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BREAKING NEWS! Over 10,000 occupying Wall Street.

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posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:37 PM
The first day this started Saturday sept 17th, there was 2k people. Monday rolls around it was down to 250. I agree its just kids with nothing to do on the weekend. That 10k will drop quick once monday comes. Hell it'll probably drop after they find out no radiohead. I can picture it now, kids walking around with radiohead shirts on getting angsty waiting for them to show up. Then all of a sudden its 10 PM at night, and no radiohead. Either A they'll just leave or B that protest aint gonna be so peacefull anymore.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:42 PM
Reading some of the people who disagree with the points of the protestors, I think we would all like the idea of a meritocracy. The problem is it really doesn't exist, and the trade-offs you have to make depending on where you start from make it so much more difficult to get ahead.

If you come from a wealthy or at least upper middle class family, the truth is your parents can pay for college, maybe for a trip to Europe or Japan to gain culture, and you don't have to run to the first job available out of school, since you're not burdened by loans and you have a support network.

If you come from a lower middle class or poverty stricken background, odds are you have to work to go to school, won't have the same opportunities or networking possibilities, and you often get forced into finding jobs beneath what you could do if you had the luxury of looking for something else or working for yourself.

The system is unfair, and I'm not here to bitch about it, but the idea that access to education should be a right isn't a bad one. Without access to higher learning and the skills it provides, how can anyone reasonably be more than unskilled labor? Experience, yes, but try sending in a resume when you don't have any credentials and see if you make it off the pile. Self-made successes, I love them, but when you don't have any resources, how many businesses can you really start?

We can do better than this. You don't have to be a socialist to see education as a problem. After all, we accept the idea of compulsory primary education, so on some level, we know it is important. I'm not going to talk about poorly that operates here, but all I'm saying is in a world that will never be (and that I think most of us wouldn't want to be) completely equal, education is something worth supporting because it means we move closer to a meritocracy.

A person with skills, talents, and who understands their world has far fewer excuses for not succeeding. A person who is uneducated, who hasn't learned to think critically, and who just has to go along basically in debt servitude from the moment they reach adulthood, well isn't that just what "they" want?

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 02:48 PM

This isn't a revolution, it's breaking boredom.

People who are stuck in the para dime of infinite growth in a monetary system on a finite energy planet, are the ones who have this view point. at some point or another during this collapse everyone is going to be cut off from this industrialized machine. when energy sources pull people together in a region as opposed to a country ruled by the central bank it will be an all out revolution. the only thing that binds us together as a nation is energy, witch we are ruining out of in the traditional scene (fossil fuels). this is the start of a revolution its just not full blown like Egypt or Greece yet. China and Europe are on their way to a hard landing too. This isnt the end of the world 2012 crap its just the end/shift of energy sources in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:02 PM
This is a False Flag Op to take away more of our freedoms I think.

If you investigate the people behind this you will find some shady people. This is the peaceful way to incite a riot. After a while the numbers of folks will jump very high, no one there for a certain stand they can point to, just a glob of folks who want different government.. heck we all want that but they have no clear agenda.

All these people are being used and they can't see it. When this gets out of hand and the riots start and the cops get killed it will be very bad for us indeed. The aftermath can make martial law look like something we beg for.
edit on 1-10-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

admit you want the whole protest to fail
admit it, you want your daily conspiracy fix
Admit it, you really want to bow down in front of the strongests and abandon your rights
Because you cant fight for it, you want everyones to be miserable

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Screwed

can NOT wrap my head around how there are people who are as pissed off at the system as I am

Well, it's like this.....people voted for Barack because he spouted that stupid Marxist slogan of hope and change and now we got his hope and change, or rather "rope and Chains" to use Rev Manning's reference. So we cannot just have any change for the sake of it, but that's what dedicated marxists count on, that after all the Hegelian dialectic, people just want something, anything to happen.
Nothing like jumping from the boiling water into the broiler pan.

Jump froggie jump

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:20 PM
I think its time for citizens with legal and constituational knawlage to start declaring thosewho are responsiblein the banking establishment to be arested and face trial . Time to start gettng tthe police on baord , they are not our enemy. We must make them our allies
edit on 1-10-2011 by OpusMarkII because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by MegasAlexandros

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:21 PM
Sooner or later these union people are going to have to go back to work or get fired. Prez Reagan certainly proved that he could fire the air traffic controllers and replace them in a NY minute. Millions of people out of work will be willing to take their places without all the union stuff.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by juggalomma420

This isn't a revolution, it's breaking boredom.

People who are stuck in the para dime of infinite growth in a monetary system on a finite energy planet, are the ones who have this view point. at some point or another during this collapse everyone is going to be cut off from this industrialized machine. when energy sources pull people together in a region as opposed to a country ruled by the central bank it will be an all out revolution. the only thing that binds us together as a nation is energy, witch we are ruining out of in the traditional scene (fossil fuels). this is the start of a revolution its just not full blown like Egypt or Greece yet. China and Europe are on their way to a hard landing too. This isnt the end of the world 2012 crap its just the end/shift of energy sources in my opinion.

Yah wait till the tanks come out like in Egypt. Would Barack put down his own rebellion? Maybe not. The organizations planning to attend the October protest are all left leaning.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:29 PM
Go take your country back!

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by juggalomma420

This isn't a revolution, it's breaking boredom.

People who are stuck in the para dime of infinite growth in a monetary system on a finite energy planet, are the ones who have this view point. at some point or another during this collapse everyone is going to be cut off from this industrialized machine. when energy sources pull people together in a region as opposed to a country ruled by the central bank it will be an all out revolution. the only thing that binds us together as a nation is energy, witch we are ruining out of in the traditional scene (fossil fuels). this is the start of a revolution its just not full blown like Egypt or Greece yet. China and Europe are on their way to a hard landing too. This isnt the end of the world 2012 crap its just the end/shift of energy sources in my opinion.

Yah wait till the tanks come out like in Egypt. Would Barack put down his own rebellion? Maybe not. The organizations planning to attend the October protest are all left leaning.

You could be a little less obvious. I mean, you are pretty open that you hate change (in fact, you called "hope and change" a marxist slogan) but do you have to be so obviously corporatist? I mean, aren't you even the slightest bit ashamed of being so vocal about defending the people who are spending our taxes on yachts?

Every single post I see from you is like it's coming from Goldman Sach's lunch room computer. Just try to look at the other side for a second and realize that people of all walks of life are being screwed by these guys.
edit on 1-10-2011 by Cuervo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by illuminatislave

So then the point of the protest is for the government to impose more legislations on the business world to ensure they do not outsource and to ensure they have more jobs for Americans? This would effectively destroy the whole point of owning a business and being succesful. So I guess the end all result is that everyone is equal and no one is above anyone else.

You should read this books by Terry Goodkind called the Sword of Truth, but specifically the Faith of the Fallen. Gives you a good idea how things will be.

Well then gee, it sure makes a lot of sense to protest Wall Street so that they will lobby Washington to stop outsourcing....yah that sounds like a plan.
There are too many demands that are patently socialistic in approach. If they went to Wash DC for this protest it would make sense.Except that they want to shut down Wall Street, not reform it...

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:40 PM
Did anyone see that little girl just get arrested on the bridge? I'm not sure, but it looks like they have blocked the bridge and stopping the people from continuing on their march.

The people seem more revved up today. I hope it doesn't get ugly. The sad thing is that it's going to take more than peaceful protest to actually ever make a big difference. This is a step in the right direction though. It is really sad that the media won't cover this.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by Honor93

I don't understand why everybody thinks there is no direction. Here's a list of grievances and you can find the demands with a bit of Google-Fu. For such a large protest, I'd say they are remarkably focused. There isn't a clear dictator to throw out, no coup to accomplish... no actual forced goal so staying focused is a challenge. I'd say the organizers are doing just fine.

And to you people who think Bill O'Reilly has even one relevant word to say about aimless anger... I don't know what to say to you other than it makes me sad that he still has viewers. He hates youth. Period. He is one of the people who the rest of the world is waiting for to die of old age so we can evolve.

actually, you are mistaken.
the list you link is a "lottery" of choices, NOT a list of grievances.
READ the plan ... everyone (in the world) gets 1 vote ... the majority of 6 top choices get another round of voting and then ... the majority choice is the focused grievance.

sorry, but i stand a better chance of winning the local $$$ lottery than having this group represent MY concerns.
and THIS is the problem.
Everyone in the world gets a vote on our system ?? really ?
everyone in the world gets a second vote on our system ?? surely they joke.

did you even bother to read over the 22 choices and notice how they vary quite differently from one another?
sounds more like a blind draw if you ask me.
you are entitled to your opinion that the group is well-focused and functioning but i beg to differ, there is no specific plan of action, there is no specific goal to achieve and what's worse, there is no contingency plan if/when the TPTB decide to shut'em down.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Im watchin livestream, it looks really promising. Buuusy day for cops as you can see, one arrest after another, they will run out of ziplocks at this pace.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by stainlesssteelrat

I wonder if the cops plan on arresting them all. There are a lot of people there.

The way that these people are getting arrested for exercising their right to peaceful protest is pathetic.

I know the cops are only following orders, but so were the SS. Where do we draw the line?

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by illuminatislave

Originally posted by Honor93
anyone with a shred of knowledge will know what the protests of the 60s did ... nothing but make a mess.
not the civil rights movement either ... protests against govt actions like taxes, war, healthcare, blah, blah, blah.
did it end VN any sooner ? nope
did it improve the medical care provided to vets ? nope
did it change the way the govt does business ? nope
did it change the way ppl interact with their govt ? nope

what exactly did those peace protests (although, some were violent) accomplish?

what about the treatment of the public by the LEOs ??
did that get any better ??
are the criminals or victims better after "punishment" is applied ?
do the govt goons who are outed, get punished adequately ?
when the civil robbers lose their holdings, do the ppl benefit ?

please, if you are going to stand for something, be cohesive about it.
if you are going to promote misled meanderings, their leaders are in Washington.
this is hardly an organized "act of the people", "by the people" or for "the people", when it is, i'd be happy to join.

You're acting as if this is a riot. We're not at that point yet. There are several messages from all walks of life here in America about the systemic inequality we live under that need to be heard. The lack of cohesion has actually opened the door for more Americans no matter who you are to join in to express their disgust. Everyone is pissed off. This is the rage against the machine in it's infancy.

edit on 1-10-2011 by illuminatislave because: (no reason given)

how did "protests of the 60s" evolve to riots in your mind?
heck, we had riots in 1991, they didn't change much for the good, either ... what is your point?
i notice you added ...

We're not at that point yet.
which tells me ... clearly it's planned.

sorry, i do "whine" testing a bit differently and that is ALL this amounts to ... one big Whine-fest, nothing more.
also, Rage Against the Machine had its day ... about 20yrs ago.

curious question: since

Everyone is pissed off.
just who do you think will be the first to be pissed on?

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Thanks to OP. Its pretty simple guys - THEY WILL NOT BE ASSIMULATED into this diseased system that allows the elite such as the bankers to be bailed out by the ordinary public.

We, the public are sick and tired of being abused by those at the top of the chain and their corporate masters.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:52 PM
these sheeple are just speeding up the installation of CURFEW

increased CHAOS & ANIMOSITY in NYC streets

and eventually, LOOTING & the need for MARTIAL LAW

its practice that's all, gee thanks stupid sheeple.

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