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Do you understand what is going on?

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posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 09:49 PM
Yep, I know some of it.

Not afraid at all though.

Because it's over, has been for a while. Everyone sits around waiting for something big to happen, for the S to HTF, which it won't. Ever. The point is to keep you sitting around, forever, doing nothing. They win by default by doing very little. Small steps.

They've already won, because it's all falling into place every second of every day, and it will keep on doing so. Nothing can stop "it", because there's nothing to stop really. Until you understand that, you're just beating your head against the wall for no reason. Over and over. Waiting for something to "kick things off", but it won't.

This entire site, actually the entire concept of conspiracy theories has it's place, and it's working quite well for them. You look for zebras, when in fact it's all horses. Just simple, plain horses. You've lost sight of the big picture, can't even comprehend it due to examining microscopic and irrelevant specs of dust. It's so agonizingly simple, hiding in plain sight, impossible to understand if you can't take a step back due to a zealous impulse to think there must be something hidden, under the surface. But it's actually the surface that is the answer. Right there, here, in front of everyone.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:09 AM
I am a Seeker of truth. I have always been a Seeker of truth. The truth, like phi, is ever in the process of becoming real. The truth is not a rational number. Recently, many disparate threads have yearned for yanking, and tripping down seemingly unrelated rabbit holes has resulted in a few revelations. Alas, consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. I can't think of much that has caused me terror. The state of the world right now is highly dynamic. It is very exciting.

Luckily, since I am a nobody, I can learn what I will. The tiny adjacent dots that have led me to where I am would be exceedingly difficult to lecture about, and awakening to the world is by nature an active process. The will must be fire, tempered with steel. It is not my place to hop around madly spewing "great truth". I stay quiet and I listen. If asked a question, I answer honestly.

I do not know what I would fear? I am nobody, so nobody would ever target me. I am free to seek the truth.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 03:50 AM
I don't fully understand what is going on, but I have a general worldview pattern held in mind which enables me to see a few of the shenanigans for what they are - shenanigans. Some people have made a deal to overcome death, but the deal will be overturned, and in itself, that is a frightening revelation, which by now they surely must know.

I recently posted something very strange that happened to me, and it was met with a heavy dose of ridicule from an established member here, whilst at the same time things were happening outside my window and down in the street below which confirmed that I wasn't crazy.

The game is to make you look crazy - or to give you enough rope to hang yourself with. If you make yourself look crazy, then the work is done. If they have to resort to other means, then they will try to do so, if you're worth bothering with. It's a messed up world, and there are a lot of messed up people in it - but they aren't necessarily the ones that are labelled 'crazy'. That description is sometimes reserved for those who have somehow offended the messed up ones. Though of course, there is a genuine 'crazy' mindset which can be grown and developed at will, once the process starts.

Magic is real, and the practitioners are very advanced in what they do - but there are limitations, and there is a way out. One name is above all others.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

I'm think'n that those who do know what's going on
just might need a nap.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by rogerstigers

Its worse than you think because unknown unbelievable, inconceivable, unfathomable things, factors, come into play. If you dont believe in something or worse, cannot imagine it, does that make it impossible? Existence-less? No. They have these unlimited means and thats why normal folks like you already lost. It does not matter what you think you know, what does matter is what you will make of such knowledge. And posting it on forums is the least effective way to fight it. Not that you posted anything even close to the truth..

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 06:57 AM
As a searcher for the truth, I have come to know that there are many worlds (dimensions) in which we live in and we shift so to speak into the reality we attract. Each of us has our part to play and that is our destiny but within this we have the free will to choose how we go about and play our part.

I do not know how we are here or for what purpose other than to provide God with the experience of our unique existence within this reality He created for us.

No one knows the future, God said this. Why, well because the future isn't written for your sub-conscious reality as it can change based on your free will. All possibilities (universe) exist and God knows of all of them, that is why He knows what you will do. To experience life, you cannot know what lies ahead.

I do know we are all a part of The One Spirit of God and we will all return to the Him. Before we came, we knew what our life will be but while we are here we are not allowed to know so we may not poison our experience for the One.

Your sub-conscious is the real observer of the reality (universe) you live in. Quantum physics theorize that your future reality cannot be know by you until you observe it happening in the Now.

We all live in the Now and your conscious self look forward to the future either with a optimist, Pessimistic or indifference view. That view will lead you to that future your conscious self attracts.

Secret cabals, Illuminates, Freemasonry et al, knows about this Law of Attraction and they all use it to their benefits. Everything that happens is created through the Laws of Attraction.

It's not really a Secret anymore, but most people still dismiss this idea because they weren't taught or learned this in a school or their parents or even their friends, so it can't be true. Well keep living in a world you just don't understand. I do advise everyone to Look into the Law of Attraction with an open mind to see and understand how it all works.


posted on Dec, 16 2013 @ 12:39 AM
As soon as you think you know what is going on is the point at which you've no idea what is going on, in my humble opinion. The experts are idiots. Because if you believe you know what's going on, you stop paying attention. And if you stop paying attention, how can you possibly know what's going on? Bear witness.

Is there a purposeful, concerted effort by some to control masses of people? Or are social norms and consensus 'reality' enough in terms of social pressure to sway people to live a certain way? I think it's intertwined and a bit of both. Fear is the means of control, make people afraid and you can get them to do just about anything you say, 'organized confusion, negative illusion'. But on some level people make that choice.

In response to the talk about faith and magic, to my mind faith is one of the most powerful means of magic. It establishes a link to a person's power, regardless of one's belief as to the source of such power, a belief that it is real is the important thing, because it is. And if people start finding out how powerful they are, look out. They (we) just might change the world, or maybe that was the plan all along.

Change is inevitable anyways, but there is a choice as to where do we want to take it? A burden yet a blessing, but also a responsibility. Like John B Wells said on the radio not too long ago which i really liked; 'the failure to make a decision is the choosing to do nothing.

I like this thread because it's abstract and interesting, so star & flag props to you. ~


edit on 16-12-2013 by Runciter33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 10:47 PM
I know what's going on... I have the truth!

thy first step in knowing truth, thou art to repeat these words, after thou doth... thou have taken thy first brave step upon the path.

!!! YES YOU !!! ACT NOW !!!

edit on 17-12-2013 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by sepermeru

i know what you mean if its the same as i. what ive learned in recent months is amazing and its all in myself, but when i try to explain this happiness power or whatever you want to call it to other people its like they think im speaking another language. i tell them as simple as possible 1 thing ive learned and they just answer with something off the wall like they didnt even hear what i said. wtf is happening to me.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by gregorykennon

>>>> Has anybody else noticed that maybe the collapse of culture and the social structure is accelerating? This is a part of it. The entertainment industry seems to be coming unglued. Look at the underbelly of the Hollywood set and they seem to be just becoming perverted, warped and twisted. I'm talking about the likes of the Kardashians but also all the B listers. And then there's the Hip Hop set. They're openly expressing their desire to be pawns and servitors of The Illuminati and they seem to be falling prey to bizarre and oftentimes disgusting self destructive behavior. Its like they're willingly sacrificing themselves and becoming slaves to those who wish to exploit them and force them to do bizarre and freakish things. Kanye West and the Kardashians jump out as does Miley Cyrus.
Disney also seems completely warped and foul in everything it does. And don't get me started on politicians they have almost to a man seem to have sold out and aren't even going through the motions of pretending to have decency and integrity.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by gregorykennon

Sometimes being in a time of change from one understanding of the world to another can be confusing or distressing. Hang on, though, there are people with the patience and interest to hear what you have to say. I'm curious already -- if you've worked out a way to be joyful with your understanding, instead of helplessly collecting information, that's the difference between wisdom and knowledge, I suppose. As a human I can often be unkind, thoughtless, too wrapped up in my own perspective to truly engage with others. If humans are treating you that way, it may not be you or your message, but simply that all these attempts at understanding a world we can't truly access (and, if we did, could never share or change) rather seems to get in the way of experiencing it instead.

Yet here I am. But on the other hand, here I am. Seeking--understanding--seeking is a perpetual thinking machine.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

I just want to know, yes or no -- do you fit this description? Are you someone who is seeing, understanding, and knowing better than to speak? If you are then you'll know what I mean, and if you don't know what I mean, then you are not...paying...attention.

You should know if you are paying attention that a any answer will expose that which you say when discovered is kept to one self.

I don't see, understand or know,

I just experience.

In your attentive view,

Do I fit the description?

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by rogerstigers

if there's a reset, i hope they add dragons, elves, etc
ability to use magic is also cool!

edit on 6-1-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

I think your perspective is one of informed and experienced wisdom, and that what you know about what you do not know is the result of knowing enough to know how not to know what is best unknown. The previous sentence is coherent. The world as we can apprehend it may be less so.

And I think you understand my point perhaps even better than I understood myself. Unless I'm playing dumb.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:30 AM
It is not possible to conceive or even attempt to understand the full agenda or full deception.

Those in power aren't going to kill you. When they start killing conspirators, they've lost. That will bring up far too many questions, MSM coverage or not. You can only create so many "Accidents" before they get tagged as murders. When it becomes known people are dying because of what they know; two things will happen.

Some people will stop asking questions.
Most people will continue to dig deeper and deeper.

Better they have us asking questions and peeking around then suddenly mysteriously dying in car accidents.

Blackmail on the other hand... NSA has plenty on most people here to make them shut up. A simple anonymous phone call in the middle of the night or approaching stranger can silence someone without the same questions.

Think if there was even a 10% drop traffic in Infowars, GLP, David Icke, ATS, and countless other places. People are going to ask questions. Fingers are going to be pointed. Problems are going to arise.

We all know the game their playing. We don't know how deep it is, but we know it is deeper then we can imagine. We don't know everyone involved, but we know enough to set them back a ways. We don't know every detail, but we can paint a nice picture with what we have. But the evidence we have is far more then enough to convince a sleeping mass to wake up if enough effort is put into it.

Just remember friends. Chase the white rabbit enough, and you'll lose yourself in the chase.

What you think you know won't get you killed. You'd be dead already if it would.

Most of us are fine for the time being.
edit on 7-1-2014 by brojose because: added stuff

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:58 AM
"The highway is alive tonight
Where it's headed everybody knows.
I'm sitting down here in the campfire light
waiting on the ghost of Tom Joad."

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 09:18 AM

"The highway is alive tonight
Where it's headed everybody knows.
I'm sitting down here in the campfire light
waiting on the ghost of Tom Joad."

And use this “reformist” to co-opt the language of the movement and promise to promote the movement’s core aims through the electoral process.

Counterinsurgency campaigns, although they involve arms and weapons, are primarily about, in the old cliché, hearts and minds. And the tactics employed by our intelligence operatives abroad are not dissimilar to those employed by our intelligence operatives at home. These operatives are, in fact, often the same people. The state has expended external resources to break the movement. It is reasonable to assume it has expended internal resources to break the movement.

The security and surveillance state has a vast arsenal and array of tools at its disposal. It operates in secret. It dissembles and lies. It hides behind phony organizations and individuals who use false histories and false names. It has millions of dollars to spend, the capacity to deny not only its activities but also its existence. Its physical assets honeycomb the country. It can wiretap, eavesdrop and monitor every form of communication. It can hire informants, send in clandestine agents, recruit members within the movement by offering legal immunity, churn out a steady stream of divisive propaganda and amass huge databases and clandestine operations centers. And it is authorized to use deadly force.

How do we fight back? We do not have the tools or the wealth of the state. We cannot beat it at its own game. We cannot ferret out infiltrators. The legal system is almost always on the state’s side. If we attempt to replicate the elaborate security apparatus of our oppressors, even on a small scale, we will unleash widespread paranoia and fracture the movement. If we retreat into anonymity, hiding behind masks, then we provide an opening for agents provocateurs who deny their identities while disrupting the movement. If we fight pitched battles in the streets we give authorities an excuse to fire their weapons.

All we have, as Vaclav Havel writes, is our own powerlessness.

Václav Havel obituary
Czech playwright and former dissident who led his nation after the collapse of communism
By WL Webb
December 18, 2011

And that powerlessness is our strength. The survival of the movement depends on embracing this powerlessness. It depends on two of our most important assets—utter and complete transparency and a rigid adherence to nonviolence, including respect for private property. This permits us, as Havel puts it in his 1978 essay “The Power of the Powerless,” to live in truth.

And by living in truth we expose a corrupt corporate state that perpetrates lies and lives in deceit.

Havel, who would later become the first president of the Czech Republic, in the essay writes a reflection on the mind of a greengrocer who, as instructed, puts up a poster “among the onions and carrots” that reads: “Workers of the World Unite!” The poster is displayed partly out of habit, partly because everyone else does it, and partly out of fear of the consequences for not following the rules. The greengrocer would not, Havel writes, display a poster saying: “I am afraid and therefore unquestioningly obedient.” And here is the difference between the terror of a Josef Stalin or an Adolf Hitler and the collective charade between the rulers and the ruled that by the 1970s had gripped Czechoslovakia.

“Imagine,” Havel writes, “that one day something in our greengrocer snaps and he stops putting up the slogans merely to ingratiate himself. He stops voting in elections he knows are a farce. He begins to say what he really thinks at political meetings. And he even finds the strength in himself to express solidarity with those whom his conscience commands him to support. In this revolt the greengrocer steps out of living within the lie. He rejects the ritual and breaks the rules of the game. He discovers once more his suppressed identity and dignity. He gives his freedom a concrete significance. His revolt is an attempt to live within the truth.”

This attempt to “live within the truth” brings with it ostracism and retribution. Punishment is imposed in bankrupt systems because of the necessity for compliance, not out of any real conviction. And the real crime committed is not the crime of speaking out or defying the rules, but the crime of exposing the charade.

“By breaking the rules of the game, he has disrupted the game as such, he has exposed it as a mere game,” Havel says of his greengrocer. “He has shattered the world of appearances, the fundamental pillar of the system. He has upset the power structure by tearing apart what holds it together. He has demonstrated that living a lie is living a lie. He has broken through the exalted façade of the system and exposed the real, base foundations of power. He has said that the emperor is naked. And because the emperor is in fact naked, something extremely dangerous has happened: by his action, the greengrocer has addressed the world. He has enabled everyone to peer behind the curtain. He has shown everyone that it is possible to live within the truth. Living within the lie can constitute the system only if it is universal. The principle must embrace and permeate everything. There are no terms whatsoever on which it can coexist with living within the truth, and therefore everyone who steps out of line denies it in principle and threatens it in its entirety.”

Those who do not carve out spaces separate from the state and its systems of power, those who cannot find room to become autonomous, or who do not “live in truth,” inevitably become compromised. In Havel’s words, they “are the system.” The Occupy movement, by naming corporate power and refusing to compromise with it, by forming alternative systems of community and society, embodies Havel’s call to “live in truth.” It does not appeal to the systems of control, and for this reason it is a genuine threat to the corporate state.

Movements that call on followers to “live in truth” do not always succeed. They failed in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, triggering armed insurgencies and blood-drenched civil wars. They have failed so far in Iran, the Israeli-occupied territories and Syria. China has a movement modeled after Havel’s Charter 77 called Charter 08.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 09:27 AM
As to "whats going on", each of us has a glimmer, some experience in one or another area that gives us knowledge that at least in that area, somethings amiss.

The justice system, banking, military, the media, etc.

Inside knowledge is helpful if you share it…

But only if you share it. Otherwise, the rest of us are in the dark.

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