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Huge Mistakes Being Made By OWS

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posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

How many ideologies from fringe groups can you pack into that
All Progressives and Obama backers by the way. What do those parts have to do with anything meaningful for change? They don't, it's just the same radicals who try to take over all protests. I suspect many of those come from those who want violence.

You seem to have simply listed any cause you can find on ATS. I'm sure people will listen to that
Gave me a headache just reading the list of items that have nothing at all to do with the economy, jobs, fixing Wall Street or putting people back to work. We know the fringe tries to take over everything.

You in Code Pink?

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

This is a movement of people from all walks of like and to dare say we are an Obama or left leaning group is flat out and dead wrong.


You are not a billionaire or a trillionaire so to the people you are sitting here defending do not give a toss for you, your family, your friends or anyone you know. They see you as collateral damage. They own you and by refusing to join up means you've already surrendered your Constitutional rights to The SCUM! To them you are their slave. More then 150,000,000 Americans stand united with this group and the numbers grow by the hour.

No other movement in recent memory has ever been this large. This movement has totally eclipsed that of The Tea Party, The 9/11 Truth Movement, The Anti 43 Rallies, The Vietnam protests combined. This is the largest protest since the Civil Rights Era. Every single time one of our camps is attacked our numbers grow, every report of police brutality this movement grows. Day or week long campouts have occurred in the past but none had the impact nor reach of this one.

Unless it comes from Occupy Together, Occupy Everything, #Occupy Wall Street, NYC General Assembly or any of the countless official "Occupy" family of sites it does not speak for this movement and the movement will not endorse any site outside of our family of sites. Got it? Adbusters does not speak for us, Tides does not speak for us, no union speaks for us, The American Socialist Party does not speak for us, The Communist Party does not speak for us neither does any group you dream up of tomorrow! We speak for ourselves!

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by daskakik

I understand that there are many messages and that in the polls of the actual protestors one third are willing to engage in violence and half are Democrats who support Obama and the Democratic Party. How is being part of the Obama campaign a movement when he surrounds himself with the same people you claim to hate?

Just because some are willing to resort to violence while others aren't doesn't mean they are not protesting the same thing.

You do know that Congress made what Wall Street did legal, right? You do know that only Congress can fix that right?

I did say the messege is for DC, didn't I? I did say that DC has to change the laws that will change Wall Street.

Are you for violence? Please be honest here? Are you an Obama campaigner? Do you work for MoveOn or any other Soros backed group or do you approve of their involvement and money?

Violence, only if needed. Not an Obama campaigner. Self employed so not working for MoveOn or anything having to do with Soros. I don't care how those groups may be involved.

You seem to be of the mistaken opinion that anyone not in lock step with your personal ideology is against protest or in particular these protests. I am not.

I'm just pointing out that the political system in the US could be set up to give the citizens the illusion of freedom and that voting never really changes anything and even protesting only makes changes that should have been more than obvious (civil rights, womens suffrage). I have no problem with people who don't share that belief.

I could go on and equal rant about the Bush and the Republicans easily. They are the same.

I never said anything about left or right. I agree that they are the same. Part of the reason for the above.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Seperate the ability of Wall Street to influence our elected officials and then and only then will things change, allow them to time and time be allowed to bankroll campaigns and this result will occur time and time again.

Congress is The puppet while Wall Street is The Puppetmaster.

Pay attention to Glenn Beck's Puppet Theatre as he said it best, "Do not pay attention to the puppet, pay attention to what is going on behind the scenes!"

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by AzureSky
You can beat the system, if everyone stands against it.

Try telling that to Occupy London.

Not only have they been caught by thermal imaging not staying in the tents overnight and instead going home and pretending they were sleeping in the vicinity of St Paul's Cathedral, they also have the vast majority of the British public against them for a variety of reasons.

There are even calls to get the tents and what few protestors are staying there out of the area one way or another.

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