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Do you understand what is going on?

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posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by sepermeru

Exactly. Good luck to you in the future, and God's speed. We all are probably going to need it...and badly.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:29 PM
So many blue filmy avatars on this thread!!
I keep having trouble distinguishing my own from several others.

Actually, pretty weird......

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:31 PM
YES!.......... NO?............... MAYBE!?!?..............WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by rogerstigers
reply to post by sepermeru

I am not arrogant enough to think that I am absolutely right, but this is my working theory for now. I find this game vile and I am always looking to try to find a crack to get more information. I have no fear in calling them out, especially after I find that they are flaunting themselves. It's probably a bit optimistic to think that they are not only watching ATS but would also give a damn about my threads, but it's a platform and I will stand on it and scream if I need to.

However, this is not a holy war of any sort for me. Consider it more of a compulsion/passion.. I have to know what this is all about and who these people are.
edit on 9-10-2011 by rogerstigers because: I was randomly selected for enhanced security screening by the spelling nazi's

I feel much the same, except I am afraid. You can be absolutely sure they're doing much more than just watching ATS, and that if you started screaming loud enough and they thought enough people were listening, they would take you down as quickly as possible, one way or another. It doesn't always mean dying. They don't need corpses to dispose of any more than anybody else does -- these are real people with real jobs, they have budgets and paperwork like everybody else does. So they avoid it when they can -- most contract killings are done by the Russians these days for largely apolitical reasons, personal or business stuff mainly, and they're practically turning it into a national artform -- and instead have a very efficient machine for silencing anyone who gets in the way, one big part of which is the prison system and the supposedly "just" courts attached to it.

edit on 10-9-2011 by sepermeru because: edit is my new religion

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by jennybee35
So many blue filmy avatars on this thread!!
I keep having trouble distinguishing my own from several others.

Actually, pretty weird......

Hah, I just noticed that myself, though I think most of them are me. Spamming my own space a bit here, I should step back before I take a long walk off a short pier....

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by sepermeru

I am beginning to see the light and it goes something like this. Human beings were endowed with the ultimate power by The Prime Creator, to manifest reality from pure consciousness with the ultimate end of becoming creators in their own right.

The significance is Creator, as opposed to a copier or immitator or modifier as in having the capacity with no conscious fore knowledge of the original Creation. Human beings were cast down upon the earth and forced to evolve from uncivilized animals into modern day humans with so many generations going by that no human had a conscious vestige of a memory of their true connection back to source.

The test involved learning how to evolve, coexist, create and come to know the true meaning of the phrase "Love thy neighbor." As if the test were not difficult enough to evolve without destroying the earth and killing each other, The Creator endowed a fully conscious class of beings with the task of tempting humans so they would fail.

Along the way, the Testors, or proctors of the exam, made conscious contact with some humans who sought assistance to in effect, cheat the system. Call them Illuminati, luciferians or tptb. They have been forewarned of a disaster that is coming from the sky. They believe that they will shelter themselves in underground bases.

To a lessor extent, many non "enlightened" humans have intuited the coming disaster and have to a lessor degree, began stockpiling provisions. Both groups are missing the point.

Through the centuries enlightened, divine beings have attempted to alert us going as far as they were permitted without spoiling the test to let us know by example that anything is possible with the human conscious.

Our dependance on technology at the expense of our true power so lead to a disaster that will be so great that it will become apparent to many that no technology is capable of saving humanity. It will truly be an inside job on an individual by individual basis with the realization that each of us has the divine power to stop an asteroid in it's tracks and turn it into rose petals or flour or whatever we wish.

The Testors have come to love their power over us that they will attempt to "carry us to safety" so that rather than realizing we are their gods, we continue to think they are ours. That is the secret.

If YOU simply learn to look to your right and left and love the person sitting, standing, walking or driving next to you and have the faith that they have been created in the image of God and thus as close to God as you will ever know on this plane, you will win!

That means sharing your last crumb of bread with a complete stranger, inviting a person into your shelter, not pointing a gun or killing anybody no more than you would kill Jesus or Budda or Krishna or Mohamed. At that moment when the meteor is about to smash into your home, you
Will be able to turn it into a bannana split or t-bone steak and you and the starving homeless stranger will burst into laughter and experience a love and sense of relief the world has never known

You will have earned the privilege to stand in the presence of God and hug Him and Love Him and thank him for giving YOU the chance to be on Earth at this most momentous time in human history.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:58 PM
Sometimes, and now would be one of those times, the people on this site remind me of the goofballs in the movie "Burn After Reading".

You are all so vague, and you all want to be part of "The Game" so bad, that you literally make yourself apart of "The Game".

I can almost assure you that you are not. You are of little significance in the big picture. Actually you are of no significance. Any one of us could pass tomorrow, and the world will keep turning.

I know a lot of people think the planet is getting worse, and I assure you it is not. You are just afraid of change. You know change is happening, yet you can't tell what it is. This is where you fill the void with fantasy. You see the world coming together and you make it a Good v Evil battle. You see the search for other life become more prevelant and you make it into a Good v Evil battle. It's a theme, and I could go on.

There is no bottom line. There is no end game. There is no good. There is no evil.

This is what happens when we become a "Type 1" society. We are almost there and barring you losing your marbles completely, your quality of life is about to vastly improve.

Be happy to be alive.
edit on 10-9-2011 by GeechQuestInfo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

And then there are folks like you to help remind us not to go off the deep end and to stay centered.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by sepermeru

I feel paranoid that it is me you are hinting at. Even through my magnetically-protecting tinfoil hat, I feel paranoid.
But it's my subversive party, and I'll cry if I want to. You would cry too, if it happened to you.

edit on 10-9-2011 by simone50m because: this feature keeps effing my posts up

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:06 PM
If you can see from a wide enough view.

Everything becomes irrelevant.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:08 PM

edit on 10-9-2011 by simone50m because: duplicate

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:10 PM

This is what happens when we become a "Type 1" society. We are almost there and barring you losing your marbles completely, your quality of life is about to vastly improve.

And you say we're filling the void with fantasy? I would agree that at some point there may be a mastery of our planetary resources, but you can bet they won't be used to "vastly improve" our quality of life.
edit on 9/10/2011 by Klassified because: correction

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:18 PM
1. Yes.

2. Ummmmmmm.......(errr..)

3. Ooooooooo( no Mister Billlll oooooo )

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:19 PM
this thread is so full of horrible.


posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Klassified

"Type 1" is just an ambiguous term. It can mean what you want it to mean.

I can assure you whatever you view a "Type 1" society to be, that OUR quality of life WILL improve.

Just as it has EVERYTIME in the past.

The fantasy, I beleive, is to think some shadowy group would hoard "the goods".

The fantasy says this shadowy group has been around ages, but it has yet to hoard "the goods". Thus your quality of life gets better. ALWAYS.

Again, we could debate back and forth, but I would always have history on my side. You would show me pin points of bad folks doing bad things, and then I would show you the graph of quality of life ALWAYS improving.

"Bad" people exist, but they have never ruined the quality of life on the planet, EVER.

The only real thing we could debate is if the QOL is raised as fast as it could. Who knows? Who cares?

Just consider yourself lucky that you lived during a time where you could even have this conversation with someone who is more than likely not even in the same time zone as you. Who is typing this on a device while laying in bed.

Yes, we are all lucky.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:42 PM
I know..........

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by sepermeru

i dunno really
just wanna ask

how many narions it takes to build ones one sense

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by GeechQuestInfo
reply to post by Klassified

Just as it has EVERYTIME in the past.
So what about those dark ages? 1000 years of slavery following the fall of Rome.

The fantasy, I beleive, is to think some shadowy group would hoard "the goods".

The fantasy says this shadowy group has been around ages, but it has yet to hoard "the goods". Thus your quality of life gets better. ALWAYS.

So all those rich people with G5s, and mansions, and who knows what, aren't hoarding goods?

Again, we could debate back and forth, but I would always have history on my side. You would show me pin points of bad folks doing bad things, and then I would show you the graph of quality of life ALWAYS improving.

That's assuming Atlantis and Lemuria didn't exist...

"Bad" people exist, but they have never ruined the quality of life on the planet, EVER.
What planet are you living on?

Just consider yourself lucky that you lived during a time where you could even have this conversation with someone who is more than likely not even in the same time zone as you. Who is typing this on a device while laying in bed.

Yes, we are all lucky.
Well, I agree with you here

I didn't even have to bring up the very real possibility that history was altered, but this is probably the most important point. Do you believe everything you read? Or do you require hard evidence before believing things you read? And don't say amateur archaeologists would have found something by now, because I doubt there are any. It's not like amateur astronomy where you just buy a telescope and point it up.

That's even beside the point, our understanding of history is VERY limited. The evidence that archaeologists find is weak in of itself.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by GeechQuestInfo
You are all so vague, and you all want to be part of "The Game" so bad, that you literally make yourself apart of "The Game".

I can almost assure you that you are not. You are of little significance in the big picture. Actually you are of no significance. Any one of us could pass tomorrow, and the world will keep turning.

I'm very aware of how insignificant most of our individual lives are in the grand scheme. And the game I'm referring to on the smaller scale isn't something I've made up, but a fairly often used piece of slang for a specific profession. The business of carrying out the Plan is largely carried out by those connected to the game, most of them without knowing much more than their small piece of it, like factory workers assembling a bomb without knowing it.

I don't claim I know every little detail. I just watch, think, and study from a perspective which includes the idea of history as a constant flow rather than a series of flickering events. And when you read enough real books and real news -- not youtube videos, not blogs, not even posts on message boards, useful as all those may be -- and understand enough real theory, then the emergent pattern is almost so obvious it's impossible to see.

No mask like open truth to cover lies,
As to go naked is the best disguise.
--William Congreve, c. 1690

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

Do I beleive history has been altered? Sure. Does it matter to me? Not really.

The fact is I live in the present. I only live in my lifetime. In my lifetime, things have gotten better. A LOT better.

We can nip back and forth and so "oh, this time sucked", "oh, this time wasn't as good". It doesn't matter. Without the past we couldn't have gotten to this point, which I can assure is the best KNOWN time in human history.

Notice how KNOWN is in all caps.

The ancient history stuff, for now, is pure FANTASY. Lemuria=fantasy. Atlantis=fantasy.

There is no main stream evidence these places ever existed, so it's really not even worth bringing up.

The only reason I even posted in this thread was because the OP was living some vague "I know a secret, doom and gloom" thread which is prevelant across ATS, and honestly quite boring. Depopulation-boring. Shadowy syndicate-boring. Mass destruction-boring. Aliens-boring.

Real life- EXCITING!!!

Every so often it's nice to bring folks to "reality".

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