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Enough with the dishonest behaviour Truthers - I'm calling you out.

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posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:37 AM
I am with you OP.

Truthers have just jumped on any bandwagon they even hear in passing and pawn it off as ACTUALLY evidence.

They have made up so much stuff to try and fit their theory but never once have they had the actually evidence in front of them to present a scientifically positive claim.

Not one of these so called truthers on ATS has actually done his/her own research by gathering all REAL life evidence in their hand and testing it, seeking professional opinion, speaking with people who were there that day, speaking with EVERY SINGLE officer or fireman on duty that day (except the same one and only one they keep bringing up) gathering actual evidence from the scene of the crime, steel to test, ruble to test, dust to test. None of them has even come close to this so how can they even claim what they say is true. Because they are living off other peoples work which is so biased and falsified (Loose Change) etc.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by InterdimensionalWarrior

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by Asheliate
I once used to believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy but a National Geographic documentary put that notion to rest. It is hard for me to bring up that I was wrong about a 9/11 conspiracy to my friends, but I still try. However, there is no excuse on the Internet.

I suspect some people here are too ashamed to admit they were wrong and just want others to take on the responsibility of continuing to do their own research. This is what happens when one descends into the madness of trying to raise your post count.

Tv said it so it must be true! I believe tv over internet it makes me smart!

I am hoping you are being sarcastic. The difference between the internet and the tv is that on the tv only one side of the debate is truly and fairly represented, while the other is vilified, marginalized and lied about. On the internet , both sides of the story are presented and the truth is obvious to anyone who accesses the information available. It is also noteworthy that the internet truth and the tv truth are never the same thing when it comes to any sort of politics.

Yeah... obviously I was being sarcastic, but I guess sarcasm doesnt translate well into text. Regardless, the whole idea that anyone would trust what they see on tv (which is presented to you by people that only care about money and ratings) over research and factual proof in the form of testimony or documentation is laughable at best. But I do enjoy the people in this thread that actually believe their Government could never do something to harm them. Its so funny because when you even attempt to link to something like operation northwoods they stick their fingers in their ears and scream NOT TRUE even though it was declassified by the US Government.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Rubber-Ducky
This thread was a riot.

I especially loved people starring the hell out of responses they agree with as if that'll change anybodys mind.

I don't completely buy the OS version but I have to say there are too many truther members here who respond with absolutely no class.

I don't like to be labeled or categorized along with people who do not share my own personal beliefs or moral limits. I am not a part of any movement that has not existed for the whole of mans history , when he learned to lie.

The whole 'truther' labeling is meant to be derogatory. I am not a 'truther'. I don't coordinate my activities with any group. A 'truther' is supposed to be a conspiracy nut in the general populations mind, but more and more people are realizing every day that the government has become not only oppressive, but outright criminal in it's interactions with the people of this nation. That is to say most people don't really think people that believe in conspiracies are wrong! That's an obviously flawed conclusion, most people are highly suspicious , distrusting and fearful of government, and many are simply afraid to do anything but go along. They are cowards, and worst than the idiots that actually believe the OS.

By now, you can see on your own neighborhood level if you're paying attention, that you no longer have any civil rights whatsoever simply because you believed this lie that was 911. The Hegelian dialectic 'war on drugs' ,'war on poverty' and finally the 'war on terror' , all wars on YOU AND ME , on freedom and on our way of life. If the official story is truly to be believed, the terrorists have won because we have lost the 'freedumbs' they supposedly hate. Ironic, huh?>LMAO!.

B For IS believers, I have this to say about you on a personal level...Believing this lie is what enabled your own enslavement, and you went into captivity willingly out of fear of an enemy that did not really exist, you are a coward and your actions are a great dishonor upon yourself. And then there are those of you who know you are lying. You are quite clearly an enemy combatant against the Constitutional Republic, in a war of propaganda.

I will never capitulate to those who have you under thier boot heel.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
I am with you OP.

Truthers have just jumped on any bandwagon they even hear in passing and pawn it off as ACTUALLY evidence.

They have made up so much stuff to try and fit their theory but never once have they had the actually evidence in front of them to present a scientifically positive claim.

Not one of these so called truthers on ATS has actually done his/her own research by gathering all REAL life evidence in their hand and testing it, seeking professional opinion, speaking with people who were there that day, speaking with EVERY SINGLE officer or fireman on duty that day (except the same one and only one they keep bringing up) gathering actual evidence from the scene of the crime, steel to test, ruble to test, dust to test. None of them has even come close to this so how can they even claim what they say is true. Because they are living off other peoples work which is so biased and falsified (Loose Change) etc.

OK this one takes the big teddybear. Lets see, for starters, all the rubble was secured and shipped to china as soon as it cooled enough to be moved, go ahead and call this a lie, we will all laugh on your sad face. The same goes with the rest of the evidence, but hey, dont even bother with me. I would get to save a few of you, the rest can go to hell with the warmongering country between the legs. The same firefighter and police officer time and time again? Tell me one thing, does it hurt being so ignorant?

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
I am with you OP.

Truthers have just jumped on any bandwagon they even hear in passing and pawn it off as ACTUALLY evidence.

They have made up so much stuff to try and fit their theory but never once have they had the actually evidence in front of them to present a scientifically positive claim.

Not one of these so called truthers on ATS has actually done his/her own research by gathering all REAL life evidence in their hand and testing it, seeking professional opinion, speaking with people who were there that day, speaking with EVERY SINGLE officer or fireman on duty that day (except the same one and only one they keep bringing up) gathering actual evidence from the scene of the crime, steel to test, ruble to test, dust to test. None of them has even come close to this so how can they even claim what they say is true. Because they are living off other peoples work which is so biased and falsified (Loose Change) etc.

Likewise you are basing your belief from the "NIST Professional Report" or the 'Media'

there have been 'Experts' and 'Qualified Individuals' who have done numerous test and scientific explanations, that did take 'Test' of the dust, and debris that was available to them, Likewise Scientific Theory in general, have you read their documents? Viewed their documentaries? and i am not speaking of 'Loose Change'

i have had conversations with some of those 'Professional Experts', whilst i may not have done the test myself, Facts are Facts

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:53 AM
I'd just like to take the time to thank phishyblackwaters (sp?) and stainlesssteelrat for taking the time to put such detail and effort into replying to these ridiculos, poorly thought out and written posts made by those who simply chose to deny the facts presented before them, all while yelling "WHERE THE FACTS AT?".

You two (as well as a few others I didn't take the time to mention) show either a serious dedication to truth or a serious dedication to educating, as well the patience of a high-school teacher. I, as well as many others, simply choose not to even bother posting on threads such as these.

PS/Offtopic- Regarding a time-travel thread that was recently closed due to "repetiveness?" - There are countless threads exactly like this one, and hundreds that provide a better arguement; yet I doubt I will see this closed. The Mods are really starting to slip and seem to close threads that actually have legitimate, productful discussion occuring just because it has been posted before, while allowing trash like this to get 10 (I bet we'll see 20) (edit; lmfao im at page 23) pages long. I am not saying that arguing over 9/11 is counter-productive; but asking for proof and then simply claiming the proof provided is not proof is extremely counter-productive.
edit on 13-9-2011 by theshepherd2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Saltarello

The rest of the evidence wasn't shipped anywhere. The steel was sold, and thats big business for you, but thousands of pounds of wreckage and remains were analysed by hundreds of people. But don't let reality stop you from just making up stuff.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:06 AM
The evidence that 911 was a false flag operation is extensive and at this point it is undeniable by anyone who is being honest with themselves and has a bit of grey matter between his ears.

The problems with the OS are inconsolable , like hijackers who were still alive, freefall velocity of the collapse, eyewitness accounts of missiles and planes with no windows, NORAD stood down, fight control intentionally confused by a war game, no logical response to the ongoing attacks, the immediate conclusion on the media was that it was muslims that did it and we need to invade their resource rich nations to make things right, yeah, ok.....Are you that dumb?
A detective goes after the ones who gained form the crime, automatically assuming they were the ones with motive. So on a basic level it is easy to see that muslims didn't get what they wanted out of it at all, it seems like Israel did if you want to be specific, Israel, the international bankers and certain insiders in the US. The attacks of 911 were perpetrated by the new world order conspiracy for world domination. An it isn't muslims doing it, it's globalist 'jews' who are using Zionism , imperialism, terrorism, and neoconservatism as an engine for world conquest.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

Aw not again, lets see, that you say something is false, wrong, or "truther teory", does not disprove the facts, get it now? The rubble, steel, basically all was shipped overseas, the few pieces they left are at a hangar, or they were. Again, that you choose to ignore or obviate the fact that they did get rid of all the evidence just gives us more and more credibility.
As asked before, is that amount of ignorance painful?
It really should be.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Darth_Prime

Dont you try putting some sense on them, you will get called Truther, anti american, un-patriotic, and probably as someone already did, communist. Its just not worth it, keep the letters for those that are capable of reading them.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Saltarello
. Lets see, for starters, all the rubble was secured and shipped to china as soon as it cooled enough to be moved, go ahead and call this a lie

It is a lie, so you have never heard of Fresh Kills? Why do people keep repeating this lie?

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

Another very typical Truther post. A lot of pseudo-intellectual nonsense, wrapped up in untrue "statements of fact". For example, what exact things have you personally been stopped from doing on a local level, because of 911. As many specific examples as possible, please. And then explain how you know that the laws passed after 911 are evidence of a crime, not evidence of, say, opportunism.

The really sad thing about this breed of Truther is that the prison they live in is self-created and policed. A little more hard logic and rationality and a little less paranoia and your jail would disappear.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Saltarello
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

Aw not again, lets see, that you say something is false, wrong, or "truther teory", does not disprove the facts, get it now? The rubble, steel, basically all was shipped overseas, the few pieces they left are at a hangar, or they were. Again, that you choose to ignore or obviate the fact that they did get rid of all the evidence just gives us more and more credibility.
As asked before, is that amount of ignorance painful?
It really should be.

And they act as if all we have to do is ask and the government is going to provide us with the materials to test. hell, they won't even let us see the many videos of the pentaCON being hit because it was a bunker busting missile launched from a plane that did the damage and there never was a commercial airline involved, not a single body recovered, not a bone or a finger from one passenger. You'd be surprised how many hundreds, probably thousands of people know the truth because they were witnesses, and what they saw does not co relate with what the Tv says they saw. The internet is full of their accounts, yet no credible evidence of the official story has ever been presented.

The fact is that the OS included several physical impossibilities which can be scientifically proved as such, and there is not a sliver of wiggle room. If you can prove that the basic components of a given story are not physically possible, you have proved the whole story has been falsified.

I can prove to anyone who wants to know the truth that the the validity of the OS is scientifically disqualified, by known and inarguable scientific laws and truisms.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by spoor

As with all irrational belief, the believer refuses to acknowledge evidence which could disturb their world view.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by captainnotsoobvious
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

Another very typical Truther post. A lot of pseudo-intellectual nonsense, wrapped up in untrue "statements of fact". For example, what exact things have you personally been stopped from doing on a local level, because of 911. As many specific examples as possible, please. And then explain how you know that the laws passed after 911 are evidence of a crime, not evidence of, say, opportunism.

The really sad thing about this breed of Truther is that the prison they live in is self-created and policed. A little more hard logic and rationality and a little less paranoia and your jail would disappear.

Notice how there is never any arguement or fact being stated by those calling others 'truthers'. Its basically "you're a nut and I dont like you". Its nothing more than a label shouted by those who cant come to grips with reality.

"This breed of truther" like we arent even human if we question what our Gods, the mainstream media, shove down our throats on a daily basis. We arent intelligent if we dont ignore all those architects, engineers and pilots. Yes lets all just go back watching football and our jail of reality will disappear. The Government will take care of us because afterall, its a conspiracy theory to believe that Government isnt here to help us!
edit on 13-9-2011 by e11888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by captainnotsoobvious
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

Another very typical Truther post. A lot of pseudo-intellectual nonsense, wrapped up in untrue "statements of fact". For example, what exact things have you personally been stopped from doing on a local level, because of 911. As many specific examples as possible, please. And then explain how you know that the laws passed after 911 are evidence of a crime, not evidence of, say, opportunism.

The really sad thing about this breed of Truther is that the prison they live in is self-created and policed. A little more hard logic and rationality and a little less paranoia and your jail would disappear.

Hey you know what? I have a nice finca just 50 km offshore here in mallorca, with train and bus to get there, very nice mountain views and all, its your for just 5000$, you interested? Because you look just like the guy who might like it(and buy it of course). As stated before, keep smearing, you fill your mouth with logic and rationality, yer you act as a loonie, well done.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

Actually you can't prove that. If you could we wouldn't be having this conversation. In fact I'd wager a large part of your proof has already been roundly debunked. Nothing physically impossible happened on 911.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by captainnotsoobvious
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

Another very typical Truther post. A lot of pseudo-intellectual nonsense, wrapped up in untrue "statements of fact". For example, what exact things have you personally been stopped from doing on a local level, because of 911. As many specific examples as possible, please. And then explain how you know that the laws passed after 911 are evidence of a crime, not evidence of, say, opportunism.

The really sad thing about this breed of Truther is that the prison they live in is self-created and policed. A little more hard logic and rationality and a little less paranoia and your jail would disappear.

Well, i was almost shot by police (no criminal record) for simply pointing out a man they thought was intoxicated was having a medical emergency, and I think that might have to do with the Israeli taught zero tolerance policy being taught our LEO recently because I have never seen police be this aggressive in years past and get clean away with it. They are treating American citizens with almost as much contempt as the jews in israel treat the Palestinians, something I think is no coincidence!
The police have become a paramilitary force, an occupation, Look around you. Guess who their enemy is? Think it's just me because I don't toe the line?
Just because you do what you're told doesn't mean you're not the enemy, you're just being a gutless coward or an idiot for going along, and going along is what enables the evil agenda in the first place.

Neighborhoods have become divided, no one trusts anyone any more. People like you will always fear people like me because you're a coward and fear the concept of personal responsibility, and especially the concept of freedom. I am a trouble maker.

I can't take my kids on a plane because I don't want them prono-xrayed and molested, the police can break down my door any time they want without a warrant, my phone and my internet connections are essentially tapped and constantly monitored, all of this enabled by 911 and the illegal patriot act.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

Man, that breed of OSrs must be making the quick way back to QC, all they can do is repeat ad hominems and: this is not true, you have already been debunked, Truther this & that, while they present nothing but the sheer ignorance that moves their fingers.
edit on 13-9-2011 by Saltarello because: Apparently 25 hours awake and working is not good for my typing skills.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by Saltarello
. Lets see, for starters, all the rubble was secured and shipped to china as soon as it cooled enough to be moved, go ahead and call this a lie

It is a lie, so you have never heard of Fresh Kills? Why do people keep repeating this lie?

You really talk about 1/3 of 3 buildings, perhaps more due to the debri fallingand all? Guess youd take that amount of evidence as you took the OS huh?
On another note, I may have another residence for sale for you, top class, on top of the teide, nice weather all year, warm water full time, I can make it real cheap for you...

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