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Satanists are not evil - neither is Satan (the conspiracy of the Churches)

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz

I read it was Satan who actually created man, AKA Enki? and it was his brother who hated man Enlil, AKA Jesus?

I love the thread though because I have been under the impression that we have been lied to since the beginning of time and I'm not confident that we will ever truly know the actual truth

Something inside me feels like this story about Enki and Enil is manipulated by the devil to make himself look like a good guy.

Someone that plans on making man sin, can't be trusted.
edit on 12-9-2011 by User8911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by radarloveguy
reply to post by NZkraw

ps .... Hell is pitch black ,
and HOT .
.... you won't like it !

You are incorrect sir. Hell is in fact freezing cold. So cold it burns like liquid nitrogen. All of this from the lack of God's love and precense.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:35 PM

Something inside me feels like this story about Enki and Enil is manipulated by the devil to make himself look like a good guy.

Someone that plans on making man sin, can't be trusted.

I respect your opinion but who really knows? When lies are told over and over the teller begins to believe the lie is truth himself... I don't get where you say "someone who plans on making man sin"? Who made man sin?

Remember also that the Sumerian text predate the bible by thousands of years and is where all the biblical, greek and several other stories came from. Just a different person relaying the story.

As stated I have no belief in one or the other but wasn't it so-called God who created the flood and sent a plague to kill man and burn down his cities? Who is the sinner man or God?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by NZkraw

You bring up some very valid points but no references to sources? This will bring you only attacks here. I was raised Catholic attending Catholic Private School all my life. This did two things for me, first it caused me to quit being Catholic (My sister as well) and it gave me an education which far surpassed anything I could have gotten in public school.

After school ended for me I began to research religions along with other things. I would love to have this conversation with you, but without sources we have no where to begin.

Much of what you are saying is true, but some of it is so odd that I wonder where it came from.

Posted this without reading the rest of the thread so if this redundant, please forgive. I had to weigh in before I read the rest, which I will do now.

BTW everyone relax a little, hell is just something the Christians borrowed from Mithraism. Lot's of Christianity is "borrowed". More than you would ever care to guess or believe. Truth is, you are coming back as something or someone, somewhere. I have been working my butt off this life to make sure I don't have to come back here again. This rock stinks, but it was so nice before we humans showed up.
edit on 12-9-2011 by Ittabena because: BTW

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:54 PM
i'm still working out all the kinks, but from what i can tell Enki didn't enlighten us in the way people have been lead to believe, that is, if it was indeed Enki who "created" our upgraded bodies. At the time, to have knowledge meant to be sexually active with a person of the opposite sex. "Adam knew Eve, and she begat...." To have knowledge of someone was to have sex with that someone. So no big enlightenment there, other than "gee this sex thing is kinda fun ...till 9 months later"

the theory goes that the first ADAM were a bunch of male and female clones, cloned in the images of the Elohim. after further research I came to the conclusion that the Elohim were equivalent to the egyptian Atum, and they were equivalent to the sumerian Alulim who were the Elohim.....and here's the clincher, the Adam. In other words, the race of male and female clones called the Adam were named after their creators/cloners, the Adam or the Atum, also known as the Elohim. It caused alot of confusion for translators, who had trouble determining where the nouns, pronouns, pluralities, and other such important details, should be used in the explanations.

Our cloned bodies didn't require animal type procreation -- if more Adam were needed, they were cloned. Thusly why it says Eve would have pain in childbirth from there on out after the mammal modifications. Read the text carefullllllllllly. Think about what you're reading.

I' m trying to imagine how this was explained to the clones. Perhaps something like: "Yes, YOU can be a cloner too like the gods! You can clone new male and female Adam in your own images, just like the gods!" Thing was, there was evidence of the type of cloning he would've been referring to, all over the animal kingdom: procreation via sexual intercourse

edit on 12-9-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by NZkraw

So tell me how do you explain vikings attacking Christians in 493? Or are the Vikings part of the conspiracy as well

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by undo

Extremely interesting. Can you provide me some linkage so I can further research? I came across it somewhere but can not remember for the life of me where it was. I could of sworn it was on a Luciferian site but can no longer find it. I think it was Donahue or something? Here it is...

Real Creation Story

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:46 PM
Here's my opinion for what it's worth - I disagree that satanists aren't evil as thats a huge generalisation, I'm sure some of them are, by the generally accepted standards as to what constitutes evil. I'd also add that many christians, muslims etc are also evil. I would add that i don't see many satanist run jumble sales for Help the Aged though so as a movement they're not particularly high profile with their altuism.

As for satan being evil - How can a redundant, historical concept be evil ? No idea is by itself evil, it's what people do with it that makes it evil.
edit on 12-9-2011 by Hopeforeveryone because: missed a comma ! probably some other stuff but as it's only opnion who cares

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz
reply to post by undo

Extremely interesting. Can you provide me some linkage so I can further research? I came across it somewhere but can not remember for the life of me where it was. I could of sworn it was on a Luciferian site but can no longer find it. I think it was Donahue or something? Here it is...

Real Creation Story

i'm so glad you asked me that question. i've been working on this theory for awhile. odd thing is, i realized after i had been working on it for awhile that other people had come to similar conclusions and therefore, it might have some validity beyond what i was noticing. this encouraged me to research further. anyway, without further ado:

NOTE: The following verse has numbers in it. Those numbers are from a bible concordance, called the Strongs Concordance. The numbers not only are clickable links to the original hebrew word, they also indicate which words were in the original text, and which were not

Genesis 1:27 So God 430 created 1254 man 120 in his [own] image 6754, in the image 6754 of God 430 created 1254 he him; male 2145 and female 5347 created 1254 he them.

Remove words with no number directly after them

God created man image, image God created, male female created.

The original word for "God" there is Elohim, and the original word for "man" there is Adam. So the verse would more correctly read

Elohim created Adam image, image Elohim created, male female created.

Both Elohim and Adam are plural words. And the word "image" there can also be translated "images." The translators made a few assumptions regarding plurality and singularity. So to even further refine the verse so that it makes good grammatical sense, it should probably read:

The Elohim (the gods) created the Adam images, images the Elohim created, males females created.

Moses was raised an egyptian, so i think the actual word used for the Adam there was the Atum, since it was all coming from the same original events. However he wanted to be sure a distinction was made between the creators and the created. So he gave the creators the Alulim root word, and the created, the Atum root word. Even though they resolve into the same thing, they are not the same. Clones look identical but these were not "identical" in every sense of the word

Later, Eve is the name given to the first female Adam, to be given procreative ability. All that serpent in the tree stuff is talking about DNA and the tree of life is the branch of your DNA that decides if you continue to regenerate, or die. The shortening of the life span of sexually reproductive Adam, was added AFTER the procreation mod, to keep us from overwhelming the universe in the span of a few thousand years. The way was blocked to the tree of life section of our DNA. We were nerfed

here' s the link to the verse in question and the clickable links so you can see what the original hebrew word was
for each numbered word
edit on 12-9-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:09 PM
I'm an athiest, so this argument to me is purely philisophical, but ever since I was a kid I was struck by a strange thought... Satan is supposedly the one that is "influencing" the world through his subtle evil influencing of men right? Satan never actually comes out and makes himself known, he always works through men.

So basically the only proof we have that satan has any effect at all on humanity is gods say so through the bible. The bible is basically one big mudslinging rag talking about how evil satan is, how everyone should hate him, and all the horrible things he's influenced people to do (setting aside all the evil things god has influenced people to do that are in it)

I think of this in the same terms as politics. Which politician would you trust more... the polititians that work quietly and unobtrusively, without making waves, or the ones that put out those awful mudslinging commercials and articles talking about how horrible their opponent is, while trying to cover up their own atrocities.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Slanter
I'm an athiest, so this argument to me is purely philisophical, but ever since I was a kid I was struck by a strange thought... Satan is supposedly the one that is "influencing" the world through his subtle evil influencing of men right? Satan never actually comes out and makes himself known, he always works through men.

So basically the only proof we have that satan has any effect at all on humanity is gods say so through the bible. The bible is basically one big mudslinging rag talking about how evil satan is, how everyone should hate him, and all the horrible things he's influenced people to do (setting aside all the evil things god has influenced people to do that are in it)

I think of this in the same terms as politics. Which politician would you trust more... the polititians that work quietly and unobtrusively, without making waves, or the ones that put out those awful mudslinging commercials and articles talking about how horrible their opponent is, while trying to cover up their own atrocities.

the first reference to "Satan" was in the time of King David *(the following link gives every example of the word "Satan" in the entire bible, both old and new testaments. It is listed in pages. so further appearances of the word, are linked at the bottom of this first list)

my theory is that Satan is derived from 2 words, "Set" the serpent god of Egypt and "An" the sumerian God of the heavens. Set+An. It's basically giving you a clue to the etymology of the word, which goes back to genetics and creation of the sexually reproductive Adam .

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by NZkraw

We all get to choose in this life how we want to live and what we want to believe, but it is important that we choose to believe truth and righteousness which leads to everlasting live, buit do not be mislead.

It is easy to know the difference because of how it effects every aspect our lives. Its kinda like when our parents told us not to touch the hot burner on the stove. Did you believe them when they told you it would burn you or did you have to touch it anyways? If we open our eyes we can even see examples taking place, but most do not see.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by iLoGiCViZiOnS
reply to post by NZkraw

We all get to choose in this life how we want to live and what we want to believe, but it is important that we choose to believe truth and righteousness which leads to everlasting live, buit do not be mislead.

It is easy to know the difference because of how it effects every aspect our lives. Its kinda like when our parents told us not to touch the hot burner on the stove. Did you believe them when they told you it would burn you or did you have to touch it anyways? If we open our eyes we can even see examples taking place, but most do not see.

and that's where the whole idea of "Sin" derives from. The leader of the divine Council, said, reproduce as needed by clones only, no procreation (he was an environmentalist). But did our ancestors listen? NOPE.

So then we got slapped with the nerf bat.

edit on 12-9-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by NZkraw

Someone is trolling big time. Ok satanists are not evil, and its perfectly fine to sacrifice babies in your occult rituals and to steal skulls from dead people's tombs for your rituals.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by NZkraw

I am a Buddhist and I find this particualry true. The concept of good and evil has been faded tremedously in the bible. Lucifer repersents rebellion and ones pride. Lucifer was never evil, the Church highly shuned this type of behaivour.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:38 PM
Man you realize how many evil people are in this world when a satanist makes a post like this and gets all those stars. Keep believing those lies, when the day comes that Yahweh locks your master up in the abyss we will see how humanity comes to its senses and stops murdering and raping and killing babies and stealing and fornicating. It's going to be a utopia for 1000 years until he gets loosed from the pit once more to test the wills of men.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:55 PM
Spoken like a true satanist. At least your a real one. Enjoy the ending

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz
There are more Christians, Jews and Muslims doing more damage around the world to the Earth than Satanists.

I think you'll find the US government (run by satanists since the day it was born) is doing most of the killing in the world.

Next you'll be telling us it was a few ragheads who took down the twin towers

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

You wrote:

["Man you realize how many evil people are in this world when a satanist makes a post like this and gets all those stars."]

It's called freedom of speech and the right to choose for yourself. You may have heard about the concepts and decided to dislike them, because don't they fit with your world-view. But that's how it is and even will be more like.

Quote: ["Keep believing those lies, when the day comes that Yahweh locks your master up in the abyss we will see how humanity comes to its senses and stops murdering and raping and killing babies and stealing and fornicating."]

I get the strong impression, that you know practically nothing about the subject. Never a good position to be condemning from. And your constant doomsday threats don't have the same effect here as home in the church.

As you should know by now, I'm a non-theist (but not an atheist), so I don't care so much about 'gods' and 'devils' as some religionists do. But often 'gods', 'devils' and other religious manifestations represent some principles, and personally I have a great sympathy for what Lucifer stands for.

An enlightener, where your black 'god' is endarkening.

A freedom-figther from the tyranny of Jahveh.

Quote: [" It's going to be a utopia for 1000 years until he gets loosed from the pit once more to test the wills of men."]

It's always 'tomorrow' in your argumentation (after you cut a bit down on the self-proclaimed authority gambit), and while you now are talking about what society is going to be according to your mythological manual, you probably wouldn't lower yourself to take a look at what's going on in the reality, most of us live in. But both here and on other threads you have the option of joining analyses from a reality-perspective relating to the many claims and assumptions you have and I'm sure you could learn from it.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Beavers

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz
There are more Christians, Jews and Muslims doing more damage around the world to the Earth than Satanists.

I think you'll find the US government (run by satanists since the day it was born) is doing most of the killing in the world.

Next you'll be telling us it was a few ragheads who took down the twin towers

Since when is the government run by satanist?

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