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Here to help, warn and save this planet[HOAX]

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:58 PM
They stuck poles in You, and pumped a fluid in? You were in jail Dude. That was Your cellmate raping You.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:02 PM
This is classic. Baiting with such pedantic tripe it is a wonder so many even consider reacting to this. This is taking people away from more important subjects too, elevating itself or really excavating itself into a useless waste of our time.
If some counter intel or mis-info operative, it might be serving a purpose looking for information or both. Or a very uninformed person spinning a yarn to fulfill some emotional or behavioral dysfunctional issue.

Could be testing the Gullability level of ATS people.
Deflecting or diverting us from more important issues of discussion. (there would be many such simultaneous posts too)
Misinformation, programming with linear concepts like "prophets" and UFO, evil Alien invasion. It's 1950's B-movie scripts. Bad one too.

Highest probability is emotionally disturbed person, or misinformation operative diverting and polluting ATS discussions of importance.


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by TheChosenProphet

I must say I'm extremely disappointed in the powers that be that chose you to be the one.
I was expecting the one to be highly intelligent, proficient in many languages, supernatural and at least a world leader.
One thing I don't get either is, why these aliens just don't kill you if your such a threat?
It's like the super hero that gets captured, the bad guy tells him the plot and the hero always escapes!
I call BS.

edit on 17-10-2011 by flyingfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:05 PM
Right guys, i just have to say i notice a lot of the posters are "sort of "new to the site. I have to admit i havnt read the whole thread, but have seen this sort of thing before, many times, let me make a guess here, has the op bolted? i suspect he has. Stop feeding these threads people, green liquid pumped into his belly button, cmon. We dont need even more of these threads to bring down the credibility of ats.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by TheChosenProphet

Im just posting to get my post count closer to 200 so I can enter chat.

And I don't believe you while im here!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by ZeroGhost

Highest probability is emotionally disturbed person, or misinformation operative diverting and polluting ATS discussions of importance.

I fail to see the distinction. We digress.
Yes, In any event, TCP needs help.Professional help.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by 12voltz

Hey, leave poor Julia alone..!!

She's our first female PM and she's also the first country leader anywhere to have a decent Rack..!! lol

The rack alone, gets her my vote!!

edit on 10/17/2011 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:26 PM
The better question to ask about the OP is who flagged this? Does that mean there are 9 gullible people that have read this OP and thread?

I may not be a doctor but seriously OP you need help. Aliens are not about to attack. Ask yourself, everything available on the planet is available in space, so why travel maybe millions of light years to attack a backwater planet on the outskirts of our galaxy. Even with our limited publicly known technology we've identified lots of possible earth like planets and moons nearby.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by TheChosenProphet
Greetings earthlings.

I am new here and have urgent information that i need to tell you all. I was a chosen prophet at birth and have been chased by aliens every since i was 5. I have moved country to country to get away for them but they keep finding me. 3 years ago i was woken at night and beamed up into their spaceship. I met their great ones, evil looking creatures. They inserted poles into me and pumped a weird green susbstance into me. They threatend me to keep quiet and do what they say.

I was wondering why they have wanted me. They said i was special because i will bring the end of the world when the time is right. When i was beamed back down to earth i woke up in Perm, Russia. I was naked and hurt. I was helped by nice people on a farm and got myself back to my home in Australia. When i got back i was visited by aliens again. This time they came from earth. They took me to Pine Gap where i was harrassed. They said half of the worlds population are aliens and are all planning to revolt. The ones you see one the news fightning/ protesting/ rioting and aliens and this is the plan. They said my time is near.

I am scared what i am wanted to do. I cry in the corner of my room every night because i seem them watching me. Then last night i was warned again, to start to release my information, they said it was all part of their plan. They transported me to Washington where i met Barack Obama, Obama is an alien. He is a grey alien and took of his human skin. I was scared. He said i am special and going to do great things.

Now i am here, releasing the information.
World will come to an end in 2012
The hums in the sky are aliens positioned, getting ready to attack
Julia Gillard is a human and Tony Abott is an alien, that is why Julia is going so bad in the polls because she isnt an alien and all the aliens in Australia are voting Tony Abott.
Selsey St in melbourne will be the only street left untouched, and i am to go their when the change happens. Apparently their is a hole to the centre of this earth.
The people that survived the invasion will start to float up to the sky and then blow up.

Please ask questions, i should have more tomorrow. But all i want to say is Be safe, Help me and i help you. I am the one, the chosen one who is the person to lead you all. You should all worship me when the time is right.

Thankyou for listening.

Regards The chosen Prophet

I totally believe you. I mean, what's there to question about this story? Hell, you're like 8th in line on this site alone, with the whole I'm here to save/end the human race mission from God/aliens.

I'm actually getting way too used to being introduced to reality-shattering messengers/messiahs/transformation agents sent to us from God/Satan/Universal Consciousness.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:39 PM
Male Bovine



posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by jondave


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:43 PM
if you know everyone thinks you're crazy why dont you take video of your night at home and show us the alines watching you???
you need proof of this because you just sound crazy and attention seeking.
so on the 27th you're gonna dissapear when nothing happens??

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:48 PM
No need to panic guys and girls. I'm actually God, and I was just playing a prank on the OP. Seems people have lost their sense of humour these days, but don't worry, when I release the iHuman 5, there will be an enhanced "humour" app that has already been downloaded to it.

What I want to know is when the Mods/Owners of the site are going to crack down on the crazy post like these and just delete them straight away, considering Obvious Troll is Obvious?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:03 PM
Impatient people. Flamers can't wait 5 days to start a BBQ?

If nothing happens, you guys can flame him all you want and look good. Right now, all you're showing is your inability to perceive something new and have patience.

5 days ain't a bad wait. If on the 21'st nothing happens, OP you better like your meat well done.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by LeTan

Yes, because every prophecy that has been posted on here has miraculously come true!!!!!!!!!!

Too much trolling can really annoy people after a while.........

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by TerribleTeam2

Last time I checked you had free will to decide on whether or not to read a thread.

How does this affect YOU? If I responded to every thread that annoyed me, I would have better stats.
I sit, watch, and wait silently.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by LeTan

You serious? If I tell you that next weekend Project Bluebeam will be initiated, but instead of aliens it's going to be Richard Simmons in a pair of bedazzled dolphin shorts speaking in Klingon, you mean to tell me that you'd honestly wait until then to dismiss me as a loon?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:14 PM
Truth is its all opinion. I can't imagine why people would come out with info like this. Keep picturing a team of occulists/satanists, secretly laughing as they spread this kind of stuff online, or a military group sent out to flood the net.

But then would have to ask why?

With negative stories like this, to put us off ET? Yet in his case, it appears he has been shown a truly doom concept with no outs, no choices. Just something that is going to happen. So it doesnt fit the normal disinfo agenda to me. But could just fit the flooding of et issues to turn people off. Also to turn people off dates so that the real ones will not be anticipated.

So its still possible.

And this could hold true whether he knowingly or unkowningly is on this program. M'Kultra and military abductions come to mind, also about the government and Obama, very cia and black op to me. Reminds me of recent chats with someone from the east block and I kept vibing on Bush, basically what I call the fourth reicht and a direct link between this group and UK/US thugs.

So all in all, seems to me this is quite possibly where this is coming from.

Perhaps even their depopulation agendas to be blamed on ETs.

When its not by ET consent. I don't call negatives ETs, they serve the abyss basically. ETs are cosmic citizens and Clifford Stone, Jim Sparks, Lou Baldin/Sleeper, share different, more hopeful versions, though I think the potential for going either way is there at this time for us.

In any case, it doesnt' seem like a story a writer would come up with.

The green fluid is noted by me. Also that he was dropped off, unclothed, extremely traumatized and vulnerable. In negative abductions this has occurred. I do believe that these types of experiences are co-op ones, the military/et type. So this is something controlled, and he may be on a program.

So just the ridicule I don't understand. The question is why?

And why the protestors? Its pretty obvious we don't have a door to turn that we can own so this is a stetup, but how is this meant to turn out.

Can we do the right thing and not play into agendas, not react, not have the crowd turn? Not go to war in the middle east, if they play the Iran card? All of the possible scenarios.

Clifford Stone just wrote we don't need evil ETs to show up, evil top ranking people here are doing a big enough job.

He came back on his thread here:

He keeps a much more positive view than this doom scenario, and I think the OP of this thread could stand to read that thread. Because he's a real experiencer. Along with the names I've mentioned above. Sleeper/Lou Baldin has some very good info too, though more appreciate Sgt. Clifford Stone's faith.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by ColAngus
reply to post by LeTan

You serious? If I tell you that next weekend Project Bluebeam will be initiated, but instead of aliens it's going to be Richard Simmons in a pair of bedazzled dolphin shorts speaking in Klingon, you mean to tell me that you'd honestly wait until then to dismiss me as a loon?

At that point, I wouldn't bother posting anything. Sometimes when claims are so foolish, no responses hit harder than one thousand mocking ones.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:25 PM
/sigh...everyone lately is predicting oct. 21st as "the end" or beginning of the end. My birthday is the 22nd. Oh well, first several people who have predicted wrongly at least a dozen times predict the date, and now the aliens choose someone who decides to come to ATS to spread the word. This must be the one...for sure.

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