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Enough with the dishonest behaviour Truthers - I'm calling you out.

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posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Ilyich

Read my edit p0x

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:01 PM
Again, one only has to look at who benefits from 9/11 in order to understand who did it.

Did Muslims benefit from 9/11? nope. things got much worse for them in the last 10 years.

Did the economic industrial complex benefit from 9/11? you bet. Weapon makers, security firms, etc got a huge boost from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which were done with 9/11 as an excuse. And most of Bush's cabinet members were directly involved with those companies.

So why does the average Joe admit to the above fact? it is simple: it is an unbelievable treason. It is so hard to believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by the government. If that was proven, America would fall into chaos instantly.

And thus we have threads like this that want to shut truthers up, because some people cannot even stand the thought of 9/11 being performed by their beloved government.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

No other building ever collapsed from fire - A BS argument

Lets start by being precise please, otherwise this is a complete waste of time.

Precision requires that you present ideas in their entirety which means for example that the argument you presume to attack should actually be that 'fire has never caused steel-frame high-rise buildings to collapse.'

That is a verifiable fact.

Lets not waste too much time on this one, you just name one steel-frame high-rise building that has collapsed due to fire and we'll put the baby to rest. That should be easy for you.

Another statement you make which is as distorted as the reasoning behind it,

No one saw or heard hundreds of timed explosions.

In truth, no-one is claiming 'hundreds' of explosions, we all know this wasn't a firework display. Yet many extremely credible witnesses are claiming they heard explosions, plural.

On August 12, 2005, the New York Times announced the release of more than 12,000 pages of oral histories in the form of transcripts of interviews with 503 firefighters and emergency medical responders. The interviews were conducted between October of 2001 and January of 2002 under the order of New York City's fire

Look up the dozens, plural, of firefighters and emergency medical responders who recorded testimonies concerning explosions and then go and tell them they really didn't see what they saw or hear what they heard.

Good luck with that.

I have to ask. Do you clearly understand the difference between dozens of individuals and no-one?

Building 7 only had a few fires - NOT TRUE

Just out of curiosity, how many did it have?

No one saw a plane at the Pentagon - NOT TRUE

Now this is a real gem. Have you asked yourself with regards to the above what it is exactly that you purport to disprove through a statement of opinion?

And if you actually want to accomplish something, you'll need to be accepted by the mainstream.

I have to tell you, the kicker was no disappointment - had me in stiches. I'll meditate on that one.
edit on 13-9-2011 by D377MC because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by Ilyich
reply to post by steveknows

There was also an entire nation that followed that man, just as you are doing. Hitler would not have been able to do what he did with out his obedient little sheep. Don't follow a path, blaze a new trail. You're attacking, someone who is willing to challenge, and explore on his own, and you swallow what you're fed. I would think an individual such as yourself willing to challenge another individuals IQ based on his opinion would know that the life of a sheep ends in the slaughterhouse. Stop attacking him and challenging his IQ, and prove that he is wrong. You're being no better than he, by trying to prove your point by insulting him. In fact, when you lash out like that you're doing nothing but pushing him higher than yourself. Stop it, for your own sake. If you can not prove him wrong say nothing and let him fall on his own.

I do really analize what I'm about to swallow. But your'e right about all else.

Think about Hitler's little obedient sheep..would he have made it into office if they liked the Jews to begin with? No. Hitler did not convince the German people of something they were not already thinking. Apparently the people who do not know history do not know about the Weimar Republic that passed laws forbidding Jews and Germans from marrying. The Weimar Republic began after Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated.

Hitler was an evil man that convinced Neville Chamberlain that he would not attack any neighbors...the moment Chamberlain stepped off the plane in England and announced he had the treaty in his pocket, Hitler was at that moment invading Poland. The German people already wanted to do away with the Jews, that is why they blindly followed him, except for a few like Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Keep up the good work Steve. As Ronald Reagan said "If it were not for men of MY generation, YOUR generation would be speaking German."

If the terrorists won, we would all be speaking Arabic. And they have all the help they could ever want in people who deny that they did it.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Exactly what do you think should be on top of the pile for a fire induced collapse ?

A passport?

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by D377MC

Exactly what do you think should be on top of the pile for a fire induced collapse ?

A passport?

yeah the whole "We found a passport" thing sounds kinda fishy...

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Shamatt
Man, I read so much of this opinion and rubish on this forum. I didn't realise the world was full of such experts!

The sad thing about this story is that everyone probably has a small bit of the truth. Like a jigsaw puzle, all those peices will fit together only when we come together and cooperate with each other.

If anyone on this forum has the truth, I would say

a) they don't even know it themselves
b) no one else here will agree with them - from either side.

Because not one of us has enough information. We certainly don't have enough evidence to hold a meaninngfull opinion.

So cut the arguments, cut the name calling, cut the arogant "I know the truth" attitude. You don't. Either of you.
Whew!!!! Finally Someone who is out for the TRUTH, and not themselves and proving a point they cannot see past..
Out of everything I've read this sounds like the most accurate representation of what is going on thus far... I think explosives and inches and lengths and angles and all the extremely puffed up intelligent information being spewed at each other is nothing more than confusing and distracting.. It WAS a TERRORIST attack, it WAS PLANNED for a VERY LONG time, and our GOVERNMENT did not protect us or do the job our TAX DOLLARS (A LOT OF THEM) should have been invested to do ... so many things were not right that day and YES we need to question WHY... but PLEASE stop the "My way or the Highway rhetoric" !!!!!

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Section31
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

Next Insane 9/11 Conspiracy Theory: Some government official stole Wonder Woman's invisible jet, and he used it to plant invisible demolitions on all of the buildings. Once he was finished planting the invisible explosives, the government official raced to plant more on planes. We have experts who used theoretical math problems, which placed the government official in the invisible jet.

edit on 9/13/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

To me that sounds like something the govt and media would try and make you believe.

Maybe replace the word govt official with terrorist, that should make the public back a war which didn't need to happen.

Even that is way to far fetched for a "Truther" to grasp.

I love the amount of circles this thread is doing, round and round and round.

You say one thing, we debunk with another.

You try to debunk that, we debunk your debunks.

You debunk our debunk which just got debunked, and then we do the same.

Do we all understand this will get to page 100 with exactly the same arguments?

We are in for a long journey, but i don't expect anyone from the sheeple movement too change their opinions.

Even if faced with irrefutable scientific facts.

I beg someone to try and debunk Tupacs thread, post for post.

It just won't happen

edit on 13-9-2011 by Edgecrusher26 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by shell69

Good job for being able to repost, Lol.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Edgecrusher26

Most threads on ATS suffer this fate... lol

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by spw184
reply to post by Ilyich

Read my edit p0x

OMG !!! I didn't watch it far enough for that. I agree with the science behind what he says !! This has nothing to do with jewish overlords wtf !!! lol thank you for pointing that out my god. I didn't watch that far before I jumped in on that.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Ilyich

Originally posted by spw184
reply to post by Ilyich

Read my edit p0x

OMG !!! I didn't watch it far enough for that. I agree with the science behind what he says !! This has nothing to do with jewish overlords wtf !!! lol thank you for pointing that out my god. I didn't watch that far before I jumped in on that.

Lol yeah i was all like "This makes complete.. omg wtf???????!!!!!!"

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by D377MC

Look up the dozens, plural, of firefighters and emergency medical responders who recorded testimonies concerning explosions and then go and tell them they really didn't see what they saw or hear what they heard.

Better yet, why dont you go ask them if they think the sources of the explosions were bombs.

But, please, let some of us know before you do it....I wanna bring a video camera to catch the butt whuppin you get for youtube.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by vipertech0596

much like what you would get if you told Buzz Aldrin that the moon landing was hoaxed,

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by spw184

Why? Would you consider it fishy that they found credit cards/wallets/purses from passengers on the jets?

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by spw184

Yeah, I saw a truther ask a member of the FDNY that question once in person, he went to the cop down the street to complain about getting knocked on his backside by the firefighter. Funny thing though.......they couldnt find anyone who saw the firefighter hit the guy, but found plenty of us that saw the truther trip and fall......

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by vipertech0596

wouldn't they get dystroyed?

PS: Im not a truther - just setting that straight

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Not trying to stir the pot guys, but I really stand more or less on the line no successful conclusion can be drawn using evidence from prior investigations. There is a lot of evidence to support the towers did not fall from the impact of jets, or from the fires themselves it just isn't possible. The steel structure was built to withstand all of the things, and more than was thrown at it that day. Or at least that is open knowledge. " Elevator " Renovations went on for months before the " Attacks " the building came down. Who's to blame remains unknown and this isn't helping, the facts are the building came down. A man in the middle east released a video claiming he did it, or so the translation we have been shown says. I don't know. How ever it shouldn't have fallen and it did. There are witnesses and architects and engineers that support it should not have fallen down. This thread has proved every DE-BUNK to hold more falsified or twisted evidence than any truther has provided. I'm sorry there, Edge but you're wrong. The op got hammered.

I'm very disappointed this thread went the way of many others, and actually contained maybe a handful of reasonable evidence and debating where as the majority of it is just people trying to prove their point by insulting one another or claiming they aren't smart and the like. It's just ridiculous. Long story short, it happened, and as far as the definition of terrorism goes, yes the building was brought down by terrorists. Do I think it was Al Queda or Taliban.. no... Do I think the group was inside the US during and most likely after the attacks yes. Do I think the plan was laid out in detail and put into action with in the US yes. Do I think, there were insiders with in the world trade center as well as other Americans that with out a doubt played a part in the event unfolding or it's continued disinformation campaign yes. It's a very very sad thing, and I completely respect any American who does not believe that their own would do this.

If the same events went down in canada, I wouldn't believe our government would do it to us either. I would likely disbelieve a citizen of my country would do that to their own. How ever, all evidence must be accepted with an open mind completely unbiased, if an orange is an orange it's an orange. This is the perspective that should be taken with the towers. Leaving out the Jets, which can not be reiterated enough for you to listen, would hardly freaking scratch the towers. The structure on the outside of the towers wouldn't have twitched when they struck, and would very well have stood up to many more large commercial jet impacts. This isn't the same but at the time was the worst case scenario for the empire state building. in 1945 and not much happened haha. As well, I would like to point out this thread oh so many sources. Take the time to read it, and I challenge you disprove it. Seriously, this is the best compilation of evidence I have seen presented anywhere. I started going through it oh I'd say at least 2 hrs ago. I have to say, there is a very, strong argument here. Yes, planes impacted WTC 1 and 2, yes they may have wreaked unimaginable havoc, but there are testimonies from firemen, police offices, ambulance workers and civilians that paint a very different story than the mainstream media is presenting. Read the whole thread before you jump into any sort of a huff and start screaming these people are horrible Americans or what not. If it was your family, wouldn't you want real justice. Wouldn't you want to know every detail before you made your decision?

I have flipped back and forth between believing an ak47 toting camel jockey could have done this, and the very real possibility way more of this story is being blacked out and buried as quickly as possible so we can not find out what happened. Investigations keep popping up, and finding new holes all the time. Most of these investigations get no media coverage and either don't last long enough to come up with a definitive result, or get forgotten about and run out of funding or man power, but we are so far from the truth. I can't say for sure it was anyone in particular and the government had word of mouth to point a finger at a terrorist. Think about all the people who try to intimidate and never actually follow through. Think of all the false threats that have come out over the years. Why wouldn't a very troubled man trying to act tough state claim in something like this. It got him more attention than any individual ever has. I bet there isn't a person in the world that doesn't know that name. As horrible as it was it was brilliant in it's design. The whole world noticed. No matter who did it, they were f**king brilliant as far as the idea goes. It did what it was meant to do. I sincerely hope you all look further, truther or not. There is way more to this story than was told.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:49 PM
Ha! We got called out... Nicely done gang, once again proving why i love this site
so many good debates throughout this whole thread. shouldaknownbetter

edit on 13-9-2011 by jamieastronaut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by spw184

Originally posted by D377MC

Exactly what do you think should be on top of the pile for a fire induced collapse ?

A passport?

yeah the whole "We found a passport" thing sounds kinda fishy...

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