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Horror Of Horrors!!

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posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by McGinty
Off topic, but important:

the new thread THIS IS GREAT, sorry if you seen it..., about a youtube vid that recontextualizes the Lybian conflict and Gaddaffi (anti-msn message) has suddenly vanished.

It's getting an ATS 404 page!

Sorry for posting here, but, anyone - WTF :pus:

EDIT: Here's the vid:
edit on 28-8-2011 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

Off-topic, yes, but I just posted on that thread. WTF is right.

Well, perhaps the threads creator deleted it for some reason, however you can't help but suspect some kind of censorship.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Chett
reply to post by OrionHunterX

These sorts of threads always amaze me - oh the horror. Seriously they wouldn't do it if you didn't buy and eat the eggs and chickens. Simple enough stop doing that and the market will hear you.

EXACTLY! If you eat animal products and then complain about this, you are a hypocrite. As much as people so faithfully believe the FDA and subsidized beef and dairy organizations (you wanna talk about welfare, look at those guys), you do NOT need animal proteins to be healthy. Quite the opposite is true. Meat is the most inefficient way of eating and is incredibly costly to all.

The market speaks. If you don't buy, they'll die. Simple as that. And unlike oil, you don't even need to replace meat in order to survive. All you gotta do is eat like an evolved species and with a little common sense.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:22 PM
The chickens being slaughtered was horrible. Without a doubt they could find a more humane way of doing that.

That story about the bear killing that Girl and her stepfather was even worse. I spend alot of time in the backcountry, and you should never go out there without a firearm. That new law that now allows firearms inside U.S National Parks is a good law. ~SheopleNation

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by omarm1984
Those chickens getting killed wouldnt be alive in the first place if it wasnt for the companies.

Yeah those corporations. I just can't for the life of me, figure it out. I would watch shows like Animal Cops and Animal Heros, on Animal Planet Channel, Agents of the ASPCA and Human Society, busting those who are cruel to our domestic companions, and I cheer them on. Yet these companies are ALLOWED to be ---unspeakably cruel--- to animals by the thousands, every day. Without Agents going in there and putting a knee into the back of that CEO and slamming his face into a wall, slapping the cuffs on him. Then pushing him down into the back of a cruiser. "Watch your head sir" (CRACK) "Oops, lower...
edit on 28-8-2011 by simone50m because: edit

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

What about the cries of the carrots? I think Maynard of the band Tool and also the band A Perfect Circle (a genius by the way) put it eloquently here.

"Disgustipated" Lyrics:

And the angel of the Lord came unto me,
Snatching me up from my place of slumber.
And took me on high,
And higher still until We moved in the spaces betwixt the air itself.

And he bore me unto A vast farmland of our own midwest.
And as we descended,
Cries of impending doom rose from the soil.

One thousand, nay, a million voices, Full of fear.
And terror possessed me then.

And I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?"
And the angel said unto me, "These are the cries of the carrots, The cries of the carrots.

You see, reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day, and to them it is the holocaust."

And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat Like the tears of one millions terrified brothers and roared,

"Hear me now! I have seen the light! They have a consciousness! They have a life! They have a soul!

Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers...

Can I get an amen?
Can I get a hallelujah?
Thank you, Jesus.

This is necessary This is necessary Life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on........

Link to the rest of the lyrics

I don't think eating vegetables is the answer. I think a more humane approach is. All in all people have to eat to survive and there is nothing wrong with killing your food. It is what we have done sense the beginning.

Being a vegetarian is a personal choice like religion. I don't agree with people and organisations trying to impose and preach their belief of vegetarianism on others.

I do agree however on a humane and least painful approach.


posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:33 PM
Double post
edit on 8/28/2011 by Alien Abduct because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:37 PM
Okay, time to drop some reality on the original poster and all you stupid followers who replied saying we as a mankind are inhumane, etc, etc.

In poultry, only the hens lay eggs aka Layers, and the male chickens are financially inefficient to keep, feed and then disposed of at a later date. So after hatching, chicks are sexed and the males are disposed of in a manner which is approved by both Canadian and American government agencies.

Many poultry farmers would gladly give away male chicks, to those who are willing to adopt them. So original poster, I was just wondering how may chicks you will be adopting. After all, if you do not adopt male chicks, they will be disposed of, or murdered as you see it. Each and every chick you do not adopt is "murdered" because you have failed to do anything about it. Instead of posting videos from your suburban home, maybe do some research into the industry and get some facts. Furthermore, why don't you do something about it. Boycott any grocery store, restaurant and so fourth which sells chicken meat because they are the ones which drive the industry.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:37 PM
Okay, time to drop some reality on the original poster and all you stupid followers who replied saying we as a mankind are inhumane, etc, etc.

In poultry, only the hens lay eggs aka Layers, and the male chickens are financially inefficient to keep, feed and then disposed of at a later date. So after hatching, chicks are sexed and the males are disposed of in a manner which is approved by both Canadian and American government agencies.

Many poultry farmers would gladly give away male chicks, to those who are willing to adopt them. So original poster, I was just wondering how may chicks you will be adopting. After all, if you do not adopt male chicks, they will be disposed of, or murdered as you see it. Each and every chick you do not adopt is "murdered" because you have failed to do anything about it. Instead of posting videos from your suburban home, maybe do some research into the industry and get some facts. Furthermore, why don't you do something about it. Boycott any grocery store, restaurant and so fourth which sells chicken meat because they are the ones which drive the industry.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 05:14 PM
Animals are killed before eating yes but just think about the next time you take a bite out of that nice juicy apple because it's ALIVE!

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 05:55 PM
How do you save a race that doesn't want to be saved?

Something we cannot change, And the human race is one of them.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

I think that the only story is how they g.m.these chickens so the grow abnormal with a 6-7 week lifespan.
They design them to have enlarged breast, retain water and other things.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by BigSpruce
Okay, time to drop some reality on the original poster and all you stupid followers who replied saying we as a mankind are inhumane, etc, etc.



We ARE inhumane, you just have to look around.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by BigSpruce

I am still waiting for your reality to fall on us all. Obviously the only reality is that you're a payed yes man robot who is somehow connected to these slimey practices. You expect us to believe that there are not millions of farmers who would gladlly take those chickens off your hands?

A little more reality for you guy, You greedy people just don't want to bother with housing and feeding them. You certainly will not lose a buck by transporting them to these farmers. You come in here all high and mighty like it's your god damn classroom and you insult the OP along with all of us posters who felt very bad after seeing such things. How can you defend actions such as this? What exactly is your major malfucntion bro?

You sound very passionate defending your people. You know what, I can't stand bottomfeeders who think like you. You probably have drowned puppies before. Wouldn't it be ironic if in the future you were to run into Ursus arctos horribills and her cubs while hiking in the backcountry? Now that's my kind of party! ~SheopleNation

edit on 28-8-2011 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Argyll

I am vegetarian, we don't use leather...we do use free range eggs from no kill chickens.
Most cheese is made with Rennet made from baby calf bellies...
we don't eat anything that does not allow an animal to have a normal long healthy life just like cats and dogs and other animals meat eaters say should not just be food are given.
If you give them love and affection each and every animal will love you back just like your pets do.

Being vegetarian gave us peace of mind because we do realize animals have feelings, they don't enjoy having their little ones taken from them at birth anymore then slaves did in the slave days of man, they cry for their babies and they have fear when they know slaughter is coming, they hurt when wounded and deserve our care since we continue to breed massive amounts for our use and pleasure including pets ,also my husbands high blood pressure came down we feel healthier.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by BigSpruce
Okay, time to drop some reality on the original poster and all you stupid followers who replied saying we as a mankind are inhumane, etc, etc.

In poultry, only the hens lay eggs aka Layers, and the male chickens are financially inefficient to keep, feed and then disposed of at a later date. So after hatching, chicks are sexed and the males are disposed of in a manner which is approved by both Canadian and American government agencies.

Many poultry farmers would gladly give away male chicks, to those who are willing to adopt them. So original poster, I was just wondering how may chicks you will be adopting. After all, if you do not adopt male chicks, they will be disposed of, or murdered as you see it. Each and every chick you do not adopt is "murdered" because you have failed to do anything about it. Instead of posting videos from your suburban home, maybe do some research into the industry and get some facts. Furthermore, why don't you do something about it. Boycott any grocery store, restaurant and so fourth which sells chicken meat because they are the ones which drive the industry.

One thing they could is take the good with the bad.That's one problem with big corporations having the ability to make these decisions.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 06:47 PM
After raising my own chickens (80 or so laying hens and roosters), this was terrible! I have even incubated and hatched out the eggs. I would help any chick that was not "healthy" upon hatching. I can't tell you how many times I cried when I lost one. They may be "animals" but I am going to tell you that seeing how the factory chickens are handled, I will be staying away from meat...quite honestly, I prefer veggies anyway.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by IlluminatusOculus33
Animals are killed before eating yes but just think about the next time you take a bite out of that nice juicy apple because it's ALIVE!

The point of an Apple is to grow, drop and rot so that the seeds can be spread eaten by animals and dropped, it is what they need to happen to cause more trees and thus survive. If it lives its full span to ripeness you do not hurt anything by eating it especially if you save and spread the seeds.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by IlluminatusOculus33
Animals are killed before eating yes but just think about the next time you take a bite out of that nice juicy apple because it's ALIVE!

The point of an Apple is to grow, drop and rot so that the seeds can be spread eaten by animals and dropped, it is what they need to happen to cause more trees and thus survive. If it lives its full span to ripeness you do not hurt anything by eating it especially if you save and spread the seeds.

I think the point of an apple is to be picked eaten and excreted at another location.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by IlluminatusOculus33
Animals are killed before eating yes but just think about the next time you take a bite out of that nice juicy apple because it's ALIVE!

The point of an Apple is to grow, drop and rot so that the seeds can be spread eaten by animals and dropped, it is what they need to happen to cause more trees and thus survive. If it lives its full span to ripeness you do not hurt anything by eating it especially if you save and spread the seeds.

Think you missed my sarcasm in that post.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Serizawa
How do you save a race that doesn't want to be saved?

Something we cannot change, And the human race is one of them.

I have hope that some things are changing. It seems unbelievable to me but my family of 7 are all vegetarian now, my 2 children one is and the other is way close, my husband who was an avid hunter until a couple of years before I met him would never kill any animal now unless his life depended on it and is vegetarian. My sisters children vegetarian. My step sisters and step brother vegetarian, non of these people spend any time together all live very far apart and most were like me, my favorite food was BBQ steak.
We meet vegetarians everywhere and there are vegetarian foods on most every menu at restaurants now. Many people have realized that they would not eat their Dog or Cat or kill their Puppies or Kittens and science has learned that animals feel and think and dream in ways they never understood before.
They have shown if we eat very very few calories we live longer and avoid disease, so we all eat way to much, simple diets of whole grain fruit and vegetables are low cal and much healthier also proved by the fact 7th day Adventists in Loma Linda (Blue Zones study) were shown to be the longest lived people in the USA.

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