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The word is out "OWS" is a tool in use to bring about the "NWO" DISBAND NOW!

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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Well I certainly know that it is coming for many reasons. Perhaps I am harboring fear of martial law but you know what. That doesn't make me wrong about this post. I guess I should emphasize we need viable solutions.

Did you guys see the post about how to annoy the banksters? It's here check it out we need to come up with things of this nature but hopefully with more impact.

If anyone has any ideas more like that or the things I mentioned in the OP please post away!

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by firegoggles

the lengths they are going to try and shut down the protests would suggest otherwise, if what you are saying is true, they would be bringing in heaters, not finding excuses to remove them, they would be happy to let them stay on the streets, not tell them they have to go home etc etc.

in the u.k. they are trying to find some way to evict them, so they can send the police in to force them to leave.

i think they are worried about these protests and therefore are trying to find any excuse to MAKE people go home.
seeing as though they probably think the majority at these protests are conspiracy theorists they are probably trying to spread fear that the protests are something they were suppose to be trying to stop and will lead to a N.W.O., thus making people go home and stopping the rest of the population from joining or waking up to the fact the whole system is corrupt.

then again you might be right, but you provide no evidence.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by brokedown
The Occupy Movement as with the Tea Party began as a grassroots effort of likeminded individuals who cried out in mass:

“I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take this anymore”

And like the Tea Party, corrupt organizations see with covertness the masses of Americans mobilized by a common purpose as a vehicle to further their own corrupt agendas.

The Republican Party along with their minions in the MSM.
KILLED the Tea Party movement,

It is true that this same strategy is being attempted today with the Occupy Movement as well.

The Tea party movement died after the last election, because those who were elected that had aligned themselves with the Tea party went to Washington DC and just became part of the same ole corruption.

Again, No Change We Can Believe In.

We must not allow ourselves to be distracted because the MSM is slandering the Occupy movement.

The MSM has been working overtime on trying to kill the Occupy movement using the same playbook they did with the Tea Party. It is just the same lies wrapped up in new packaging.

First the MSM just refused to report that the Occupy movement was even occurring, this did not work.

Then the MSM started the slander that the Occupy Movement were just of bunch of dirty hippies fornicating in public with a bong in their lips. They even went further with their slander with, don’t wear your good shoes around a Occupy protest ( you know what I am referring to ).

This didn't play either.

So, Now the slander has become the Occupy movement is just a bunch of Communist funded by George Soros and organized by Acorn.

This lie won’t work either.

We the People recognize that the 99% are us too.

We KNOW that the system is corrupt and favors the scumbag.

We can say for certain that Wall Street and our Government are in bed together. That our Congress is bought and paid for by the scumbag bankers.


We the People are as mad as hell, and we won’t take it anymore.

edit on 30-10-2011 by brokedown because: spelling correction

This bears repeating^^^^

Please disregard the crying bunny

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Hawking

This bears repeating^^^^

Please disregard the crying bunny

I beg your pardon?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:43 PM
This thread is almost exactly like this thread: (which surely you've seen as it's been the hot thread for a couple of days now). So here's what I said there....

Originally posted by ~Lucidity

WARNING: OWS is a Trap!! Get off the Streets Immediately

That's exactly what someone wanting this to fail or go away would say.

That's exactly what someone too paranoid to ever want to make a difference in this world would believe.

That's exactly what will be the final nail in all our coffins.

Will some people try to co-op this? Criticize without really understanding? Sure. But the reality is they can't.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Yea why exactly are there two threads on the same stupid opinion?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by firegoggles
Spead the word to your OWS friends. They are just being used as pawns in a game of chess. Spead the word post as many times as you can enough as enough. None of this will bring about any change and most people know it. This is a combined effort of many like minded people with the same goal. You know it's the truth as soon as you read it .. right? K then...



posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:25 PM
The NWO has to come, it is in the cards.
This world will not work correctly without some sort of NWO or global governance,
Its up to the people, if we want an NWO controlled by the wealthy elite (and we allll know where that's gunna go), or we have an NWO controlled by the people of the world. I choose the second one,

There is going to be NWO, but the choice is now. Martial law is not going to fly btw, people think its this all powerful thing looming over our heads, its not. They wont invoke martial law anywhere in the states, the most heavily armed populace in the world me thinks... They don't wanna toy with people like that, haha.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by firegoggles

What if we welcome the NWO?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by beezzer

Hook, line sinker.... Damn.

How to destroy a grassroots movement 101:

1) Ignore them, don't give them any coverage, they are not big enough to make a difference.

2) Oh boy, they have grown too big to ignore, smear campaign STAT! Find the fringe elements, keep them in the spotlight! Find some fringe organizations that contributed, and say they funded the whole thing! This will garner opposition from the peons themself, and also attract more fringe to the movement.

3) Take it over. Send some "spokesman" there to keep the illusion going, that this was not a grassroots thing, but an evil plan from the getgo.

4) Grassroots has no credibility with the general sheeps no more, hence movement squashed.

Sound familiar? Obviously simplified a bit, but it sounds pretty similar to me.

This is an awesome post. This is truth.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by firegoggles
Spead the word to your OWS friends. They are just being used as pawns in a game of chess. Spead the word post as many times as you can enough as enough. None of this will bring about any change and most people know it. This is a combined effort of many like minded people with the same goal. You know it's the truth as soon as you read it .. right? K then...


I don't know your comments to be truth. I think you are way off base. Also, there are a couple of comments about "if you were awake you would see what's going on". I am awake, I'm very awake and I'm sorry, but I just see a bunch of people trying to make change the only way that we can, since our government has been usurped.

I do get what you guys are saying though. You are saying that this will bring martial law due to planned, escalated violence. Again, I disagree. Time will tell.

As an aside regarding George Soros. I do not know the man, nor have I met him. But, an aquaintence/friend of mine is the president of one of his companies. As you can imagine, he knows Mr. Soros quite well. Anyway, I have asked him about Mr. Soros and he says he's basically a good man. I know the company my friend is in charge of is one of Soros' charitable companies and Mr. Soros puts millions into this one company alone every year. I have heard him talking on the other end of the phone and he sounds like a pleasant guy, but, whatever.

With that said, people who make it that high up are not all "good". I just have a hard time with the concept of him being as evil as some people say. I certainly don't think he wants to bring about the downfall of the US government, but I do know he spends tons of money trying to make change in a liberal direction.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by firegoggles

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. .Protest against wall street and the gov't!!! No Wait!!! Don't do it...that's what they want! No wait...rise up against the gov', hold on a second, I think that is what they want. Oh well, let's go home.

What the heck is going on with these flip flopping idiots that want to demonstrate to bring about change, but, are scared that they are being used by TPTB? Can the scaredy cats please pick a position and stick with it?!? Isn't that the same thing that they hate about the gov't? I have no respect for people that flip flop like this and this thread provided me with ALOT of have my thanks and a star for the entertainment value!

edit on 30-10-2011 by superman2012 because: spelling

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 09:25 PM
The Occupy Movement as with the Tea Party began as a grassroots effort of likeminded individuals who cried out in mass:

“I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take this anymore”

And like the Tea Party, corrupt organizations see with covertness the masses of Americans mobilized by a common purpose as a vehicle to further their own corrupt agendas.

The Republican Party along with their minions in the MSM.
KILLED the Tea Party movement,

It is true that this same strategy is being attempted today with the Occupy Movement as well.

The Tea party movement died after the last election, because those who were elected that had aligned themselves with the Tea party went to Washington DC and just became part of the same ole corruption.

Again, No Change We Can Believe In.

We must not allow ourselves to be distracted because the MSM is slandering the Occupy movement.

The MSM has been working overtime on trying to kill the Occupy movement using the same playbook they did with the Tea Party. It is just the same lies wrapped up in new packaging.

First the MSM just refused to report that the Occupy movement was even occurring, this did not work.

Then the MSM started the slander that the Occupy Movement were just of bunch of dirty hippies fornicating in public with a bong in their lips. They even went further with their slander with, don’t wear your good shoes around a Occupy protest ( you know what I am referring to ).

This didn't play either.

So, Now the slander has become the Occupy movement is just a bunch of Communist funded by George Soros and organized by Acorn.

This lie won’t work either.

We the People recognize that the 99% are us too.

We KNOW that the system is corrupt and favors the scumbag.

We can say for certain that Wall Street and our Government are in bed together. That our Congress is bought and paid for by the scumbag bankers.


We the People are as mad as hell, and we won’t take it anymor

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:34 PM
OWS reminds me of the vets camped in Washing DC during the Depression. Once they were organized enough to voice their demands, our "beloved" MacArthur (then as a fresh Lt. of West Point) appears in history and leads the US Army in a cavalry charge against VETS engaged in peaceful protest.
The last few days have seen violence against many "Occupy" groups...did they finally decide they should make some demands?
edit on 10/30/2011 by FrenchOsage because: the usual

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Rational beings change at times. Taking a "fixed" stance means you are no longer rational. I sometimes think most today are so indoctrinated or so uneducated they are incapable of independent and critical thought.

You seek to laugh at others, but my concern is for you.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by FrenchOsage
reply to post by superman2012

Rational beings change at times. Taking a "fixed" stance means you are no longer rational. I sometimes think most today are so indoctrinated or so uneducated they are incapable of independent and critical thought.

You seek to laugh at others, but my concern is for you.

The only people I laugh at are people that "know" they are right when really they have no idea. Protest if you want. Don't if you want as well. But, don't spend all your time and energy telling people to do one thing and then completely flip your position. If you "believe" in something. Believe in it. It's that simple. A "fixed" stance does not imply that a person is no longer just means they believe in something. So you may have concern for me, but, I am sad for you. It will be a tough world if you don't have beliefs, and that has nothing to do with education.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by beezzer

The main evidence being that we disagree with Beezzer and other ATS teabaggers, whose "admiration" for the wealthy is mainly displayed in their violent loathing of everyone else, including themselves.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

What the hell are you talking about?

I've read a few of your posts about OWS, I've got to say you should probably concentrate on something other than thinking. People don't rally in the streets "just for the hell of it".

Excuse me, but I can't really figure out what your stance is on anything, sorry if I'm wrong.
edit on 30-10-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:32 PM
Politics etc. stink right across the board OK, so don't expect me to take sides. Can I however, ask 1 simple question;
Egypt pulled a similar to OWS stunt, WHAT DID THEY GET OUT OF SUCH ????? Cos they're still protesting.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
No big secret how I feel about OWS movement.
It is bought and paid for by Van Jones, Trumpka, adbusters, Tide Foundation, Soros.
(they) want to have (socialism)
A one world government, one world currency and the end to capitalism and the free market system.

Tell it to this guy who started all the protests. :
Are you telling us he had links to soros, or adbusters ? ?

Street vending is illegal in Tunisia, and city authorities regularly confiscated Mohamed’s small wheelbarrow of fruit. But Mohamed had no other option to try to make a living, and he bought his merchandise by getting into debt. It was a vicious circle. That Friday morning, he had contracted roughly $200 in debt for his goods. Police spotted him, confiscated his cart and reportedly slapped him in the face in the process. Mohamed was desperate and angry. So he went to regional government headquarters to try to plead his case with the governor. Nobody would listen to him and he was thrown out. Mohamed, enraged, bought two bottles of paint thinner and set himself alight in front of the building. He was rushed to hospital, but died Jan. 4.

edit on 30/10/11 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

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