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Please hear me out: I believe we have alien craft poised over major cities

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:20 AM
Here's a compilation of the sounds heard all around the world. There's something not right and people know it.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by Visiting ESB

That last video is pretty weird, has there been a thread on it before?

Invisible, Cloaked Mothership.... Yet there is it in plain view for all to see? The irony is too much for me!



posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:40 AM
What's hilarious is how people cant even bother to watch the entire video before rushing in to offer opinions based on nothing more than conjecture.

It's not a lens issue - if it was the circle would be going in the opposite direction and other objects in the screen would also show the distortion.

Also - at the end of the video the object vanishes. Lens effects, sun "halos" don't just come and go, especially in that short of an amount of time.

That is one interesting video.

I actually expected this thread to be about the lights hovering over major cities at night. There IS a classified program with a platform that "floats" over cities. It's used to gather electronic signals intelligence. One of these was filmed by Bill Barnes and his TV show but the network pulled the episode and will not release the video.

I've only heard him talk about it once in a podcast interview and anyone who has tried to contact him directly about it gets a very rude reception. It boils down to the network owns the footage and only they can release it.

The UFO case files have quite a few entries regarding cloaked objects hovering over cities, however. Based on that I cannot rule it out as the object seen in the video just like I cannot definitely rule it IN. More people should point cameras at the sky and let them run day and night, however.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:41 AM
Compare this video to yours.

Same camera, same location, different season. Notice the title.

(Perhaps the U.F.O. has broken down)

I agree with lense issue.
edit on 6-9-2011 by Twisted1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:59 AM
it strange i sometimes hear a very deep humming noise when i stay over at my girlfriends, she lives near a huge field.. one night i heard it then about half an hour later a chopper flew into the area.. strange and it beats me..

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:20 AM
If any of you thought there was a cloaked ship above your location would you do something to try and un-cloak it?

Personally I would get the largest model rocket, firework or whatever i could and try and reach it.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Twisted1
Compare this video to yours.

Same camera, same location, different season. Notice the title.

Nice find. With the first video, my mind had originally tricked me into thinking the clouds were bending into a circle shape, but on a second viewing I realized that the reflection was just allowing me to see that particular portion of the clouds clearly, making it seem as if it had gone into a circle shape. I hope others watch the video you posted. It was helpful.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by NeoVain

Originally posted by Visiting ESB
Ok, I realize I am going out on a limb. I could be wrong, of course, about the conclusion I've drawn. If so, I'll be glad to retract. However, please hear me out before attacking me and please discuss why you either agree, disagree, or just don't know in a rational way. Stay on topic, there are plenty of other threads in which to digress.

First, we've had recently a series of threads, some newer ones still being posted, about strange sounds in the sky. Mundane explanations just don't work and people all over the world are reporting these sounds:



The mysterious bird deaths cannot be explained by conventional excuses either. We can't deny the initial report of the scientists who examined the birds and stated that they died from blunt force trauma.


A look at "Teeky's" profile shows that she isn't one to post hoaxes. She's only posted one thread since becoming a member in 2008, this one:


Finally, today, I saw this video. Please debunk it if you can. I doubt at this point it can be done:

If anyone has other links to stories that might corroborate this theory, please post them. Your comments are welcomed...

This is all part of the governments plot of staging a fake alien invasion to fool the public into uniting the worlds military into fighting a imagined alien threat. The final goal is a one world government.

I bet we wont see any real aliens and plasma/laser weaponry though, not even any force fields, since they will rely on these cheap tricks to fool most of us.

Agree with u on all. It is actually logical and very convincing if someone want to unite all world together....and once they are united,they will put their man on the throne(most likely will be David De Rothchild he would be my choice if i were them) in Jerusalem.And just than we all that are not part of the elite,are going to be F#&¤/&% properly. I was wondering where would be best place for them to prepare all this "stage" and "forces"....and i came up on only one place on earth that is available....Antarctica! Why there? Well if u want would be my choice.Ever wonder why so many Air Force transport planes are traveling there and back so many times? for sure not to make a research on icy continent. no one seems to be interested about Antarctica... And that is what makes it perfect place! Think about it....

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
I can not say you are right or wrong but I can say that the ATS member who says they witnessed a Cloaked UFO was mistaken or lying or confused as to what they saw. I do not believe many people who claim to of seen things.

Basically a UFO can travel intergalaxy, cloak and hide from all know human technology that we kn ow of but makes the simple mistake of showing itself by accident to someone here on earth who just happens to be a member of a conspiracy / weird theory site?

I do not think that with the technology that they must have if the do exist they would be capable of making a mistake like that. There computer systems must be so advanced that we can not even comprehend the mathematics involved.

But it showed itself to someone on this site..I call BS.

As to your theory....I can not disprove your theory one way or another. And i am rather fond of your theory.

Hey the B-2 proved that its radar reflective coating became inoperable in the rain,why shouldn't E.T have a similar glitch

edit on 6-9-2011 by nake13 because: spelling

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by quedup
Here's a compilation of the sounds heard all around the world. There's something not right and people know it.

Those sounds are definitely mechanical in nature, and created, IMO, by something not of this world. Excellent video. Thank you for that link. I believe that soon, very soon, we will witness an event that will provide convincing evidence that we are not alone.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:53 AM
An interesting concept, and that video of the circular cloud stuff... very cool! If more videos of that pop up I'd definitely watch, whether it's a natural phenomenon or not. In terms of aliens, I wouldn't completely dismiss it - but I think seeing something triangular cause that effect would be much more stunning and undeniably unnatural.

Personally I'm not rushing to conclusions about the 'round the world' sounds or the subject matter in this thread, but that video has certainly intrigued me, and of all the video I've been taking over the last year, there always seem to be massive triangles up there in the clouds. I presume they are just the cloud lines that roll over, perfectly understandable when thinking of the low level 'dry lines' we see - but a time lapse of a triangular shape to the effect this video shows, clouds rolling over the apparently static shape, would be quite convincing to me.

Nice catch. Will keep an eye out for "cloaked invisible" motherships in the skies

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by NeoVain

I agree it is part of getting people ready for their fake alien invasion if anything at all. It was all planned and released in The Iron Mountain Report. The author later came out and said it was a hoax. The problem is it reads like the blue prints for everything that has been implemented up to this point. The alien invasion was included in the report as well. When it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. IT MUST BE A DUCK. Same thing with The so called fictious Iron Mountain Report. If its all in there it can't be fictious.

I fully agree here, redrose123, having read the Report from Iron Mountain several times over. This alien invasion thing has been batted around secret circles for many years now, as a way to get all Nations together to fight a common enemy, and thus begin with the New Fourth Reich, under that banner of the United Nations. I, for one, just don't think it would work for TPTB that easy. Too many intelligent people that know better.

There are spacecraft in orbit around Earth, no one can see them clearly, they are not yet ready for that to happen. There will be a rescue attempt of humanity, I do not now know how many will be able to go. Planet Earth is quickly nearing the end of her cycle, and is about to give birth to a new world. Even the Bible speaks of this, "A New Heaven, and a New Earth."
Just sit back, and relax, and let it all happen. This is simply part of a plan none of us are privy to.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:08 AM
Why dont planes run into them??

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

I agree with you. What many are viewing is man-made space crafts ....being taken out for a drive.....funded by budget.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by NeoVain

why are they so hell bent on covering up ufo evidence though? Surely they would be confirming ufo sighting and saying something is going on?!?!?

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Visiting ESB

Originally posted by Skippy1138

Originally posted by Visiting ESB


Finally, today, I saw this video. Please debunk it if you can. I doubt at this point it can be done:

Already been debunked-it's a Parhelic Circle-trust me, I believe in UFOs, but this isn't one of them.......

Nice try, but this video has not been debunked and your theory falls through the floor. A parhelic circle doesn't deflect clouds around it as does the phenomenon in this video. It is a halo and as such cannot affect solid objects nor does it cause clouds to move around it. A parhelic circleis not solid, but simply a halo.

This is solid and I assume would have the same or similar effect.

"Invisible" tanks (from 4 years ago)

I would think a good cloud of dust would make the outlines of it obvious, or simply shooting at it with paintball guns. I understand other countries are doing the same thing as well. But, if we are now allowed to learn about this I would think they are already using a technology that trumps it.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:42 AM
'Fake alien invasion' is false.

Non-Humans have been on, in and around this planet for millennia.

With origins on Earth, they can hardly be considered 'alien' and nor can they 'invade' a planet on which they already reside.

Every single major conflict involving humans were in fact 'alien' wars. There are two major groups and many other smaller groups which have been bullied into deciding an alliance with one of these major groups.

This epic conflict, which has been continuing for a long time is about to reach a climax. Although in the past, they have used humans to fight these wars, the 'alien' wars are about to become overt.

It is not a false flag campaign to warrant a one world Government, this is most likely a scare tactic, however, ironically, the best thing for humanity to do is to be untied against this 'alien' threat, not under a one world Government but rather a unification of humanity. We need to stand together as brothers, as family. We also urgently need to remove the corrupt world leaders who have sold out their people to the 'aliens'.

These 'alien' beings are very different to us. They actually feed from human suffering. For us to be divided and fearful when these wars are right in front of us is just what they want. Don't be scared and don't be fooled.

We have a last chance to save mankind. If we unite, we stand a chance of surviving the coming events, and a chance of allowing humans to be the loving and peaceful race that we always should have been, but if we don't unite, and we continue to murder ourselves for the benefit of the dark 'aliens' , then our future is the hands of whichever of the 'aliens' wins complete control of the planet.

For they who cry for the scientific proof, let me remind you that the greatest achievement of science is that is has proven that science is often completely wrong, corrupted and chiefly guesswork.

If you give science authority over your own feelings and intuition then not only do you not live from the heart, you can no longer even think for yourselves. You have become a robot. This is a message for the true humans.

We cannot fight these 'aliens' with technology, we will not win that battle, but remember our greatest strength is peace and love.


posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by quedup
Here's a compilation of the sounds heard all around the world. There's something not right and people know it.

Those are some of the eeriest, most ominous sounds I have ever heard.

Does ANYONE have any ideas on what could be producing these sounds, so ubiquitously over the globe?

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

You know what? I've been thinking the same thing for quit some time now..
Why didn't I start a thread on ats? Didn't think It would be taken at all seriously..
I've just about concluded the only way to be taken even remotely seriously on ATS is :
1.start a thread that is so over the top and unbelievable members just have to reply. In turn will result in a few stars and flags.
2. Type smart **s answers to post which makes members laugh which will sometimes get you rewarded with stars.
My 20 yrs+ studying and trying to understand the extraterrestrial connection gives me no more creditability than an attention seeking teenager....
Therefore why even bother....Deny Ignorance???looks more like Reward ignorance...

**I do Appreciate you posting this possibility ....and I will continue to watch quietly from the sidelines..
Thank you! Star and Flag for you
edit on 6-9-2011 by wutz4tom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Twisted1
Compare this video to yours.

Same camera, same location, different season. Notice the title.

(Perhaps the U.F.O. has broken down)

I agree with lense issue.
edit on 6-9-2011 by Twisted1 because: (no reason given)

Just a reminder that the cloaked UFO has been debunked...

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