lead us like sheep into a world of chaos, corruption, fascism into a world of perpetual eternal debt, eternal wars, eternal chaos all to be led by the hand into the slaughter we will not go quietly, we will not relent, our resolve remains unbroken, our determination is now determined now then at any point.

We are one species, one people, one world comprised of many faiths, backgrounds and creeds but when it boils down to the nitty gritty we are all HUMAN BEINGS!

This planet and all of her resources belongs to every human being on Earth and are never to be properties of corporations or conglomerates. They are not to be pillaged, raped by any company or corporation or secret society.

The SCUM has already announced that they'd love to depopulate 80% of us just so that we'd be "more manageable". Let's show them the true power of the 80%!

The New Dawn Of Humanity is Afoot and underway!
edit on 31-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:58 AM

The economic crisis, poverty, people lose their jobs, their houses, their medicare. Desperation and frustration is everywhere.


Social movements, protests, which cause a discomfort to the people used to obey the regime (majority).
As things escalates, the majority starts discrediting the movements; people are divided, accusing each other which leads to more social unrest.
The majority start asking for a



I rest my case.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by morder1

How about this then this sia as good as its gets, the fingerprints of the U.N are all over this, The LUCIS trust are behind this in a big way and the OWS domain was registered to the UNITED NATIONS street address in NEW YORK.

Proof LUCIS TRUST and UN behind OWS.

This looks and smells like the truth, this also has massive implications as to what the Anonymous Brand really is. here is the first paragraph from the link.

I know it sounds crazy, but what i found out about this movement it's just unbelievable.
I will try to make this short.

On the 15th October 2011 begun the worldwide action. For the first time in history, upwards of 15 million people in sixty countries marched together for a "global change". Their official website is:
Someone decided to find out who owns that domain name by visiting this site: (This is a database with a searchable list of every single domain currently registered in the world).
As you can see from the printscreen i took, before the 18th October the registrant was
"Paulina Arcos
866 United Nations Plaza
Suite 516
New York, New York 10017
United States"

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by The X

The Rockerfeller family is a key family behind both The SCUM and The UN and it would be detrimental to them to make this play as they'd be targeting themselves so it's useless for The UN to be behind it.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by firegoggles

I agree, the whole movement has been tainted and the real protesters need to start a whole new movement from scratch. It is very sad this thing go destroyed. I been having a bad feeling the government is going to use the protests to bring in martial law when the protests go sour and become violent.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by firegoggles
Spead the word to your OWS friends. They are just being used as pawns in a game of chess. Spead the word post as many times as you can enough as enough. None of this will bring about any change and most people know it. This is a combined effort of many like minded people with the same goal. You know it's the truth as soon as you read it .. right? K then...


Let me get this straight.

Protesting will do two things:

1) Nothing
2) Bring about the NWO

So obviously there is a major failure of logic at play.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by NoHierarchy

First of all there is NOTHING WRONG WITH VAN JONES, you're just parroting the right-wing 2-minutes hate machine.

Well, I suppose that is possible if you like communism. He is self-avowed communist and there is no denying it. You must have a romanticized idea about communism.

Adbusters- nothing wrong with Adbusters at all.

Except the organizers are exhiled communists from Estonia.
edit on 31-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

Van Jones WAS a Communist. Notttt so much anymore...

And even if he was.... SO WHAT?? There's a difference between state-Communism and Anarcho-Communism (the latter of which might've been likelier for him).

As for the FOUNDER of Adbusters, Kalle Lasn, he's an Anarchist, more along the vein of Crimethinc (ex-workers collective) than Communism. Nuff said.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by NoHierarchy

To add, Adbusters does not speak for this movement!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by shansen

There is a NWO coming yes, one that will be ran by us, WE THE PEOPLE AND NOT THE SCUM! Got it?

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