reply to post by gabby2011
Couldn't have said it better Gabby.
Alot of "I'm sitting on the only one in town" going on here.
I also agree with the poster who stated that they only have heard one side of things.
I am going to edit this to add on a concept for which few men and even fewer women know about today in lieu of high maintenance consumption
rates..both male and females here. By this I mean High Maintenance self justifications for which one often sees in posts here in the relationship
I abbreviate this concept by using the phrase...." I'm sitting on the only one in town." Males do this as well as do females. They may do this in
different ways but it is the same thing.
What both do not know or are even aware of the concept of a drug...a drug habit if you like.
If a male is not high maintenance or "I'm sitting on the only one it town.." and so too is the female....if she is knowlegeable and skillful...she can
put him on a drug for which he never wants to get off it.
This takes some real commitment from the female...some real foresight and forethought.
A male too must understand the concept and not just be full of alcohol, sports, and cheerleaders type male thinking.
She protects him and provides him a safe place to put his hat. A sanctuary from the outside world...including self indulgent high maintenance
children. Translate this...the children are not running the show into the ground.
He is happy to come home after work for his home is a safe place ..a sanctuary from the outside world. Not just a place where massive social callings
are taking place. He comes in first here...not last after everyone and every social matter.
He is not required to take first place risks to earn his monies and them comes home only to come in last place behind the dog and cat and every other
social crisis takeing place. The phone is not ringing off the hook and disturbing the peace of the household. The kids are not running the show into
the ground...requiring more first place risks on his part.
I know more men for whom this is the pattern of their lives and they find more order and solace at work than they do at home. Everyone and everything
is running their home but they...including the television, radio, neighbors and friends. What a dumb bunch of men. What a dumb bunch of women.
A woman who can do this for a man can put him on a drug for which he never wants to get off.
This understanding/knowledge is so far from the minds and thoughts of most women today in lieu of high speed consumption rates.
What is also very bad is that it is also foreign from the thoughts of what passes for most men today as well.
Thanks again,
edit on 8-10-2011 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)