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99%? Who wants to be a part of the 100%?

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posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Honor93

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

Originally posted by neo96
until all pro ows start mentioning union lobbyists and special interests

i am chalking this up to stacking the deck in your favor right along with all those "demands" that wreak of left wing ideology that i have heard for the past decade.

be original for once.

Do you SERIOUSLY think union lobbyists come anywhere near the power of other lobbyists?? And even if they have HALF the amount of power of other private interests... do you SERIOUSLY think unions are trying to destroy the poor/middle-class?? They're trying to LIFT WORKERS UP, and despite any union corruption, they're a necessary lesser-evil to stand up to massive private entities which could give a rat's ass about workers, consumers or anyone/thing but themselves and stockholders.

boy those blinders sure fit you well

yes, unions are out to destroy the middle-class ... ever since daddio Hoffa ... what makes you think Junior Hoffa is any different?

so, union corruption ok ... corporate corruption ... not ok
and, union tactics ok ... corporate coercion .. not ok
and one more ... union abuse ok ... govt abuse ... not ok

psssssst: who contributes more to charity and research ... corporations or unions ??

You're truly lost in a wonder world of the modern red-scare.

And you once again ignored what I said.

Just stop talking.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by NoHierarchy

So much for respecting and upholding a person's freedom of speech!

Typical though..... I disagree with you so shut up *assorted attack and name calling here*

You only show how intolerant you are, no matter how enlightened and knowledgable you claim to be.

Any chance you care to prove your points with historical fact??? This is where most that share your view go on total attack or shut completely up
So prove me wrong!!! Back you claims up with names and dates, I double dog dare you

edit on 10/13/11 by Cinaed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:58 AM

100% for the 100%.

Did you see this thread id?

7 6 1 7 7 7
I shouldn't need to point out that if you add the 6 +1 you get another 7.
So that's a total of 5 (five) 7's.

Is "7" a good number?

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

I 100% agree with this. Even working class people (like myself) in this country don't often realize how good they have it. If you can afford your monthly necessities and still have some left over to pay for an internet connection that allows you to get online and complain about being part of the might want to re-evaluate your stance.

I'm from a single parent family, so nothing has been handed to me or mine. My mother worked herself almost to death in some instances, 3 jobs at one time to support us without taking a handout. It was rough, but I never heard her complain about how the system was holding her down. She was too busy actually working to make a sign and protest about how "they" should be doing more for her.

If people want a reality check, they should go here Global Rich List

If you make $20,000 USD a year, you're in the top 11% of the WORLD'S richest population.

And before someone accuses me of being a sheep or a slave to "the man"; you shouldn't waste your breath. I'm not delusional. I know there are things that can and should be better in this country, but I'm also not going to take for granted what I have. I recognize how much worse it could be.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by jacktorrance
reply to post by projectvxn

I 100% agree with this. Even working class people (like myself) in this country don't often realize how good they have it. If you can afford your monthly necessities and still have some left over to pay for an internet connection that allows you to get online and complain about being part of the might want to re-evaluate your stance.

That is all you want from life? To work lots of overtime so you can afford "the bare necessities" and "an internet connection"? What kind of sick&twisted logic is this??? Stockholm Syndrome comes to mind. And guess what, maybe you should get a fifth job so you can travel to other countries and find out some people have it better than in the "good ole usa".

"Sorry" I am having less and less patience with trolls who contradict themselves and make their agenda obvious! Instead of taking out your frustrations on people who are on the same boat with you, perhaps you should join them and liberate yourself.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

If I am understanding you correctly (not sur I am). You are saying whoever gets the most free stuff is liberated??? Even if doing so bankrupts the country?

I far prefer the live within our means lifestyle, but that's just me. Its not about being for the banks, its about not being in debt to China!

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Cinaed

If you really care about the debt, then you should ask the FED where are all that stimulus money went. We are talking of 4-5 trillion.

Of course you don't care cause its all a ruse to stick it to the middle class that made america what it is today.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I don't believe anyone, including myself, ever said they want to work lots of overtime to afford bare necessities, with an internet connection, and get a fifth job. (Wherever you got that idea, I have no clue.)

What I said, was that we shouldn't take for granted what we do have in this country. I also said I know that things could be better...but we certainly do not have it the worst. Maybe instead of me visiting a country that has it "better" than we do, the people that can afford a vacation every year for their family, yet still find time to complain about the prices of airline tickets, etc. should take their money and visit a less privileged country. (Not to help anyone out, of course. We wouldn't want to do that, right? No, just to see how another place has it worse than "good ole USA".) They might even save a couple thousand dollars on their 'vacation'.

I also do not believe I contradicted myself once (if that entire post was indeed in response to me). And I certainly wasn't trolling.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by jacktorrance

I simply added a little more drame to your already high drama post. I thought it was obvious, but when a conservative gets pinned against the wall, they resort to "I didn't say this" or "you can't read".

Again if you feel cheated by the system, as many do(probably less than 99% though) then join the group that best represents you, rather than make silly comparisons such as which nations is the richest/poorest. That will get us no where!

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

You have no idea what I care about, OR what I DO about it.

I DO ask what the FED is up to and keep saying if the protestors want to get to the bottom of WHO the crooks are (and not just stick it to *the evil rich* which is basically anyone with more money than them) then they need to FOCUS on the FED....Wallstreet is just a byproduct of the dirty dealings with the FED...for the UMPTEENTH time I said it....AGAIN

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

No sillier than saying we support the banks if we don't join the protest. I find that about as hypocritical as your silly accusation to the poster you are replying to. I would also be willing to bet many of those not supporting the protest have more gratitude for the luxurious lifestyle Americans enjoy, AND do more to protest the banks and crooked corporations on a daily basis--yr in and yr out than all the protestors have misguidedly exhibited in the past few weeks.

Like I wonder how many protestors use banks to process and hold their money.... or how many are wearing clothing made by corporations, or how many even give a rip about the Constitution the country was founded on.

Rather than complaining about not having enough money the better answer is to put your money where your mouth is and learn to walk the walk rather than just talk the talk

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:27 PM
I am part of the 1%. I have owned businesses, I have never borrowed money to start any of them. I have created over 5,000 jobs since 1994 and I let my employees buy in as owners of my company. Here is my problem with the protests.

They are all coming from this from a standpoint of "I can't", not " I can and I will".

America was built on people pulling them up by their bootstraps, and these 99% instead of improving their skills or starting a business, they take to the streeets. It won't help, they are too unorganized because like our president they don't have the skills necessary to get results.

I don't agree with too big too fail, but this is not the way to do it, you must use political processes like the tea party and get things changed from that level because that is the level in which the banks gained their influence.

Are there elite people that are non producers like a Bush or a Clinton? Yes, but there are millions of small businesses that gross $2m a year and net $1m and are way above the classification of your $250,000 a year in income of your 1%. We/I work hard, we put in 60 hours a week and we employ the 99%.

If you don't like it, sure, protest but do it peacefully and don't make black and white statements saying the 1% are all lazy have it all elite populas that don't contribute.

I am the hardworking 1%, I always have jobs available, got a problem, want to earn $100,000 let me show you how to work 60 hours a week to earn that kind of money.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by therainmkr6970

Actually if you are making 5.5 million a year then yes you are the 1%.

If your working 60 hours a week and make $1,000,000 then your part of the 99%.

edit on 16-10-2011 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by therainmkr6970

This is one of my main issues about the protest. I am not one of the 1% but I have worked for them and I learned a lot. I learned they do work hard to become the 1%! I have been treated well and like crap by the 1% but mostly very well. I have received better medical and dental care working for a 1% than any insurance policy I could get working anywhere.

I was ready to work and wasn't afraid of it in the least, and I wanted to LEARN.

Something like 80% of the country's millionaires are self made. They are certainly not elitist and non productive by any stretch of the word. Yet the laws coming down the shoot that those claiming to be the 99% are for would take from these people.

I can't see anything right about that at ALL...or *fair*

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by SeleneLux

Socialism is a form of higher thinking, as opposed to being a cheese chasing rat. Wake up. The dog eat dog world was not how Christ wanted things to be.

Um, what? Have you taken a look at nature recently? As I recall, God created it all and set the system running. And guess what? Everything is eating everything else, all the time. It's a non-stop competition for resources.
In other's a dog-eat-dog world. Envisioned, created, and endorsed by God. Stop second-guessing him.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by ClearEyedThinker
reply to post by JMech

The problem is, as before, companies make decisions based on profit-growth, not production growth.

Gaining market share has become less about creating a superior choice in the equal marketplace, and more about finding ways to game the marketplace in order to eliminate competitors.

Free market is a wonderful idea, but it is not perfect in its current form. There are people in this world who have most definitely cheated.

I agree with all of this. I know I'm gonna get blasted for saying this, but it seems to me that the "cheating" is a result of all the millions of words of regulations and federal accounting rules, etc.

Anyone who thinks the system is "under-regulated" is invited to spend the next couple of years reading all the regulations. Here are a few links to get you started:

Federal Regulations
More Federal Regulations
Still More Federal Regulations
Even More Federal Regulations
Regulators, Mount Up

With so much regs, rules, paperwork, red tape, and so on, large companies(i.e. evil corporations full of greedy capitalist pigdog CEOs that should be forced, by law, to dress like Darth Vader) have incentive to cut corners on accounting, which used to take one or two nerds equipped with green eyeshade visors but now requires a skyscraper full of geeks and equipment in order to keep up with all the federal requirements for filing. A couple of accounting geeks probably would've been too busy with legitimate work to cook any books, but when you've got a whole 30 floors full of geeks and computers, along with miles of regulations and rules to trick/cheat/bend, it begins to make economic sense to try cutting corners. So overregulation--or perhaps just overly complex regulation practices--generates an environment that incentivizes "cheating."

I am not saying that there should be no regulation or oversight at all. It just needs to be simple. Same thing goes for tax laws. The system is so complex that it encourages cheating to minimize the costs of filing, while also making it simpler to "hide" the fact that you are cheating.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Honor93

if this is some lame attempt to excuse predatory lending, you are sadly mistaken. The responsibility of "due diligence" falls on all parties, not just the borrower.

I keep hearing about this "predatory lending." Will someone please explain to me how you can make money by giving it to people who can't/won't pay it back?
Maybe it was predatory borrowing, which was enabled by the forced lowering of lending standards that was required for the Affordable Housing crap. (those houses are really affordable now, aren't they? Too bad if you actually had equity in your home....but hey, at least poor people can now afford to buy your house from you!!)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by spikey

There is a rather simple solution to at least part of the problem.

Pass a law that limits an individual to personal wealth including assets, not to exceed a certain threshold.

Any wealth accumulated beyond that figure would be liable to immediate taxation of 70%, with the remaining 30% to be redistributed among the most deprived areas in the country, and spent on social inspiration programmes for the young, education, and healthcare.

Yeah. All that happens when you do that is people who reach the income limit or the 70% taxation mark stop working. It's been tried before. It helps no one, and it slows the economy down by causing the most successful people to stop producing.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Tsurugi
reply to post by Honor93

if this is some lame attempt to excuse predatory lending, you are sadly mistaken. The responsibility of "due diligence" falls on all parties, not just the borrower.

I keep hearing about this "predatory lending." Will someone please explain to me how you can make money by giving it to people who can't/won't pay it back?
Maybe it was predatory borrowing, which was enabled by the forced lowering of lending standards that was required for the Affordable Housing crap. (those houses are really affordable now, aren't they? Too bad if you actually had equity in your home....but hey, at least poor people can now afford to buy your house from you!!)

I believe It works by loaning money to high risk persons then repackaging the loans with others, bribing moody's to give their stamp of approval and selling the loans to investors as AAA quality. Many of the investors that bought this garbage were big funds where peoples 401k's were invested. Perhaps the people that manage these funds knew this stuff was garbage and were on the take, I don't know but wouldn't be surprised. Also its my understanding those selling this crap short it and make additional money on the downside. I believe Goldman Sachs was caught doing this. When everything crashes they get their "bought and paid for" politicians to bail out the "to big to fail" institutions with our tax dollars. Thats my understanding of things though I'll be the first to admit I'm no expert.

I don't think most people are upset with every wealthy person in America (I'm not), just those that make their fortunes in this manner and rightly so.
edit on 17-10-2011 by Mourninwoody because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

High drama post? Really? It's interesting that you read it that way. I also wouldn't consider myself conservative, but if that's the way you view it, then so be it.

I don't feel cheated by the system. I said the opposite, actually. I feel blessed and rightfully so. I don't believe my comparison of poorer nations was out of line in the least.

That is why I feel no need to join the 99. But if you do, on the other hand, be my guest. The fact that we are not only given more financial security than most other parts of the world, but freedom also, gives you that right.

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