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My mother went to bed and now she won't wake up

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posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Deetermined

Are you really so deluded that you are prepared to believe this?

Logic should dictate to you that this has to be a hoax.

If it was my mother, ambulance gets called at 10am, so I probably don’t get back to the early hours of the morning knackered I (and every other normal human being) would try to get some sleep. Then up the next morning phoning the hospital, ringing family and friends to let them know what’s happening and make perpetrations to go visit my mum in hospital. The last thing I would do is go check on her laptop (which has continently remained on for almost half a day and all night logged into ATS) and start browsing through her history then create a thread on some random website I possibly have never heard of to explain things to a bunch of strangers and ask them for advice.

Really how can anyone believe any of this.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by pazcat
Nope, it's the only way forward infact.
She is a nutter, read her posts. Infact half of this place needs to be locked up and sedated, and they know it too.
There is a reason all this garbage exists purely behind the anonimity of the internet. It shouldn't stop real world consequences from occuring.
edit on 1-10-2011 by pazcat because: (no reason given)

Here's what I think. There is a chance this is all true, and if so, I feel sorry for this family.

However, OBAMA, internet control and a kind of elaborate set up on forums, an attempt to trace users, and make it out that she went nuts from the whole conspiracy theory,and thus Problem/Reaction/Solution is possibly occurring with a set up, and that would make these people agents, or the tools of agents.

As soon as I read the opening post it seemed to imply this possibility, along with a way to try and slander and make "insane and unblanced" all prophetic dreams, which ties in with another thing thats going on under the radar.

Georgia Government sent pamphlets home with students promoting polgamy and Islam dress. I noticed. I see the whole plan as a regime change, with all the signs being used as such.

That would mean repression of free thought, and prophecy (as that is said to be witchcraft), gay rights, everything.

I assume the leaders would be watching this thread and so they had better learn here and now their plan IS NOT HAPPENING.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 04:44 PM
If I'm right, shame on all of you. What a sell out to freedom of expression and awareness. And guess what, nothing will stop Freedom, you'd have to kill us all. Also, just a warning to that regime change group, any repression will be met its opposite civil disobedience, full force. Any dress codes, and we'll all be wearing beach clothes. Savvy?!!!! No women are going to tolerate this.

edit on 1-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
If I'm right, shame on all of you. What a sell out to freedom of expression and awareness. And guess what, nothing will stop Freedom, you'd have to kill us all. Also, just a warning to that regime change group, any repression will be met its opposite civil disobedience, full force. Any dress codes, and we'll all be wearing beach clothes. Savvy?!!!! No women are going to tolerate this.

edit on 1-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Unity? Are you posting on the right thread? I thought maybe you meant to write this on the: Look what's happening outside Wall Street now! thread.

Why the dissension to such a questionable thread?

But if by chance your post was really meant for THIS thread then, if I'm not mistaking 'freedom' goes both ways last time I checked (but with all the Patriot Act amendments I can't even be 100% certain anymore)

If you post a thread? Better have your big girl/boy pants on!

There's a lot more serious stuff happening. This is piddly (and bull too)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 05:09 PM
If I "go to the Light" no one on ATS will know about it, it will be as if I just got "Raptured" and you all were left behind!

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousVan
reply to post by IJUSTAM

if you know your mother came often on ATS, why you didnt used her account ?
Why you actualy took the time to create a new account ?

sorry but im not conviced with your story but nice try

Because he didn't know the password??? Because he didn't want to touch the account in case there is an investigation. Could be numerous reasons.

Nevermind... I just discovered that she's using her mother's account.
edit on 1-10-2011 by shushu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 06:38 PM
I think there is more than a 75% chance that the user posting this thread is not the same user that posted the "dream" thread. I have determined this by analyzing the usage of words and punctuation, and although that can be faked, who would think that someone would check that?

So from the text I have compared I believe this to be two different people. Does that mean the story is true? Not by any means. But I thought I would offer up that nugget for those of you still on the fence.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by AnonymousVan
you know when the other thread was posted I noticed the lead in was asking for help to get to sleep,and then it went to more of the religious aspect.So what I am saying is she wanted to talk about religion and rapture and not sleep.

I think I smell a troll...anybody else?

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Horselover Fat
Ah so you're the self appointed keeper of the flame eh?

He sint the only one -and the reason those of us that do post over and over and defend what we have to say is because people here do not listen. We give logic, proof, opinion, yet the thread just grows and grows with people that do not wish to understand or listen or admit defeat. It is frustrating! Not mention that a lot of people post and dont even read all the comments. It never hurts to make sure that a voice of reason and truth is represented at least once on every page!

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 07:04 PM
My opinion says this is fake. We aren't even hearing from the OP anymore, and that reeks of BS to me.
"Oh I am so worried about my mom - I just know someone on ats has the answers, so instead of spending my time getting hold of family, making arrangements, resting up, I am going to post a long thread here. And just when people start reading it I will disappear, not actually getting what might be very incredibly important information I desperately need."

I can't speak for everyone, and I know that different people all react differently in similar situations. I know if I was the OP, and what she stated was true, then I might actually log into ATS to ask around. But only if I seriously thought ATS had the missing pieces. And IF I thought ATS had the missing pieces, then I sure as heck would still be here, posting, replying, reading, BEGGING. Why start a thread and not stick around? She sensed no one was falling for it and has gone off to think of her next move maybe?

Also, she must have grabbed the laptop on her way out behind the ambulance, as she said in her OP that she had been there ever since. So she did not go home to get the computer, she apparently took it. To the hospital. And they have wifi there. If I was following my mother out the door on a stretcher, I wouldnt say, hang on gotta get the laptop.
And do we have any clues yet about her age? She doesnt sound like a young child to me. She sounds like at least older teen, young adult.

hey, if she is telling the truth i will apologize for my skepticism

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 07:11 PM
another odd thing, about the mothers thread. She had said that she found this site, posted the number of replies in order to make a thread, but it took her three days to do that? Seems odd. If I have something I want to share, you can bet i would crank out twenty replies lickety split and get my thread posted. Why wait three days for something so urgent sounding?

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 07:11 PM
Okay, so I wasn't going to post at first, but I just want to say this:

To the OP (second op, the daughter)

I know your mom has been in the hospital and under doctors care, and that they are running tests, etc. but it really sounded like your mom might have been considering suicide, or at least thought she was going to die. The way she was talking to you, making the pies, telling you she loved you and your brothers...this is the behavior of someone who doesn't plan on being there themselves to say and do.

I am hoping you told the doctors about her behavior recently and especially last night so they ran a toxicology lab. One thing you may not have thought to do, is look through her bathroom, medicine cabinet, garbage can, etc. for any pill bottles. If you find one, count how many are left...then figure out (based on the prescription date and dosage) how many should be in there. Bring any pill bottles, etc. to the hospital so they know what to look for. Quite often, unless they know what to look for they may not figure out what kind of drugs are in her system.

This may be an example of how the internet and yes, ATS, can sometimes feed a persons mental illness. If your mom really wasn't sleeping for several days, this could have caused a chemical imbalance in her brain that can lead to very real, dangerous changes that can be life-threatening. This dream may have been a symptom rather than a cause of the problem.

I hope your mom is okay....and yes, I am going on the assumption that this is real. If it isn't, no harm done. If it is, better to have tried to help.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 07:23 PM
Wow! What a lame group of brains!

The original conversation turned religious after a verse from Revelation was posted that reminded her of her dream. (Must not have read the whole thread.)

I'm sure the daughter hasn't come back to this thread because she's already found what she's looking for....the link to her mother's thread discussing the dream. This is what her daughter came here for, not to listen to all of you.

For those of you speculating on why she came here at all, it was obvious that her kids knew she had been on the computer before she got all upset and went to bed. Wouldn't you want to know what she was discussing online if it upset her enough that she went to sleep and didn't wake up?

Please people! I can't believe I'm saying this, but most of you have to be men not to have all of the above figured out.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by westcoast

This woman had no intentions of committing suicide. She was scared about the prospect of dying. I do wonder if she took some kind of sleeping aid before going to bed, but for someone who claimed that she never took anything besides aspirin on occasion, I doubt she intentionally would overdose. In fact, I doubt she had anything strong enough in the house to overdose on. She had three kids to live for that she loved dearly and her life was mostly carefree. Her sister is a psychiatrist. I doubt we have to worry about this one.

Let's hope!

At least Westcoast had something valuable to add here. This would be exactly the kind of information that I'd be looking for if I were Amanda, since there were so many sleep suggestions offered.

edit on 1-10-2011 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2011 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 08:11 PM

This is a great example of how the 9-11 Official Story was so well-received without an ounce of evidence!

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 08:27 PM
Not buying it.... If it's not a hoax, then I'm sorry, but I already have been burned once when an internet friend pulled the same exact hoax on another website I visited.

At least in this case, the hoaxer (if it was a hoax) wasn't a well known contributor to the community before throwing it all away with a half arsed hoax.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 08:29 PM
Now heres a strange coincidence, just now ive wrote a poem,

I glanced back up and there is this post...

in fact the poem ive just wrote made me click on the thread because..well it just sparked my intrest because of the poem ive just written.( I usually give the dream threads a wide birtha)

here the poem i justr wrote literally 5 minutes ago..

People dont like the sound of the Alarm,
they rub their eyes and fall back to slumber.
sometimes they hit the snoozer and drift off for a little longer
Back into the utopia of a distant dream of days gone by.

But sure enough the realisation has hit them,
yes groggy at first.
but the eyes begin to open.
A forced daily grind is upon them,no more sickeys, their
place is the system is too privilaged to lose.
Ones stress level is increasing,
even thou the birds have just started singing.

if this aint a hoax ..I hope your mum gets better.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 08:43 PM

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
reply to post by Deetermined

Are you really so deluded that you are prepared to believe this?

Logic should dictate to you that this has to be a hoax.

If it was my mother, ambulance gets called at 10am, so I probably don’t get back to the early hours of the morning knackered I (and every other normal human being) would try to get some sleep. Then up the next morning phoning the hospital, ringing family and friends to let them know what’s happening and make perpetrations to go visit my mum in hospital. The last thing I would do is go check on her laptop (which has continently remained on for almost half a day and all night logged into ATS) and start browsing through her history then create a thread on some random website I possibly have never heard of to explain things to a bunch of strangers and ask them for advice.

Really how can anyone believe any of this.
Logic would dictate that your logic is completely flawed.

1) I can shut my PC down and start it back up and still be logged into ATS.
2) If "Amanda" was desperate to know about her moms dreams she would check ATS asap.
3) The OP did not post this thread to explain things to a bunch of strangers, she asked a specific question.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 09:15 PM
After a brief analysis of both writing styles there are several immediate differences that stand out:

* Amanda didn't use any paragraphs
* Amanda used ’ instead of '
* Amanda used “ & ” instead of "

If the OP is a hoaxer they payed attention to their writing style.

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