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Satanists are not evil - neither is Satan (the conspiracy of the Churches)

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by radarloveguy

Thank you for your post and the link, it was an interesting read
I was hit by a car when i was 12 full force impact a near-death experience is something i have had before, i went to some place of light, but i knew it wasn't heaven . There was a lake a beautiful blue lake, next to it a pure-white pyramid with a shining golden cap on its peak. I turned around and there was a being Ive never heard before. He said "Welcome to your paradise", i asked him what he meant and he said "this is you 'Hell'", so naturally i asked him where i was and he replied "See you soon" then i woke up before i could answer him.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:31 AM
I find it funny that Christians are attacking Satanism when they are part of a religion thats been around over a thousand years and has been used to justify numerous hurrendous acts. And lets not even talk about how communion tied to jesus is basically just acceptable human sacrifice. I could go on and on about christianity. Religion is nothing but a tool used for control that takes away personal power and responsibilty. But this is coming from a Pantheist so.....

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

You so get where im coming from...

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by NZkraw

Your points make sense in a way. Power corrupts, and the christian churches are powerfull indeed.
Your points about satan makes sense to me as well. If Adam and Eve were ignorant and "sheepish" before they ate of the apple the turned more towards individuals after that. Makes sense for a being that abhore mindless devotion to large and influential institutions to strive for people to walk their own path in life. Satans name is Lucifer right? The illuminated one, the Bringer of dawn. Gives me the picture of someone bringing people out of the darkness into the light of understanding. To let people see what they can do with their life. To seek enlightment is an buddhist path as well I think. Could Lucifer have been a leader like that of buddha and the Christians who want a flock of sheep decided to do the usuall fearmongering?

Well thanks for the text anyway, gives me something to ponder about.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by NZkraw

why would you believe in the 'arch-enemy' of someone you've chosen not to believe in?

surely satan doesn't exist either..

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Beavers
reply to post by NZkraw

why would you believe in the 'arch-enemy'
surely Satan doesn't exist either..

Because, Jesus is a fictitious jewish character or archetype.
People will believe what they want to, if Satan doesnt exist then surely neither does Jahova.
We will find out who's right in time only.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:11 AM
Think and believe what you will, but in your Op, I didn't read anything at all defining what a Satanist is, what they believe, and I didn't see how they are good or not evil.

Frankly, all I saw was an anti-Christian rant with few facts or documentation... for instance, the Church making a deal with the aliens...really?

You imply that Jesus may be a made up character, and then expect us to believe in one bold statement that the Church of the Inquisition period made a deal with aliens to control people.

Further, how is Satan not evil? How is Satan good? I didn't see much of a case comparing or contrasting Satan or true satanic followers...again, just an anti- Christian rant.

Like my professors in college said..." There is no right or wrong answer, but use names, places, dates, and details to support your argument."

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by Vorlon128

Yes Satan is the same as Lucifer. Thank you for reading my thread, Im glad it made you think about it.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by NZkraw

i don't think anyone's trying to oppress you, or stop you doing anything you want, providing others don't get hurt.

what exactly is it that Satan will allow you to do that the current world isn't?

how are you being restricted? do you mean the 10 commandments? you want to lie, steal, kill and covert your neighbour's ox?

well that's all well and good, but what if I want to live in a world where people don't covert my ox?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

You are right, i did forget to say the basis of my argument, i will add that in a later post.
My thread wasn't about being anti-christian, it was about my opinions in the matter and some facts that i found while researching the matter. I dont believe any religion or belief should be hated just for what they choose to believe, everyone is equal just as human and animals are equal. (reference to my signature).
I do disbelieve a lot of what the church teaches but i wouldnt say that what they do teach the Mass is completely wrong as i wouldnt know. I can only state my opinions until i found out if im right or wrong.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by NZkraw

Satan is Ea-Enki is he not?

The Sumerian God?? How did he get mixed up in this?

edit: if anything he would be more likely a source of the original jesus story, no?
edit on 12-9-2011 by Beavers because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Beavers

That is true, i like your argument it is good to read your point!
Satan allows you to be truly enlightened about the world around you, it's like a new awakening, a new brilliant day, and the knowledge you have learned on your way to enlightenment is never ending -there is never a point were you dont learn something everyday that you didn't know before
The 10comandments of Moses only restrict those who follow them on a daily basis - they are good people and they are good company to be around. No one will covert your Ox unless you benefit it probably.
I guess the world is what we make of it as a civilization.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Beavers

Robert Morning Sky's Terra Papers. A great read, free e-book on scribd.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:33 AM
It is a frequently asked question "Which is good and which is evil"
my opinion is one of contemplation and lots of study, who am i to call one evil and the other good? It was until i started studying that i became enlightened about the subject.

Satan just wants us to be the best we can, to be knowledgeable - to be enlightened in our own rite. He just wants to advance our human race no matter how many people think he is this ugly monster that just wants nothing but to kill us all. This is not true, he is caring and listens if you respect him he will respect you, he will help you through any problem if he thinks you cant handle it on your own, he protects his own, and will take revenge on those who "dog" you (who bully you or steals from you). He is not this nefarious entity bent of world-annihilation like many believe, he is pure and just. If the highest of Jewish/Catholics/Christian "religious" leaders didn't do what they did (the Inquisition, witch-hunts, destroying so much ancient knowledge e.c.t) we would of been a far more advanced race than what we are now.

On the other-hand the Xian god as to who or what he is, is not my place to say because people will believe a lot of what they are told, and believe what they read (in the bible or otherwise) and it is their place to think what they want.

I can just express my opinions on such matters such as this with dedication to try and explain what i mean, i dont hate other religions/beliefs i may not agree with them but it is not my place to say where they should go.

My case is that, Satan is very misunderstood so people fear him; especially if they are Xians (Christians e.c.t) because that is whats hardwired into their brain "Attend church and pray, dont dabble with the occult, because if you do you will burn eternally" this is to me just a kind of brainwashing method (scaring people so they wont do something). He is not "evil", he is the Light and the Dark, Good and Bad, to understand Satan you must understand his aspects.

Good and Evil are not opposites either, they are different, to know one you must also know the other, to know true enlightenment you must dedicate yourself to study every aspect of the differences you find in something. Only then can you really say that you know which is "Good" and which is "Evil"

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by NZkraw

I am wondering about a couple of things from your opening. First, you said from your research that "my own research has shown me Christianity is not "2,000 years old" as they try to claim it is. From what I personally believe, Christianity arrived with The Inquisition." Could you point me to some info that would show me how you came to that conclusion?

Second, I have to ask about aliens and the vatican deal. Again, could you point me to some info?
I went to the link of theistic satan that you gave and read through it a bit. You may want to put a little "strong material" warning with it since it has a strong language and a video of a dude filming his junk peeing on a cross. Just a thought since there may be young members here.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Beavers

Enki - Master of the Earth, Bringer of knowledge in Egypt his name is Ptah. He is one of the oldest Gods ever known.
The idea of Satan is many Gods put together like a "unity". But, his name as a single facial point is Lucifer - Bringer of light, Melek Ta'us. One of Enki/Lucifer approves is the Caduceus (the snakes wrapping around the winged staff). So i dont believe he would be an original source for the Jesus story, though he may of had some involvement.
edit on 9/12/2011 by NZkraw because: spelling

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:42 AM
What I got from the article, think for a moment that you are a caveman. You live by hunting with simple tools and pick the edible plants that be in the area. Winter is harsh and you have to make with what you have and before fire was invented... lets just say that many people died. In this situation say that if the Christian church existed they would say to you that your life is the life of suffering, as Jesus had to suffer now and that is for them a beautiful thing. Satan in this scenario would be the one who teach-ed you to make fire. The church wants sheep so they stamp out knowledge that might benefit the individual, while Satan who abhor sheep will bring knowledge to the unwilling ignorant. This is a very simplified scenario though.

Basically think for yourself what is the motivation for someone as yourself to become a believer in Christianity and to follow their dogma? For some it comes just by being borne to Christian parents, but lets take a situation when you stumble in to one in your 20:s. You are enthralled by the message of love and devotion, and fearful of Hell and suffering. So anything the church now label as evil you will now think of as evil, and what the church now label as good you will now see as good. The act of suffering for the sake of your soul will be seen as a good thing, and giving to the church what you can afford to give.

Think of the Church as an organism needing subsistence and growth, like a tree. you give it both by giving and devotion. If you who want a simplified life and a solid foundation of reality then being a follower might be a good thing. But is it really good in the long run. The growth of the indiviual is stunted and unable to think outside the christian box. What you believe is what the ones at the top decide for you to believe.

Well that is what I thought of when I read the text.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by NZkraw

That makes me think of the demonisation the Christian religion have done of the previous gods and spirits of other religions. We have all seen the twisted snakes somewhere havent we? Here in sweden we often see them in drugstores.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by NZkraw

Doing a search in "" quotes from a few of your lines here reveals where you are getting your information. In each case, we are reading a persons opinion apart from any references that can be traced. This is a tactic (not by you, by others) that takes truth at its reflecting point and mirrors it to the counterfeit side of untruth. This tactic of neuro linguistic programming is used because the mind works by reflection. A lie cannot travel by itself to be believed. It must be wrapped in some form of truth to be taken into the mind.

Our brains work on the same type of system that our immune systems use. Corrupt particles in the body are instantly removed and destroyed unless the body thinks they are okay. Tricking this immune system in the brain involves reprogramming the mind by trickery. Mirror imaging truth is the central tactic on the NLP magician. The way to undo this programming is to receive correct information. This cannot happen as long as the brain has been trained to seek self-pride instead of outward awareness.

When we are children, we seek self. A baby needs and demands milk. When this need is met for a long enough period, the baby expands awareness outside of the mother's breast. Food is sought as awareness expands. This process continues until a baby becomes an autonomous man. The trick of our leaders is to keep the self as close to the person as possible so that people depend on the breast of the government. To accomplish this, they continually feed lies to divide people against each other by mirroring truth to a lie. If you dare to drop the pride against God, your awareness will expand to others and away from self. This is the first step.

If you can do this, read my blog. I have traveled down this road already and documented what I have found. My articles are here. LINK

As you read, remember that awareness must be expanded to allow real truth to emerge. If you cling to selfish pride, you will cling to the breast of Satan. Satan represents the emptiness of being alone. We are all in this life together. Together, we are strong in the bond of love for each other. This is what Jesus taught.

Do you want proof? If you lash out at what I am saying, you prove my point. Love and Hate are two sides of truth in reflection. Which side is in your heart right now? If you lash out at me--someone who is approaching you in love--then you reveal the side of truth you are clinging to. This reveals your heart. Jesus can change your heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Love is the point. Expand your awareness to truth and you take a step closer to healing the world.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by drivers1492

During the times that jesus supposedly walked on this earth, the Christians were called Hebrews, Jew's and the Catholics are another branch of the Hebrew religions evolution. What i mean by it being less then 2,000 years old is that they didn't evolve the name 'Christians' until that time. I researched different things to do with the Inquisition but this was some time ago, i will try recover my information sources tomorrow as it is getting late here. As for the Vatican making a deal with E.Ts, there are many pages that promote that point, just look up the vatican and aliens on google, it has such pages like 'Vatican believes in the existence of Extra Terrestrial life' as with the age of christianity i will recover that link tomorrow.
Thanks for pointing out about that site, i will put a content warning before the link.

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