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NYC Cops stand around and WATCH man stabbing homeless man in the neck repeatedly

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posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 12:30 PM
This is such a disgusting depiction of the people who are supposed to protect and serve us! What kind of people are being hired as officers anymore? These cops stand around as people are screaming "hit him with something" "he stabbing him". As if we really need more reasons to hate humanity
The video is graphic so enter at own

Im sorry but these are the same cops that arbitrarily shoot unarmed and mentally handicapped people with a devil may care attitude, yet here they are petrified! Kinda reminds me when the columbine shootings happened and all the cops were hiding behind their cars instead of trying to save people, unreal!!!!

edit on 19-10-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2011 by AllUrChips because: spellin

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 12:40 PM
Thats because most cops are fat ex-bully victims who would only have swathed in had the homeless man retaliated back,most likely to arrest the homeless man for assault! The american police officer's pledge of to serve and protect means less than the cheap vinyl is stickered to their car door with

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 12:49 PM
Seems like a situation where a decent cop and a baton would have made a lot of difference.

Why are they just standing around like idiots?

I know in their reports they will all claim personal safety.. But firemen rush into burning buildings every day and risk their lives to save people. Why are these guys wearing badges if they're going to watch a HORRIBLE crime take place and react so slowly? They should be demoted to meter maid duty at the very least!

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 12:50 PM
Im sure the cops were in shock and awe over witnessing such a tramatic event. They werent sure to pull the trigger or not fear of police bruality headlines. Espically with everyone with cams.

Also with all that blood im sure many of the officers did not want to be stabbed trying to stop it because of many forms of virus they might be infected with if they came into contact with blood.

At first i would rush in there with my baton and smack him upside the head .. A few hits of the baton would've made him stop

if that didnt work then...

i would've told him you have 3 seconds to stop and move away or else hes gonna catch a bullet.

First i would've put on in his leg,

no complaince he would've got one in the back

no compliance would've been headshot.

but heat of the moment , your heart is racing , and something rational decisions arent always ready as if were sitting here typing what we would do

im sure they look back on it and say next time that happens im coming in with a peoples elbow followed by two knees to the head

every siutation is differnt , these cops could've done more . without lethal force.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Those are the worse excuse for police I have ever seen.
Biggest bunch of wimps ever.

You have a gun in your hand use it.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by AllUrChips

Perhaps they were struggling to decide what crime that it should be reported as!(they arent too bright nowadays). Perhaps they were even trying to work out if a crime had been committed!!.

Personally i think it is because they were actually faced with a dangerous situation, and like so many have said here, they are basically cowards that can only give people crap that they know will not fight back.

Damn, this man could of hurt them, they are not overly keen on homeless human beings as i understand it. Anything happens to you, dont call a cop, deal with it yourself then do not incriminate yourself by speaking to them when they give you crap.
edit on 19-10-2011 by brommas because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:09 PM
I think the cops were probably more concerned for the well being of the shiny BMW than the homeless guy.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:23 PM
I guess police courage only rears its head when people are holding signs or closing bank accounts.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:24 PM
I think its funny that people post absolutely ridiculous posts about cops when they have NEVER had to make decisions that cops have to make.

Don't get me wrong, cops use too much force sometimes but not EVERY incident is a reason to post about.. IMO the cops are reacting to the situation with extreme caution because the people video recording the whole thing just look for excuses to berate cops, and have them exposed.. but in all reality you guys obviously believe everything you see, and hear. If you weren't there then you don't have a valid opinion.

I was an MP when I was in the military, which is very close to civilian law enforcement. I had to respond to a lot of situations that, honestly, I had NO idea how to react professionally regardless of my constant training.

If all you anti law enforcement threaders think all these cops are doing such a horrible job, do us all a favor then join the academy and become an officer and make a difference. It's easy to criticize when you're not the responsible.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by AllUrChips

My take on this is ...the policeman did not care....that homeless man....was population control to him.....just another homeless person...does not matter.....some policemen do think this way...and they think they can act any way they want ...because they are law enforcement.

Seriously....some law enforcement people...are evil.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I think its funny that people post absolutely ridiculous posts about cops when they have NEVER had to make decisions that cops have to make.

Don't get me wrong, cops use too much force sometimes but not EVERY incident is a reason to post about.. IMO the cops are reacting to the situation with extreme caution because the people video recording the whole thing just look for excuses to berate cops, and have them exposed.. but in all reality you guys obviously believe everything you see, and hear. If you weren't there then you don't have a valid opinion.

I was an MP when I was in the military, which is very close to civilian law enforcement. I had to respond to a lot of situations that, honestly, I had NO idea how to react professionally regardless of my constant training.

If all you anti law enforcement threaders think all these cops are doing such a horrible job, do us all a favor then join the academy and become an officer and make a difference. It's easy to criticize when you're not the responsible.

Dude im no cop but just as a human being I would have the compassion to intervene myself even with no gun or billy club or ridiculous badge. Wouldnt you?

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by AllUrChips

My take on this is ...the policeman did not care....that homeless man....was population control to him.....just another homeless person...does not matter.....some policemen do think this way...and they think they can act any way they want ...because they are law enforcement.

Seriously....some law enforcement people...are evil.

While I dont think population control was going through their heads I do agree they took a certain amount of entertainment value out of it

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by AllUrChips

Wow some of these cops are quick to violently arrest peaceful protesters and even go as far as pepperspraying them for....protesting. But when there's a serious crime happening right in front of their faces, some dude being stabbed in the neck, they just stand there like deer in the headlights.

He had a gun drawn, why didn't he shoot that dude?
There were like 10 of them! One dude grabbed his pants awkwardly, but that's all they could do? That's pathetic.

I bet if that was a cop being stabbed in the neck, that guy would have been dead in 2 seconds. I bet if it was a cop just being punched, he still would have been shot or at the very least tazed immediately.
edit on 19-10-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by AllUrChips

my faith in most of humanity is pretty much dead now after watching this and seeing the video yesterday of the little girl in China being run over and ignored by passer-bys.

Where is E.L.E. when we so desperately need her?

star for you OP
edit on 10/19/2011 by Shaade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by AllUrChips

Im sorry but this is a case of "damned if you do, damned if you dont."

No matter what the situation, you, along with many others, will find fault in WHATEVER the police do.

First, in the video it looked like there was only one or two police officers initially. Taking this into account, any sort of action, short of shooting and killing the suspect, is at great risk to the officer's safety.

Second, the officer could not simply shoot the guy with the knife. The suspect was laying ontop of the victim. If the officer, seen with his gun drawn, would have opened fire, the angle would have put the victim in great danger of being struck as well. The only way for the officer to get a proper angle would have been to kneel next to the suspect, put the gun up to his head and pull the trigger. This line of action is too dangerous and a little over the top due to the next fact.

Third, it does not appear that the suspect is actively stabbing the victim. Yes, the victim is cut and bleeding but in the video, there is no stabbing action that can be clearly seen which would warrant such a risky move like kneeling next to the suspect and shooting him in the head point blank.

So what did the police do? One officer, who demonstrated great bravery, got behind the guy and pulled him off. Once there were enough officers there, the man was arrested.

STOP being rediculous.

And the Columbine thing was a totally different situation. You have two well armed individuals inside of a large high school. Common sense would dictate you establish a perimeter so they do not escape and wait for the SWAT team who is trained and specializes in handling a situation such as this. Rushing into the building creates a situation that not only endangers the lives of the officers but also endagers the lives of the many kids running through the hallways.

This incident has caused all police departments to re-think their training and tactics. Now all officers go through active shooter training so that they can react to a situation like this.
edit on 19-10-2011 by areyouserious2010 because: edit to add

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by areyouserious2010

They have tazers, fists, batons, pepperspray, and brains. They could have taken that guy down without endangering the dude he was attacking.

Who cares if there's one or one hundred cops, they have the training and resources to handle that situation.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by FugitiveSoul
I guess police courage only rears its head when people are holding signs or closing bank accounts.

this statement has soooo much truth in it.


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

They have tazers, fists, batons, pepperspray, and brains. They could have taken that guy down without endangering the dude he was attacking.

Who cares if there's one or one hundred cops, they have the training and resources to handle that situation.

They couldnt shoot him because of the angle. One cop rushing in and going hands on with an individual who has a knife is insane. So the first cop waited till the second one got there.

Were talking about 15-20 SECONDS before a plan was developed and they started taking action. The most prudent course of action was to pull the suspect off of the victim which they did.

Your appraisal is simply your disposition to be against what the police are or are not doing no matter what the situation.

I am sure the police were not immediately on scene so it makes you wonder why the bystanders did not already have the guy subdued before the police got there if it was such an easy and mundane task to perform. Thats because they are bystanders. It is very easy to stand in the background and yell what the police should do.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by ScottishBiker420

Thats because most cops are fat...

I did not see one overweight officer in the video.

The american police officer's pledge of to serve and protect means less than the cheap vinyl is stickered to their car door with

To serve and protect is not the pledge of every American Police officer and is not on every police car door. To serve and to protect is the motto of the LAPD. Every police department has their own motto which they plaster on their car doors.

Is the guy dead? Would he have been dead if it were not for those police officers? I would say the police fulfilled their duty, no matter what their department's motto is.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

Seems like a situation where a decent cop and a baton would have made a lot of difference.

A baton is useless in this situation. Again, the suspect is laying on top of the victim.

Why are they just standing around like idiots?

The first officer waited 15-20 SECONDS for a second officer. They then started taking action. If the suspect was allowed to lay ontop of the guy for a few minutes I would have issue. Were talking about 15-20 seconds.

I know in their reports they will all claim personal safety.. But firemen rush into burning buildings every day and risk their lives to save people. Why are these guys wearing badges if they're going to watch a HORRIBLE crime take place and react so slowly? They should be demoted to meter maid duty at the very least!

You are being ridiculous. Firemen do not rush into burning buildings without first putting on their basic equipment to protect them from the heat and basic breathing equipment to protect them from the smoke. Why should a police officer rush into a situation like this without taking the most BASIC safety precautions like waiting for a second officer?

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