Thursday, 9 September 2004.
Brutal pre-dawn US rocket attack kills 11, wounds 20 Iraqi civilians in al-Fallujah.
US rocket attacks on houses in al-Fallujah Thursday morning left 10 Iraqi civilians dead and 20 others wounded according to the local correspondent of
Mafkarat al-Islam in that city. Six men, two women and four children were killed in the savage US attack, one of the children only eight months old.
Twenty other persons were wounded in the US attack, most of them women and children.
Most of the casualties were members of Muhammad `Ali al-Aswad al- Hawmazawi's family. Muhammad `Ali al-Aswad himself was killed as were two of his
four wives, one of them 25 years old, the other 30. Four of his 12 children were killed and five of his other children were taken to hospitals in
Baghdad for treatment of their very serious wounds. Five other relatives were killed in the US airstrike. Eight-year-old Jasim was admitted to
hospital with severe head injuries and required an delicate operation, but until late Thursday night the hospital was refusing to carry out the
surgery without signed authorization from a family member, despite the fact that all the adult family members had been killed in the air raid.
Eye witnesses reported that the American attack took place at 4:00am (Baghdad time), but that it was not until 8:30 in the morning that the last
victim � the eight month old infant � was dug out of the rubble. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam took part along with family members in the
rescue and recovery effort in the wreckage.
As usual, the US tried to justify its indiscriminate airstrike on women and children by claiming that they were trying to kill followers of the
elusive Abu Mus`ab az-Zarqawi.
Resistance shells US positions near al-Fallujah around midnight Thursday-Friday.
Iraqi Resistance forces rained some 20 artillery shells on the US military camp in the ash-Shuhad� area of al-Fallujah at about midnight
Thursday-Friday, the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported. Iraqi puppet troops then deployed around the camp in an attempt to locate and
silence the source of the shelling.
Resistance forces unleashed a barrage of some 55 mortar shells on the area north of al-Fallujah where US forces were bivouacked. According to the
local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam who reported the bombardment at 2:15am Friday morning, the situation around midnight Thursday-Friday had
become extremely tense and apprehensive after US aircraft were seen prowling the skies over the city � a sign that some sort of offensive might be
Resistance hits US column in al-Khalidiyah mid-morning Thursday.
Iraqi Resistance forces in al-Khalidiyah attacked a US column at 10:30am Thursday, Baghdad time. The attack took place behind the police station
in the city and left one Abrams tank totally destroyed when it ran over an Iraqi Resistance bomb. The power of the blast suggested that it was what is
known as an Austrian explosive � a product of re-engineered artillery shell explosives of Austrian manufacture.
The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the bomb was hidden with great expertise. Two Humvees were also destroyed in the same
attack, but they were struck by Resistance rocket-propelled grenades.
The correspondent, who was unable to visit the scene of the attack personally due to a curfew imposed by US occupation forces, received information on
the attack from a member of the al-Khalidiyah police force. That source said that six US troops were killed aboard the tank, three more aboard the
first Humvee. Two other Americans on the Humvee were seriously wounded. Four Americans were killed aboard the second Humvee, and, the source said,
they appear to have been killed by an anti-personnel rocket-propelled grenade, whose destructive radius is 300 meters in all directions.
Local residents reported felling a violent explosion shake their neighborhood when the bomb that destroyed the tank detonated.
Seven Americans killed in az-Za`faraniyah area in two attacks Thursday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US military column as it passed over the old Diyala Bridge in the az-Za`faraniyah area at 9:00am Thursday
morning. One US Humvee was destroyed and eyewitnesses said they saw two charred bodies pulled from the wreckage of the vehicle, and that two other
bodies lay outside the car.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb blew up under a group of US intelligence officers in a GMC vehicle at 6:30am Thursday in the same area. The local
correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast blew away all but the chassis of the vehicle and killed three American intelligence
US savages civilian homes in Tall az-Za`far area with cluster bombs, and follow up with a ground assault. Resistance fighters hold their ground.
US aircraft carried out repeated raids on Thursday, savagely pounding the area of Tall az-Za`far. After the air attacks, US ground forces assaulted
the region. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the US fighter planes dropped container bombs that explode in the air and
release hundreds of deadly anti-personnel cluster bombs.
The Americans dropped the lethal weapons on residential areas populated by Iraqi civilians. The correspondent reported that the vicious bombing came
to a halt around 3:00pm Baghdad time. The Iraqi Resistance forces in the area hung on determinedly, however in the face of US ground assaults,
inflicting heavy casualties on the invaders.
The correspondent wrote that some Iraqi shepherds reported seeing two US warplanes shot down, one of them in flames. The shepherd said, however, that
American ground forces immediately surrounded the wreck sites and no one was allowed to approach the area, making it impossible for the correspondent
to verify or provide further details regarding their report.
Three intelligence officers killed in Resistance attack in al- Hurriyah section of Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance fighter on Thursday morning fired a rocket- propelled grenade (RPG) at a motorcade of US GMC vehicles � the sort regularly used by
US intelligence officers � in the ad-Dawla`i section of the al-Hurriyah area of Baghdad. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported on
visiting the scene of the attack that the RPG set one car ablaze and three US offices killed in it. Three other American GMC vehicles fled the scene
Resistance pounds US facilities in the Baghdad area Thursday.
During the morning of Thursday, Iraqi Resistance forces pounded various US sites throughout occupied Iraq with mortars and rockets.
The Baghdad correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the puppet police academy behind the puppet "interior ministry" building, came under an
intense Resistance barrage. More that 15 explosions shook the building, apparently from 120mm mortar shells or Katyusha rockets. Plumes of thick smoke
could be seen rising over the academy at 8:00am local time.
Five violent blasts rocked the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace compound (which the Americans have renamed "the green zone") at
about 7:00am as Katyusha rockets fired by the Resistance crashed into the top security area. Sirens wailed inside the American headquarters as thick
clouds of smoke rose over the area.
The Americans, for their part, have extended the fences of the top security area of the "green zone" to include the ar-Rashid Hotel, the
headquarters of US intelligence and other US groups in occupied Iraq.
But that did not protect the hotel from Resistance attack as eyewitnesses reported that at 7:30am Thursday, four mortar rounds (probably of 82mm
caliber) crunched into the hotel area.
Iraqi Resistance forces also struck the US camp at al-Muthanna airfield with an intensive mortar barrage of 15 to 20 high explosive shells on Thursday
A correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Resistance forces fired three powerful Grad rockets at the Ba`qubah airport, used by US occupation
forces as a base, at 1:30pm Thursday afternoon.
Then at 1:45pm six explosions shook the so-called "green zone" headquarters of the US occupation in Baghdad. The blasts were caused by two or three
Grad rockets and 120mm mortar shells.
At 2:00pm Thursday, Resistance forces ambushed a food convoy for the US aggressor troops on the road leading to ash-Shu`lah. Two civilian trucks were
destroyed and two US troops killed. In the same area but a little to the north and at the same time, the Resistance attacked a US columnof four
transports in the city of Balad carrying food supplies. Bombs and rocket-propelled grenades knocked two transports out of action and destroyed one
Humvee. Five US troops were killed in that attack.
At 3:15pm the Resistance fired four Grad rockets at Saddam International Airport.
At 4:45pm Thursday, a US C-130 transport plane came under intense Resistance fire as it was landing at Saddam International Airport. The gunfire
struck the plane in the right wing and it continued to burn after landing.
At about 11:00pm Thursday night Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US patrol, consisting of a Bradley armored vehicle and a Humvee, on Hayfa Street in
Baghdad's al-Karakh district. A Resistance explosive disabled the Bradley.
A US supply convoy carrying goods for the US troops was attacked by Iraqi Resistance forces at about 10:30pm Thursday night on the highway linking
al-Fallujah and al-Yusufiyah. Five civilian truck drivers, collaborators with the US occupation troops, were killed.
Iraqi Resistance forces shelled the environs of the military academy in the ar-Rustamiyah district of Baghdad with at least 15 mortar rounds at about
9:30pm Baghdad time. Smoke could be seen rising over the facility. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the projectiles were most
likely 120mm heavy mortar shells.
Resistance ambushes US patrol at 9:30pm Thursday in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces killed at least three US troops and wounded three others seriously when they attacked a patrol at 9:30 local time Thursday
night. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islamreported that the patrol consisted of two armored vehicles and two Abrams tanks as well as three
Humvees. Resistance bombs exploded under the vehicles, destroying one Humvee and disabling the other.
Resistance launches rocket attack on Ba`qubah airfield at 11:00pm Thursday.
Powerful explosions shook the military airfield in Ba`qubah at 11:00pm Thursday night. Airport employees told the local correspondent of Mafkarat
al-Islam that they saw three armored vehicles on fire after the attack. The correspondent reported that it was believed that the Resistance had used
powerful Tariq rockets in that attack.
Resistance ambushes US motorcade.
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a US motorcade in the southern ad-
Durah suburb of Baghdad near the oil refinery in the agricultural area at 10:00pm local time Thursday night. One bomb exploded destroying a
civilian-type car in the motorcade that consisted of three GMC vehicles. Four people aboard the car were killed � all believed to be US intelligence
officers. US helicopters immediately rushed to the scene and dropped flares. Seven Abrams tanks also hurried to the area. They found no attackers but
dragged away the wrecked vehicle.
Resistance bomb strikes US-Iraqi puppet police patrol in al- Ghazaliyah area.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb blew up under a joint US-Iraqi puppet police patrol on the highway leading to Abu Ghurayb in the al- Ghazaliyah area west of
Baghdad at 8:30am Thursday. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that one Landrover was destroyed in the blast and four troops aboard
it killed. An American Humvee that was nearby was also knocked out of action by the blast, but eyewitnesses reported that they could not be sure
whether there were any American casualties among its crew.
Resistance bomb kills five US troops near Abu Ghurayb concentration camp.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US column near the Khan Darri area adjacent to the Abu Ghurayb concentration camp Thursday morning at about
9:30am. Four US troops were killed and their small troop carrier was totally destroyed. A Humvee was also knocked out of commission by the blast and
one other soldier in it was also killed. According to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam, eye witnesses reported that they saw the soldier
blown out of the Humvee and slammed to the ground by the force of the blast.
Seven US troops killed at 2:00pm Thursday in ambush on road to Abu Ghurayb.
Seven US soldiers were killed around midday Thursday when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under their patrol on the road leading to Abu Ghurayb. The
local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at 2:00pm, as a patrol consisting of five Humvees was passing near the al-Khalidiyah Hospital
on the road to Abu Ghurayb, an explosion followed by an ambush struck the column. Three Humvees were totally destroyed. One was blown up by the bomb;
the other two by rocket-propelled grenades and BKC rockets. The vehicles burst into flame on the impact of the shells. Eye witnesses said that they
could hear the war cries of the Resistance fighters as the swooped in on the Americans.
US, British, Zionist intelligence officers killed Thursday in Resistance attacks.
Iraqi Resistance forces carried out a number of attacks on US, British, and Zionist targets on Thursday according to a series of reports compiled by
Mafkarat al-Islam. At 1:00pm Thursday afternoon, Baghdad time, three US troops were killed in an Iraqi Resistance ambush on Hayfa Street in the
al-Karakh district of the occupied Iraqi capital. The Humvee on which they were riding struck a mine, crippling the vehicle, whereupon Resistance
fighters sprung on the dazed Americans, firing rocket-propelled grenades and BKC rockets at them.
At 2:45pm a Landrover manned by British intelligence officers was ambushed by Resistance fighters on the road to Saddam International Airport. All
those aboard the Landrover were killed.
At 4:00pm Thursday afternoon, four cars � a Daiwoo, a Mitsubishi, and two GMC vehicles � struck an Iraqi Resistance bomb and were attacked by
Resistance fighters firing rocket-propelled grenades. The Daiwoo was carrying Kurdish chauvinist Peshmergah militiamen. The Mitsubishi was carrying
Mossad agents, and US intelligence officers were riding in the two GMC vehicles. The Daiwoo and the Mitsubishi vehicles were totally destroyed in the
attack, all aboard them being killed.
Iraqi Resistance forces on Thursday ambushed a US patrol that was proceeding along the road to Saddam International Airport. Two US Humvees were
disabled in the ambush, which took place at midnight Thursday-Friday local time.
The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces deployed in strength after the ambush, anticipating further attacks. There were
no reports on injuries or deaths as a result of the Resistance attack.
At 10:00pm Thursday night the Iraqi Resistance ambushed a joint US- Iraqi puppet "national guard" force patrol in the al-Ghazaliyah area of Baghdad.
The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the ambush left one US personnel carrier that was transporting 10 puppet troops destroyed. The
Resistance also disabled a US Humvee in the attack.
At 7:00pm Iraqi Resistance bombs in Baghdad went off under a US patrol in the Ruz area, disabling two Bradley armored vehicles and killing five US
foot soldiers who were walking alongside the vehicle. The Ruz area, according to the local Mafkarat al-Islamcorrespondent, is a predominantly Shi`i
Kurdish area that local people sometimes refer to as the "spy neighborhood" since some members of those communities have been known to serve the
occupation as spies against the Resistance. A Resistance attack against the US in this neighborhood is thus of particular significance.
Resistance attacks US patrol in ar-Ridwaniyah area early Thursday morning.
A joint US-Iraqi puppet force foot patrol was ambushed Thursday in the ar-Ridwaniyah area in the Duwaylibiah area as it attempted to clear the road of
any obstacles that might hinder the advance of US forces in the area. The patrol was escorted by two armored vehicles, according to the local
correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam the local residents said that four Iraqi puppet troops and one American were killed when what is believed to have
been a rocket- propelled grenade, an anti-perosnnel "mihdar" grenade, and a BKC rocket struck the patrol at 8:30am local time.
American VIPs the target of Resistance ambush near the military academy in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance forces prepared a powerful explosive device, which they set off at about 4:00pm on the road leading to the US base in the military
academy in ar-Rustamiyah in Baghdad. The blast struck a US military motorcade of two GMC cars being escorted by four Humvees.
The US aggressors usually use GMC cars to transport security personnel or other important officials, so the Resistance fighters believed that the
attack succeed in eliminating some significant officials in the US occupation administration. That belief was strengthened by the fact that members of
US intelligence were accompanying the motorcade.
In the course of the attack, one Humvee was disabled, killing the soldiers inside. One of the GMCs was also destroyed.
US base in ad-Durah hit by rocket attack Thursday morning.
The US base in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah came under an Iraqi Resistance rocket attack Thursday morning. The local correspondent of
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that four Katyusha rockets slammed into the US camp in what is locally known as `Arab Jabbur.
In addition, an Iraqi working in the camp told the correspondent that a bomb exploded at about 8:15am under an American Bradley armored vehicle that
was circling around the base. The chain tread on the vehicle was broken and the Bradley disabled by the blast.
Resistance bomb destroys fuel tanker, kills two US soldiers in ad- Durah.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US column made up of military fuel tank trucks on the highway that passes through the ad- Durah area in
southern Baghdad on Thursday morning. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast totally destroyed one fuel truck, killing
two US troops who were aboard.
Four Iraqi puppet security men killed in Resistance roadside bombing Thursday afternoon.
An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded as an Iraqi puppet police patrol was passing at 4:20pm Baghdad time, according to a correspondent of
Mafkarat al-Islam in a report posted at 11:25pm Thursday night Mecca time. The correspondent wrote that the police patrol consisted of a Land Cruiser
on which a number of Iraqi puppet security personnel were riding. The explosion killed four of the security force members, who probably belonged to
the US-installed intelligence service.
Resistance attacks two US patrols Thursday morning in al-Yusufiyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US Humvee patrol in al-Yusufiyah at about 8:45am local time. The area of the attack was formerly a farm belonging
to `Uday Saddam Hussein, but now is a US base area.
A source in the puppet security service told a correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the attack left five US troops dead, one of them believed to
have been an officer.
Violent battles broke out in the same area between the Resistance and another US patrol with a two-Humvee escort. Four American soldiers were killed
in that engagement. The Resistance fighters were believed to have used BKCs in both attacks in addition to Kalashnikov assault rifles.
Seven US troops killed in ambush of patrol on the road to al- Yusufiyah at 3:00pm Thursday.
At about 3:00pm Thursday afternoon Iraqi Resistance fighters ambushed a US patrol in the al-Yusufiyah area. The local correspondent for Mafkarat
al-Islam reported that the Resistance fighters fired a series of rocket-propelled grenades at the US patrol, which consisted of six Humvees. Before
the Americans knew what had hit them, two Humvees were totally destroyed and seven US soldiers were dead.
Fifteen US and Iraqi puppet troops reported killed in action against Jaysh al-Mahdi Thursday.
The office of Shi`i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr announced at 9:30pm Thursday that 15 US and Iraqi puppet troops had been killed in Iraqi
Resistance attacks. Two Bradley armored vehicles had been disabled in the attacks and one armored personnel carrier in which seven American troops
were riding, was destroyed, the statement reported.
An F-16 fighter bomber and an American Apache helicopter carried out continuous bombardments of the Madinat as-Sadr district in Baghdad on Thursday
between 8:00pm and 10:00pm, the statement reported.
Tension mounts in al-Basrah area. Four British troops killed in ambush.
Aggressor aircraft carried out low-altitude overflights in strength over the city of al-Basrah and its environs, beginning at 1:00am Thursday and
continuing into Thursday afternoon, according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
Meanwhile two powerful explosions rocked al-Basrah at 9:00am local time but their source has not been determined.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded at about 2:00am on the road leading to Safwan, a town near al-Basrah, Thursday morning, blowing up a Landrover and
killing the four British soldiers who were aboard.
Friday, 10 September 2004.
Resistance targets "green zone" for a series of rocket and mortar strikes as Resistance in Baghdad escalates.
Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a series of rocket attacks on the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad � what the American
invaders have dubbed the "green zone" in the occupied Iraqi capital.
At 6:30am local time two powerful Grad rockets were fired at the top- security US installation.
One hour later a series of explosions rocked the compound, believed to be the result of a barrage of 82mm mortar rounds.
A third attack of moderate dimensions took place at about 8:30am Friday, also believed to be the result of 82mm rounds fired into the American
Then at 3:15pm Friday afternoon, powerful explosions again rocked the "green zone," these believed to be the result of another Resistance strike
with Grad rockets.
Resistance pounds US sites around Baghdad on Friday.
The US base at Abu Ghurayb came under an intensive bombardment by the Iraqi Resistance at precisely 2:00pm Friday afternoon. The local correspondent
of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that 15 high- explosive 120mm mortar shells slammed into the US compound.
Iraqi Resistance forces also shelled the `Uluwwat Asmak as-Sayliyah area at the southern approaches to Baghdad where the US as-Suqur ("the Hawks")
base is located. Mortar shells of 82mm and 120mm caliber struck the area around the US camp, the largest American occupation facility in that area.
Nine consecutive explosions rocked the area of al-Muthanna airstrip at 8:00am Friday. Eyewitnesses reported that the blasts came from 82mm mortar
rounds exploding.
Four US intelligence officers killed in ambush on road to Saddam International Airport.
Several GMC vehicles belonging to US intelligence were ambushed by Iraqi Resistance forces in the al-`Amiriyah area on the road leading to Saddam
International airport southwest of Baghdad. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islamin the area reported that the attack took place at 1:00pm Friday
afternoon local time and that two vehicles were destroyed and two others damaged but continued on their way. Four US intelligence officers were
apparently killed in the ambush.
Resistance bombing kills three agents of US puppet "Irqai" intelligence agency in Baghdad.
Three agents of the US-run puppet Iraqi intelligence service were killed on Friday in an Iraqi Resistance bombing in downtown Baghdad. The local
correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a Resistance bomb exploded under a column of four vehicles on Hayfa Street in the al-Karakh district
of Baghdad at 4:45pm local time Friday afternoon.
The blast disabled two of the cars. The other two fled the scene in the direction of the US occupation headquarters in the "green zone." Three
members of the puppet Iraqi security service were killed in the blast.
US occupation troops immediately closed off the area of the attack and cleared away the wrecked cars and the bodies.
Resistance launches attacks southeast of Baghdad and in the al- Yusufiyah area.
At 2:30pm Friday afternoon an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a joint US-Iraqi puppet police Mafkarat al-Islam. One Landrover belonging to the
puppet police was disabled and two puppet policemen killed inside. Three others were wounded. The blast also disable a US Humvee and killed one
Four Iraqi puppet troops were killed when their Nissan pickup truck was attacked by Resistance fighters firing rocket-propelled grenades in the
al-Yusufiyah area.
Iraqi Resistance forces in the same area fired 10 mortar shells into the local US military camp setting two armored vehicles ablaze. The US troops
awoke at 3:00am to the sound of the incoming shells. They sent out patrols that jammed the area with Americans to seek out the source of the shelling
but even with all their numbers, they failed to locate it.
Nine Americans killed as Resistance pounds targets around Baghdad Friday.
At 8:00am Friday Iraqi Resistance forces fired about 10 powerful Grad rockets into the US military base north of Baghdad. The local correspondent of
Mafkarat al-Islam visited the area and reported thick black clouds of smoke covering the skies over the area, proving that vehicles or other flammable
materials were hit directly.
One US soldier was killed and two others injured when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under their convoy of about three Humvees at 8:30am local time
in al-Ghazaliyah on the highway from Baghdad. Two of the Humvees escaped the ambush, but the third was disabled.
Near that location and two hours later Resistance forces attacked a US column killing nine American troops, according to residents of the Faris
district, 20km north of Baghdad, where the attack occurred. They reported that the column consisted of armored vehicles and Humvees, and that two of
the Humvees were destroyed and another disabled.
Simultaneously with the first attack, Iraqi Resistance forces pounded Saddam International Airport where US troops are encamped with Grad rockets that
sent clouds of black smoke into the sky.
Resistance strikes north and south of Baghdad Friday morning.
Three American soldiers were killed and two others wounded when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the at-Taji area at the northern approaches to
Baghdad. According to sources that spoke to the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam, the bomb struck a US convoy of six Humvees that was traversing the
area at 8:30am Friday. One vehicle was destroyed and another disabled.
South of al-Latifiyah local residents heard the joyful cries of 25 Resistance fighters at 9:00am when they destroyed an armored vehicle and damaged
another in an anti-tank rocket attack.
Resistance strikes airports around Baghdad Friday night.
Saddam International airport was struck by two Iraqi Resistance rockets at 7:00pm Friday evening, Baghdad time. Thick smoke rose over the airport
after the attack which was believed to have involved powerful Grad rockets.
Two high-explosive shells (probably of the Tariq variety) shook the same airport and the surrounding area at 10:30 local time Friday night. Black
smoke rose over the camp.
Iraqi Resistance forces shelled al-Muthanna airport in downtown Baghdad with 82mm mortar shells at 9:45pm Friday night local time. Warning sirens
could be heard from inside the camp after the strike.
Resistance bomb kills four US troops Friday afternoon in Baghdad.
Iraqi Resistance bombs blew up under a US patrol at 5:30pm Friday fternoon according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam. The attack took
place near the building of the ministry of justice and the old radio station. One Humvee was totally destroyed and four US troops killed.
Resistance shells "green zone" Friday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces on Friday afternoon pounded the US occupation headquarters in the so-called "green zone" at 5:45pm with more than five heavy
120mm mortar rounds.
One US soldier killed Friday evening.
Resistance forces and US troops battled in the al-Amin neighborhood near the old Diyala Bridge at 7:30pm Baghdad time Friday evening. One Humvee was
disabled and one US soldier killed and two others wounded.
Resistance bombards US-Iraqi puppet camp in Mosul Friday morning.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a camp used jointly by the US occupation forces and Iraqi puppet troops in the northern city of Mosul on Friday. An
intensive barrage of some 20 mortar rounds, probably of the heavy 120mm caliber, crashed into the camp at 8:00am Friday morning, according to the
local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
US continues to encircle and pound Tall `Afar.
US forces continue to encircle the area of Tall `Afar on all sides. American F-16 and F-18 fighter bombers are pounding the area with various types of
explosives, including internationally-banned cluster bombs. On Thursday the same area was subjected to an intense US bombardment in which B-52
strategic bombers were used.
After getting into the city of Tall `Afar Friday evening the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam described the tragic state of the city in the wake of
intensive US bombardment. US forces, he said, had used cluster bombs and napalm.
Three US troops killed in Resistance ambush of US patrol near Ba`qubah.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US armored vehicle patrol in the Sadd Hamrin area of Ba`qubah, northeast of Baghdad on Friday. The local
correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in the city reported that the two-armored-vehicle column that was accompanied by two Humvees was attacked at 1:00pm
Friday afternoon, local time. The two Humvees and one of the Bradley armored vehicles were disabled in the attack.
The correspondent wrote that eye witnesses reported seeing at least three American soldiers killed as a result of the attack.
Resistance strikes Ba`qubah airfield.
Resistance forces mounted a rocket strike at US troops occupying Ba`qubah airport at 1:45pm local time. Seven explosions, believed to come from
Katyusha rockets, shook the facility, according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
Eleven US troops reported killed in evening ambush in Ba`qubah area.
In the Khan Bani Sa`d area of Ba`qubah province Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed US troops with rocket-propelled grenades at 7:00pm Friday evening.
One Bradley armored vehicle was disabled and three Humvees destroyed. A source in the Ba`qubah puppet police reported that 11 Americans were killed
and four others wounded in the attack.
Resistance bomb targets US troops in ar-Ramadi. Americans kill, wound Iraqi police in reply.
One Iraqi policeman was killed and four others wounded, one of them an officer, when US aggressor troops opened fire on them in the city of ar-Ramadi,
west of Baghdad. The local correspondent of al- `Arabiyah TV in the city reported that the Americans fired on the Iraqi patrol after an Iraqi
Resistance bomb exploded by the Americans in the midst of the city.
Ovewhelmed inside insurgent Iraq, US troops now being treated in "Israel."
The Palestinian weekly al-Manar published in Jerusalem has learned that US troops wounded in Iraq are now being flown to occupied Palestine for
medical treatment. The sources report that US field hospitals and other medical facilities set up in Iraq have been overwhelmed with casualties,
particularly in the last four months, and as a result an agreement to use facilities in "Israel" was concluded.
Saturday, 11 September 2004.
US continues to pound al-Fallujah.
Medical sources in al-Fallujah reported Saturday that eight persons, including five civilians, had been wounded when gunfire attributed to the US
aggressors struck a largely-deserted residential neighborhood of the city.
Two houses in the ash-Shuhad� neighborhood in the south of al- Fallujah were struck by US artillery fire, according to eye witnesses. Abu Muhammad
said, "we live in this family home and don't understand why it was targeted." He said that five members of his family � including women and
children � had been wounded in the US attack. Dr. Wajdi Ahmad said that the fire left eight wounded.
US troops sent out loudspeaker trucks to broadcast demands that the local people evacuate the neighborhood so that they could turn it into a battle
field. The Americans also demanded that Resistance fighters lay down their arms, according to a correspondent for Agence France Presse (AFP). Then the
Americans proceeded to broadcast raucous "rock" and "disco" music all through the night through their loudspeakers in an attempt to torture and
unnerve local residents and defenders.
About half of the residents of the neighborhood had left the area more than a month earlier because of the constant US bombardment and virtually daily
battles waged by the US against the stubborn Resistance fighters. Most of the evacuees are temporarily residing in the nearby town of al-Habbaniyah.
Resistance fires out ferocious barrages on US top-security "green zone" in Baghdad and pounds other targets in the occupied capital.
Iraqi Resistance forces launched a violent barrage on the US occupation headquarters in the Republican Palace in Baghdad � which the American invaders
have dubbed "the green zone." According to Agence France Presse (AFP) three shells landed near the convention center in the "green zone" where the
US-sponsored "national congress" was in session. The blasts shook the building, prompting security men to instruct the delegates to huddle away from
the windows.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that eight 120mm mortar rounds hit the "green zone" and sent up plumes of black smoke at about
8:10am Saturday.
At 6:40pm three powerful explosions shook the "green zone" believed to be the result of Tariq rockets fired by the Resistance at the facility.
Three massive explosions shook Saddam International Airport at 7:30am Saturday, probably from Grad rockets according to the local correspondent for
Mafkarat al-Islam. During the day there were intermittent bombardments of US facilities in the area with various types of ordnance, from 20mm mortars
to Grad rockets and 120mm mortars. At 5:00pm the US headquarters at the occupied airport was struck by a barrage of more than 25 high-explosive 120mm
mortar shells, according to the correspondent.
Resistance forces shelled the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah at 8:10am with Katyushas. Warning sirens wailed inside the camp after the barrage.
Meanwhile the US aggressors used B-52 strategic bombers as well as Apache helicopters to pound the Madinat as-Sadr section of the Iraqi capital from
1:00am through the night and into the morning.
At 2:30pm fifteen 82mm mortar shells rained down upon the US base at al-Muthanna airfield in Baghdad. Simultaneously the "green zone" was attacked
with an intense barrage of ten 82mm mortar shells, according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent.
Several explosions rocked the US and Iraqi secret police headquarters in the al-Kazimiyah area of Baghdad at 8:50pm local time, as 120mm mortar shells
slammed into the facility.
The Resistance attacks continued until at least 11:30pm Saturday as five powerful Grad rockets rained down on the US facilities in at- Taji, along
with fifteen 120mm mortar shells.
At 10:50 Resistance forces again shelled Saddam International Airport with two Tariq rockets.
Americans killed in Baghdad area Resistance attacks.
One American was reported killed in an Iraqi Resistance roadside bombing at 6:30am west of Baghdad in the al-Jihad district Saturday. The
correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam wrote that the bomb went off under a patrol of Humvees and Bradley armored vehicles, disabling one Humvee and
killing the soldier.
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a joint US-Iraqi puppet force foot patrol in al-Yusufiyah south of Baghdad at 8:30am Saturday, leaving three
Americans and one puppet soldier dead, according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a US patrol west of Baghdad with bombs and rocket-propelled grenades under the bridge linking the al- Ghazaliyah area
with al-`Amiriyah at 9:30am Saturday. The attack destroyed one Humvee and a military fuel truck and left eight American troops dead, according to the
local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol consisting of three Humvees in the Abu Ghurayb area south of the village of adh- Dhahab al-Abyad,
25km west of Baghdad. At 4:35pm Saturday, killing five US troops and wounding three others. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that
one Humvee was totally destroyed in the blast and another damaged.
Three Iraqi puppet troops were killed in the az-Za`faraniyah area south of Baghdad on Saturday afternoon when the Resistance ambushed their patrol of
three vehicles � one of them a pickup truck and another a Mitsubishi. The Resistance fired BKCs at the vehicles destroying the Mitsubishi and killing
the three men aboard.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded under a US column of four Humvees in the as-Sayyidiyah area near the al-Walid Military Armament facility in Baghdad
at 6:00pm Saturday. One Humvee was disabled. Local puppet police told the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that three US troops were killed in the
attack and three others wounded.
At 9:30pm Saturday two Americans were killed and three others wounded when the Resistance struck a US patrol with rockets in al- Ghazaliyah west of
Baghdad according to witnesses who spoke to the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam. They said that the Resistance used a rocket-propelled grenade to
destroy one Humvee in the patrol.
At 10:45pm Saturday an Iraqi Resistance attack disabled a US Bradley armored vehicle in the al-A`zamiyah area of Baghdad according to the local
correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam. The Resistance attacked a patrol of three Bradley armored vehicles. The extent of US casualties was unknown.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at least 24 American troops had been killed in two Resistance attacks launched against US troop columns in
ar-Ridwaniyah and Bayji. At 8:00pm Saturday, the Resistance ambushed US armored vehicles on the highway in ar-Ridwaniyah with rocket-propelled
grenades, BKCs, and automatic weapons, destroying four armored vehicles totally. Eye witnesses reported that there were at least 18 American bodies
strewn about, all of them in Marine uniforms. Six other US troops were killed north of Bayji at 5:00pm when the Resistance ambushed troops in the
Makhul area, destroying one military fuel tank truck and two civilian fuel trucks.
Resistance battles US aggressors in Mosul Saturday.
Eyewitnesses in Mosul hospitals reported on Saturday that fierce fighting was raging between US aggressor troops and Iraqi Resistance forces in the
city. The battles raged most intensely in the Tall`afar area northwest of the city. At least 12 Iraqis were martyred and 60 others wounded.
One victim in Tall `Afar Hospital reported hearing explosions and machine gun fire as US helicopters swarmed overhead in the skies. Plumes of smoke
indicated direct hits on vehicles.
Resistance bomb destroys Humvee west of Ba`qubah.
One US Humvee designed for mine sweeping was destroyed Saturday when it struck an Iraqi Resistance land mine on the main public road in the
al-Hashimiyah area west of Ba`qubah. "Several" American troops were admitted to have been wounded in the blast.
Resistance shoots down US helicopter in Mosul.
US military spokesmen admitted that an American helicopter crashed near the northern city of Mosul as fighting heated up in the city between US
aggressor troops and the Iraqi Resistance. The American spokesman admitted that the two pilots of the helicopter, a UH-58 were wounded, but refused to
acknowledge the obvious � that the helicopter had been shot down (an admission that would officially make the injuries that the pilots suffered
"combat casualties" � the number of which Washington is trying by any possible means of deception to minimize.)
Kirkuk car bombing kills 17 at puppet police academy.
At least 17 persons were killed and 20 others wounded in a car bombing after noon on Saturday in Kirkuk, according to Dr. Riyad `Abdallah, Director of
Kirkuk General Hospital. The local puppet police announced that an Iraqi Resistance martyrdom fighter had detonated a car bomb near the local puppet
police academy.
US aggressor troops launched an intensive series of raids on Iraqi homes in Tikrit and the surrounding areas, as well as in the city of ad-Dur on
Friday night. The raids continued into Saturday morning as American invader troops searched in vain for `Izzat Ibrahim ad- Duri, the Iraqi
Vice-President. American aggressor troops raided houses in the districts of ad-Dur, an-Na`imah, and Hamrin, as well as the city of Tikrit. The US
attackers were backed by tanks, and had helicopter cover from the sky, as puppet so-called "national guard" troops served the Americans in their
violent home invasions.
Local eye witnesses reported that the US troops raided many local homes, and also searched through farm fields and government buildings in the area
covered by the raids, but failed to find the Vice-President.
Twelve Iraqi puppet policemen killed in battles with Resistance in al-Latifiyah as US seals off city for major offensive.
Twelve Iraqi puppet policemen were killed and five members of the puppet so-called national guard were wounded on Saturday when US forces and their
Iraqi stooges carried out a large-scale operation against the Resistance in the city of al-Latifiyah, according to a captain in the puppet
intelligence service. The officer, who asked to remain anonymous, claimed that the puppet forces suffered those casualties as they carried out
operations in the area of the al- Mahmudiyah barracks, 25km from al-Latifiyah. He added that the US troops and their stooges had rounded up 200
"suspects" in downtown al-Latifiyah.
The officer said that they had received an order to search the town from puppet prime minister Iyyad `Allawi himself. They were to search for
"weapons and terrorists" in an operation intended to last for one week. He explained that all roads leading to al-Latifiyah had been closed and all
modes of communication with the city shut down to facilitate the invaders' attempt to crackdown on Resistance in the city. He said that it was a
major operation being carried out by the Iraqi puppet forces and their American masters, adding that "a large number of `national guardsmen' and the
puppet police
had come in from Baghdad, al-Hillah, al-Mahmudiyah, al-Iskandariyah, Hasu and al-Musayyib," for the offensive on the city residents.
Three guards of US consulate in al-Basrah reported killed in Resistance bombing.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded on Saturday in al-Basrah killing three US consulate guards and wounding two others. The local correspondent of
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast took place at 6:00pm
Al-`Arab al-Yawm, Amman, Jordan, Sunday 12 September 2004.
Sunday, 12 September 2004.
Resistance attacks pound central Baghdad Sunday.
Iraqi Resistance forces pounded central Baghdad on Sunday with one of their most intense mortar barrages ever, targeting the US occupation
headquarters in the Republican Palace � which the American invaders dubbed "the green zone" � and destroying a US vehicle on a major street.
At least 25 people were killed and more than 100 wounded many of them when a US aggressor helicopter fired at civilian crowds gathered around a
burning US vehicle. One of the dead was a reporter for al-`Arabiyah satellite TV, Mazin at-Tumayzi, who was felled by an explosion from the US
`Al� Hasan, a witness who was wounded by the American helicopter attack told the AP, "We were standing near the destroyed vehicle when the helicopter
started firing, so we rushed to safety in a nearby building. I went back to the scene to help the wounded people when the helicopter fired again and I
was hit in the chest."
Rocket and mortar fire erupted at about 5:30am local time and continued into the morning, according to the American Associated Press (AP). After
sunrise US troops and armored vehicles swarmed into the streets of the city searching for the Resistance attackers.
According to the AP, one Bradley armored vehicle raced down Hayfa Street to the aid of a US patrol and was disabled by a car bomb at 6:50am, according
to the US military. The American propaganda mouthpieces claimed that the four crewmen on the Bradley escaped with only "minor injuries," but then
they came under rocket- propelled grenade and automatic weapons fire.
The local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance attacked a US convoy of 10 Bradley armored vehicles at about 7:00am,
destroying one of them and disabling a second in addition to killing nine US troops. The correspondent reported that the US sent reinforcements �
consisting of 11 additional armored vehicles - right away and that fighting was still raging at 12:19 local time when his report was filed. An SBG-9
was used to destroy the Bradley, the correspondent reported.
Mafkarat al-Islam's correspondent reported that at least 10 US troops were killed on Hayfa Street Sunday when Resistance fighters attacked and
destroyed two US tanks.
Four US helicopters of the Apache and Black Hawk type were at that moment prowling the sky over the area, shooting randomly at people in the streets
and at the residences in the area.
The Americans called in air support and a US Kiowa helicopter appeared and fired on the wrecked armored vehicle in an attempt to prevent the Iraqi
masses from obtaining the weaponry and explosives it contained.
A martyrdom attacker reportedly detonated a car bomb at the gates of Abu Ghurayb concentration camp, the bomber was martyred but the Americans
admitted no other casualties. US invader troops fired at the vehicle before it could reach the gate of the facility.
Ten puppet policemen were killed when a car bomb exploded at the puppet police station west of Baghdad, according to Mafkarat al- Islam at 7:45 Sunday
morning in al-`Amiriyah. Among the ten dead policemen were four high-ranking puppet police officers.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a US column of 10 Bradley armored vehicles with rocket-propelled grenades (RPG-7s) and SPGs on the highway between
the so-called "green zone" and Saddam International Airport. One of the Bradleys was totally destroyed, according to the local correspondent of
Mafkarat al-Islam, and at least five US troops killed.
Resistance forces in ar-Ridwaniyah southwest of Baghdad fired an intense 10-mortar round at the US base at 6:00am Sunday.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the US base at al-Muthanna airfield in Baghdad at 8:00am Sunday, lobbing twelve 82mm mortar rounds into the American
facility. The Resistance, after which sirens wailed within the US compound.
Heavy 120mm mortar shells rained down on Saddam International Airport at 9:00am Sunday morning and black clouds of smoke rose into the sky over the
Seven 120mm mortar shells struck the so-called "green zone" at 10:00am local time setting off warning sirens inside the base.
Earlier, at 8:00am, four powerful Grad rockets also slammed into the "green zone and thick black clouds of smoke rose over the facility.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired five powerful Tariq rockets into the US base in Balad north of Baghdad at 9:15am Sunday morning.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Resistance forces wiped out an entire US column made up of two tanks, one armored personnel carrier, and four Humvees.
The attack took place on al-Ma`rad Street when Resistance forces surrounded the American column and opened fire on it with rocket-propelled grenades,
SBG-9 rockets, and mortars.
Fighting between the Resistance on one side and American forces together with their Iraqi stooges broke out at 1:00pm Sunday in the area of the Ibn
Taymiyah Mosque on the south side of Baghdad. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the fighting left 12 US troops dead and 13
others wounded. One Bradley armored vehicle was disabled and a Humvee totally destroyed.
An Iraqi Resistance barrage on Saddam International airport at 9:00am Sunday set off warning sirens and sent columns of black smoke rising into the
sky. The fires continued to burn inside the airport until after 4:00pm that afternoon. Five powerful Tariq rockets struck the airport causing loud
More than 13 US troops and seven Iraqi puppet soldiers were reported killed in intense fighting that broke out on the highway linking al- `Amiriyah
west of Baghdad with Saddam International Airport at 6:00pm Sunday evening. The Resistance used rocket-propelled grenades and BKCs and set four puppet
police cars ablaze. A Bradley armored vehicle was destroyed along with two Humvees in the Resistance attack according to the correspondent of Mafkarat
al- Islam.
At 4:00pm Iraqi Resistance forces in ar-Ridwaniyah southwest of Baghdad attacked a US column on the highway to al-Fallujah with twelve 120mm mortar
rounds. Ten US troops were killed and five armored transports destroyed
Some fifty 120mm mortar rounds and 10 Katyusha rockets were reported to have been fired into the US camp near ad-Duwayliyah.
Eleven US troops were reported killed along with two Iraqi puppet troops in two attacks on Balad and al-`Amarah. The attack in al- `Amarah, 366km
south of Baghdad, left one armored vehicle destroyed and its driver and two soldiers dead. That attack took place at 5:08pm. Then Resistance forces at
8:00pm attacked a US column of 50 vehicles carrying supplies in Balad with rocket-propelled grenades. Five vehicles were destroyed totally and 10 US
troops killed in that attack.
Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the US base in Balad with five powerful Grad rockets at 8:00pm Sunday night.
The joint-US-Iraqi puppet force base at at-Taji was attacked by Resistance forces at 8:00pm when 25 mortar rounds of 120mm caliber were fired into the
camp resulting in fires.
Iraqi Resistance forces also attacked the military academy in ar- Rustamiyah with a powerful barrage of more than ten 120mm mortar rounds.
One US officer, one enlisted man shot by Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter in al-Fallujah.
Informed Iraqi sources told the al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam on Sunday that Resistance sharpshooters had shot one US officer and one
enlisted man on Sunday morning in the city. The sharpshooter was targeting a US checkpoint under the al-Fallujah bridge at 10:30am.
Resistance downs unarmed US reconnaissance plane over al-Fallujah.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot down an unmanned US reconnaissance aircraft over al-Fallujah at 11:15am local time Sunday according to the local
correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.
Puppet police chief assassinated in al-Yarmuk district of Baghdad.
The puppet police chief in the west Baghdad district of al-Yarmuk was killed on Sunday in an Iraqi Resistance bomb attack while he was patrolling his
district on behalf of the US aggressors. Colonel `Al� Bashir and another puppet police officer died on the spot according to a spokesman for the
puppet so-called interior ministry Colonel `Adnan `Abd ar-Rahman.
US air raids on residences in ash-Shurtah district west of Baghdad.
US aircraft carried out intensive air raids in the ash-Shurtah district west of Baghdad on Sunday according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat
al-Islam. At about 7:45am US Apache helicopters attacked various residential houses.
Fierce fighting at midday in al-Latifiyah.
Fierce fighting broke out at midday Sunday that left 15 US troops and nine Iraqi puppet soldiers dead. In addition, the correspondent of Mafkarat
al-Islam who was covering the battle was wounded.
The battle broke out at 11:30am Sunday and lasted until about 2:00pm in the al-Latiyfiyah area of the city. Resistance forces attacked a US column
consisting of six Abrams tanks six Bradley armored vehicles and two Humvees. The two Humvees were destroyed in the fighting and one of the tanks
Eye witnesses reported that to the correspondent, shortly before a US sniper wounded him in the leg, that American aircraft had been drooping
anti-personnel container bombs at that part of the city from all four directions.
Three puppet troops killed in al-Hillah.
Two powerful Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded simultaneously Sunday on a road near al-Hillah in central Iraq killing at least three members of the
puppet so-called "Iraqi national guard" force recruited and maintained by the Americans. Three other members of the force were seriously wounded in
the Resistance attack according to Polish aggressor spokesmen.
Three Polish invader troops killed.
Three Polish aggressor troops were killed and three others wounded in an Iraqi Resistance attack in the town of al-Hillah Sunday at 4:30pm according
to Reuters, when the Resistance attacked two patrols with rocket-propelled grenades.
Resistance destroys Humvee in ar-Ramadi.
Two people were reported killed in fighting in ar-Ramadi Sunday, according to hospital sources. A Resistance attack left a Humvee ablaze, parts of it
scattered across the street, according to witnesses quoted by the American Associated Press (AP).
Resistance bomb targets US convoy west of ar-Ramadi. US troops shoot at civilians.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded along a road just west of ar- Ramadi as a US military convoy was passing by, witnesses said. They said US troops
opened fire after the attack, wounding several civilians in the area. The Americans refused to disclose their casualty figures.
The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that after a notable upsurge in fighting in ar-Ramadi Resistance fighters on Sunday staged a
large-scale assault on US aggressor troops. The Resistance destroyed six American Humvees, killing 26 soldiers and taking four others prisoner.
Fighting broke out Sunday morning in ar-Ramadi on the 1920-Revolution Street and on Playing Field Street (Shari` al-Mal`ab) in the city.
Resistance raid targets US troops north of Baghdad Sunday morning.
Local eye witnesses told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent that Resistance forces ambushed US troops on the highway between the ash- Shu`lah
district of Baghdad and at-Taji at 8:30am local time. They reported that two US troops were killed in the attack and a third badly wounded and that
one US soldier was killed and two others wounded inside an armored vehicle.
Resistance ambush kills two US troops in al-Yusufiyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces ambushed a US supply convoy on the highway leading to Abu Ghurayb and al-Fallujah in the al-Yusufiyah area south of Baghdad at
8:00am. Rocket-propelled grenades destroyed one fuel tank truck and disabled another in addition to leaving two American soldiers who were guarding
the convoy dead.
Eight American Marines reported killed and an Apache helicopter shot down in al-Yusufiyah.
Iraqi Resistance forces shot down an Apache helicopter in al- Yusufiyah around midday Sunday according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat
al-Islam. Eyewitnesses reported that the downing occurred during battles that raged from around 2:00pm until about 3:30. Eight US Marines were
reported killed by the witnesses, who said that two Resistance fighters were martyred and four others wounded. The battles, in which rocket-propelled
grenades, BKCs and FFBJ-9s were used left an amphibio