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99%? Who wants to be a part of the 100%?

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Cinaed

I would also be willing to bet many of those not supporting the protest have more gratitude for the luxurious lifestyle Americans enjoy, AND do more to protest the banks and crooked corporations on a daily basis

Well put. And that is exactly why there are people that are not joining in the protesting.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by jacktorrance

The entire attitude of the protest supporters is interesting to me. They seem to only see a glass half empty, they seem to feel entitled to the money and labor of others to fund part of their way of life and they seem to feel qualified to decide who has *too much* and to etch in stone those people have no right to what they have worked for. This seems just VERY unAmerican to me!

My father said my generation felt the world owed them a living. Were he alive, this generation would put him back into his grave. He seriously would NOT believe it!

While I understand the current generations beef about the education racket I am pretty offended when I hear them claiming they are 99% of the country and yet they mention NOTHING that matters to me or that I feel are the evils and the problems in this country. I am not saying what is happening on Wall Street doesn't matter either. I am saying they are focused on the wrong devil. Wall Street is a byproduct of the Monster, not THE Monster

I also get upset when I try to talk to the protest supporters about the Constitution, not only are they not interested in discussing how straying from and trampling this piece of paper is the core of our troubles, they seem to have only 2 responses to my attempts to have this kind of debate. They either begin a vicious attack of me personally or they shut up entirely and refuse to continue discussion.

I can tell you it leaves me with the impression the 99% would just as soon burn the Constitution but they are not going to honestly say so as they KNOW they will get ZERO (from the general citizenry) support if they do.

I have suggested they put all this energy into AMENDING the Constitution and been told I am an idiot, retarded, fascist, disinformation agent, troll....etc etc how UNAMERICAN is that?

The longer this protest continues and spreads the more I see an emerging that troubles me deeply but also gives me hope. I see more of the groups showing their true colors and while some areas the protest signs and the actions of the protestors just disgusts me, I also see more and more End the Fed signs and some groups addressing other REAL issues that affect the 99% and actually standing up for more than just their own self interests
These are the individuals of the current generation they need a leader to emerge from! If for nothing else than to consolidate the grievances and the demands so they actually DO represent the 99% of the Land

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by jacktorrance

The entire attitude of the protest supporters is interesting to me. They seem to only see a glass half empty, they seem to feel entitled to the money and labor of others to fund part of their way of life and they seem to feel qualified to decide who has *too much* and to etch in stone those people have no right to what they have worked for. This seems just VERY unAmerican to me!

Why do you have a sacred Celtic symbol as your avatar if you cannot understand this has nothing to do with entitlement?

This is about the shift. We are shifting away from the animal cheese chasing dog eat dog world that is NOT humane.

Wake up please.

This is about making the criminals finally accountable. WE WILL TAKE THIS ALL BACK TO A HUMAN CONDITION. We are not animals chasing each other to see who can take the most.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by SeleneLux

I believe in equal opportunity, not equal outcome for all....simple as that. As to the Triquetra, it has ment many things over the centuries. I am sure my understanding of it is much different than yours,. What I love about this country is we both have the RIGHT to our views...

Equal outcome for all has no such freedoms....

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by SeleneLux

I believe in equal opportunity, not equal outcome for all....simple as that. As to the Triquetra, it has ment many things over the centuries. I am sure my understanding of it is much different than yours,. What I love about this country is we both have the RIGHT to our views...

Equal outcome for all has no such freedoms....

Equal opportuninty doesn't exist. I think It would be impossible for it to exist. People are not born equally. Intelligence, environment, looks, personality, parents, ect... Because of these variations, I think there should be a basic level of subsistence availible to all legal citizens and I would consider that "providing for the general welfare".

I don't think there should be incentives for people to have kids as the current system does nor do I think our government should be providing incentives for illegal immigration as is currently the case. But I believe all citizens should have a basic level of economic security. I also believe this would probably pay for itself in the reduced costs associated with poverty, not to mention the potential genuis that might be realized in people given a real opportunity.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

No sillier than saying we support the banks if we don't join the protest. I find that about as hypocritical as your silly accusation to the poster you are replying to. I would also be willing to bet many of those not supporting the protest have more gratitude for the luxurious lifestyle Americans enjoy, AND do more to protest the banks and crooked corporations on a daily basis--yr in and yr out than all the protestors have misguidedly exhibited in the past few weeks.

Like I wonder how many protestors use banks to process and hold their money.... or how many are wearing clothing made by corporations, or how many even give a rip about the Constitution the country was founded on.

I don't have a problem with banks. I have a problem with high up people breaking the law and never getting punished for anything, even "sexual assualt". When someone sticks up a convience store its called larceny and assault with a deadly weapon. With white collar crime its called embezzlement or racketerring.

Rather than complaining about not having enough money the better answer is to put your money where your mouth is and learn to walk the walk rather than just talk the talk

Since the justice system is beyond corrupt then the only answer is for mass protests. There is no way less than 1 percent of the world population should controll more than 99%. I don't believe in a republic, I believe in a democracy. Republics are easy to hijack while democracies are not. If you don't like a democracy then please take your belongings and go to the moon or venus.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

You have no idea what I care about, OR what I DO about it.

I DO ask what the FED is up to and keep saying if the protestors want to get to the bottom of WHO the crooks are (and not just stick it to *the evil rich* which is basically anyone with more money than them) then they need to FOCUS on the FED....Wallstreet is just a byproduct of the dirty dealings with the FED...for the UMPTEENTH time I said it....AGAIN

Yet the people who want to audit the FED(like Ron Paul) said they want the FED abolished and then setup competting currencies with competing banks, all backed by the gold standard. God and silver are not enough to accomodate all the currency in circulation in the USA alone, so how will there be enough for foreign currencies?

Its an absolutely horrible idea, much worse than leaving the FED alone as bad as it currently is. The only solution is to nationalise the fed, do an investigation of where the money is going and then prosecute the criminals.

Just because you may be the enemy of my enemy does not automatically make you friend!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Mourninwoody

I don't think there should be incentives for people to have kids as the current system does nor do I think our government should be providing incentives for illegal immigration as is currently the case. But I believe all citizens should have a basic level of economic security. I also believe this would probably pay for itself in the reduced costs associated with poverty, not to mention the potential genuis that might be realized in people given a real opportunity.

I agree 100% with your last paragraph and take it a step forward and say they should be "punished" in terms of more tax money. That would a huge discentive for most families and we will finally start reducing the population to a more manageable level in the long run.

Less people means less pollution and fewer problems. Another sollution would be to colonise space but nasa and esa sold out the public a long time ago. We have to control the religious NUTS who refuse birth control and especially abortions.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

So to improve the couintry you would do away with religious freedom???

I'll have to pass on one of the very core rights the country was founded on. Surpressing religion while at the same time promoting abortion is abhorant in the world I want to live in!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Double post
edit on 10/17/11 by Cinaed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I have not claimed to be, nor in any way do I wish or need to be your friend! My opinions however are just as valid as yours EVEN when you disagree with them

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
Over and over again I see us vs. them. Rich vs. poor. Haves vs. Have Nots. The only difference is 99% of that 1% is that they worked hard. They EARNED it.
And the "99" want to take that away?

EARNED IT? LOL Yea they were out digging ditches right? Apparently you have never even met a 10%'er. Let alone a 1%'er. These are people who don't even draw their own baths, let alone 'work hard' and 'earn' something.

These are people born to powerful families - into trust funds and a stratospheric familial/social circle which educates them and then hires them and then promotes them. These are people who definitely don't want your kids mixing with their kids or climbing high enough on the ladder to actually 'enter into the holy temple of wealth', as I have heard it called.

Very few of these people actually create new businesses (why Steve Jobs was an anomaly). They get placed as CEO's and Bank heads by virtue of who they or their families are or know. Most of them - in truth- are total #-ups who rely on a regiment of personal economists and trust fund managers and lawyers to do their 'jobs' and manage them personally as well as help them figure out how to further screw the little guy.

You are either a brainwashed fool - or a tool desperately wishing for a few crumbs off M'Lords table for supporting their obscene wealth while half the world goes hungry. This is the feudal system America fought for independence from. And you support it.

Well we all know who you would have been supporting in the battle for independence in this country - and it wasn't the patriots.

I can just hear you now: "King George worked haaard for the New Land!! He should keep alllll of it!"
edit on 17-10-2011 by Stratus9 because: king george

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

So to improve the couintry you would do away with religious freedom???

I'll have to pass on one of the very core rights the country was founded on. Surpressing religion while at the same time promoting abortion is abhorant in the world I want to live in!

The only thing abhorant is promoting the devil's work as god's work. I imagine my cryptic post went wwwaaaayyyyy over your head. No worries "friend".

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

NO, abhorant is taking away freedom due to *certain* people feeling qualified to decide what is best for all, what is right and wrong, what is good and bad....thinks NO human being is qualified to do, no matter how intelligent or enlightened they believe themselves to be....and you are no friend of mine
Thank God!

Humanity is no more evolved than a coop full of how they all *control the nuts* and set the standard...and just watch how they devour any too weak to get on their feet!

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by therainmkr6970
I am part of the 1%. I have owned businesses, I have never borrowed money to start any of them. I have created over 5,000 jobs since 1994 and I let my employees buy in as owners of my company. Here is my problem with the protests.

They are all coming from this from a standpoint of "I can't", not " I can and I will".

America was built on people pulling them up by their bootstraps, and these 99% instead of improving their skills or starting a business, they take to the streeets. It won't help, they are too unorganized because like our president they don't have the skills necessary to get results.

I don't agree with too big too fail, but this is not the way to do it, you must use political processes like the tea party and get things changed from that level because that is the level in which the banks gained their influence.

Are there elite people that are non producers like a Bush or a Clinton? Yes, but there are millions of small businesses that gross $2m a year and net $1m and are way above the classification of your $250,000 a year in income of your 1%. We/I work hard, we put in 60 hours a week and we employ the 99%.

If you don't like it, sure, protest but do it peacefully and don't make black and white statements saying the 1% are all lazy have it all elite populas that don't contribute.

I am the hardworking 1%, I always have jobs available, got a problem, want to earn $100,000 let me show you how to work 60 hours a week to earn that kind of money.

Umm... I think you've got things a bit mixed up.

If anything, these protests are about a bunch of disenfranchised people saying I CAN AND I WILL.

As for pulling yourself by your bootstraps... that's usually a load of crap. Yeah, everyone has to do what they have to do and try to improve their lot, but at the end of the day, the GAME IS RIGGED. Studies show that people are VASTLY most likely to die within the same income bracket as they were born in. Not to mention, no matter one's efforts, anyone's likelihood of becoming rich are VERY SLIM.

Please read:

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:16 AM
Something I've noticed.
As these groups evolve, and their message evolves, one thing I see is missing.

And that is individuality. The "you're with us or against us" hive mentality.

There is a tendancy to lump all individuals into a specific group. Be it by others or themselves. Self-proclaimed socialists, communists, anarchists, what have you; are moving away from the individual.
Individuality is being replaced by the concept of "what is good for the group".

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by beezzer

beezzer, i have to agree with ya there ... one other thing that catches my eye is ... source / AdBusters, Soros, Jackson, Lewis, JR Mooneyham (CIA) ... as each day passes, the clarity of the deception is unmistakable.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
Something I've noticed.
As these groups evolve, and their message evolves, one thing I see is missing.

And that is individuality. The "you're with us or against us" hive mentality.

There is a tendancy to lump all individuals into a specific group. Be it by others or themselves. Self-proclaimed socialists, communists, anarchists, what have you; are moving away from the individual.
Individuality is being replaced by the concept of "what is good for the group".

No they're not. Have you forgotten the General Assemblies where EVERY VOICE IS HEARD?? Have you been to any of these protests where ANYONE CAN SPEAK OUT TO THE GROUP?? The collective is MADE UP OF individuals and the group highly values the individuals. In fact, the group ISN'T rigidly controlled, therefore individualism is fire hot in OWS.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by beezzer

beezzer, i have to agree with ya there ... one other thing that catches my eye is ... source / AdBusters, Soros, Jackson, Lewis, JR Mooneyham (CIA) ... as each day passes, the clarity of the deception is unmistakable.

Adbusters is quite admirable. Soros is hardly a puppet master. And JR Mooneyham being CIA?? If I recall correctly, I'm the only person I've seen link to mooneyham's site... and while it says he's done a LOT of different lines of work (including consultation for the CIA)... do you have any PROOF that there's some kind of conspiracy or that he's some sort of ongoing CIA disinformation agent?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by beezzer

beezzer, i have to agree with ya there ... one other thing that catches my eye is ... source / AdBusters, Soros, Jackson, Lewis, JR Mooneyham (CIA) ... as each day passes, the clarity of the deception is unmistakable.

Adbusters is quite admirable. Soros is hardly a puppet master. And JR Mooneyham being CIA?? If I recall correctly, I'm the only person I've seen link to mooneyham's site... and while it says he's done a LOT of different lines of work (including consultation for the CIA)... do you have any PROOF that there's some kind of conspiracy or that he's some sort of ongoing CIA disinformation agent?

admirable ???? ... i wouldn't agree.
AdBusters --

Our aim is to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we live in the 21st century.

Soros -- i never called him a puppet master, he isn't that smart ... financier, by his own admission / Tides Foundation funds AdBusters for one.

JR --

During the Cold War Mooneyham was a bonafide survivalist, undertaking much of the intellectual/physical pursuits and preparedness measures that implies. Too, Mooneyham's college experience included time as a campus security patrol dispatcher and some years in ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corp), a program supervised by US Armed Forces personnel, where military history, strategy, tactics, and instruction in contemporary command and control structures were provided, as well as other training regarding weaponry, physical conditioning, and field exercises. Mooneyham has provided technical consultation and administration for business involved in prototyping work for DARPA (a US military research and development institution), as well as performed in various competitive intelligence roles for certain US companies/executives, in industries including the automotive and computer fields. During late 2001 and early 2002 Mooneyham served as an informal consultant to certain US military planning operations. Mooneyham also has associates/contacts who have provided technical services to US military and intelligence agencies (including the CIA).
and, for someone who was sooooo influenced by the sci-fi world, directly involved in military planning OPs and has known CIA attachments ... if you choose to follow his 'advice' you are welcome to but i wouldn't consciously recommend others follow such a lead.

even his website is an instructional on how to work "within" the system OWS wants to destroy ... if you support OWS, why reference Mooneyham ??
especially since he would be a 1%er by OWS standards.

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