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Tarot cards.. possible dangers

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:59 AM
G'day, i used to read tarot cards. not as a proffesion. I self taught had a book full of meanings and the cards ect.. I used to do immediate readings as in for the following week or the fortnight even and was fairly accurate at the cards.

it took me months to get to learn it properly but once i was good at it i found i was 80% accurate every single time.

I was only young at the time i did readings in my teens but i noticed one thing. after doing Tarot for almost 6 months strange things started to happen.

The results got more drastic for a start, the crads would start turning for the worse and the re precusions got more dangerous with life threatening issues not just physically but spirituall as well.

There were a lot of odd things happening around the house.

I took this as a warning to back out and did so but was thinking of taking it up again as i was good at it.

The only thing i want to ask is has anyone had any similar experiences? Tarot is basically witchcraft or fortune telling and the churches go against it.

Has anyone else read tarot and had things back fire or get a little odd?

i'll explain my paranormal experiences a little later in the thread

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:13 AM
You should know that every time you throw the cards regarding a question or future events, you are looking into a mirror of your own fears, hopes, and other projections. The cards are meant as a meditation in order to understand how you are ultimatley to change or accept circumstances.

The more you throw them the more the conversation digresses into resistance of the path ahead of you. Magic occurs when you try to effect the outcome or manipulate the cards. This IS a dangerous aspect of the Tarot that can lead to ill effects.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:15 AM
A. Use spell check a little more often.
B. No I have not
C. There is nothing wrong with witchcraft.
D. The Catholic church practices withcraft in front of millions every day
E.Tarot is not witchcraft.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:15 AM
A. Use spell check a little more often.
B. No I have not
C. There is nothing wrong with witchcraft.
D. The Catholic church practices withcraft in front of millions every day
E.Tarot is not witchcraft.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:17 AM
As an experienced occultist, I can give you a little advice.

1. Just because paranormal activity begins to occur around the house, that doesn't make it malevolent.
2. If you have fears, don't do it.
3. Repeat number 2.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Devestator

Hey there !!!

I have read tarot for many years, in fact I did a remote tarot reading thread a few years ago which proved suprisingly accurate. It amazed me how the cards could work without any physical contact with the person asking the questions

Now I have experienced some very strange phenomena in my life, but whether this has any connection to the tarot, I really can't say !!
It may, it may not...

I have experienced blood appearing out of nowhere in my bathroom, poltergeist activity, albeit it mischievous more than malicious. Dead birds appearing in exactly the same spot outside my back door. Wow, tbh, the list goes on and on !!

If you're interested, I have done a few threads on some of my experiences which you may want to check out sometime. I won't add links on here because I don't want to derail your thread

Just go into my profile and you'll find them.

Look forward to hearing some of your experiences baby.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:06 AM
What is the connection with using tarot cards and these things happening? How would one lead to the other?

Is it that you are invoking the spirits (or something like that) so to speak and drawing their energy to you by the act of reading tarot cards.

Do you need to have tarot cards or can ordinary playing cards work just as well? What was the method you were using to cast (is that the right term) and read the cards?

Sorry for the questions, just trying to understand how tarot works.

I have a set (Thoth) which I have had for ages. I tried them once at school and amazed my friend, but by using what I knew about her and some cold reading I could make the cards relevant to her and her "future" of which I had a pretty good idea without cards. We were studying A Levels at the time (were in our first year) so I knew there would be a period of learning or study followed by travel and relocation (when she goes to university). That was the first and last time and they have been in my drawer ever since.

Might get them out and have a go.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Devestator

Hi! I've done lots of readings over the years and have had lots of decks. I have never had anything happen like you describe, with the readings getting darker. I did have one negative experience, however, when I had just bought a new deck after not having practiced for some time. I woke up in the middle of the night that night with a strong feeling that someone was watching me. I ran through my apartment and turned on all the lights, but nobody was there. I felt it was connected to the deck somehow and took it out to the dumpster and threw it away (yep, brand new deck, unopened). After that, I was able to go back to sleep. That was probably around 1998 and I've never had any other negative experience with the Tarot. I currently have a Dreamers deck and before I start a reading I do a little quiet meditation first. I've also learned how to "clear" my space - basically involves envisioning a pillar of white light surrounding the space and extending both above and below the space - send any negative influences down the pillar and pull positive influences through from above. It's a useful exercise when you have a bad dream, too. Hope this helps!

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Devestator

You did this a s a teen. I assume you are female. When females go into puberty and especially at the peak of puberty weird paranormal anomalies happen quite often. I feel it is because all women house the gateway to the soul and when that gateway goes active it creates chaos.

The cards also open gateways.

The reason why divining, witchcraft and the like are forbidden in the bible is because most of the masses do not have the inner discipline or character to handle such power. It really should only be practiced by the few.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:47 AM
Tarot can be used to open doors, but there is nothing wrong with that. Just be in harmony with yourself and those doors will not turn bad. The theory that all paranormal is malevolent does more harm then good. It is manipulation used by the few to control the many. Learn about the forces of nature, and accept them. I think understanding the pagan ways helped me get better in tarot, but everybody has a separate path to wander. The danger in Tarot is that it sees beyond lies, both others and your own. When you handle the cards, you will have to deal with that. This is not a bad thing. Know yourself.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by spw184

I agree that the Church, Elite, and whoever we think are the enlightened ones, use magic daily. Actually it is magic to us because we are so ignorant. Magic is all around us so that means it is not magic but occult knowledge.

The elite also use numerology, astrology etc... while the churches tell us it is witchcraft. The Ego (Shadow) is what determines white or dark magic. Everyone is capible of seeing both. People should know what type of things that manifest by the Ego of the person tapping into the occult knowledge. Occult means hidden not always evil.

Peace to all.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by spw184

D. The Catholic church practices withcraft in front of millions every day

What do you mean by this?

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by AurelioMaghe

Well, the use of ritual and ceremony, symbolism, and how about transsubstantiation of bread and wine into flesh and blood... Starting to sound a bit like magic?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Devestator


I've been reading the Tarot for just shy of a decade now. I've done readings for myself, my family, friends, random students at college, co-workers, and more. As with you, once I learned the associations and how to connect symbolism present in a reading I found myself able to intuit the cards and their spiritual network with an almost unfailing accuracy.

I also live a very spiritually charged life. I have never blamed my understanding of the Tarot's library of symbolism for the increased paranormal activity present in my life. Instead, if there is a culprit to be named, it is my own consciousness. My own mind, imbued with the ability to recognize the spirit of all things, ever-present in our waking and dreaming life. This understanding of the archetypal world was aided by, but not caused by, my understanding of the Tarot.

You seem to have a good adherence to Catholic doctrine (what-with mentioning Churches banning Tarot because it is "witch-craft" and all). So, I would suggest that your paranormal activity may be a result to sermons given in church about the threat of "Satan," and his power to influence your life if you stray from Christ's lessons even one iota. By hearing the continuous rhetoric of "Satan" and his power you've trained your mind to believe that anything unnatural is possibly/probably malignant, and not benign.

My advice: try to co-exist with whatever unnatural presence is sharing your living space. And do a spread for yourself, when you're curious about something concerning yourself. The Tarot won't hurt you anymore than you would inevitably end up hurting yourself, by ignoring the warnings subconsciously displayed before you in a given spread.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:19 AM
Someone should do a tarot card reading for me... seems fun.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by SeleneLux

You did this a s a teen. I assume you are female. When females go into puberty and especially at the peak of puberty weird paranormal anomalies happen quite often. I feel it is because all women house the gateway to the soul and when that gateway goes active it creates chaos.

I quite understand this. As a matter of fact every single weird event that has happened to me has either coincided with puberty, menstruation or pregnancy.

To the OP...Cleanse your tools.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Devestator

First off the cards inherrit NO POWER what so ever of their OWN. The cards serve as a vehicle for your ABILITY to translate them. They are NOT evil or witchcraft. By meditating on the cards are just like the power of suggestion. When you "focus" on ANYTHING you can create it. But the cards themselves have NO power. In fact the cards are very spiritual. They are an oracle within the universe. Like the oracle of astrology, the oracle of the Runes...etc

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by windword

The the crap are you talking about? You have no idea what you are saying.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:03 AM
I was having the same problem a few years back. I had a Psychic tell me (during a Tarot reading) that my dabbling with the Tarot had opened a "doorway to a negative spiritual energy" and that I needed to cease and desist all tampering with the cards immediately. I did so, and after doing a few cleansing rituals, the activity stopped.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Angelicdefender2012
reply to post by Devestator

First off the cards inherrit NO POWER what so ever of their OWN. The cards serve as a vehicle for your ABILITY to translate them. They are NOT evil or witchcraft. By meditating on the cards are just like the power of suggestion. When you "focus" on ANYTHING you can create it. But the cards themselves have NO power. In fact the cards are very spiritual. They are an oracle within the universe. Like the oracle of astrology, the oracle of the Runes...etc

Thank you for breathing some SENSE into this. I hate when people say "oh....don't use Ouija boards...they attract bad spirits, or open doorways..." The ONLY thing Tarot Cards, Ouija Boards, Runes or anything like that does is act as something to focus on while you work with your own inherent psychic abilities. You could just as well close your eyes and give someone a reading, but that's difficult for a lot of people, so using cards makes it easier by having something to focus on and objectify whatever knowledge or abilities you DO have to do a reading. So if a doorway IS opened, it could just as easily be opened by sitting on a chair thinking.

The best thing to do to avoid anything negative is to divest yourself of any beliefs that there ARE bad doorways or bad spirits. If you encounter them, it's because you believe in them - stop believing in them, and they don't exist. The mind is a powerful thing!

I made this video once to poke a bit of fun at the whole thing:

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