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Wow... England Needs A Revolution...

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posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by monkofmimir
reply to post by eldard

how exactly are your posts furthering this thread?

What is the point who cares if you think the english are ugly, americans are fat or the welsh are a little to fond of their sheep. such steryotypes have no relevence true or not to the convosation.

Go backtrack how it came up. And what is a convosation?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by christina-66

Coz you don't do it very well. And it's the refuge of losers.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by stumason
I think you're really brave for insulting people anonymously on the net..

Question is, would you do so face to face? Me thinks not. people talking smack on forums tend to be little cowards in real life.

If there's 10 of them and only one of me, no. One on one, probably.

Not true on all counts. I won't bother listing everything as some kind of cheap point scoring, but we do a lot, have a lot and make a lot. As for debt, we're more like 23rd in the world in terms of debt to GDP ratio.

Like your pathetic car industry that's overrun with Germans and now Chinese and Indians?

That's public debt. I'm talking about external debt i.e. public and private obligations to foriegners. And you're 2nd after teh US and ahead of Germany. Japan has teh biggest debt to GDP ratio. But it's public debt and actually local borrowing.

Where exactly are you from then? You must be the ugliest person there, because as you said, an English 9 is pretty low elsewhere and I doubt you were that good looking before you left...

Isn't your wife from my country? Suffice it to say we have the largest Eurasian population in the world. Race mixing FTW!

edit on 9/4/2011 by eldard because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by eldard

You're such a cutie but don't you realize that there are enough people to hate in the world already without you working so hard to give us another?

Anyway, nuff feeding of your twisted ego.
edit on 4-9-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by christina-66

No hating here. I'm just pointing out that the people to your south are really a bunch of fugly fruit. You and others generally ignored it when it first came up. It's only woodward who's riled up with this (did I struck a chord?) and kept bringing it to the surface.

And if you've been in this forum long enough, you should've noticed that it's the Amerikans I really hate.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by stumason

im not making any excuses, but the media dont always show things as they are.

sometimes they choose the people they interview depending on how they want the world to veiw the situation.
in this case, they could of just chose the dumbest looking smuck to interveiw for tv thus making the world beleive that person is a typical example of every people involved.
im not saying that s whats happened, just that it could be what happened

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by christina-66

legalise drugs, hear me out. i personally dont do drugs, and remember that the government health experts even said canabis is less harmfull than tabaco and alcohol.

these are my arguments

1 these drugs would need to be grown, checked, packaged, distributed and sold. creating lots more jobs. every person employed would be paying income tax, and the businesses themselves would be paying tax.

2 the same restrictions as tabacco and alcohol would be used for these drugs, so no working or driving under the influance. and licences would be required in order to sell them.

3 quality control would make sure they are not cut with anything harmful, restrictions would be made on the strengths of these drugs and dosages put on packages. this would reduce drug related deaths.

4 drug crimes would go down dramatically, for obvious reasons.

5 and finally, no one would riot as theyd be chilled out

but i dont suppose most people would even read this post as theyd see the words ''legalise drugs'' and instantly take a negative veiw.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by DaveNorris

From what I gather, meth is the most dangerous drug of all. don't know about that one that's sniffed through the nose and cut with a credit card since most people here can't afford that. But back to legalizing drugs:

1) I know of someone whose dad killed his mom while the former was high.

2) I've read in the news about how a group of middle class youngsters like to take drugs and just stab the first person they see. Their neighbor was unlucky enough to be just standing in front of his house waiting for someone. He died. And since no one wanted to bear witness out of fear, the victim's poor sister tracked the suspect on Freindster.

3) In the city next to me, I've heard twice on the radio about a group of guys roaming around at night just randomly stabbing everyone. Both instances some of the victims died. On the first case they were just about to buy something from a 24 hour convenience store when it happened to them.

4) In the same city I've heard of someone who went to my high school who also just fell to a similar group (probably the same people). He was just visiting friends when the group attacked him and his companion. He sought medical help at a clinic. Unfortunately, one of the attackers also went to the same clinic. And killed him. And it wasn't even about robbery, etc. They just like to stab anyone.

So, no. Drug crimes won't go down.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by eldard

sorry, definatley would go down. the number one drug crime in the uk today is posession of cannabis, accounting for around 70% of drug crimes. and like i said, strength and dosage of all drugs legalised would be under constent checks. did you read my post or just gloss over it?

and it sounds like your basing your argument on hearsay, maybe these things did happen but doesnt mean they were drug related, there are sick people in the world, drugged up or not
edit on 4/9/2011 by DaveNorris because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by DaveNorris

I'm 100% with you on this one. I agree - legalise the lot of them. I used to go to Switzerland quite regularly where they had done just that. The smack junkies used to go to a doc in the morning to get their heroin (not methadone - that's a much more dangerous drug) after they took their heroin they went to work.

But hell mend any new junkies who came online during this experiment - the dealer was hunted by the authorities and sentenced severely. Anyway - the youngsters thereafter saw heroin addiction as a sickness and their interest dissipated.

As far as I'm aware there's been one recorded death from cannabis use - and that's when 2 kilos was dropped from a ten story window and whacked a poor guy on the head. Oh but how many have died as dealers fight over their territory.

Yep - legalise it. Take it out of the criminal fraternity's hands. I'm for legalisation of prostitution too - for similar reasons.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by eldard
reply to post by christina-66

No hating here. I'm just pointing out that the people to your south are really a bunch of fugly fruit. You and others generally ignored it when it first came up. It's only woodward who's riled up with this (did I struck a chord?) and kept bringing it to the surface.

And if you've been in this forum long enough, you should've noticed that it's the Amerikans I really hate.

No hating - but you really hate the Amerikans?

I used to be a hater when I was kid. I hated skool - I hated boys - I hated worms. Then I grew up and I became a lover. It's so much more fun.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by christina-66
reply to post by DaveNorris

Yep - legalise it. Take it out of the criminal fraternity's hands. I'm for legalisation of prostitution too - for similar reasons.

i was thinking that too but wanted to just test the water with the whole drug thing first lol

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by eldard
reply to post by christina-66

The Irish, The Scots and the WElsh all have a reputation for being attractive.

seriously tho, judge individuals and dont pigeon hole them, you get attractive people from all countries and ugly people from all countries
edit on 4/9/2011 by DaveNorris because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by DaveNorris

Well to me it's only common sense. To pretend they ever tried to halt the proliferation of drugs in this country was always a lie.

Ecstasy came around when Thatcher was in power. Prior to that time if a neighbour smelled a funny aroma coming from your house they would phone the police - and the police would actually arrive.

Roundabout 1986 I was approached by a fella in our town centre who told me 'I'd misses myself at the weekend' - There had been a massive 'rave' at Loch Lomond. I burst out laughing when he said 'rave' as images of Buddy Holly came into my head - it was a quaint word to use. Anyhow - from appearing at your door because of a funny smell all of a sudden thousands were gathering, taking every drug known to man - and the police sat outside doing nothing. That's because it was a change in govt. policy.

If young people aren't getting their feel good endorphins from ambition and achievement (which they weren't at the time - my generation was victim of massive youth unemployment) they could get it chemically.

Ecstasy attracted all kinds of people to drugs that would never ordinarily have taken them - largely cos they didn't have to smoke. These people knew nothing about street drugs - and they believed their dealers when they advised taking a wee line of smack Monday morning to bring them down. Not only that - the dealers then started cutting the ecstasy with smack. The heroin problem then proliferated.

The town next to me has one of the worst heroin problems in Scotland - and pro rata Scotland has the second highest heroin use in the world - next to Iran. If they really wanted to fix this problem - where are all the rehab centres? There's a 6 month wait for a junkie to get an appointment with a councillor.

Whatever - the current policy doesn't work.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by christina-66

even if drugs were legalised, i wasnt suggesting they all be readilly available, the more ''hardcore'' drugs like herroine would be controlled by health professionals.

1986.... i was born that year.... wooo for me

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by DaveNorris me. If they legalise it - they lose interest. Half the appeal of taking them is the 'danger' of participating in something illegal.

I have no time for junkies - but it breaks my heart when I meet a young one. I point to a 50 year junkie and ask them - what's the appeal? Do you want to be just like them? Why? Almost all of them told me they'd picked up the habit from prison - and I believe them.

But junkies think they know something we don't (when they're wasted that is). Well all those existing junkies - I'd give them as much heroin they damn well wanted. (Not strictly true).

The Swiss model worked well. They had shops you could go to buy soft drugs from. The heroin was only via the doc.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by christina-66

Not hating on the Brits, I mean. As for the Yanks, I don't hate them per se. I hate what they've become. USA = the new Atlantis. And we all know how it all went down.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by DaveNorris

They weren't hearsay because they were reported on the news.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by stumason

OK Stu, it's your show after all, you're a 'silver-level contributor' how could I possibly hope to debate anything with someone whos ideas simply MUST BE HEARD... I won't argue with you - you've really lived.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by christina-66

thats what would happen if they were legalised, many people envision evryone being off their head all the time but in truth we have a system already in place for legal drugs (over the counter and perscription) they would fall into this system

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