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The word is out "OWS" is a tool in use to bring about the "NWO" DISBAND NOW!

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
I will tell you how. They are calling for a Direct Democracy....which is a direct vote for all things including on legislative referendums. This is what is also known as "mob rule" or majority rule. Our Founding Fathers set up our nation as a Republic. What OWS is calling for undermines our Republic. It would of course necessitate changing the way our govt works, and of course this is exactly what the Marxists want. You know all that hopey changey stuff.

They are? Care to back that up?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I won't argue the co opted groups of the Tea Party have that stance. But all the non Reps and Independents that agree with the Tea Party are not so. The answer isn't The Left or The Right. The answer is the balance of the two!

This presupposes that the two are "equal but different." They're not.

And "co-opted tea party" is redundant. Show me a tea party group against corporate influence in government, and I might try to believe you. Show me a tea party that has endorsed a Democrat, and I might believe you. I'm honestly curious if such creatures exist.

I would like to know why the focus specifically on corporations and not on bad govt or excessive govt? OK I'll answer, it's because OWS and it's supporters want big government.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Cinaed

I meant a democratic action, not the "Democrat" party.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
I would like to know

Don't fib. You don't want to know, and you make it clear not fifteen words later. But i'll play along.

why the focus specifically on corporations and not on bad govt or excessive govt?

Because bad government is a symptom. It's what you get when you allow corruption to become systemic. What is the major form of corruption? Money. where does the money come from? Big investors. Who are the big investors? Follow the dollars, you'll end up at a Chamber of Commerce, and from there the many corporations and businesses funneling money into this system of corruption. So long as we're letting these guys buy our politicians, our politicians are going to favor them. it's simple, really.

OK I'll answer, it's because OWS and it's supporters want big government.

No, we want better government.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
I will tell you how. They are calling for a Direct Democracy....which is a direct vote for all things including on legislative referendums. This is what is also known as "mob rule" or majority rule. Our Founding Fathers set up our nation as a Republic. What OWS is calling for undermines our Republic. It would of course necessitate changing the way our govt works, and of course this is exactly what the Marxists want. You know all that hopey changey stuff.

They are? Care to back that up?

The fact you have to ask me that means you don't know what they are really up to. I think it also means you do not see clearly.

“A Marxist system will be the best thing for all of us in America,” one protester told Mattera. ned-to-control-your-mind%E2%80%99-%E2%80%98change-our-dna%E2%80%99/

Ok so that was just one witness, and then there is this, their own declaration, not only undermining and mocking our Constitution, but attempting to replace with a phony "direct democracy" counterfeit.

The People, consisting of all United States citizens who have reached the age of 18, regardless of party affiliation and voter registration status, shall elect Two Delegates, one male and one female, by direct vote, from each of the existing 435 Congressional Districts to represent the People at the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY in Philadelphia. Said Assembly shall officially convene on July 4, 2012. The office of Delegate shall be open to all United States citizens who have reached the age of 18. Election Committees, elected or appointed by local General Assemblies or the Working Group on the 99% Declaration, shall organize, coordinate and fund this election by direct democratic voting.

If that doesn't convince you they are mimicking our Founding Fathers and trying to replace the Constitution with a socialist direct democracy maybe this will

The Delegates shall deliberate and vote upon proposals for the PETITION OF GRIEVANCES and if necessary adjourn for further consultation with the People of the United States of America as our founding fathers conferred during the first two Continental Congresses. The final vote ratifying the PETITION OF GRIEVANCES shall be by simple majority vote. A duly elected chairperson of the National General Assembly shall determine the outcome of the vote on ratification in the event of a tie.

The document says it is for redress of grievances, but what do these people want to replace the Constitution with? Direct Democracy in place of Republic, mandatory 20$/hr minimum wage(which will place unrealistic burdens on all business people, especially small business and also drive up costs), and many other unrealistic socialist agendas. They want to socialize campaign finance, and one wonders how they are going to make Congress do all this....

Elimination of the Corporate State. Implementing an immediate ban on all private contributions of money and gifts, to all politicians in federal office, from individuals, corporations, "political action committees," "super political action committees," lobbyists, unions and all other private sources of money or thing of value to be replaced by the fair, equal and total public financing of all federal political campaigns.

Elimination of Private Contributions to Politicians. Prohibiting all federal public employees, officers, officials or their immediate family members from ever being employed by any corporation, individual or business that they specifically regulated while in office;

Um, wow, more big govt socialism

A Fair Tax Code. A complete reformation of the United States Tax Code to require ALL citizens to pay a fair share of a progressive, graduated income tax by eliminating loopholes, unfair tax breaks, exemptions and deductions, subsidies

Well, we already have that but with loopholes. What this amounts to is they want more taxes on the wealthy, which is income redistribution a la Karl Marx,

We, like Warren Buffet, find this income tax disparity to be fundamentally unjust.

I worry about people who model their moral compass of economics and taxes on someone who was found to have evaded taxes immediately after having supported the ridiculous "tax the rich" scheme devised by Democrat Socialists.

Healthcare for All. Medicare for all or adoption of a single-payer healthcare system. The Medicaid program will be eliminated.

More socialism and redistribution of wealth, because obviously people who work and pay their own insurance will have to pay for those who don't, not to mention, it has already been declared unConstitutional by the court.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Lots of Independents in the Tea Party. I can only speak for my state as I have not been to other states recently. But here, most the tea party supporters aren't Reps at all. n Many are Libertarian.

LOL here we even have an Independence Party that wants Alaska to secede..

If OWS wasn't so far left they would have more Independents supporting them.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:16 AM
This i obvious!


posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by premierepastimes

When the NWO comes, life in American, whatever it's called then wont be BETTER... far FAR from it.

OWS might want redistribution of wealth in this country...but to redistribute it around the world means ALL Americans are too rich... even our poor are the *evil rich*

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by firegoggles
Spead the word to your OWS friends. They are just being used as pawns in a game of chess. Spead the word post as many times as you can enough as enough. None of this will bring about any change and most people know it. This is a combined effort of many like minded people with the same goal. You know it's the truth as soon as you read it .. right? K then...


You'll probably get flamed alot in this thread, but evidence is everywhere, if people will only open their eyes.

I and others have been saying this forweeks!
edit on 30-10-2011 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

You WOULD say that... true or not. Which is why nobody should trust you.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by OzTruth
reply to post by firegoggles

OWS is a NWO strategy to disrupt and bring down the American economy, freedom and spirit... Van Jones, George Soros and other left wing groups are using the protests, challenging capitalism to trigger a revolution for a new american communist or socialist society. Take your pick. This is well known to people who can read between the lines.

The former New York office for ACORN, the disbanded community activist group, is playing a key role in the self-proclaimed "leaderless" "Occupy Wall Street" movement, organizing "guerrilla" protest events and hiring door-to-door canvassers to collect money under the banner of various causes while spending it on protest-related activities.



Funny how you're from Australia, have never been to any of the protests here in the states, yet you know OH SO MUCH about some big commie conspiracy!

Foolish lies.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

John Adams: Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.

Benjamin Franklin: Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!

Thomas Jefferson: A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%.

James Madison: Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.

John Quincy Adams: The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human
governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived.

John Witherspoon: Pure democracy cannot subsist long nor be carried far into the departments of state - it is very subject to caprice and the madness of popular rage.

John Marshall: Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers: We are a Republican Government, Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.

There are many more....

The United States has NEVER been a Democracy even though several generations have been taught that it is and moved more and more in the direction of Democracy

The United States was founded as a Democratic Republic. Historical fact...

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by RSF77

Well I can use the word Liberal if you like. The majority of the country is not Liberal and do not want direct democracy.

So, my question still stands. If the majority are against it or at the very least not FOR it, how can you take over with democratic rule? If the will of the majority is over run and power is seized, how can it be a democratic take over?
edit on 10/31/11 by Cinaed because: typo

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by brokedown
reply to post by beezzer

I am very intrigued by your reply.

Could you expand on why you believe the Occupy movement is trying to undermined the Constitution ?

No big secret how I feel about OWS movement.
It is bought and paid for by Van Jones, Trumpka, adbusters, Tide Foundation, Soros.
It (they) want to have free* medical care, schooing, ad nauseum. (socialism)
A one world government, one world currency and the end to capitalism and the free market system.

Not really "constitution freindly" IMHO

*free means paid for by the "1%"

First of all there is NOTHING WRONG WITH VAN JONES, you're just parroting the right-wing 2-minutes hate machine.

Second of all, Trumpka?? Really?? The unions are involved (as they should be) but they are FAR from having some kind of position of power. You obviously don't understand how the movement started or how it works.

Adbusters- nothing wrong with Adbusters at all.

Tides Foundation- it gives money to left-wing organizations that don't receive money from the right-wing/elite class. While I don't know everything they do, I can say that, in general, it's far from evil.

Soros... NOT A PUPPET-MASTER at all. In fact, in certain ways he's quite agreeable. That being said... he has no ties to OWS, except funding via Tides that gave SOME money to Adbusters in the past... hardly a Soros "conspiracy". In fact... I've NEVER been convinced that there are ANY legit Soros conspiracies, despite how hard you right-wingers push it.

Free medical care is wonderful and works quite well in countries that are FREER THAN WE ARE IN THE STATES.

Free schooling is the same way. Thomas Jefferson HIMSELF envisioned this, now we've turned higher education into a for--profit venture rather than a FOR-ACTUALLY-EDUCATING-EVERYONE venture.

As for one world government/currency... NO. The OWS protesters are more against that than most people, so you have NOTHING there.

Ending Capitalism? *nods* SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.

Ending the free market? Well.. it doesn't exist. But if it did... it would look NOTHING LIKE what we have, and it would be a BYPRODUCT of a FREE SOCIETY and not the foundation of it.

Not really constitution friendly?? Do you ever even talk to people involved in OWS? They highly respect the constitution and are being harassed, gassed, and arrested for exercising their constitutional rights.

You're completely full of lies and you really ought to stop posting your propaganda around here so much.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Bad govt is all the fault of the evil corporations? That is laughable.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by brokedown
I think that we will require just a little proof to your claim.

The way most of us see the Occupy movement is that these American are choosing to exercise their Constitutional right of peaceful assembly and redress to their government.

What could possibly be more American than that ?

I agree with this comment. But, there are ways of displaying such Constitutional rights other than protesting.
edit on 31-10-2011 by Zarxx because: re-read post

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by firegoggles

Posts like these make me want to ban myself from this site.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by NoHierarchy

First of all there is NOTHING WRONG WITH VAN JONES, you're just parroting the right-wing 2-minutes hate machine.

Well, I suppose that is possible if you like communism. He is self-avowed communist and there is no denying it. You must have a romanticized idea about communism.

Adbusters- nothing wrong with Adbusters at all.

Except the organizers are exhiled communists from Estonia.
edit on 31-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:04 AM
Here's MY evidence:

- The Anonymous Logo is similar to the UN logo
- was originally registered to the UN but has now changed their domain registry details to hide it.

- The UK is about to have a big meeting about censoring the internet due to the menace of hacking (Anonymous) - so internet control derives from this "threat" while at the same time anonymous serves its purpose of rallying people around the world to reject the planned status-quo for the purposes of bringing in a global carbon credit economy. Very clever, U.N.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:06 AM
I wonder what "scare tactic" it will be next week.OWS isnt going 2 disband anytime soon

edit on 31-10-2011 by AstroD because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by Zarxx

Originally posted by brokedown
I think that we will require just a little proof to your claim.

The way most of us see the Occupy movement is that these American are choosing to exercise their Constitutional right of peaceful assembly and redress to their government.

What could possibly be more American than that ?

I agree with this comment. But, there are ways of displaying such Constitutional rights other than protesting.
edit on 31-10-2011 by Zarxx because: re-read post

"These Americans"....does that include some of the organizers who are exhiled communists from Estonia now living in Canada?

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