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Are the people of USA willing to stand up and fight?

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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:28 AM
Dissent is one of the founding values of America. It is the entire reason our political system "stands" today. As long as there is dissent in America, there will be sides. And when people take sides, war is sure to follow.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by FFS4000

Yes, the power of the people certainly outweighs the governments

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Not quite, buddy. There are plenty of us that spend day after day thinking about the ultimate "# + fan" situation. Would it surprise you if you were told that the only thing required were a catalyzing event? It seems like a stretch to some, but it doesn't seem like much of one to me. Maybe it's just us crazy rednecks talking #. Maybe it's just another halfhearted protest. Or, just maybe, it's the end of the Age of Apathy. Time will tell.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:42 AM

All is not lost, we just haven't lost enough to stand up against it... Yet.

lot of truth in that.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:43 AM
For all those interested this is quite a nice read How to start a revolution Step by step...I know I know...If only it were that easy!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:49 AM
Another problem is that the American people are divided on who and how this country should be run. Polarizing differences that will stop the collective people from coming together. I see civil war as an equal possibility to rebellion, or as a follow up to any revolution that may be initiated.

Simply put, even if we rose up and took our government back, we would immediately engage in war to decide who runs it.....conservative right?....liberal left?....teabaggers?.....commies?....

A divided nation cannot take itself back, so I think it'll be a looooooooooong time before there is any real significant
edit on 21-9-2011 by Howakan because: spellin

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Howakan

Yeah interesting concept and true too I guess. It must be difficult to be able to unite people who have such a profoundly different view on the way things should be. I guess that could pose quite a problem.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:08 AM
we americans saw what happened at kent peaceful protest dont work.look at all the legalization rallies held over the last twenty years and nothing has happened.but when we get pissed then rodney king is what happens.right now fifty percent of our population hovers around sixty and they dont want to rock the boat.if the protest get bad enough politicians will die in the street.we try to give them the benefit of the doubt and our bellies are still full.the arab spring was a cia would have failed if not for our military tech making work arounds for twitter.twitter would be shut down along with facebook in this country.violence is the only thing americans understand.our news is propaganda and few people know the we dont know who to trust or what to believe like deer in headlights.but we do lust for blood and revenge.just biding our time right now.the moment to strike has not appeared yet but we are preparing.i personally have been putting back one box of twentytwo magnums hollowpoints each month for a few months now.i do hope for peace but preparing for war.stockpiling food.im43 so kinda stuck in the middle.i havent worked fulltime in three years.getting by on my wifes disability check of 700and400 in foodstamps for three people with house payed off and living in the country so alot of the bs doesnt affect me.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by ShadowMonk

one event...i agree bro! will just take enough word of mouth! everyone's stuck in this mindset that americans are weak. well...we are...because we are divided. all it'll take is for enough people to see that enough people are fed up...before everyone stands up. once they know that others are just waiting for that catalyst...that catalyst will manifest itself.

we're pretty much all just waiting for that first domino...better yet...praying for that first domino to fall. then we're off to the races.

so...we need to set the message boards on fire. talk to everyone. spread the word: AMERICA IS FED UP! let the people know that they are not alone. let them know that we're all ready to stand up. we have become weak but the power still resides with the people. this will be our country...our world again. and TPTB know it and are having rolling brownouts in their pants right now because they know that the people are pissed and want justice. we want retribution. we want our freedom back. WE WILL BE FREE AGAIN!

it's only a matter of time. like you said...we're just waiting for someone to hit the go button...

i don't know about you...but i'm licking my chops now just typing about it...

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 09:00 AM
Not yet...

As bad as things are...they aren't that bad yet. I am the ast mngr of a farm supply store and I have plenty of customers laying down $100 dollar bills and buying stuff...fencing, feed, gates, equipment...that means they are planning for the future...that means they see good times ahead....

Trust me, you aren't fencing in pastures and feeding cattle without a payday somewhere...

Further, all of the adjoinig business in sight are doing well...the restuarants are busy, have a new store opening up beside us...I see new cars and trucks in the parking lot.

There are challenges, but life is full of them and we all struggle to overcome them. BUT, life is pretty good overall.... it will have to get a lot worse for people to seriously rebel. Remember, even in the American Revolution, only 30% of the colonists wanted independence from England.

Most of the people I talk to want to resolve the problems in a civil and civic, calling and writing representatives, civil protests and demonstrations...we actually had a couple here in town and one in our parking lot...I get invited to planning and protests about once a month....all by concerned citizens.

That is the American halls and in a civil fashion. HOWEVER...

Once those options are exercised and closed...let me assure you, Americans will fight.... the reason we hesitate is once you go down that road, there is no going back. Many people here in the southern US have relatives that served in the last Civil War and we all have the stories and letters and recollections and history books and pictures to prove how terrible it was...

In Europe, there are very restrictive gun laws. Not so in the US...can you imagine riots on the scale of those in Europe with semi-auto rifles in the hands of the protestors? It would be absolute carnage...we know that. So first...let's see if we can fix this without shooting.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 09:09 AM
Oh if they get pushed far enough, they will fight, but, I don't think that the people posting here will like the side they will choose.

As far as the statement about Obama trying to fight the corruption in this country is concerned, thank you for the biggest laugh I have had this week. Wake up and look at what is going on. Obama is in the middle of the corruption.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by ShadowMonk

That's all people do... think. They don't do. To successfully overthrow the PTB, you would need more than half the population on side and the logistics of such are close to impossible. Every westernised nation has too many comfortable, lazy and apathetic people for it to happen any time soon. Who wants a civil war? Can you out-gun and out-smart and overwhelm your own military? What system would you replace the old system with? Who will be in charge? Who makes the big decisions for everybody? Who will take control of the resources? What countries will trade with you?

... The questions are many.


posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:28 AM
See the problem lies in the ability to eat - if there is ability to stay full the need for revolution is small. The is also the problem of information wars being waged on it's citizens. Most are uninformed, unaware, or misinformed mostly due to the belief that journalistic integrity still exists and that the MSM has their best intensions in mind (they don't). The last and final obstacle happens when you do become informed and realize that you are in the bottom 5% and the feeling of being alone in this battle.

1) Once people feel the need to change their situation because their lives depend on it (combination of very little food, no new prospects (little hope) of things changing for the better, and the feeling of Why?)

2) After why gets asked, information from alternative means are needed, but due to the short attention spans, social network sites are needed to expand awareness through easy to understand material.

3) After some information is known as to why, then the same ability of social media is used to give a sense of togetherness.

One thing that I haven't mentioned is the individualistic realization that if change were to happen then that means uncertainty follows. Some are more afraid of uncertainty than starvation and freedom. A serious discussion as to what are the alternatives to our current mess needs to be made as well as a serious discussion as to why we got there in the first place. Revolution isn't about kicking out "corrupt" politicians, but rather about putting the whole system in question. Revolution is a cultural paradigm shift of the mind and hearts that is in its very essence revolves around unity.

edit on 21-9-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:33 AM
From mwhat I see in the media and a lot of post's,most Americans back the US 100% ,so I think the majority of the people will roll over ,if there were riots they would be hiding inside there houses,I myself would like to see some great changes,but just a dream ,would have no backing sad to say

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by tigermountain

I will fight. I plan to.

Will I fight my fellow citizen? No. Not unless they choose to fight me. I will however fight against tyranny, true tyranny that is my government.

2013 if it doesn't start by then, I will take the steps to start it.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:40 AM
In order for it to be successful the citizens need to win the hearts of the police force and National Guard. Without them this because exponentially more difficult.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:03 PM
Stand up and fight for what?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Let the bullets hit the meat!

Diplomacy does not work with thieves unless they feel the pain and a lot of it.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
Stand up and fight for what?

And you just stumbled upon the problem that inflicts America now.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by tigermountain

I hate being realistic but the only thing we can do at this point is to voice our opinions. If we do end up battling the government only two results will occur, one = prison, the other = convicted of death. The people should not be afraid of their government, but the government should be afraid of their people.

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