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Originally posted by Getsmart
it appears to be a CABAL of Mystery Religion Satanists which penetrated Royal Bloodlines, the above normal lodge levels of Freemasonry
Originally posted by KSigMason
"Above normal"? LOL
"The rank and file Masonic membership are taught to live moral, upright, honest and chaste lives while the hierarchy practices the dark arts and the Black Mass in secrecy and obscurity - and thus they are able to deceive the people into a false sense of security and loyalty.
Red Ice Report on Luciferians
Originally posted by Getsmart
Presidents and Boards of Directors of many major Universities, they have not done so openly, but from BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, using leverage through masonic organizations.
Originally posted by KSigMason
Then how do you know about it? Could you cite examples?
"Youth is a time of idealism. Young people are a force for transformation. These are timeless qualities. But today’s younger generation has a new advantage. You have the Internet. As a child, when I first saw a television, I put my hand on the screen because I was fascinated. Now, when my granddaughter sees a TV, she puts her hand on the screen because she expects it to respond to her commands."
Ban Ki-moon keynote address to the Global Colloquium of University Presidents at Columbia University
Colloquium Agenda The Colloquium sessions on Tuesday, April 3 are open only to the Colloquium participants and will include presentations by Columbia University faculty and representatives from the United Nations. The university presidents will discuss the global impact of the youth population surge and the responsibility of universities in meeting educational needs and creating opportunities for the largest generation of young people the world has ever known. Together they will determine an outline of higher education objectives and action steps towards building a positive future for youth.
Simultaneously, the faculty experts from each participating university will discuss the United Nations’ Youth 21 initiative and long term goals to build multiple platforms that address the youth situation in the world, their struggle for democracy and basic needs. The Colloquium will produce a final report that includes the background paper, memoranda prepared by each president and faculty expert in response to the background paper, and recommendations and specific proposed outcomes, agreed upon by the Colloquium participants.
The Global Colloquium of University Presidents is convened by the presidents of the five sponsoring institutions -- Lee C. Bollinger (Columbia University), Amy Gutmann (University of Pennsylvania), Richard Levin (Yale University), John Sexton (New York University), and Shirley Tilghman (Princeton University) -- on behalf of and with the participation of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Additionally, Michael Doyle, PhD, Harold Brown Professor of U.S. Foreign and Security Policy within the School of International and Public Affairs, the Department of Political Science, and the Law School, and Kenneth Prewitt, PhD, Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs and the Vice-President for Global Centers, are serving as President Bollinger’s academic counsel in the Colloquium planning. They have prepared a background research paper on "21st Century Youth in the Developing World" which provides a framework and starting point for the conversations among the Colloquium participants.
« Sciences-Po is a monarchy, or a Sultanat system, nothing can be done without its director's approval », analyses a higher up in the institution, in earlier days higher up in the court than he is today. « There is no counter-power », adds another... Powerless board members and directors simply filling their seat, according to a former member of the Board of Directors: « They are Yes Men, crawling on their bellies. »
Then another one adds, « the system is authoritarian, autocratic. The relationships are vertical and the only link between everyone and is the clientelist system ». What does that mean ? « One must stimulate the desire of the Director. Knowing how to stick your head into his office and say: "Richard, can I see you ?" » To understand Sciences-Po, « the best metaphor, is the Court of Louis XIV », explains a University Professor, who left IEP disabused and wounded, from his current prestigious position overseas: « One must gravitate in the antechambers. You are always in a position of having to solicit. » And « if you cease to please, sighs another, you lose your advantages. » Because « the Capitol and the Tarpean Rock are nearby, insists a fourth, it is a form of government by uncertainty ».
Sciences-Po: Welcome to the Court of King Richard !
« It is a very economical model to have replacement teachers, payed by the hour, at a low wage, explains Nadia Marik, Director of Strategy and Development, if all of the hours taught at Sciences-Po were by salaried professors, this would multiply the cost by five. »
Sciences-Po: Welcome to the Court of King Richard !
SOURCE: Gay Hook-Up Connection Emerges In Bizarre NYC Death Of Esteemed French Prof
Richard Descoings, 53, director of the prestigious Paris Institute of Political Studies—and a friend of French President Nicolas Sarkozy—was “really into men,” his widow told cops, according to the sources.
Nadia Marik-Descoings flew in from France yesterday and told cops she was aware of her husband’s homosexual interests “before she met and married him,” the sources added.
SOURCE: The Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group: The Professional Associations planning the policies of the G8
The organizations which contribute to deciding the International Agenda and its political orientatinos are of a diverse nature: diplomatic and strategic think tanks, scientific and technical research orientation offices, political influence networks, mafias, intelligence agencies, banks, legal and fiduciary experts.
Among these, the very influential " professional associations » such as the Trialteral Commission (Cetri, 1979) and the Bilderberg Group labor so that neo-libéralisme remains the dominant and hegemonic ideology. According to Marc Raoul Jennar, these two lobbies are the real architects of Neo-Liberal Globalization (Jennar, 2005).
SOURCE: Death of Richard Descoings; His colleagues Don't Believe it was Suicide
On the eve of the conference to which the Director of Science Po was to participate in in New York, Mamadou Diouf, the Director of the Institute of African Studies at Columbia University dined with him. He said he found him "enthused to be here".
One week earlier, the same conclusion. A university colleague remembers having crossed paths with him often at the Board of Directors of the Higher Research and Teaching Pole (PRES) of the Sorbonne Paris Cité, of which Richard Descoings was made Executive Director. He observed:
People are complicated, and one can have a serious bout of depression. But in this instance, he was explaining the five year strategy of the PRES and the relations he sought to establish with Sciences-Po. He didn't seem upset in the least".
According to this witness, the problems encountered these last months by the Director of the Insitute located rue Saint-Guillaume in Paris – a polemic about the general working conditions of the lesser personnel last summer, on his salary and the bonuses given to ten members of the Executive Board after revelations by Mediapart in December, over the suppression of the test of general culture in January- made him "more combative than anything else".
I have known him in more difficult situations. The nomination of Nadia Marik to the position of Joint Director and then his marriage to her, or the opposition of the UNEF teachers union which threatened to block Sciences Po during the implementation of the Priority Education Zones (ZEP), it was a lot tougher!"
SOURCE: Sciences-Po: Welcome to the Court of King Richard !
« Around Richard, there was a small circle, a bit like in the Prince's Court », remembers a former director. How far could the metaphor go? « He is Louis XIV, he even has is own Mme de Maintenon » says a former Chairman. To everyone's surprise, the Director of Sciences Po married in May 2004 his Joint Director, in charge of external relations and partnerships.
Former Director of Development of the advertising agency RSCG, then General Manager of TWA, today age 52, she pilots the private financing of Sciences-Po: fundraising, sponsorship, financial grants. Starting at Sciences Po as Administrative Manager of the curriculum preparing for ENA after herself having studied at the High Administration School - coming out to serve at the Administrative Court - she climbed the rungs of the ladder of the IEP. Fires under her first married name, Nadia Granier-Deferre, then under her maiden name, Nadia Marik. Last July 14th, she became Knight of the Legion of Honor.
This marriage, « at the beginning, we didn't believe it, it was just rumors », says a former staff delegate. And one day, during a New Year's staff party with the employees, relays a former manager of Sciences Po, Richard Descoings « announces to us that he has found love,and that he is going to marry Nadia Marik, that they both thought about it and that it didn't bother them. People applauded. It was unbelievable! I was in disbelief and said so out loud... those around me looked at me as though I was blasphemous ».
A couple directing the IEP ? « It sucks », murmurs a former close associate. A former high level director adds: « it is an aberration that in a top school which purports to be a model for the Republic ». A professor protests: « When you marry your associate.... she can no longer remain your associate! In the public sector, one must not mix nepotism with the institution ».
Nadia Marik does not appreciate the issue: « Look around you ! Look at companies, small and medium size ones, in little businesses, in public service. How many people work as a couple on the job market ? » Perhaps the risk of conflict of interest, and a confusion of roles ? « But in what instance could there be a conflict of interest if one works for the same objective ? », thunders Nadia Marik.
But the criticism doesn't stop at the matrimonial tie uniting the Director to one of his staff members. In their social circle, many staff members left since Nadia Marik's arrival to the directorship of Sciences Po in 2002. Some were directly fired by her. Others left after experiencing tumultuous relationships with her. One former administrative staff member recalls a meeting where « when the staff members protested, she told them: "Shut-up, or else you'll be next" ». A few months after getting fired, a staff member has lunch with his former colleagues, not far from Saint-Guillaume street. « Nadia Marik threw a fit telling us it wasn't possible to to that », relays one of those at that lunch.
« Richard thought he was hot stuff, analyses a former exective director, he changed. He became impermeable to criticism. From that moment on, as soon as somebody didn't fit in, they were ousted ». According to certain former collaborators, this isolation of the director was reinforced in contact with his spouse. « Everything goes through her. She blocks everything. Just like an attack dog ». Richard Descoings liked to brag : « Nobody is laid off for economic reasons at Sciences Po ». Then on what basis does one take leave of one's collaborators? Under the seal of confidentiality, a former close lieutenant spoke of his firing, some years ago: « Richard told me : "In one year I will tell you why". He never told me. It disappointed me. I was always getting cussed out by Nadia ».
Nobody dares ask the question directly at Sciences-Po. Criticisms are murmured, with disarray, far from Saint Guillaume street. According to a former director: « Sciences-Po, it is very codified. There is a lot of innuendo about people and projects.There are things which are not said but which one must understand. It is the rule of understatement ».
The director, staff and students of the Ecole nationale d'administration learned with great emotion the death of Richard Descoings, of the Ecole from 1983 to 1985 (Promotion "Leonardo").
They wish to express their deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. They will fully involve the homage rendered to him to salute the extraordinary journey of a man who devoted his considerable talents and his great capacity for innovation in the field of training, be it education secondary or higher education.
In its action at Sciences Po, it has profoundly changed, he remained strongly committed to training future servants of the State, stating its desire to diversify their profiles.
Richard Descoings has led many students to the school, he always brought values and contributed to their radiation.
SOURCE: UN Secretary General's Millennium Development Goals Advocacy Group
A pioneer in the innovative financing movement, Philippe Douste-Blazy is currently Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General on Innovative Finance for Development, with the rank of Under-Secretary-General.
SOURCE: The Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group: The Professional Associations planning the policies of the G8
David Rockefeller is the main founder of the Bilderberg group, then of the Trilateral Commission and of the Council on Foreign Relations (Geuens, 2003 : 30). He declared to Newsweek international, that something must replace governments, and that private power seems to be the adequate entity to do so (Rockefeller, 1999). This same individual had declared, eight years earlier, before the Trilateral Commission: "The supranational sovereignty of an Intellectual and Banking Elite is preferable to the principle of self-determination of peoples" (Jennar, 2005 : 17). In fact, these are considered by certain elites, such as certain experts of European governance as ignorant, emotive and versatile, as is reported by Hermet (2003 : 16). It is therefore, to avoid them making mistakes harming the people's own interest, that the elites propose to erect Governance, by only the experts and the economic and political elites.
Certain Frenchmen have been invited to the meetings of the Trilateral Commission: Michel Barnier (former Minister, Vice-President of Merieux pharmaceuticals); Professor Albert Bressand; Henri de Castre (CEO of the Insurance Group AXA); Bertrand Collomb (CEO of Lafarge cement); Richard Descoing (Director of the Institute of Political Science in Paris); Patrick Devedjian (Congressman); Yves de Kerdrel (editorialist in the Figaro newspaper); Anne Lauvergeon (CEO of the Nuclear Energy Group Areva); Thierry de Montbrial (President of IFRI: French Institute of International Relations); François Pinault (Chariman of the Artemis Group) and Olivier Roy (Orientalist) (Geuens, 2003)
The planet's backward movement -- which began yesterday and will continue to do so until April 4 -- is notorious for screwing up anything involving technology, communication, transportation, and legal matters and drudging up problems (or people) from the past you thought were gone for good.
The first president to be assassinated, Abraham Lincoln, was sworn into office two days before a Mercury Retrograde began. Apparently, that was close enough; he was assassinated in April 1865.
President James Garfield was sworn in during a Mercury Retrograde, and was shot four months later, on July 2, 1881; he died of his wounds on September 19, 1881.
President William McKinley's second term began during a Mercury Retrograde; he was assassinated six months later on September 14, 1881.
President Kennedy was elected during a Mercury Retrograde, and was assassinated on November 22, 1963. (His brother, Robert Kennedy, a presidential candidate, was assassinated one day before the start of a Mercury Retrograde, on June 5 1968.)
(The Mercury Retrograde phenomena is also seen in presidents who survived assassination attempts)
Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by someotherguy
I understand that you interpret this as being an internal battle where like RATS IN THE SACK the Illuminati tear one another to shreds?
Contrary to what teachers have told you...Gravity is not a FORCE but rather Space/Time Geometry. Split Infinity
Link to source post
Source: DNA Deep Throat and Zana
I agree with your conclusions [that humans are genetically engineered] and will give you a few hints, if you wish [speaking] as a “DNA Deep Throat.” First, look up the huge discontinuities between humans and the various apes for: (1) Whole mitochondrial DNA; (2) genes for the Rh Factor; (3) and human Y chromosomes, among others.
Regarding #3, I refer you to K.D. Smith’s 1987 study titled “Repeated DNA sequences of the human Y chromosome.” It says “Most human Y chromosome sequences thus far examined do not have homologues [same relative position or structure] on the Y chromosomes of other primates.” Human female X chromosomes do look somewhat apelike, but not the male’s Y.
This means that if humans are a crossbred species, the cross had to be between a female ape-like creature [i.e, “creature of Earth”] and a male being from elsewhere.
Originally posted by Getsmart
their agenda is - namely creating a subrace of dumbed down slaves, and a super race of dominant elites with every genetic advantage to ensure their lasting dominance and superiority.
His legacy has lived on and his Enochian magic has evolved, in the late 1800’s it was at the heart of the Order of the Golden Dawn’s teachings and appears in all their initiation ceremonies and rituals.
Because the earth has been hijacked by a race of diabolical beings,who are ruled and controlled by their sinister overlord we think of as lucifer.The human race is dominated by their materialistic ideals and has been posessed by their malevolent intentions.Our royal bloodline elite world leaders are working in unison with those nefarious entities and are implicitly involved in perpetuating their evil agendas...
Originally posted by Getsmart
There we have an example of how much of our Reality Paradigm is tampered with by the Scientific Overlords who decide what is valid science and what should be conveyed to the public through education and media.
“We know who the active denialists [sic] are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to bear the cost of rising food prices,” writes [Steve] Zwick...”