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Wow... England Needs A Revolution...

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posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by Richay699

LOL - its ok - there's even been a declaration of war against Scotland in this thread - but I told them we'd just come down and steal their sheep.

A lot of the policies in Scotland aren't sustainable - but they are popular. The green party up here (the 2 mp's in the executive) almost brought the whole parliament crashing down cos the SNP wouldn't approve free loft insulation for every house in Scotland.

Scotland has been described as a 'statist little nation' by one of our mp's - and I agree. Plenty of populist policies but look into policies to promote economic investment and you'll find none.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

A sense of entitlement isn't reserved to the general public, The banking Industry thinks it's entitled to saddle the public with their losses and entitled to huge bonus's, Politicians feel entitled to dip into the public coffers to supplement their lifestyles. The super rich and corporations feel they are entitled to offshore accounts where they don't have to pay tax in the UK. Yet the corporate owned media prefers to concentrate it's ire on those at the bottom of society. I wonder why?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by asturel13
Out of interest, how do people on the "bottom" drag themselves out of poverty with very little to no educational opportunities and absolutely no chance of employment in the current jobs market?

I am curious, what exactly do you mean by saying there are "very little educational opportunites"? After all, everyone has to go to school for 11 years and that's just for starters. If people make a hash of that then that is their own fault. University is still cheap compared to most of the world and besides what the Guardian would have you believe, you don't have to £9000 a year to go or be rich.

That said, there are plenty of opportunites to get an education well into retirement if you didn't do well the first time round, either through local colleges or distance learning. Opportunites are around like never before, but people expect things done for them rather than doing things themselves.

Originally posted by asturel13
You come acroos as a typical tory fantasist with no grasp of the social and economic problems faced by those in extreme poverty.

Oh really? I've been there, got the T-shirt mate. I have worked my way up off the bottom out of sheer graft. I only left school with my GCSE's and then, only 5 above C grade. I've been homeless and I have faced the prospect of not eating whatsoever because I simply couldn't afford it.

Now, yeah I am doing well but my experiences have shaped my opinion, in so far that the only person that can really begin to help you is you. There are people along the way, but without the personal drive, it is a wasted effort.

What would you suggest, seeing as I am a "Tory fanboy"?

The State to pay for everyone to go to Uni? Still need to get those GCSE's and A-levels, which requires some personal commitment to begin with.

Everyone to have a free house? Would be nice, but who would pay for that?

What is it you want? Leave cheap (and erroneous - English Democrats baby, not Tory) political shots at the door and post an idea.

Originally posted by Richay699
uni fees and prescriptions are free to Scotland because they have a population LESS than London.

What has that got to do with the price of Fish? If a population is bigger, then they collect more tax. Your argument is quite without any basis. Scotland have free Uni and Prescriptions because they are free to enact populist policies knowing they have a cash cow south of the Border which enables them to spend more than £1500 a head more per year than England does.

Originally posted by Richay699
Thirdly a third of the armed forces are Scottish.

That's a bold claim, although I won't deny that the military has a lot of Scots, it has just as many English, irish and Welsh too.

Originally posted by Richay699
Fourthly scotland has coal, oil, Iron. England has NOTHING minus Royal family tourist trap. Unity is key not segregation and you think they hate us no wonder with people like you spouting your filth.

Erm, England has all of those and more. You're actually quite ill informed if you think otherwise.

Originally posted by Freeborn
If they can get away with it why shouldn't everybody else?

A slippery slope, that kind of thinking, but I know what you're saying. Lead by example and all that, but why should they when we don't hold them to account. People were still voting for candidates in the last election that had brazenly fiddled their expenses, they (the voters) simply didn't care.

Originally posted by Freeborn
Or do you believe our 'rulers' etc should be subject to a different set of values and rules than the rest of us plebs are?

Not at all and you know me better than that.

We should hold them to account, but we don't!

Ayone could have walked into a Police station and made a complaint about their MP being a corrupt bastard, but no-one did. The only ones that got sent down were the ones Parliament threw to the wolves themselves to placate the plebians.
edit on 3/9/11 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by stumason
I am curious, what exactly do you mean by saying there are "very little educational opportunites"? After all, everyone has to go to school for 11 years and that's just for starters. If people make a hash of that then that is their own fault. University is still cheap compared to most of the world and besides what the Guardian would have you believe, you don't have to £9000 a year to go or be rich.

That said, there are plenty of opportunites to get an education well into retirement if you didn't do well the first time round, either through local colleges or distance learning. Opportunites are around like never before, but people expect things done for them rather than doing things themselves.

Or they can just sell flesh to pay for school.
Wasn't there a Brit spy who did just that and wrote a book about it?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by eldard

My, my.. Aren't you a funny one. My sides are hurting from the merriment you have brought to this thread. I don't know how your friends and family can cope with such jolly humour on tap like that..That is, of course, assuming you have friends and family?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by stumason
That is, of course, assuming you have friends and family?

That kind of response typically would come from a politically-correct, Freudian-wannabe university student/graduate from New York or Kalifornia. In the words of the Green Goblin, "You're pathetically predictable!"

And the English are not only generally fugly, their humor is overrated.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:54 PM
They the government has already taken away your guns so how are you going to fight an armed government?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by eldard

And the English are not only generally fugly, their humor is overrated.

You're right. You're so much funnier than the English.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:29 AM
Perhaps this phenomenon of rising prices and higher cost of living coupled with higher taxes and salaries that are not on the rise, is aimed at eliminating part of the middle class to bring the dream (of some) of a "socialist" global government one step closer. The situation is similar in other EU countries too.
edit on 4/9/2011 by Longdead33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by Longdead33

It's obvious what's wrong with this country and what it is that needs fixing. Our corrupt politicians are the problem and the only fix is a revolution.

George Osborne with a vice girl snorting coc aine.
And he even tried to get her a job as a spin doctor working for David Cameron. Just what our government & country needs, another prostitute. aine-pictures.html

CUFFED & WHIPPED & HIGH ON COCAINE.. Two of the vice girl's ex-clients are in Cameron's top team.. and two more are Conservative ex-ministers. aine-115875-21288898/

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by kindred

I firmly believe that all mp's and corporate lackies are compromised on the way up the ladder. It keeps them in line should they actually decide they want to really change things.

I imagine them thinking this is what they should do when they're out playing with the 'big boys' and all of it being used as blackmail material throughout their careers.

A 16 year old lad in London was charged with possession of our ex Lord Advocate's (in Scotland) platinum credit card. His defense was that 'he found it' on a park bench.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by kindred

Not surprised if that is true, to be honest but who amongst us (the plebs, as it were) can say we're all whiter than white. Why do we hold the Politicians to such a standard when we don't ourselves.

If they are supposed to be our representatives, then I'd expect Parliament to be full of perverts, drunkards and drug takers.

That's humamity folks.

He's still a better Chancellor than Brown or Darling ever were.

That aside, I love the irony of Kindred using (and believeing 100% it would appear) the "MSM" to paint Osborne and pals in a bad light, despite it only saying "alledged line of coc aine", which to be honest could be anything in that photo.

But give him an "MSM" story about Libya and it's all lies and propoganda. Talk about cherry picking.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by christina-66

The Irish, The Scots and the WElsh all have a reputation for being attractive. Women get their panties in a bunch whenever they encounter guys from these places. Is this karma for England?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by eldard
reply to post by christina-66

The Irish, The Scots and the WElsh all have a reputation for being attractive. Women get their panties in a bunch whenever they encounter guys from these places. Is this karma for England?

what are you talking about? why are you so obsessed with the attractiveness of a nations inhabitants? Where are you from? I also dont know where you get the assumption that some parts of the UK have more attractive citizens than others. Why are you judging a nation on such a shallow basis as physical attractiveness?

I know the reason, it's because your trying to get an emotional response, like any other trolling technique

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by eldard

Haha, politically correct? Hardly....

You showing yourself to be quite the fool. I'd suggest that to save yourself further embarressment you find another passtime than trying to troll the English. I know your probably just lonely and in need of human interaction, but you're going about it the wrong way!

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
I know the reason, it's because your trying to get an emotional response, like any other trolling technique

That and I'm not the only one who's noticed the general unattractiveness of the English.

You know I'm English and the English are not known for their bone structure. -- Jason Bateman late night interview

You know there are a lot of good looking people in Sweden, right? A 2 in Sweden is like a 9 in England. Sad but true. -- Amy Poehler to David Letterman

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by stumason
You showing yourself to be quite the fool. I'd suggest that to save yourself further embarressment you find another passtime than trying to troll the English. I know your probably just lonely and in need of human interaction, but you're going about it the wrong way!

Yeah. Because I'm highly ashamed towards anonymous people on the internet.

And not as embarrassing as you trying to think England is still high and mighty (we've debated in another thread a couple of years before I think) when in reality it has nothing, does nothing and produces nothing and is the 2nd most indebted nation on Earth.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by eldard

how exactly are your posts furthering this thread?

What is the point who cares if you think the english are ugly, americans are fat or the welsh are a little to fond of their sheep. such steryotypes have no relevence true or not to the convosation.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by eldard

Judging from the amount of smilies you use in your posts you obviously find yourself to be highly entertaining - rather than the tedious predictable bore you actually are (and I don't even know you). A failed agent provocateur who can't even recognise sarcasm.

edit on 4-9-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by eldard
Yeah. Because I'm highly ashamed towards anonymous people on the internet.

I think you're really brave for insulting people anonymously on the net..

Question is, would you do so face to face? Me thinks not. people talking smack on forums tend to be little cowards in real life.

Originally posted by eldard
And not as embarrassing as you trying to think England is still high and mighty (we've debated in another thread a couple of years before I think)

Yes, I know you. Glad to see you've grown up and matured.

Originally posted by eldard
when in reality it has nothing, does nothing and produces nothing and is the 2nd most indebted nation on Earth.

Not true on all counts. I won't bother listing everything as some kind of cheap point scoring, but we do a lot, have a lot and make a lot. As for debt, we're more like 23rd in the world in terms of debt to GDP ratio.

Where exactly are you from then? You must be the ugliest person there, because as you said, an English 9 is pretty low elsewhere and I doubt you were that good looking before you left...

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