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You are ABSURD!

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by 74Templar

NOW we are talking!

I love the smell of Napalm in the morning. It smells like..

Ya know.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by 74Templar

Wow! All those barbies...that's funny! I lmao when I read that.

Yes, our children are lucky to have people like us (Awake) to guide them down this perilous road called life. My children are wonderful and are themselves very aware of what is going on. They are 20 and 17, so that makes it easier. My daughter played with dolls and my son is a total nerd. They are unique individuals that I wouldn't have any other way.

My daughter did, however, come home yesterday with a piercing in her nose that I about lost it over. Couldn't decide if I should be mad or let her be herself.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

No! No man here. All woman! I just like to do things that have been stereotyped as something men and not women would do. I am Native American and being raised by one, I know how to take care of myself and mine. I know how to live off the land and respect it too. Can even fix my own long as it's not something major.

I look darn good in my camo.

Previous or future lives, please take notice that I really enjoy being a woman!!!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by cloudwatcher
reply to post by NewAgeMan

No! No man here. All woman! I just like to do things that have been stereotyped as something men and not women would do. I am Native American and being raised by one, I know how to take care of myself and mine. I know how to live off the land and respect it too. Can even fix my own long as it's not something major.

I look darn good in my camo.

Previous or future lives, please take notice that I really enjoy being a woman!!!

This is beautiful my sister. Remember, before their was male and female, their was but one, Man. Man as in the label of our consciousness.

A ding-a-ling does not make one man. Existing in this form makes one Man. All else are the labels we apply to have dimension.

With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 17-10-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by 74Templar

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by IAMIAM

Thank you brother, but I still wish you'd stop telling me what to do as if you know everything already, it really pisses me off! Stop trying to out-Jesus me!

Just kidding, please forgive me the outburst, which is obviously some ego thing in response to your kind hearted words.

But honestly, can't you see already that I'm "high performance"? Do I really need more goading on?

Absolutely we must keep goading!!
And prodding and poking, etc, etc, for we must move forward...

I'm thrilled for one to see this thread gaining momentum, and still going along it's positive course. It's also good to see people not taking it too seriously and not demanding proof of how you know this theory of yours (wikipedia anyone???)

I see this admission as you regailing us with your life behind the iron curtain, having it all but not realising it, then suddenly, the veil is lifted!!! And like many of us, you can see you had it all along. We are merely the other guys sitting around the campfire going "Uh huh. Yep. Been there, understand completely..."
I personally am on the recovery path of 10 years of debt, simply because I wanted what the others had. And where is all that stuff now? Gone, long gone, sold to the highest bidder or settled with some nasty lawyeristic words. All that is left from the ashes of that disaster is my quickly dwindling debt and a smarter me. A me with less, no doubt, but a smarter (and happier) me.
So I will keep goading, for as we propel forth, we create ever more light, that which others will see.

I say the hell with twin candles, even the inferno....


Excellent. Love it bro. Yeah, the smell of napalm in this context, means victory. There's a victory somewhere in this thread, and the victory isn't simply mine, nor yours alone, it belongs to us all, and it's our very heritage and our birthright, to first "get it" or grok of it most fully as I like to say, and then recieve it and become it, by being with it, and we do that simply by being wholly authentically present to the other person, it's amazing! Me I'm not only chosen I'm "touched" (he's "touched" aliright I can hear someone say ha), but when contact is finally made, between the twin flames, between two or more, then look out, because it could very well end up becoming a whole new ballgame (I'd prefer game analogies, instead of fire or war stuff).

There's a standing down of the world as it is, in the very presence of our collective consciousness and awareness as the world as it ought to be, in potential, born of the spirit of inspiration and love which really moves us, and also moves a formative historical causation, particularly now that everything is so royally screwed up, beginning with our prior selves.

There's some fresh laughter in there, in the mutual "grokking" and sharing in "koinonia" (intimate participative sharing of the deepest and the very best things).

Strangely we cannot talk about "it" itself, but we can talk about nothing all around it until the cows come home and never grow bored, that's the thing, the unending joy all around, and the recognition that this was here, within and among us, and above us and below us, all along, as the "real world".

A distinction then arises between two worlds, one which is to pass away, however fast or slowly, and a new world waiting to, and now actively being born through us, in the spirit of truth and love and life and light and mutual "grokking".

I've heard that "Civililty" may be defined as:

Consciously motivated organizational behavior that is ethical in submission to a higher power principal of love.

No one in particular is the keystone in the royal arch over which humanity shall one day pass into everlasting freedom, but our love and our active, willing, bold, and courageous, authentic inauthenticity (role playing as a free will choice), that's the very gravity and the cement which leverages it into place (one of my few friends here in Vancouver is a guy named Johnny who's a rock mason, so I know about these things). The stone itself, that's the thing we share, and share in common. Our love is a common bond, our love for God, for ourselves (as we are loved by love itself), and for the other guy/gal. It's not about being a "big something", but one of many big nothings who together amount to something HUGE. It's no fun either way. It's what makes the game interesting, that it's utterly impossible (absurd) to try to do it all alone by our lonesome selves.

And if need be, we might at first need to be a radical voice crying out in the wilderness, an alone-dancer in the darkeness, until our light can be seen by all in the house. He was right. We cannot hide our light under a bushel basket, and when we come out into the light, it is plain to others that what was done was done in God.

Turn on the lights, it's time to get this party started!

edit on 17-10-2011 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by cloudwatcher

I was just kidding around as I'm sure you know. Glad to hear it! The future lives thing too, very cute I like that.

Spiritually I think that it's good to be a little of both though, for all of us.

I'm very hetero, but at the same time, I have a woman in me, maybe it's because I'm pisces or some absurd thing like that.

Plus I've been using brainwave entrainment for a few years now, almost every day, to marry the two sides of my brain, and I much prefer the right side, in case no one noticed. Intuitive spiritual, she rocks! But she needs with witness of the logical rational, in order to "grok" most fully of.

You know I'm beginning to think that maybe all I needed was to get laid, get married (probably in that order, yes) settle down, have kids and raise a family of my own, but at the same time, I'm glad to be the me that I am here and now, sharing something of great value with you, and the readers who I hope are reading this thread with keen (in not amuzed) interest.

Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to His disciples,
"These infants being suckled are like those who enter the
They said to Him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you
make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside,
and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the
female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the
female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye,
and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and
a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter [the

P.S. That was from the "heretical" Gnostic Gospels a shepherd boy unearthed in the 1940's. It was of course excluded, such a saying, from the Canonical Gospel. The patriarchs, emperors, cadinals and archbishops must have been fearful of androgeny. Absurd!

They shut up the kingdom of heaven in men's and women's faces, neither entering in themselves nor allowing others to enter in, for fear that the people might come into an understanding, a great realization and an epiphany, which would make them a very difficult bunch to "rule" over. How do you manage a planet of God-realized people? Again, ABSURD I say!

edit on 17-10-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:34 PM
The truth is the word, and it automatically harmonizes and optimises the human being, this just occured to me, in considering the mind and the heart of Christ, what that might look like, or feel like and how it might have come about. Reality, on the other side of the absurdity, the truth which sets us free. He knew, perfectly. In many ways, his reference to a "kingdom of heaven" was in part to differentiate itself, from a fallen kingdom of man, and of corrupted systemic power and dominion, the world offered him when being tempted in the desert. "After all, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his own soul." So all he was "doing" was remaining true to himself, to his true self, and to the real life as God intended it, inspired by love and understanding. No wonder he liked to party with the "lowlifes", that was where the opportunity was for him to make the downtrodden and the repressed, optimal, even in the face of empire, an empire which later had no choice but to steal from him his authority in order to rule again. Now that's power! I've heard it said that virtue is power restrained. What a marvel it is, at least to me, to recognize in Jesus, the very best of the best of what it means to be a wholly authentic human being. I am very greatful then, for the nature of my own absurdity, which would eventually drive me into the rediscovery and recognition and sharing of these truths, which by their very nature are not and cannot be an impostion upon the mind of man (or woman).

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Amuzing, entertaining, and yes, special!

I totally understand the need to be balanced. Both male and female. Think that's why I play with boy toys!!!

Adam and Eve were indeed one. They completed each other. One without the other was not good. Adam was placed into a deep sleep, of which there is no mention of him ever being awoken, to create his other half, Eve. Then it was all down hill from there...LOL

I have read many of the gnostic stories. One of my favorites is the Gospel of Bartholomew. Don't know why. Just like the story.

Peace and Love my friend! Peace and Love!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by cloudwatcher
reply to post by 74Templar

Wow! All those barbies...that's funny! I lmao when I read that.

Yes, our children are lucky to have people like us (Awake) to guide them down this perilous road called life. My children are wonderful and are themselves very aware of what is going on. They are 20 and 17, so that makes it easier. My daughter played with dolls and my son is a total nerd. They are unique individuals that I wouldn't have any other way.

My daughter did, however, come home yesterday with a piercing in her nose that I about lost it over. Couldn't decide if I should be mad or let her be herself.

Indeed, who needs a garage full of cars when you can have a dozen barbies planking away lol

I'm still in nervous anticipation of the teen years (9 and almost 6), and both my kids have learned to cook somewhat and have spent many hours with myself, their grandad and my brother either holding the light or passing over tools under teh bonnet of the car. I want them to be self sufficient in this life, and not fall in a heap when the world gives them no other choice but to do it themselves. I hated my parents for that for the longest time for making me learn, now as a single dad the hard lessons as a kid have rewarded me a successful adult. I plan to pass those skills onto my kids.
And piercings? Remember they are not permanent, not like some things people do to their bodies these days. I went through the piercing phase, and most of them and the holes have closed over, leaving little trace. My 15yo cousin came home with a belly piercing once and her mother did the same, screamed to high heaven about it until I reminded her piercings aren't permanent. I think 24 hours later her mother was enquiring about it for herself lol...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:13 PM
Jesus in a Mental Ward

Jesus in a mental ward is of little use to the mass of society and by extension, Civilization as a whole (unless they have unlimited internet access) until he explodes as an omegapoint detonation of the cosmogenesis of the noosphere. Bottled up and girded all 'round by an utterly absurd, even insane, Civilization - he is sure to "pop" at some point.

As the unrelenting pressure of all ignorance and absurdity of the larger world without, eliciting for him the grins and giggles of a madman, as the recognition dawns in his mind and heart that the truth is indominable, and the love, HIS love, inconquerable, he lines up in the cue for his meds. The very best of the best of the human being is always present, and the regenerative principal, always latent, the eternal wellspring of new life meeting life and love meeting love the first principal, no matter what anyone else thinks about it, he muses, beaming at the nurse as she gives him a tiny cup of pills and an equally tiny cup of water with which to swallow them. It is his sacrament, of an absurd world gone mad, but he knows this, and throwing them back with a splash in his mouth, he offers the nurse a look of pity and deep love before turning to join his newfound friends in the dining lounge.

Then suddenly, like clouds parting the very sky to let a new light shine into the ward, everyone smiles, both patients and nurses and doctors alike (even the sports announcer on the TV set above the nurses station, normally a vain and morose individual, in spite of his outward mask of perfection), as if it's not a local phenomenon, but an "event" who's effect just rippled out across the entire breadth of all being and becoming, like a whole new world reborn, fresh and new.

Entering the dining lounge, and taking his seat (they've prepared for him the head of the table, how ironic he muses), he announces to the group in a loud resonant manner which cannot hide his mirth and humor "What's to worry about?!" to amuzed giggles and laiughter. Everyone knows, especially these people, when the time has come for the world to rejoice.

After greeting, each one of them in succession, their servers who are operating behind the counter of the food line, everyone, both patients an servers alike, are equally moved by the whole affair. Taking their places, they are seated, someone having paid him, their latest and most extraordinary addition, the courtesy of filling him a tray of food, they glance at him, as if awaiting a grace or a benediction of some kind, to which he laughs aloud, uproariously, and simply nods. They all dig in, as if eating and enjoying their food like a bunch of teenagers. "The FIRST supper" one of them exclaims to laughter and mouthfuls of agreement and mirth all around.

Outside the room, a somewhat panic striken orderly asks the doctor briskly walking down the hall, himself in a panic also, and perhaps not just for those he was charged with the task of "treating" - "How many MORE doctor?" The doctor, a look of childlike terror in his eyes, stops, turns and faces the orderly, and, spreading his arms wide not unlike Jesus Christ himself, replies "I don't know. It appears to be widespread and total. In fact, I think it's starting to effect us all!"

"I think it was the last Jesus we just admitted last night" Billyy the orderly replied, as then as if in epiphany he says, as much to himself as to the doctor "as if once they reached a certain "criitical mass" they would generate what HE called (checking his clipboard) "the omegapoint of the cosmogensis of the noosphere".Looks like they did it Doc. It's all over the TV now, soon to be in the papers, and it's in the way people al over the place are being with one another, even to the way that you are looking at me right now doctor, with that glow of love in your face and eyes."

"I know Billy, I see it in you too."

"Had to happen at some point, somewhere, Doctor" Billy replied, as if he was speaking while standing upon sacred ground.


The preceeding was a fictional story only, and is in no way intended to resemble actual events or people, seriously!

And who can tell me, that this absurd world we are living in is not a "mental ward"..

It's ok to "pop" provided we do it in the right framework and context, of a mutually supportive and loving compassion, with acceptance. It may even be essential.

Sounds 60's Hippyish, but it's totally true. Human potential can only be unleashed from within a loving and supportive framework of mutuality, of the brotherhood and sisterhood of man.

Hope you liked the story! I thought it was pretty creative and somewhat amuzing, but maybe that's just me I don't know.



edit on 17-10-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Hope you liked the story!

Could you pass that prozac if you aren't using it?

Loved it Brother.

Could you imagine though...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

A bifurcation of Christ consciousness. That would be something wouldn't it, and just as likely to happen from a mental ward as anywhere, eh?

And for the record, I am typing at you right now from a Starbucks. (yeah sure, someone says).

Oh I hope more than just a few people have had the opportunity to read this thread. It's pretty amuzing, and you aint seen nuthin yet...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by 74Templar

Originally posted by cloudwatcher
reply to post by 74Templar

And piercings? Remember they are not permanent, not like some things people do to their bodies these days. I went through the piercing phase, and most of them and the holes have closed over, leaving little trace. My 15yo cousin came home with a belly piercing once and her mother did the same, screamed to high heaven about it until I reminded her piercings aren't permanent. I think 24 hours later her mother was enquiring about it for herself lol...

Being the absurd parent that I am, I sat down, drank a tall boy, and looked at her and said, "By the way, this is not over. Just thought you should know that."

The other kids sitting in the living room busted out laughing. I was just upset because she knew I had forbade her from doing anything to her face and no tatoos. But I am over it now. It'll be alright. She did hide out at her dad's for like 15 hours before she came home.
She actually called the house, talked to one of the other kids, secretly, to find out what kind of mood mom was in.

I try my hardest to let my children grow and learn from their own mistakes. Hopefully one day, they will learn just how "absurd" they are too. But for now, they are totally self absorbed.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Could you imagine though...

That was very funny, and cute.

Yes, I can imagine it.

The only question remaining, is can we all or most of us become it, become real and authentic, and in so doing come to know as we are known, and to see one another as we are, face to face.

I think it's inevitable, the very moment that we ourselves are able to wake up to the truth and reality, that we are the truth and reality itself, and that we contain it and are contained by it, already, as our natural state of being, at one intrinsically, with the center and source of life as we are. It's what Buddha called an unexcelled enlightenment, or "nothing special" (also amuzing), and yet if nothing is special, then everything is!

We must first come to know ourselves, to be true to who and what we really are, and then in doing that, in creating out of that being, a newly generated self of our own creation (not as who we think we are, or were, or are supposed to be), we as creator and created being, share something in sympathetic harmony with all life itself as a created creation in eternity, and then we know, through felt experience, what it's really like to be a wholly authentic human being, liberated for the sake of freedom, to freely love as we are loved. In truth there may be nothing else going on of any consequence, whatsoever, and that's funny too!

So what's "not absurd" is yet again absurd, but in a whole new way, our humor, and thus our true life recreated, is restored, and in laughing at the absurdity of life itself, we then KNOW it's meaning, not as a theory, but a fact because we've appropriated and integrated (grokked) the truth about ourselves and our place in the cosmos as it is. And the wisdom and the power which comes from this recognition (re cognition), is more than sufficient to cause the "world" (societal matrix) to transform, because the creation itself has already been redeemed, and there is nothing left but for this singularity of absurdity we call the world of mankind, to be transformed, in whatever way however fast or slowly. Ironically, or humorously, we cannot precisely know when this has taken place "in the world", but only when it has take place first within ourselves. With humor then we can allow the evidence to accumulate, with patience and with poise and grace. This is a marvel, for those able to grok of it, and begin to move into a whole new domain of being and becoming, both for themselves and simultaneously for their fellow man, since no man is an island unto himself, but the "son of man" within and among the brotherhood of man.

edit on 18-10-2011 by NewAgeMan because: although I was still peeved that the automative quoting feature doesn't seem to be working properly right now on ATS. still a "work in progress' I must be.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

We are what we are.

For example, I like wild kinky sex, drugs, alcohol, good food, and wild people to be around. That's just who I am because I want to experience everything.


It is not all about me. So, I spend MOST of my time helping others.

No rules.

No morals.

No walls between us.

This is who I am. Do you need help? Need some love?

I don't even stop to think before I speak or type. Just be.

With Love,

Your Brother
edit on 18-10-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:39 PM
Betcha when you first opened this thread, you didn't know that I was gong to impart to you in the process that YOU are the omegapoint of the cosmogenesis of the noosphere and involved in nothing less than the second coming of Jesus Christ as Christ or Cosmic Consciousness come of age, did you?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

"Love, and do as you will."
~ St. Augustine

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

All but the kinky sex bro. (your offer of love)

Thank you.

You too are much appreciated.

Bear in mind though that when we give up the need to "be special" that we then become extra special and ever more charming, but don't take that the wrong way, I have only love for you.

edit on 18-10-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit for context.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

We are what we are.

Two Jesus' in a mental ward?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by IAMIAM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

We are what we are.

Two Jesus' in a mental ward?

We won't be alone for long my friend.

With Love,

Your Brother

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