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Do you understand what is going on?

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posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

Please tell, otherwise it's all irrelevant.

Only time will tell to see just how much of "the game" you were truly wrong about.

As we are all wrong.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

You're so blatantly ignoring the actual content of my posts and trying to associate my position with aliens and whatnot that I find your behavior bordering on the bizarre. Far from promoting some secret, I'm stating that anyone could know and see what's really going on globally right now, and that I'm not talking about aliens, lizards or any of that stuff. You seem however very determined to associate me with those elements anyway -- why is that?

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

Actually I've only responded to you once and didn't type anything about aliens. (posted right above your most recent post)

The "Aliens-boring" comment was more of a general analogy in regards to my previous statement. Showing how boring these vague threads are, no matter what they're about. Be it depopulation, shadowy syndicates, mass destruction, or aliens.

Strange how you latched on to the aliens though and not the other three "boring" analogies.

What's going on globally again?
edit on 11-9-2011 by GeechQuestInfo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 12:25 AM
I think you're just overreacting with the cloak and dagger stuff. Unless you were physically part of something you were not supposed to talk about, you can pretty much post anything online and the government is not going to do anything. If that's what you're talking about that is.

They do monitor certain things, mainly pertaining to threats to the country, and even counter-culturalists are not really deemed threats unless they have a large following. This goes for conspiracy theorists as well. The average person will never be physically bothered by the government, at least not in this day and age, unless they have done or said something that could potentially cost lives. Think what you want, but that is the truth.

Do you know how much money and resources it would take for the government to monitor every single person online who posts about conspiracies? They simply don't care, because even though you don't like them or KNOW they're lying, they KNOW you aren't going to do anything about it.

Of course conspiracy theorists, or at least the ones who take it a bit too far, like to think that they are causing a disturbance among certain government entities, and are delusional to the point that there ego thinks the government would actually be interested in anything they would have to say, when they are simply spouting the same rhetoric as all of the other conspiracy theorists. So if you are talking about what I assume you are talking about, then you fall into this category. You can deny or argue, but when it comes down to it, presently this is the truth and I am right.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by sepermeru
If you do, then you're not going to post about it.

You know better. You know if you're right, if the pieces you're putting together -- in lurkerland, or here in the trenches -- are fitting the way you're seeing them fit, then unless you're ready to die you couldn't possibly risk posting about it on the internet. You might even feel it's too dangerous to talk to anyone about at all.

I just want to know, yes or no -- do you fit this description? Are you someone who is seeing, understanding, and knowing better than to speak? If you are then you'll know what I mean, and if you don't know what I mean, then you are not...paying...attention.

Wouldn't answering the question yes, be a dangerous thing to do, with the way you posed it?

Seems to me like you are fishing for something, and that something is attention.

What makes you think that anybody who would answer affirmatively would want to tell you, anyway?

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

Sometimes I think I have it all figured out, but give it a few days and I realize that I really just don't have a clue.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by sepermeru
If you do, then you're not going to post about it.

You know better. You know if you're right, if the pieces you're putting together -- in lurkerland, or here in the trenches -- are fitting the way you're seeing them fit, then unless you're ready to die you couldn't possibly risk posting about it on the internet. You might even feel it's too dangerous to talk to anyone about at all.

I just want to know, yes or no -- do you fit this description? Are you someone who is seeing, understanding, and knowing better than to speak? If you are then you'll know what I mean, and if you don't know what I mean, then you are not...paying...attention.

yes.. I've know what's been going on for a VERY long time, the big picture, which might have been vague, 20years ago is now, to me, in focus and thus, I only speak of it to those that know, or have had their minds 'opened' sort to speak ..

Sensitive subjects are only spoken to others in the privacy of their own homes, the game it afoot! What's odd is, everyone knows about it, but most, can't believe it's happening. I fully believe if they did, entire nations would revolt...........and some have..

is that the clue? I don't know.. interesting that Egypt, is one of the first, but, was it to bring them inline? prop them up, to bring about global change? Difficult to say..

Major key to the theme of the game.."9/11/01" and the tentacles that grew from that ..

I might have taken the risk w/o realizing it, and released info on part of what we seen today.. it maybe buried in some body else's post..

as I heard it said before.. if you want change, talk to the owner..

that will be very difficult to do ..

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

If you want to know what's going on globally, you can find out the same way as everyone else can. Why ask me? You think you're real likely to agree with my assessment? So find out for yourself and form your own opinion. It's not like I could persuade you -- you're not talking to me because you want to exchange ideas. You just want to pick a fight I'm not interested in having.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 01:38 AM
I'll exchange ideas. What do you think is going on?

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus
Do you know how much money and resources it would take for the government to monitor every single person online who posts about conspiracies? They simply don't care, because even though you don't like them or KNOW they're lying, they KNOW you aren't going to do anything about it.

Of course conspiracy theorists, or at least the ones who take it a bit too far, like to think that they are causing a disturbance among certain government entities, and are delusional to the point that there ego thinks the government would actually be interested in anything they would have to say, when they are simply spouting the same rhetoric as all of the other conspiracy theorists. So if you are talking about what I assume you are talking about, then you fall into this category. You can deny or argue, but when it comes down to it, presently this is the truth and I am right.

I've made it very clear that far from believing I'm personally a target or important, I'm merely assessing the potential risks involved with making oneself more public with one's perceptions and opinions, and struggling with the dilemma of how to live with the possibility that one knows something dangerous that one is helpless to do anything about. I haven't even asserted certainty, but have been careful to always include the possibility that I'm just completely wrong, so I'm far from locked into some kind of delusion as you're trying to portray me.

I think I put it, in another post in this thread, fairly well -- you can scream all you want, as long as no one is listening or believing what you say. They don't care until you become a credible figure with a following of some kind. But -- put it this way, if you accidentally somehow ended up reading a highly classified file, had the physical item in your hands -- and this is a metaphor for crying out loud, I'm not implying I've had anything like this happen to me. Again, anyone could make the same connections and everyone has access to the same information. But imagine that were to happen -- what would you do? If you're pretty sure you know something you're really not supposed to know -- why not take the people who are going to pains to keep it secret seriously, and keep it secret too?

Then why post at all, you say. For attention, someone suggests, which is amusing -- what, is it your first time on the internet or something? Are we all posting for some kind of prize? Everyone posting wants attention, to their ideas, their perceptions, their emotions, their philosophies, their religions, their politics -- that's the point of human interaction, to pay attention to these things about each other. Denigrating the very idea just makes you someone less interesting to interact with. It doesn't put you above the people who are trying to communicate with each other about matters which can (amazingly enough) be substantial and delicate at the same time.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 04:38 AM
So for those of you who are "in the know," would you say we're living in the most sensitive times in recent history (vague time-frame I know) or are we nowhere close to "the great definitive event?" Whatever said event may be can you elaborate at least to its intended or eventual purpose?
edit on 11-9-2011 by Sentience365 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

is it to fearmunger us in to asubmisive state to bring in the NWO
otherwise i have no idea

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

Originally posted by sepermeru

You know if you're right.

Everybody knows that they are right.
Well, at least that is what most think.

It is impossible for everybody to be right, all of the time.
Many are often wrong.

In which category, do you belong?

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

If you read the whole thread you'll find that question has been answered repeatedly. Of course I believe in what I believe in -- which includes the possibility that I'm completely wrong. The point which has been missed (not by all, just a few) posting here is that if you really believe you've got the answer, you're unlikely to casually mention it to everyone you meet or announce it to strangers on the internet. Which means that anybody who does as I've been asked or demanded to do is probably not really onto anything or doesn't really believe they are. See it now?

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

I don't care to pick a fight or argue. You put it out there, I didn't seek you out.

I probably agree with you on what's going on.

I probably disagree with you on what it means for all of us.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by sepermeru
And I'm not talking about reptiles, okay. Seriously. I'm not talking about the freaking cometshipenin or whatever, though there's some kind -- the signal is in the static. Yes? So where's there's smoke, there's fire -- and where there's directed patterns of static, certain ways of seeing the disinformation target and form -- then there's data to be found. So something, perhaps, but surely at most a way of getting you to miss the forest for the trees. To focus in so much you miss the wholeness of the picture. Let those with ears to hear me comprehend this, and the rest of you can toddle back off to arguing about clouds. Clouds! You've been bought and sold!

As have we all, every one. But the value of the transaction could be in our hands.

Or maybe we're just f'd once the s hits the other f...which it may already have.

If only you could see my face when i realized i understand exactly what you are talking about...

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 10:02 AM
My answer would be "no". I don't fit the description.

I know that there is a large scale operation ongoing to mislead the global general public, but I don't know to what end and I know only the smallest amount about what has been hidden. I know what the freeman movement are pointing out, but why the trap? I've seen proof that lies are being told but I have no idea what the truth is.

I've looked at the big picture and, depending on how you squint, it either appears like an un-cohesive, uncoordinated and discordant mess or a very cleaver plan with many pieces interacting in complex patterns. But either way, I can't make sense of it, at least not the complete picture.

So no, I'm still too naive to fear repercussions of theorising and discussing theorise online. I just want to know the clear un-censored truth.

And so I'm here, because here are like-minded people and someone may have a something that can bring everything into clear focus... maybe, possibly.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

Originally posted by sepermeru

If you read the whole thread you'll find that question has been answered repeatedly.
  • I did.
  • No, it wasn't.

    Originally posted by sepermeru

    See it now?
    Yup, and miraculously, it looks the exact same now, as it did the first time.

    reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

    Originally posted by GeechQuestInfo
    reply to post by BrokenCircles

    I don't care to pick a fight or argue. You put it out there, I didn't seek you out.

    I probably agree with you on what's going on.

    I probably disagree with you on what it means for all of us.

  • posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 10:10 AM
    I wouldn't dare to try to think like "them", to understand the reasoning of a "hive-mind" could spell disaster; especially if the hive suddenly gazes its focus our way.

    There are several Truths. The Truth behind the Hand of Man, and the Truth behind the Hand of GOD. In one we find Salvation in the other we find Damnation.

    Religion is of the Hand of Man!

    posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 10:19 AM
    Man up, tell people what you think you know, speak from the heart, dont hold back, put your money where you mouth is, put your body on the line, sacrifice yourself for the greater good, fear no created being. Hmmm I'm sure there's many more cliches I've missed which could be more appropriate.

    Anyway, how does one accumulate over 800 posts on a conspiracy forum and add absolutely no input that would reveal his beliefs on the big picture, apart from being a dis-info agent of course. Talk about wasted space and time, but when that's not enough to question then how about making a thread about it.

    Anyway, yes, most know what is going on, at least on these forums.

    We are all slaves to the bankers, who purposefully put in place their assistants the politicians to help rob countries dry in order to support a select bunch of zionist/occultist/masonic cowards who sit at the top pulling the strings and who want to bring about a NWO with what most(christains, muslims and others) would call the anti-christ running the show.

    No, they dont scare me, but I hate them all with a passion and these facts are pretty clear to most who have looked into conspiracies for more than a few years. Are you content that you're not only their slave but now they've also silenced you(regardles of whos slave you think you are)?

    Back to original sentence: tell people what you think you know, speak from the heart, dont hold back, put your money where you mouth is, put your body on the line, sacrifice yourself for the greater good, fear no created being.
    edit on 11-9-2011 by Haxsaw because: (no reason given)

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