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"Occupy Wallstreet," the Communists in sheeps clothing.

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by The Sword

Are you an advocate for communism? Just wondering. If so, why?

Sounds like he perceives the same thing I see in you. You are guided by fear,
specifically fear induced by evoking America's greatest enemy. You realize
the concept of Terrorism was used to guide and manipulate conservatives
last generation? It's true, it is a standard component of propaganda, your
fear is the Reds, Red's that don't exist here in any significant quantity.
It serves two purposes, A gets you to vote for people that repeat the scary
sentiment you believe in. B Allows the elites and the banks to be protected
from scrutiny or any real action because you believe in deregulation and
non intervention, because those have been associated with communism
as opposed to COMMON SENSE.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:00 AM
I have to admit after watching a few video's, the group don't really seem to have a coherent agenda. They are anti banks and anti putting profits before people. So if that makes them communist I guess that's the case.

The group seem to be open to all opinions, so maybe you right wingers should head down there and give your concerns to the group. Tell them what you believe they should be doing. Sometimes people just want to do something, but have trouble articulating what they actually want. Maybe some of you right wingers can provide that direction. Either that or you can sit behind your keyboards and label them communists.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
I saw a quote once that comes to mind - i'm not sure who to attribute it to, but it rings true to me.

"Communism would never exist if people could be nice."

Income inequity is causing a backlash, and it may well be communism. It might be something else, I dunno, but people with money and power really haven't been playing nice.

Communism in 2011, is a PR strategy to get certain Americans to protect the elite and their
financial vehicles from "communism" and meddling.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
I have to admit after watching a few video's, the group don't really seem to have a coherent agenda. They are anti banks and anti putting profits before people. So if that makes them communist I guess that's the case.

The group seem to be open to all opinions, so maybe you right wingers should head down there and give your concerns to the group. Tell them what you believe they should be doing. Sometimes people just want to do something, but have trouble articulating what they actually want. Maybe some of you right wingers can provide that direction. Either that or you can sit behind your keyboards and label them communists.

I don't think they want to help, because threatening banks and the people with power
seems to threaten their sense of what capitalism is. They cannot address it because
it would open up a pandoras box and they might have to moderate their solidified and
crusty rhetoric. Therefore the concept of Communism is used to distract and divert
the attention from the elites, the elites who are also the most successful capitalists
in society. How can they attack or threaten them??? Its a bind, they will pick the
Billionaires every time, it is simple psychology.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:08 AM
What a cowardly attack on people who are trying to change things, or bring to light the rampant robbery and criminality of wall street bankers. Yeah, lets call them all commies and just continue to turn a blind eye as those on wall street continue to enslave us through ever more debt.

Obviously, the message just doesn't seem to be getting through to some people. So much better to label them commies and cheer on the police actions. After all, the only good commie is a dead commie right? Those protesters down there deserve a good macing and beating then simply beacuse they are doing to something to try and help everyone?

I have seen some shills on here before but seriously, there is some screwed up thinking here. Does it really matter whether people think someone is a little left or right of the political spectrum? IT DOSN'T MATTER PEOPLE!
Those are just names devised by the political types and bankers to keep people fighting each other while they blatantly go about their business of robbing us all. Some people see it, hence the protests, others blindly fall for the media demonising of the protests or are actively involved in forums like this to promote the bank / government agendas.

Bottom line, these are just people concerned with what is happening to us all, not just themselves or a small section of society, but as a whole. Forget the name calling and look at the root cause of their discontent, as to ignore it just makes you a part of the problem.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:09 AM

I believe that there are sincere individuals at the protest, but the organizers may be radical.

reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Could of said the same thing about the Tea Party.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by Britguy
What a cowardly attack on people who are trying to change things, or bring to light the rampant robbery and criminality of wall street bankers. Yeah, lets call them all commies and just continue to turn a blind eye as those on wall street continue to enslave us through ever more debt.

Obviously, the message just doesn't seem to be getting through to some people. So much better to label them commies and cheer on the police actions. After all, the only good commie is a dead commie right? Those protesters down there deserve a good macing and beating then simply beacuse they are doing to something to try and help everyone?

I have seen some shills on here before but seriously, there is some screwed up thinking here. Does it really matter whether people think someone is a little left or right of the political spectrum? IT DOSN'T MATTER PEOPLE!
Those are just names devised by the political types and bankers to keep people fighting each other while they blatantly go about their business of robbing us all. Some people see it, hence the protests, others blindly fall for the media demonising of the protests or are actively involved in forums like this to promote the bank / government agendas.

Bottom line, these are just people concerned with what is happening to us all, not just themselves or a small section of society, but as a whole. Forget the name calling and look at the root cause of their discontent, as to ignore it just makes you a part of the problem.

What you miss, is in America, those banks represent the heights of success, of the American dream.
They are not a problem to many, to many they are a wonder and the pinnacle of America's

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by mastahunta

What you miss, is in America, those banks represent the heights of success, of the American dream.
They are not a problem to many, to many they are a wonder and the pinnacle of America's

The height of success? At what cost to the people and the country?
Is the American dream to steal and oppress in the name of the almighty dollar, while screwing all around you for an extra percentage point on your portfolio?

See, many of these banks are, and have been for a long time, involved in fraud on a massive scale. They own the casino, make the rules and get to play by their own rules in a never ending win-win scheme, thanks to the removal of all safeguards and regulation on the part of the government and the people. And, when it goes sour, the people, for perhaps generations to come, will suffer while those who caused it all sit in their mansions swigging champagne, isolated from the hurt.

If that's the American dream, then you can keep it as it shows a complete lack of honesty, integrity and moral fibre, something I was always led to believe America stood for.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

ummmm, who told me that ???
no one except life itself ... i was out of high school by the time these events you mention occurred.
i was aware when Tienanmen Square made a mark in history.
i was aware when the depopulation scheme and baby deaths were daily and gender specific.
i was also aware when the likes of Mao/Stalin/Mussolini touted the wonderful future Communism would deliver.
i was also aware when the communist USSR was no more.
i was also aware as the Chinese starved by the millions while Mao lapped in luxury.
i was also aware as technology made the old give way to some of the new.

China is as much a communist country as NKorea is democratic.
China used to be largely communistic but even they have never achieved total communism as it is intended to be. NO society ever has ... except maybe the Indians before the settlers came.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by mastahunta

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by The Sword

Are you an advocate for communism? Just wondering. If so, why?

Sounds like he perceives the same thing I see in you. You are guided by fear,
specifically fear induced by evoking America's greatest enemy. You realize
the concept of Terrorism was used to guide and manipulate conservatives
last generation? It's true, it is a standard component of propaganda, your
fear is the Reds, Red's that don't exist here in any significant quantity.
It serves two purposes, A gets you to vote for people that repeat the scary
sentiment you believe in. B Allows the elites and the banks to be protected
from scrutiny or any real action because you believe in deregulation and
non intervention, because those have been associated with communism
as opposed to COMMON SENSE.

common sense isn't generally referred to in color specific terms ...
only political hacks see such colors !!!

communism has always been a threat on American soil or are you new here?

this is nothing new to anyone older than 30. well, maybe to those who chose hookey instead of history
otherwise, reds/browns/orange/yellow/green/purple/blue ... they are just colors, nothing more.

You realize the concept of Terrorism was used to guide and manipulate conservatives
last generation?

ummmm, you'd be mistaken cause last generation (20yrs ago), the word "terrorist" didn't exist in any text, in any dictionary or materials public at that time. might want to check your notes before posting here.

anyone who still believes a Vote is even valuable should spend more time reading and learning rather spouting off the nonsense you've contributed, but thanks anyway.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by mastahunta

Therefore the concept of Communism is used to distract and divert
the attention from the elites, the elites who are also the most successful capitalists
in society.

ah yes, those guys ... the same ones another poster alluded to in a previous post as the financiers of this 'protest' (that looks more like a parade to me)
oh yeah, those are the most successful crooks you listed, not capitalists.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Honor93

ummmm, you'd be mistaken cause last generation (20yrs ago), the word "terrorist" didn't exist in any text, in any dictionary or materials public at that time. might want to check your notes before posting here.

I think you are wrong on that one. Terrorist was widely used 20 years ago, we had Islamic terrorists and the IRA. You might want to check your facts.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Britguy

actually, those of us more educated than 'blindly following the leader' tend to follow the money until we can clearly see a leader and surprisingly, many of us don't like what we see.

have at it, there are more days, more ways and more cities from which to arise and we will, when it's time.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Honor93

Did you follow the money that financed the Tea Party? And I take it you liked the Koch Brothers good old fashioned corporatists

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

we can go back and forth but until you provide a text that proves your point, mine stands.
I read plenty back then and never came across the word terrorist until the 80s.

we had plenty of terrorism but no terrorists to speak of in such a way.
only in the 80s did a 'concept' (terrorism) suddenly apply to an individual or group ... ie terrorist.
PETA (eco terrorists) and the Achille Lauro ring bells but i'd have to check to be sure when was the first i recall it being used in the mainstream.

point is ... it is a PC ploy, nothing else.
ppl are ppl, some are sane, some are not.
some are dangerous and radical
some are passive and congenial
some are tightly wrapped (paranoid), others not so much
however, each person has a heart and as Shakespeare once said ... "Divines and dying men may talk of Hell but in my heart her several torments dwell".

Until the heart of the population accepts the tolerance of others, we shall march to the drum like dying men marching on to their graves. so it has been, but will it continue to be?
edit on 27-9-2011 by Honor93 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-9-2011 by Honor93 because: format / edit txt

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

you sure do ASSume alot in error ... how's that working out for ya?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by ARealandTrueAmerican

Source for that quote??? That's good stuff

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:11 AM
Though i know where your coming from assuming that it is some sort of Commie plot.

But its not, The way im seeing it, and the way i percieve it from talking to people on the ground (over the internet of course), and watching some interviews. They are not against making money, they are not against the people who work for their money. Be it 100k a year, or 300k a year.

Thats chump change to the money that these crooks take on a daily basis. And there is a new video floating about, you know a recession, and a depression, right? you know how people starve, and how homes are lost. Because of those two things right? Well wallstreet bankers, and bankers all across the globe MAKE MONEY OFF THOSE. So don't be fooled. Its not some commie plot, its a plea to stop the fraction of 1% that is tearing the world apart, and robbing us all blind.

How about 2 trillion dollars in secret bailouts? Where did that 2 trillion come from?

Where do you think.

I am the 99%, You are the 99%. They derive their power from money, we derive ours from the people.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by The Sword

Are you an advocate for communism? Just wondering. If so, why?

What? Are you Joseph McCarthy or something?

What bugs me about the anti communists is that they have their heads in the ground. They think all is right with capitalism. Just turn the other cheek when the bankers take your home. Just dont mention it when 1% of the world owns 99%. Its all part of the plan.

Besides, TRUE COMMUNISM has never been tried. Russia and all its communist cohorts were TYRANTS posing as communists. Communism was the EXCUSE and justification of their tyrrany and Machiavelli policies. In the same way, capitalism is an excuse for the tyrrany of businesses.

Communism is an easy target because people fear central planning. But the thing is, central planning on a national scale never works. Communism will only work if its global and cooperative or totally localized to small communities. The in between is where people have the power (and physical, geographic distance from the citizens) to create gulags, manipulate resources, etc.

But then again, NO government seems to be working on a national scale. Democracy is a joke when our leaders have zero accountability because they live 1500 miles away for 11 months a year (the other month they're in Tahiti or something)

Capitalism and communism DO NOT WORK for the people on a national scale. Instead of rehashing the same tired two sided fight, realize there are third parties in this debate. You are enprisoned by your own ideas when you only see them as black or white, red pill or blue pill. The world is grey.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Headband7
reply to post by ARealandTrueAmerican

Source for that quote??? That's good stuff

Its directly from the OP, silly.

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