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Please hear me out: I believe we have alien craft poised over major cities

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posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by MollyStewart

I As a child I was abducted by humans wearing one piece blue military uniforms,working with several different races of humans ,this was a coalition of some sort.

We were put here by humans not god,we were put here to do a job,we are a part of greater universal humanity on a universal scale,we have been lied to and manipulated by major religons and governments who know very well the true history of humanity.

We are and have always been a resource for greater humanity,we are all born with this responsibility.There is a galactic war we are involved in and Earth is a resource planet hidden,or was hidden,far from the battle lines.

When I say we have no choice I mean we were all born into this universe as a part of a greater entity,HUMANITY,the very idea of individualism as propogated by religons and governments is false,we have always had a common mission as human beings,our borders and wars and disputes have been used as motivating factors to encourage the harvesting of resources on this planet,war is business and it creates tremendous growth,and harvesting of resources.

We all just THINK we are individual countrys with autonomous rights protected by our military.

Reigous wars have klled more humans than any other type of war.

We have been orchestrated and the men trusted by our creators to maintain this work turned on their brothers and sisters,became selfish and power hungry and created this fractured world we all live in today.Humanity is fractured by religon which propogates individual rights transcending humanities solidarity.

If there are ships over major cities and there easily could be,then the ships could be as the one I was on,large military ships,cloaking is no big deal,anything technological is no big deal.
if the enemy I was told of makes it to earth we are screwed.,I would guess these are defensive positions and we are probably screwed.

We cant vote ourselves out of humanity,and we never had a vote to start with ,humanities path is not dependant on individual votes,we are born into service we dont choose it ,that idea is religous BS,individualism at a cost to humanitarian direction is a crime against humanity itself.

Dont you really wonder why we dont have a one world government already,I mean get real here.The only thing preventing us from all joining together as we were born to do is RELIGON.

To bring us together you must disable all current religons at one time ,or rather disenfranchise them.

How exactly would you do this?Considering that every time in recorded history that humanity has began to solidify as one group RELIGOUS WARS BEGINTO DESTROY OUR UNITARIAN DIRECTION.

Religon can be used to bring us together or break us apart,I have already posted the method to use it to bring us together,reverse extrapolate the bible,and the Koran,and all major religous doctrines and you will find the exact same truth as I speak it,it is written into every doctrine ,EVERY ONE OF THEM.

You just dont know how to reverse extrapolate---take the bible and a highlighter pen and cross out every word that is emotion based or opinion based,then read humanities history and start posting what you find.Then in the spirit of humanity do the same with the India doctrine and the Koran and any other you choose,THEY ARE ALL THE SAME.

That is what I mean by we dont get a vote,we already have universal leadership,our participaction has been hindered by religons and governments.

What choice?do you think we have concerning the part we play in humanities path?Where does the word choice come into play here ?

Remember Spocks famous line on the movie Star Trek,THE NEEDS OF THE MANY OUTWEIGH THE NEEDS OF THE FEW.Not the wants of the powerful and deceptive trump the needs of the many.This is what religons preach todaywants trumping needs,inequity,and deception and violence being used as tools of subjugation.

We already have a path set out for us ,we already have a job and responsibility,we are simply TOLD THAT WE DONT.

Humanity would feel comfortable and settled if we knew the truth and all major religons would immediatly change or disappear.Get the point now,we are naturally harmonious as humans,we need to be lied to and led into chaos and disharmony.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 03:32 AM

I As a child I was abducted by humans wearing one piece blue military uniforms,working with several different races of humans ,this was a coalition of some sort.
reply to post by one4all

Do you know why you were abducted? Did your abductors tell you anything, and, how do you know it wasn't a virtual simulation of some kind and if so, how do you know it was our military? Did anyone notice you were missing? As you said, technology is no big deal.

We cant vote ourselves out of humanity,and we never had a vote to start with ,humanities path is not dependant on individual votes,we are born into service we dont choose it ,that idea is religous BS,individualism at a cost to humanitarian direction is a crime against humanity itself.

I don't follow the above sorry. I was talking about voting for leaders not about voting out of humanity? I think we can be individual and have unique characteristics and still be harmonious. I also think we can have sense of nationalism regarding our own countries while still working with and along side other countries. It is quite possible for us as a species to see the value of individual countries as well as the value of each individual.
I agree that organized religion has it's own abhorrent history but we must not make the mistake of lumping organized religion in with something as precious as a person's faith. For all our foibles as a species, more often than not, it is a person's faith that will bring about miraculous change, help others and move mountains.
I did read the rest of your post but to be honest it wasn't just the Spock quote you lost me on. I may need to re read a few times to see if I can follow your train of thought....maybe later.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 04:31 AM
Hello all - there are a few areas discussed here. The first one about the unexplained noises did not make sense to me. I am a Contactee and Life Long Experiencer and I have never heard the Craft - ever. I visited a friend and we were both taken aboard a Craft - she heard it and I did not. I believe that evolved and advanced Sentient Beings would have silent and energy efficent Craft.

As for the mass deaths of animals - there are HAARP and DARPA to consider plus the physics of our planet. We have been lied to for a long time and as the truth emerges it is obvious that there are amazing qualities to what happens with Earth energies.

Think about Stargates - why has every nation on the globe sent a Navy ship to Aden? Why has google live air brushed out the Aden Stargate? I would hazard a guess that special things are happening and it is only a matter of time before those who want to learn will be with Teachers who want to Teach instead of Psychopaths and Narcissists who want to control.

The unexplained noises, the mass animal deaths, the comet/Nibiru/cabal fake invasion - it will all come to a head and the the Truth will out - it always does. Evil will not win. Much Peace Everyone...

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by MollyStewart

Yes,genetic sampleing and implantation,is why I was taken,I was left with physical evidence of my interactions,they talked to me a lot ,some more than others--I wasnt supposed to remember and they all knew this so they were very candid and communicative,It was not our as in earth based military---it was ours as in Humanities operated by humans from other planets,and this was explained to me clearly,the soldiers missed their families ,and were on what they knew was a oneway trip.No one noticed me missing and I remember being taken and returned ,and the tech used to do it.I also experienced lost time incidents with other people involved.

What I meant by refering to Spock was to reference you to the humanitarian concern contained in the phrase THE NEED OF THE MANY OUTWEIGH THE NEEDS OF THE FEW,because this is the only truly humanitarian perspective available to us---because this is the attitude you will find ingrained in other humans from other planets---they cannot concieve of the individualistic perspectives we have due to our religous misdirection.

Life is universal and humanity is universal,and we are part of a universal chain of humanity that spreads across the universe and includes races of humans as diverse as those on earth but all new to us.I have never witnessed an ALIEN or been aboard an ALIEN craft,so I have to pass on any alien references,I only met different human races and was aboard human manned battle craft and human manned shuttles,different races of human but all human ,and yes some were little grey humans with big black eyes and super sensitive telepathic recievers in their brains,but still humans.

Any human manned craft that comes here would probably expect that we would already know our true history and expect to be treated as the creators that they are,not as equals or enemies.

In any case we cant match their military capabilities and they wont fight us anyways because they know we have been decieveed and our true hustory stolen from us.We are them,we are all part of greater humanity.

They want us to understand why we were put here and our importance to the survival of humanity in this part of the universe,they need us and we need them,the only things preventing this from being a symbiotic relationship are religons and governments who are unwilling to release their psycological holds on the masses of humanity on earth.

They will be here to protect us but they wont accept any perspective from us other than a humanitarian perspective in which the most basic construct is that the NEEDS OF THE MANY OUTWEIGH THE NEEDS OF THE FEW.They could also be here recruiting soldiers and resources.
edit on 25-9-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Yes,genetic sampleing and implantation,is why I was taken,I was left with physical evidence of my interactions,they talked to me a lot ,some more than others--I wasnt supposed to remember and they all knew this so they were very candid and communicative,It was not our as in earth based military---it was ours as in Humanities operated by humans from other planets,and this was explained to me clearly,the soldiers missed their families ,and were on what they knew was a oneway trip.No one noticed me missing and I remember being taken and returned ,and the tech used to do it.I also experienced lost time incidents with other people involved.
reply to post by one4all

You have been fed or implanted with a lie my friend. If the people you spoke to knew it was a one way trip, whatever you are referring to ; ( sounds like another movie quote to me), why did they return you? They could just not bother? In fact why not use one of the millions of people that go missing globally every year and there would be no risk of people remembering, I mean if the technology is so good how come that is happening and they aren't aware of it? Did you take the physical evidence to be verified and if you were too young at the time perhaps you could have your implant removed and sent for analyzing. I am sorry but rather than blindly believing your so called "Abductors" I would be asking some rather serious questions and really dissecting my encounter if I were you. Humanity operating from different planets huh? And they just happened to need your genetics? Are you the last of your kind per chance? Did they make you feel special or tell you that you were unique in some way and did it placate you to the fact that they appeared to have taken you against your will.
I think all is not as clear as it was explained to you my friend and do you wonder why you now spout their "official line"?

Why do we need one world government if all countries have a global forum I think it negates necessity personally. Who would keep a One world Government in check in your opinion? Sort of sounds like some occult propaganda really. but that is just my opinion.


posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by one4all
reply to post by MollyStewart

Life is universal and humanity is universal,and we are part of a universal chain of humanity that spreads across the universe and includes races of humans as diverse as those on earth but all new to us.I have never witnessed an ALIEN or been aboard an ALIEN craft,so I have to pass on any alien references,I only met different human races and was aboard human manned battle craft and human manned shuttles,different races of human but all human ,and yes some were little grey humans with big black eyes and super sensitive telepathic recievers in their brains,but still humans.

Are their telepathic 'receivers' and capability a result of technology or in-born biology or something else?

They will be here to protect us but they wont accept any perspective from us other than a humanitarian perspective in which the most basic construct is that the NEEDS OF THE MANY OUTWEIGH THE NEEDS OF THE FEW.They could also be here recruiting soldiers and resources.
edit on 25-9-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

This sounds a bit scary. A militarized society whose most basic construct is "NEEDS OF THE MANY OUTWEIGH THE NEEDS OF THE FEW" sounds awfully close to fascism. Maybe they have good motives, but such a society can be very unstable to nationalism/(planetism?) and hate---classical Enlightnment philosphy and attention to intrinsic rights of individuals as well as groups is the best antidote.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

All the races I met were not telepathic as far as I saw,and I was able to interact fully once I was communicated with,I didnt even think to talk because I already was.I think we are all born with the ability,we just cant turn it on or tune it in.

We cannot use any of our current terminology to describe the humanitarian direction theses races follow,all of our terminology was created with religous individualistic origins and context.The word Fascist or Democrat,these terms are all related to religon and the idealism that we are individuals before we are humans.This only works if we answer to a god as individuals at some point in time----it doesnt work if we are answering to all of humanity in real time right now.

There can be no votes as you know them because these votes and the idea that they have a reason to even exist are a direct result of humanity being fractured or damaged in the first place.

Humanity exists on a Universal level and it relies on itself to continue to thrive and exist in this universe,there is no god or heaven ,there is the universe and all of its mysteries and there is humanity carrying itself forward.

If we had a one world government and planetary social systems and medical aid for every human we would understand what I am saying,but to do this we would have to outlaw religon or disempower all religons,we would need a planetary vote in a democratic manner,our choices would become so few and so simple we would move humanity forward in a mighty leap.

You are living a lie today,people like myself are the proof,astronaughts,senators,miisters of defense of major countries,presidents,scientists ,doctors,physicists,regular joes,pilots,generals, THE LIST IS ENDLESS---all these people have given you the truth.there are hundreds of thousands of pictures and videos on the internet,what will it take to make people believe?When you have to beat a screwed up idea like jesus or god in the poker game you are beaten before you start,by an imaginary idea that people wont let go of.

There is no path but a forward one ,for all of humanity,a united path,unity is strength and we definately need strength to survive in this universe.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by MollyStewart

I was offered an opportunity to join them in the Galactic war we are involved in,I obviously declined.Dont try to make this simpler for yourself to grasp by trying to lump all abductors together into one group,they are all different there cannot be only one group,these are RACES of people,this isnt Chewy and Han Solo and the boys,these people come from entire races somewhere and there are many groups.

I suppose millions every year find out the answer you are looking for when they actually realise they are never going home,luckily I wasnt one of them.Coincidentally the reason people are abducted has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THEIR GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION AND PREPARING THEM TO SIMPLY SURVIVE POST POLE SHIFT.

Nobody is "special"like you want it to seem.Why woild you waste your time trying to save people who live within 20 miles of a coastline like 90% of the worlds population when you know they will soon be washed overboard so to speak???Well you wouldnt,you would focus inland where the survivability rate is much much higher.

Do you really think Noah cared how he was warned or why,when he saw the stupid people who didnt listen look up with the stark realisation that something just wasnt right.??I dont care either,and I know why he was warned and I have warned others as he did but the simple fact is that some people are to stupid to know who to believe,it is really that simple.

You need to believe in humanity more than an ideaology like religon,there is no room for your faith when it comes to surviving on this rock we all live on ,put your personal beliefs away in a box for a while and get ready to fight for your survival.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by one4all
reply to [url=]post by MollyStewart[/url

Do you really think Noah cared how he was warned or why,when he saw the stupid people who didnt listen look up with the stark realisation that something just wasnt right.??I dont care either,and I know why he was warned and I have warned others as he did but the simple fact is that some people are to stupid to know who to believe,it is really that simple.

You need to believe in humanity more than an ideaology like religon,there is no room for your faith when it comes to surviving on this rock we all live on ,put your personal beliefs away in a box for a while and get ready to fight for your survival.

I am really confused here.............first you use Noah as an example............then you say there is no room for faith..................which is it??

Parker MTUBY

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:26 PM

I was offered an opportunity to join them in the Galactic war we are involved in,I obviously declined.Dont try to make this simpler for yourself to grasp by trying to lump all abductors together into one group,they are all different there cannot be only one group,these are RACES of people,this isnt Chewy and Han Solo and the boys,these people come from entire races somewhere and there are many groups.
reply to post by one4all

I think you will find you have been heavily influenced by movies and tv in your own struggle for understanding and perception as you respond with yet another Hollywood sci fi reference.

I suppose millions every year find out the answer you are looking for when they actually realise they are never going home,luckily I wasnt one of them.Coincidentally the reason people are abducted has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THEIR GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION AND PREPARING THEM TO SIMPLY SURVIVE POST POLE SHIFT.

Rubbish. People experience the abduction phenomena with almost startling regularity from all over the globe, I'm interested in what you think that has to do with geographical position or even surviving a pole shift? Do you have any patterns pertaining to your geographical hypothesis? This is a genuine query on my part.

Nobody is "special"like you want it to seem.Why woild you waste your time trying to save people who live within 20 miles of a coastline like 90% of the worlds population when you know they will soon be washed overboard so to speak???Well you wouldnt,you would focus inland where the survivability rate is much much higher.

Actually the "special" thing is a feeling that many abductees relay what was imparted to them in some way via their abductors, ie: genetically unique or some other ridiculous reason. It has nothing to do with what I think. Research abductions and listen to the victims experiences and then tell me that their stories are what "I think!"
Do not kid yourself, these things are not saving anyone.

Do you really think Noah cared how he was warned or why,when he saw the stupid people who didnt listen look up with the stark realisation that something just wasnt right.??I dont care either,and I know why he was warned and I have warned others as he did but the simple fact is that some people are to stupid to know who to believe,it is really that simple. You need to believe in humanity more than an ideaology like religon,there is no room

Ahem, excuse me a minute while I point out that you bought Noah into this response not me. I am not remotely religious although I would consider myself a person of faith and I can assure you that my survival and the survival of mine is directly connected to my faith. I have faith in my own strength, the strength of my family and our abilities. If that is not strength and faith in humanity I don't know what is. I will tell you this, I have no faith in aliens (entities), non whatsoever. Not in their agenda, their cover or that particular new age religion that people who blindly follow this new dogma espouse.


posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 12:25 PM
Well it's about time, those motherships have been preparing for awhile now. Seriously, they have been.

edit on 1-10-2011 by covert1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 08:20 PM
For the people who say that advanced alien craft would be silent, I disagree. After witnessing and hearing the noise the giant cloaked craft made outside my house it seemed to enhance my sixth sense.

The enhancement only lasted a few weeks. I would do things like touch my computer screen to close and open tabs, but whats crazy is my computer is not a touchscreen device! I also noticied that what we see is not real. It's hard to explain, but it seems that we are programmed to see our world as it is. Theres something behind all the matter that we view with our eyes, and that is the actual real world.

Either the motherships are hovering over major cities, or the government. It's all so crazy

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 09:30 PM
To teeky - it is not that I am not believing you but sometimes I wonder which Intergalactic Craft are genuine and which are the reverse engineered. I truly believe that the silent Intergalactic Craft are genuine. A few weeks ago I woke up at about three in the morning - curtains and windows in my bedroom were closed and light was shining through as if it was broad daylight. I put my glasses on and as I was getting my glasses I thought it might have been the moon. I opened the curtains and the backyard was bathed in an incandescent light and the moon was directly in front of me and off into the distance. I never heard a thing - silent as...

As for touching your computer screen. I don't know what to say except that sounds like a great gift to have.

Does anyone else have an opinion? Much Peace...

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Amanda5

So, maybe the government has mastered sound to a point where they are flying around testing it on people. Back engineering is interesting, maybe thats why my enhanced 6th sense only lasted a few weeks.

Whats cool is that the light from the craft you witnessed was like broad daylight. Most likely out of this world.
edit on 1-10-2011 by Teeky because: word

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Teeky

quite an experience you had there. one side effect i noticed from being near unusual craft many,many years ago was when i handled a newspaper, i left bunsen blue fingerprints on it. after a few hours they disappeared. never forgot that one.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by fakedirt

Wow that's amazing thanks for sharing, makes me feel less crazy.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Teeky

i guess there are some things that cannot be understood at this moment in time. back then i realised that if i thought about it too much, i probably would of cracked up. i did however end up giggling about it. i accepted then the idea that many things are supressed and hopefully over time, we may be in a position to understand and possibly utilise the supressed tools/senses/knowledge.
regards fakedirt

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:16 PM
I think "silent+black+slow" == earth made technology.

The one thing that would distinguish a truly extraordinary technology is optical effects (and possibly other weird physics) from gravitational lensing from metric engineering (control of gravitation).

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