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NEW uneditted VIDEO. So Cal Sept 14. No Meteor!

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posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 04:19 AM

Her word was frisbee, my word was dinner plate. We both agreed there was circular definition within the main circle but I also got the impression of something small rotating around the circumference of the inner circle and she did not. I may be wrong about that as the view was very brief and my jaw was popping out but I definately had the impression of something moving or spinning.

After it went behind the trees we didnt see it again even though the one before it could still be seen higher in the sky for another minute or so before they were all out of site. My camera was twenty feet away sitting on the kitchen table and I honestly didn't even think to take a picture until it was over. Still kicking myself for that.Kept an eye out for a few more hours that night but no more sightings and haven't seen anything unexplainable since.

There was nothing on our local news and none of our friends or co-workers saw or heard of anything either so I've been landing at this site alot lately while watching videos and reading and when I started reading this thread I thought I'd better post. I did find several recent reports about orange fireballs all over the place in the days after and lots of pictures that looked similar. One was a report in Canada the day before we saw ours.

I hate to keep referencing other peoples images but what I saw was very close if not identical to the bottom of the craft in this picture with the exception that I was directly underneath it, it was fairly dark out and overcast with lightning flashing, and the disk I saw appeared brighter and more whitish but also hazy or "ghostly".

Apologies for the extremely long post. 40 and over folks like to ramble. Like I said before, I believe in the whole ET thing and have since I was very young but I haven't followed it much until this with the exception of the occasional tv show on the subject mainly because I'm convinced I'll be long dead before our government opens up, if ever.

Feel free to debunk the heck outta my post. You could probably convince me I didn't see an alien disc if you tried real hard but I am 100 percent positive that I saw a "flying disc" of some sort.
edit on 19-9-2011 by 4windsbar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by 4windsbar

nice first post!
shame about the camera... we've all done it ;\
this makes me even more curious about what really happened the other night!

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 11:12 PM
this is so crazy ive been seeing ufos lately too one just crash landed in vegas will be making a thread about it as soon as i get 20 posts

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by deathforall
this is so crazy ive been seeing ufos lately too one just crash landed in vegas will be making a thread about it as soon as i get 20 posts

One just crashed landed in Vegas? As in Las Vegas? Recently? A meteor or a UFO? Were you the sole witness because I can't believe I haven't seen anything about that.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by deathforall
this is so crazy ive been seeing ufos lately too one just crash landed in vegas will be making a thread about it as soon as i get 20 posts

been reading rumours of this!
can you give us any more information now?
even tidbits
to help you reach 20?

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 11:48 PM
sure hope u guys got gold and silver because if there's ever an event about aliens being real, gold will freaking soar

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Please understand me when i say that the UFO's that have been appearing on ABC15 and CBS news channels ARE in MY opinion actual craft under intelligent control, or UFO's as we call them...the video clip you posted, again just IMO, are part of an orchestrated debunking campaign to explain away the genuine UFO sightings by THOUSANDS of people across the whole of the Western USA on the 10th and especially on the 14th of this month.

If you look carefully, this video looks like a space shuttle launch.

To explain: The two orange lights below the larger central light are spent solid fuel rocket boosters, spent of fuel and being jettisoned from the main vehicle.

Look closely, at them...they are definitely tubular with and detach and tumble without any sign of being under control..just like the boosters do when they detach from the shuttle.

This is the second video i have seen today, which is part of what will become a HUGE disinformation campaign to rubbish the 10th and 14th UFO sightings.

The other video was of three skydivers at night, with pyrotechnics lit, performing manoeuvres and tight circle turns, so the 'authorities' can tell everyone either later today or in a day or two 'Oh it's ok everyone, we have discovered the culprit was a skydiving team' or some similar twaddle like that.

It won't explain ANYTHING about the sightings of course, but the seeds will have been planted in the public's minds, and doubt will set in, and the paid posters and 'agenda' posters and bloggers will have a lot of work on their hands in the coming months using the usual tactics.

The THOUSANDS who witnessed the UFOs (yes plural) on Wednesday 14th September, not only across the Western USA, but much further across the world too. London, Australia both have reports of similar sightings.

The media is trying to plant the seeds of these sightings being meteorites, using subtle psychological 'cues' in their language. Words and phrases like 'flaming ball', 'streaking across the sky' and many others carefully inserted into their reports, so they can appear impartial but at the same time planting a meteorite explanation seed or doubt in the viewers mind. People want rationale, they want 'business as usual', given the seed of a comfortable explanation they'll grow it themselves, as per usual.

They abandoned the 'falling satellite' explanation when they realised that it was even more ridiculous than the meteorite one.

Besides...think about it, the satellite conveniently expected to fall out of orbit around the end of the month..(as if NASA don't know where there orbiting hardware is anyway!) think of it's name: Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite..right?

See anything? How about it's acronym? UARS.

I can easily see a scenario where a panicky NASA or DOD 'PR' person goes to their boss and says:

"Boss, what the hell are we going to say to explain away these UFO sightings across the whole of the Western US?

The UFO's have been imaged by ABC15 news and CBS news hovering for over 15 minutes and going up, down, left and right and back down again....and shooting across the sky in multi colours on a horizontal (not arced) about saying it's a falling satellite boss?"

The 'PR' Boss says: "You Arse!"

Which of course, the panicky underling might assume he meant UARS. Hence we are hearing about it...underling probably fired by now i expect for being such an arse!

I myself saw a UFO only last night, using my Night Vision gear, no images i'm afraid...i don't have a video source hooked to the NV gear (YET!), and it was so quick once i'd realised it was a craft, i didn't have time to grab a it's hearsay.

Out of my open back window, facing West, the sky was dark and partly cloudy and the time was 22:35 Hrs (i checked the time after the sighting) I was trying to focus my NV on what i thought was an unusual looking cloud about 20 degrees above the rooftops near my house.

It was unusual in that it was a thin, narrow shape and was much brighter than the surrounding clouds. Not really thinking much of it, and really only intending to fiddle around with my NV for half an hour or so, as i do now and then.

I tried to focus on the thin cloud, but it was in line with our washing line, full of wooden pegs along it. One of the pegs was fluorescing under the NV and i assumed it was a single white plastic peg among the wooden ones....but it wasn't a peg at all.

It was a rectangular shape, and tilted at an angle of about 40 degrees, and was directly behind the wire of the clothes line (from my perspective) amongst the thin cloud.

I only realised it was a UFO and not a white plastic peg, when i started thinking 'Bloody white peg, can't focus..then it shot off to the right, in the blink of an eye. Now i understand what people mean when they say fast! It zipped off towards the N/W in milliseconds.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by Human_Alien

...If you look carefully, this video looks like a space shuttle launch.

To explain: The two orange lights below the larger central light are spent solid fuel rocket boosters, spent of fuel and being jettisoned from the main vehicle.

Look closely, at them...they are definitely tubular with and detach and tumble without any sign of being under control..just like the boosters do when they detach from the shuttle.

This is the second video i have seen today, which is part of what will become a HUGE disinformation campaign to rubbish the 10th and 14th UFO sightings...

So now you are saying that YouTuber 'jfrissina' is a government shill who engages in disinfo campaigns. His fans, followers, and YouTube channel subscribers will be very surprised to hear that.

Personally, I think he is simply a hoaxer who makes money by hoaxing people into visiting his various paid-advertisment web pages with videos such as this one -- a video that claims to be filmed on September 14 in California, but is really just an old space shuttle night launch filmed in Florida.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

So now you are saying that YouTuber 'jfrissina' is a government shill who engages in disinfo campaigns. His fans, followers, and YouTube channel subscribers will be very surprised to hear that.

No, i'm not saying that at all.

Don't know of him, he could simply be someone who was given the video and mistakenly thought it was an anomalous craft or UFO if you like. His 'anonymous' source, who gave him the video may be the disinfo shill or they themselves may have been duped.

What i am saying is that this looks remarkably like a shuttle launch, and as it does looks so much like a shuttle launch i'm highly suspicious as it is being touted as a UFO? Filmed on the 14th...confusion and planting seeds of doubt are the main weapons used by 'professional' disinfo posters. Add that to another video, showing what is clearly skydivers, with flares or other pyros, as also being filmed on the 14th...then it becomes another source of confusion...more confusion and conflicting videos makes for a great tool, as well you know know how it works.

Personally, I think he is simply a hoaxer who makes money by hoaxing people into visiting his various paid-advertisment web pages with videos such as this one -- a video that claims to be filmed on September 14 in California, but is really just an old space shuttle night launch filmed in Florida.

As i say, i don't know about that one way or the other.

He could be or he may be genuinely mistaken or indeed being taken for a ride and used to add this layer of confusion to the sightings on the 14th...he might be guilty (or she, i don't know) simply of being taken in by whomever gave the video.

Not everyone is a disinfo 'agent' or a paid blogger, i don't think that for a second, but we all know they're here and on YT - especially as the US government has (on record) openly admitted themselves that they do it as a policy.

Then there's the sock account software to consider...commissioned and ordered by the US government but discovered by the hacking group 'anonymous', and we'd all be idiots not to acknowledge there's a concerted effort to discredit these events and sow confusion and division among people such as ourselves who frequent boards like ATS.


posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by spikey

It's just that when you said...

This is the second video i have seen today, which is part of what will become a HUGE disinformation campaign to rubbish the 10th and 14th UFO sightings. seemed to me that you had some specific reason for being so sure that the OP's video was part of a huge disinformation campaign.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy
reply to post by BobAthome

I've seen that video. It's not the landing though. The two red dots next to the object are the Solid Rocket Boosters which are only present during takeoff.

told ya,,,NIGHT LANDING,,

heat shield,,,

pick up,,,

"These are the only pictures i have and they were taken from a cellphone. I also can't find any information on it.
here are the links I dont know how to post pictures
edit on 20-9-2011 by deathforall because: info"

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

What other specific reasons, other than a shuttle night launch, is posted to YT on the 15th, purporting to have been filmed on the 14th, the same day as UFOs (more than one in the news coverage) make national news from several news networks, after thousands of people in the US see the things, and an ABC15 reporter personally sees, and images the things hovering in the sky for a quarter of an hour, going up, down left and right and zipping across the sky in a horizontal line?

You don't find it curious that this video that you yourself recognise as probably being a night shuttle launch (even the cameraman has a Southern drawl accent!) from Florida, is posted to the worlds largest Video sharing website, the day after half of the USA sees these UFO's with either their own eyes, or on the evening news?

I find it very curious, and i suspect this video (whether the OP on YT realises it or not) is among the first few of what will undoubtedly become part of an extensive denial and debunking effort by the authorities to play down these mass sightings of unknown objects over the USA in broad daylight.

It's how things it intuition if you like, but imo this is just the start of months, possibly years of contrived videos, claiming to be 'The September 14th UFOs', enough appear around the video websites, and on forums like ours, and people will be holding these videos up as 'proof of foolish believers' willing to believe a shuttle flight or 'meteor / meteorite', is ET craft.

There'll be videos like this one, a shuttle launch...there'll be skydivers with flares..there'll be helicopters on long exposure images...there'll be actual meteorites or meteors...there'll be kites with a battery and LEDS...and on and on and on...and on.

And amongst the deliberate confusion that WILL ensue, MOST people will conveniently forget the specific details of the actual sightings filmed and reported on the 14th, in their rush to appear rational in the eyes of their peers, and fear being labelled either as gullible or 'tin foil hat' merchant.

We have seen it on this website many, many times have we not? You have been here a long while Soylent, just like we're old hands at this and recognise the pattern. Let's call a spade a spade eh? And agree that we both know, going on past history with other well publicised or newsworthy / mass sightings that this is only around the corner and will be happening soon.

I personally, instinctively feel that most people, paying attention will see the OP video for what it really is...the start of a debunking campaign or at the very least, ammunition to use later on in a debunking campaign.

As i say, the poster of the video here, i have NO problem with...i do feel Human Alien is on the level, and don't have cause to think otherwise, i don't know about the YT OP, so not sure about him / her..but 'someone' is trying to link a video of a space shuttle night launch with the anomalous objects seen in the Western US on the 14th, and that makes me very suspicious.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by SuperTripps
sure hope u guys got gold and silver because if there's ever an event about aliens being real, gold will freaking soar

No, it won't. If anything it will fall through the floor like a spoonful of a neutron star.

Think about it.

Open contact with ET and more specifically their technology will enable the location, extraction and processing of not just gold, but all other metals and minerals considered 'precious' at the moment, with comparative ease.

Not just from Earth, but from the myriad other sources available in the local asteroid belts alone.

Scientists estimate that there could be more gold in one single, medium sized asteroid in the belt, than has ever been mined here on Earth in all of humankind's history of mining the stuff!

Open ET contact would probably rapidly do away with the monetary system altogether anyway.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

...You don't find it curious that this video that you yourself recognise as probably being a night shuttle launch (even the cameraman has a Southern drawl accent!) from Florida, is posted to the worlds largest Video sharing website, the day after half of the USA sees these UFO's with either their own eyes, or on the evening news?...

I have no proof that 'jfrissina' is a hoaxer, but he has always seemed like one to me (and to other people on other alternative/conspiracy sites, such as "godlikeproductions").

Therefore, given his reputation -- whether that reputation is earned or not -- I personally do NOT find it curious that he would try to fool people into thinking that his video of what looks like an old video of a Florida space shuttle launch was actually a video from California on Sept 14... actually seems to fit his M.O. very well, which is providing spectacular videos (yet videos of dubious validity) that creates enough interest to visit his YT channel, which includes paid advertisements (he also has other web pages from which he makes money by selling advertising).

Granted, the fact he sells advertising does not necessarily make him a hoaxer, but considering the added facts that:
(1.) He's been accused of hoaxing in the past, and
(2.) He is trying to pass of an old video of a shuttle in Florida as a new video from California,
it seems to me that this again could just be an attempt to get people to visit his paid ad sites.

So, no. I don't find it curious.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I see..fair comment Soylent.

As i say, i don't know of him or his reputation (not that i put much faith in reputations anyway...too easy to artificially inflate them or deflate them, for whatever purpose IMO)

This one instance then, may well be an individual trying to 'cash in' on the back of the thousands who have witnessed the UFOs directly or on their TV screens over the last the least, if he is deliberately trying to pass this off as being connected to the events of the 14th, he is doing the subject a grave disservice, and playing right into the predictable tactics of governments who wish (for whatever reason) to minimalise the significance of what has been seen, and will make efforts to 'make it go away' in the average persons mind.

I expect many more, 'genuine hoaxers' (if you see what i mean) after making money, but more still 'official hoaxers' out to confuse the issues, to achieve the above goal.

As per usual really.

Appreciate what you say about the video though and that was my assessment of it too..solid rocket boosters falling away from the main shuttle body, it's quite clear.


posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Droogie

What are you talking about?

Read the comments before your own. There were plenty of people that thought that it wasn't a UFO ( and by UFO i mean an ET vehicle).

There were mentions of it being a; helicopter, torch, and streetlamp.

Of course the thread will attract some people who want to believe so bad that they will put logic aside, but ya just gotta sift through it to the more reasonable responses!

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by masqua

Hey masqua can you move this thread to the HOAX forum? The source video was found on page 13 by gift0fpr0phecy.

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy

Here is the source video:

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