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Luciferians control our Reality Matrix by presiding over Scientific Orthodoxy

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posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

I feel you need to be reminded of the beast on a regular basis. You are obsessed with satan and lucifer, and anything perceived as evil.

Here, it may or may not be evil, but it F'n rocks.

Have a super day.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Have you ever been to the Detroit Masonic Temple? Where are you getting that this structure follows those dimensions? To get the dimensions that you spoke of there must be proof of the the existence of the sacrificial alter. I mean you wrote "which means that the sacrificial alter must be exactly 8.5 feet below ground level in a cellar used for rituals" and thus you are asserting a strong belief, not a known one.

Yes, the Detroit Temple is said to have been designed by George Mason. L'Enfant is not confirmed to have been a Mason, but it should be noted that, even if he was, he was fired by Washington. Bannacker and Ellicot (both non-Masons) took up the job and had to reassemble the design since L'Enfant absconded with them on his departure back to Europe. It should also be noted that L'Enfant was only designing the set-up, street design of the city, not each and every building within the Capital.

How is "6666" relevant? I thought it was only 3 "6's" that marked the Anti-Christ or does the 4th one make it a super Anti-Christ. From the sounds of it, you need to really step away from the fanatical websites and take a breath of fresh air.

Well, as you previously converted the feet to inches, then 666.6 (again, what is the significance of 4 "6's") you would have 7999.2, not a Satanic number so you can quit worrying. My point is, stick to a standard.

Obelisks are phallic (penis) symbols related to the Egyptian Sun god, Ra.

You fundamentalists are really obsessed with seeing dicks everywhere. Projection anyone?

The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south)

Heaven help us all. Those bastards.

The owl is representative of the mythical goddess, Lilith.

The owl is also a symbol of wisdom. I've loved the owls and they are a fascinating creature.

The street design in Washington, D.C., has been laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries.

You can also spell out "JESUS" in the street design.

George Washington (a 33° Freemason) selected French Freemason Pierre Charles L’Enfant to design the city’s layout in Washington D.C.

Actually George never joined the Scottish Rite, and if he had the highest level he could attain in the Scottish Rite in his day would have been the 25°. The newly formed Supreme Council of the AASR didn't announce the creation of the 33° system until May 31, 1801, and Washington died on December 14, 1799.

Such immoral occult influences are prevalent in rock music, feminism, and even in Walt Disney movies, such as The CHRONICLES of NARNIA.

Hmmmm...and I thought the Narnia series was full of Judeo-Christian lore and symbolism.

In his book, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital, pagan David Ovason states that there are...

"zodiacs in the city, and at least 1,000 zodiacal and planetary symbols..."

Who cares? Did God not create the stars and the moons, and all heavenly bodies to which we should study and adore? Or should we as many fundamentalist Christians do and remain ignorant?

Yeah, I'm not going any further down that site as its just getting desperately stupid on their part to demonize this group. Most who condemn us only do so for a lack of control of us. We do not give into their fanatical tyranny and thus our liberty and freedom driven mind is a threat to the power base they attempt to control

Lower Freemasons? A sign of desperation.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

The possibility that we stem from the Templars is a weak and romanticized argument. I wish we could honestly prove 100% that we are descended from them, but most theories have been easily debunked, but like many myths and hoaxes, they are still used to this day. Plus most of the charges against the Templars were the same ones Phillip had pushed against a previous Pope. It is well known and documented that the confessions were born of cruel tortures and interrogations. The Pope could not find any truth to any of the charges of blasphemy, sodomy, and so on, but did dissolve them nonetheless. You should research the Chinon Parchment. King Phillip was a bully who was in debt to the Templars and as a spoiled king saw the land mass of the Templars as a threat to his perceived God-given right.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:07 PM
Returning more ON TOPIC FOCUS

There is some "potential news" in the form of intelligence leaks about at least a faction of the Luciferian Conspiracy to dominate Scientific Fields being possibly taken down by none other than the Pentagon?

What is relevant to our discussion, if this does in fact turn out to be true and not just wishful thinking, is that in addition to Microsoft and Monsanto, the purge of Satanic secret society members will take place in various other institutions, and that beyond banks and corporations will also target Luciferians inside professional institutions such as the American Medical Association capitalizing on and containing treatment rather than extending them, the American Dental Association promoting fluoridation's deliterious impact on the brain, the Psychological and Psychiatric Associations disorienting population's understanding of their own percepts and their significance while drugging a large proportion of American children through the school system, the American Bar Association promoting injustice and manoeuvering through precendence and legal circumvention of justice, Chambers of Commerce which assist or curtail enterprise according to partisanship, and the tremendous contamination of the entire Washington D.C. networks of influence.

Mentioned more specifically are Pharmaceutical and Chemical companies which advance the agenda of poisoning through medication and through chemical agents in household products and many other uses all the way to chemtrails, genetic subversion by firms such as Monsanto which uses armadas of compartimentalized scientists, with little if any visibility on the final uses of their research, to weaponize food and agriculture, or Microsoft which not only purposely provides buggy software to penetrate users' computers by updates while enslaving them to their unjustifiably costly product upgrades, but also uses back doors to spy upon them and funnels most of its profits into vaccine programs which poison target populations in the third world for depopulation purposes.

It is about time that the Luciferians met their maker, the time is more than overdue. Let us pray that this isn't just a false hope, and if it proves to be then it points out only too clearly that it is up to us to MAKE THE DIFFERENCE !


posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:20 PM

edit on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 16:22:23 -0500 by MemoryShock because: Doublle Post.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Thank you for getting this topic back where it belongs...excellent post and right on point. Obfuscation of reality and intentional misrepresentation under the pretense of scientific/authoritative credibility for the purpose of profit and public control IS the topic regardless of whether or not you're a Mason or whatever.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
It is about time that the Luciferians met their maker...

Being that you claimed to have already done this can you give some pointers to the other Luciferians for when they run into him?

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:27 PM
So is nothing attached to the Luciferian doctrine? Is modern science to you just pure evil? Would you have us go back to thinking the world is flat? Using shaman and herbs to be healed? I haven't had a good bleeding in a while so let me go get some leeches.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason
Using shaman and herbs to be healed? I haven't had a good bleeding in a while so let me go get some leeches.

All this talk of sorcery, you sound like you weigh as much as a duck, and therefore.......

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by KSigMason
Using shaman and herbs to be healed? I haven't had a good bleeding in a while so let me go get some leeches.

All this talk of sorcery, you sound like you weigh as much as a duck, and therefore.......


posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason
So is nothing attached to the Luciferian doctrine? Is modern science to you just pure evil? Would you have us go back to thinking the world is flat? Using shaman and herbs to be healed? I haven't had a good bleeding in a while so let me go get some leeches.

Good Science is valid. Poor bull # science with truncated scientific methods passed into law/acceptance/public distribution by nothing more than ideological whimsey and government bribes is not.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

But who would be the one who decided what was # science and what wasn't?

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by KSigMason wouldn't be one person to begin with. And I was hoping that you would call me further out then just a mere semantical volley...

This is exactly what the thread is referencing. The use of misleading scientific interpretation to sell an additive (in this case) into a variety of human products despite reports/research showcasing detrimental human effects. Aspartame is not the only example of this.

edit on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 18:21:14 -0500 by MemoryShock because: Grammar.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by KSigMason
"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not,but are the synagogue of Satan"...Revelation 2:9

Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C. >

edit on 22-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by blocula

That website is a bull# site.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by blocula

That website is a bull# site.
If thats the way you've decided to think about it and the way you've chosen to look at it,then thats how you'll see it,no matter what anyone else says or shows you,but,the truth is the truth and satanic evil is hiding in plain sight all over washington,dc...
edit on 23-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

Thank you for getting this topic back where it belongs...excellent post and right on point. Obfuscation of reality and intentional misrepresentation under the pretense of scientific/authoritative credibility for the purpose of profit and public control IS the topic regardless of whether or not you're a Mason or whatever.

Good Science is valid. Poor bull # science with truncated scientific methods passed into law/acceptance/public distribution by nothing more than ideological whimsey and government bribes is not.

Actually, the comment of "whether or not you're a Mason or whatever" is only valid if one isn't a top tier Mason involved in Satanist pagan religion, Conjuring Demons or summoning Bloodthirsty Gods such as Moloch, summoned under his nickname "Owl of Bohemia" by the Satanist High Priest at Bohemian Grove.

To quote him at the beginning of his Ritual rhetoric at minute 0:30 in the above video, the High Priest dressed in the Babylonian headdress of a Pope, speaks to his "God", and he states:

"Owl of Bohemia, we beseech thee (beg urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat), grant us thy Counsel !"

These are not just a few bewildered onlookers, they are an audience of the West Coast industrial elite who invite a Who's Who of the United States political and economic establishment as well as many foreign dignitaries. For there is indeed a loosely knit NETWORK OF SATANIST GROUPS who congregate in different Ritual Sacrifice ceremonies and plot together to gain personal benefits and to advance their agendas.

It appears that in addition to Alex Jones' analysis of the Bohemian Grove Rituals integrating elements of Freemasonry and ancient Druid cults, it also appears to have adopted the Knight Templar's interest in Sodomy, possibly in conjunction with Sex Magick?

"You remember Aleister Crowley. He was a 33rd degree Mason. I talked to Bill Schnoebelen one time and asked him, “Where did the Masons get the sodomy?” and he said, “It came by Aleister Crowley from black magic Hinduism.” Well, that isn’t the only place it came from."

Aleister Crowley Satanism

If one follows the link from the above source, it leads to the following explanation of the Satanist Black Magick Ritual purpose of Sodomy used in conjuring Demons during Sex Magick:

E: "What is it about sodomy that does that?"

M: "It attacks the nerves at the base of the spine and causes something neurological to happen within the brain. It also has a spiritual, demonic component to it that affects the person’s mind in a way that nothing else will, as near as I can tell. In other words, I would state it this way: for a person to be able to develop multiple personalities, they would have to be sodomized between two and four."

E: "For all multiple personality disorders?"

M: "As far as I know. It’s not commonly told this way because sodomy puts in a deaf and dumb spirit and causes memory loss so that some people may remember occult rituals but won’t remember the sodomy. But sodomy is the foundation of the whole thing. It is called “the key of David” by the Rothschild Illuminati."

Sodomy is the Key

Respective to the Rothschild Illuminati, I refer to your post blocula:

Originally posted by blocula

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not,but are the synagogue of Satan"...Revelation 2:9

For those considered to be Jews at the helm of financial institutions or other branches of control are what the Bible OUTED as members of Secret Satanist Societies masquerading as Jews. It matters not what their ethnic group might be, what is important is that they are NOT Jews with respect to observing the Torah or valid determinants of a legitimate Jewish heritage.

No, they are instead members of Satanist Mystery Religion with various origins including the Kabbalah. If this were just another "neutral" belief system whereby they simply worship some deity or deities, who cares? If they were against whatever we believe in, who cares? If they simply go about their business with rites and rituals we deem to be silly, who cares?

But they ARE NOT NEUTRAL with respect to other members of society. Babies are used in human sacrifice where they are tortured to death and their blood is drunk by attendees of the rituals. Young children are also fair game before the age of five, after which time the Mind's Eye cannot be "wedged open" by Sodomy. This casts "LIGHT" on exactly what process is used in reaching ILLUMINATI "Illumination"!

E: "When you say Rothschild Illuminati, you’re not talking about just the Rothschild family?"

M: "No, I’m talking about all of the occult people all over the world. This goes back to Nimrod. This is the Egyptian initiation of the child to open the third eye."

E: "Are you saying that back in Egypt in 3000 B.C.E., when the priesthood was at its peak, they were using sodomy for their initiations?"

M: "As far as I know, sodomy is always used in the occult going clear back before the Flood. Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the child. I don’t believe anybody can become fully illuminated unless they have been sodomized at around three years of age. If they wait to touch that person until they’re ten, twelve, fifteen years old, they will never be fully illuminated because you can’t open the third eye after about five or six years of age."

Confirmation of Satanist Sodomy is found at various other sources and can be read about here:

"Crowley was very fond of demons and sought them out on many occasions. One technique Crowley used to accomplish this was to sodomize a fellow magician, either man or woman, and then eat the semen or feces after the act took place. Crowley believed that sodomy attracted demons, and by eating these vile things (in a sort of mock communion) he could bring the demons inside himself and gain their powers and knowledge."

Who was Aleister Crowley?

It is said in Crowley's Satanic teachings that sacrificing a child during ritual black magick sodomy heightens one's power. Aleister Crowley boasted that he had sacrificed his own son during such a ritual. Devotion to power and possession by demonic entities is all part of Satanism. Abandoning one's cares, relinquishing one's moral CONSCIENCE to dark powers in ceremonies such as Bohemian Grove's CREMATION OF CARE is tantamount to what we might call "Surrendering your Soul" to Satan. This aspect of ritual magick also brings light to what goes on behind the many Washington sex scandals? I venture that they are NOT GAY but iinstead practice sodomy for occult purposes.

Originally posted by blocula

Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C. >

...the truth is the truth and satanic evil is hiding in plain sight all over washington,dc...

That Congressional Owl means something, which one can hardly call "Wisdom"?

D.C. Sex Scandals

Luciferian groups have "INFILTRATED" Washington D.C. from its very establishment to the present day, to the extent of their current overriding dominance over just about every aspect of public affairs in the United States of America, this is the very reason for which it was clearly stated in the above "White Hats" video that Patriots seeking to save their nation would be taking out Luciferians throughout the Washington D.C. Beltline.

And this with just cause, as many involved in the administration of the nation are under the influence of these selfsame Satanist groups of dangerous predators.

It is not simply a coincidence that the US Capitol was built on a graphic rendering of an Owl representing the Babylonian God MOLOCH, to which innocent victims are sacrificed. Just as it is no coincidence that the Global Elite meet up in homosexual orgies, croaking like toads whilst humans are (mock?) sacrificed to the satanic Owl at Bohemian Grove?

So I advance that the Owl pattern etched into the street architecture directly at the exact site of the United States Capitol building in Washington D.C. is not a symbol of wisdom, but indeed that of a Secret Society cult of those who operate like NIGHT PREDATORS which is in fact the real salient feature of Owls. And we know what sort of heinous mischief they are up to.


edit on 23-3-2012 by Getsmart because: Satanists have infiltrated Government AND Science!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by blocula

If they provided the information in a logical and factual manner, I probably would have responded kinder, but it is a fundamentalist site full of information that is easily debunked.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Good videos you have posted i'v seen alot of them before but very telling, it seems in particular the neo-cons from the Republican party engage more into this stuff across the board then the others, however let's not detract that alot of our elected officials are indeed very corrupt which should come to the surprise of really no one.....

I like how in the video when the dude is talking to Newt Gingrich and he mentions the cremation of care ceremony
Newt acts like it's not real,..hey Newt news flash we know it happens we have tape of it remember???
edit on 23-3-2012 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by King Seesar

I like how in the video when the dude is talking to Newt Gingrich and he mentions the cremation of care ceremony
Newt acts like it's not real,..hey Newt news flash we know it happens we have tape of it remember???

Hi King Seesar,

Thanks for the head's up, this is indeed a very touchy and extremely messy business. It is as if we had discovered some back woods village where the locals met in a barn and ate babies... except this kind of unimaginably sick behavior is going on smack in the middle of the USA's and Europe's Power Elite! I wouldn't have believed it had I not grown up in those circles and had many glimpses behind the scenes - each time one thinks it is just "that family" or a few people here and there, but then over time one comes to notice that it is a widespread trend. What exactly is this societal phenomenon? Unfortunately, and I REALLY DO HOPE that somebody here will be able to convince me that my Hypothesis is wrong - it appears to be a CABAL of Mystery Religion Satanists which penetrated Royal Bloodlines, the above normal lodge levels of Freemasonry, the Illuminati Network of Secret Societies, most Intelligence Agencies, many branches and administrations of the US and G-20 Governments, the European Commission, the Washington D.C. Beltway of power brokers, very many International Banks and most Fortune 500 Corporations.

Yet, this was added as background information because the purpose of this thread is NOT to out that Cabal in general, but to bring to public attention that much of what we deem to be certainty, factual reality and what our world is all about MAY HAVE BEEN TAMPERED WITH. Please note that I am saying very clearly that this is a POSSIBILITY, obviously many aspects of our Reality are not subject to manipulation, however how it all fits together and functions can easily be purposely interpreted, distorted, falsified and even blatantly lied about. Whenever this comes from large well-known Institutions, the general public tends to think that is MUST be valid, and suspends their disbelief to agree that "of course" this is what is going on and what it is all about. However, often nothing could be further from the truth. Here are but a few examples:


Under the umbrella of a Luciferian organization called the United Nations, constituted by an overwhelming majority of Rockefeller cronies albeit from many different nationalities, many of whom are active members of his Council on Foreign Relations, the Global Warming agenda was thrust upon the planet as a proven scientific fact when nothing could be further from the truth. It took many lawsuits by Scientists whose names had been used against their will, in supporting evidence of Global Warming when they had stated the exact opposite, for this FALSEHOOD to run out of steam as its credibility had been tarnished. They ought to have ensured that ALL Scientists quoted were of the Cabal and found a way of excluding whatever Scientists remaining independent of their Luciferian network be kept quiet?

What LUCIFERIAN AGENDA was this "Twist of our Reality Matrix" posited to accomplish?

Simply to launch a GLOBAL PONZI SCHEME using a new Multi Trillion Dollar trading commodity, exotic Climate Derivatives called CARBON FUTURES.

There were indeed plans only a few years ago to open a Europe-based GLOBAL CLIMATE EXCHANGE in Copenhagen, Denmark which would have assumed a role similar to New York's NASDAQ Stock Market Exchange. This LUCIFERIAN project associating BANKSTERS and Criminal Politicians "tanked" when vehemently opposed by much of the independent Scientific Community. For while the Luciferians control many of the LEVERS of the Scientific Establishment such as the main Science Publications and their Peer Review Committees, Scientific Associations and similar umbrella associations, Presidents and Boards of Directors of many major Universities, they have not done so openly, but from BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, using leverage through masonic organizations.

Carbon Offset Futures Tank After Copenhagen Fiasco

"Rep. Joe Barton raises a specific question on point of CO2's claimed effects on the ocean and its biological life. Dr. Craig Idso who claims that real world observation points to a bloom in coral life under elevated temperature & atmospheric CO2 levels. Barton estimates that 7 billion metric tons of manmade carbon per year would price at $700 billion dollars at a rate of $100 / per metric ton."

There is, of course once again by coincidence, a LUCIFERIAN nickname for the Global Carbon Trading Scheme spearheaded by David BLOOD & Al GORE - is none other than the following:

Blood And Gore – The Nickname For Al Gore’s Carbon Trading Firm That Is Poised To Make Billions Of Dollars From Carbon Credits

Coincidental Hypothesis pertaining to Al Gore's alleged Luciferian "Blood Lust"

Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline (ephinephrine, norepinephrine)... Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone, a derivative of adrenochrome, is marketed in some countries for the prevention of certain types of bleeding.

Why is Al Gore still walking about a Free Man? Because he is part of a GLOBAL LUCIFERIAN CABAL !


""Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity," said Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from Harvard Medical School."

" - "It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis." As explained by Dr. Russell Blaylock in a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, vaccines not only do not work as advertised, but they actually damage the body's innate immunity."

"Rather than teach the body how to respond to infections, vaccines actually inhibit the immune system's ability to produce TH2-type cytokines, and suppress cellular immunity, which is how the body protects itself against deadly viruses and bacteria. So once again, the myth that vaccinations serve any sort of legitimate medical purpose has been deconstructed by breakthrough science. Regardless of whether or not the mainstream medical community wants to admit it, pro-vaccine ideology is increasingly finding itself in the dustheap of outmoded pseudoscience."

Bedrock of Vaccination Theory Crumbles as Science Reveals Antibodies Not Necessary to Fight Viruses

What LUCIFERIAN AGENDA was this "Twist" to our Reality Matrix posited to accomplish?


Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase And Goldman Sachs to Vaccination Contaminations

Proud of his ability to kill off One Billion just by himself!

Why is Bill Gates still walking about a Free Man? Because he is part of a GLOBAL LUCIFERIAN CABAL !


edit on 1-4-2012 by Getsmart because: Scientists Worldwide must Fight Back for TRUE SCIENCE !

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