posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 10:05 AM
I see that making fun of the "Elenin Crazies" is somehow accepted as how "those people" should be treated by the supposed enlightened ones.
I, on the other hand, instead of taking the time to poke fun, I would have explained the illogical assumptions and stated to the world and to those
ATS members who actually care about the Elenin conspiracy where I stand, what I believe and why I think it.
It is what is missing from discussion these days from postings that do nothing, say nothing and add nothing to the subject thread at hand.
With that being stated, I will agree that I can find no connection to alignments and earthquakes and yet many see the JPL alignment dates as somehow
being significant because we also have the media, NASA, and the governments of the world telling us what to think is an earthquake and in that
coverage pushing for conspiracy to discuss the science facts that no comet, made of ice, of no significant mass, will have anything to do with
Now let me explain why I think this deception it is more significant than seeing this issue as fun to poke at while polarizing members into the
typical left right paradigm that we get sold on a 24/7 basis where you have to be on one side or the other.
I support knowing the truth, but to get there you have to keep up with other conspiracies and not just the Comet Elenin craze to begin to see that at
least that a grand deception is being played on the mass public,and they are counting on the sleeping masses never to think beyond what you are told
on the TV by those "Pretty" talking heads that sell the lies and those that would poke fun at the lies.
1. Conspiracy number #1 is the Japan, Fukushima disaster that occurred on March 11, 2011. This conspiracy if noted from what the media tells us, was
a major earthquake, creating a subsequent tsunami and that sequence of events somehow contributed to the Fukushima nuclear disasters.
While this may be what most choose to remember, this one incident once again shows just how the public can be tricked by deception into believing what
the media explains as science fact while poking fun at conspiracies.
The conspiratorial side of this Japan earthquake would be very different for those that actually followed the conspiracies associated with these major
The Japan earthquake was a man made event, caused by HAARP, secret tectonic earthquake weapons, followed by underwater tsunami bombs that come to find
were first developed right after WWII and since advanced to do many things once considered impossible. I mention this because scientist observing the
tsunami wave videos have concluded that the tsunami were not natural, but man made by once again top secret underwater tsunami bombs that caused all
the flooding and tsunami damage.
The Fukushima nuclear disaster as part of that same conspiracy was caused by Mossad, intelligence experts that are identified as being involved in
placing mini nukes into the nuclear site in the months prior to the supposed Japan earthquake. These Mossad, mini nukes were used to blow the sites
from within while STUXNET was also used to damage the systems used that would hinder any efforts to save the meltdown from occurring.
This is the reason I suspect that no such alignment was in any way the cause of the Japan disaster.
It is this series of events that caused the Japan, Fukushima disasters and not some alignment with Comet Elenin and planets in our solar system.
2. The New Zealand, Christchurch earthquake disaster was also supposedly on an alignment date, but I do not in any way believe that any such
alignment had anything to do with the New Zealand disaster. Once again for those that don't keep up with conspiracy, this was an incident that the
conspiratorial side of the world states was once again caused by HAARP, secret tectonic weapons and not some alignment with Comet Elenin and so
New Zealand, Christchurch disaster was an event if you recall, there were some 19 US Congressmen visiting on the very day of the disaster. These
Congressmen were there with heads of DHS and FEMA with support disaster assets waiting in the wings to respond to the supposed natural earthquake
disaster. How convenient.
Later there were reports of Mossad agents being killed in the earthquake and when combined with the visiting Congressmen, FEMA, DHS and all the others
that just happened to be on site moments before the earthquake once again makes this New Zealand disaster as a man made, false flag event created by
secret tectonic weapons and used to deceive the public.
With these two examples of supposed earthquakes and the fact that the dates are dates of Comet Elenin alignment, I can in no way associate these two
events to anything but man made false flag events.
Add in that NASA as a spokesperson for the government is telling us about Comet Elenin as being responsible for the earthquakes because supposedly the
comet is not a comet and what comes behind it is something much bigger with the mass needed to effect earthquakes and other earth disasters as somehow
being associated with this unnamed object that somehow NASA and our government know the truth of what comes our way.
NASA has shut down the most critical systems needed to monitor such an object and since NASA has shut off the view, one has to ask why did they do
I don't believe that any object in space is causing these earthquakes, because so far all the earthquakes are being generated by secret weapons.
NASA intentionally wants us to "not see" something and that could be that there is no object of mass coming, but only some space asteroids that pose
a threat to impact somewhere on earth.
There are many conspiracies wrapped around the Comet Elenin hysteria, but if we can keep the phony, false flag earthquake events separate from natural
ones, we will soon see that they want us to be in constant fear and as long as you swallow their deception, you will be caught up just like a fish
that swallowed the wrong hook line and sinker.
Thanks for the thread, but as far as I am concerned, threads shouldn't be used to poke fun at anyone. Discuss the conspiracy and you haven't
figured it out yet, at least discuss the conspiracy elements. It would go a long way to actually being helpful to others without having to take
You see, its not about taking sides, it's about real facts from many elements of deception and with so much deception being thrown around, poking fun
just seems infantile in the scheme of things. Just an observation, but at least now you know why I don't believe the Comet Elenin alignment hysteria
as having anything to do with major earthquakes or other unnatural weather anomalies that is all being blamed on some mystery space object called
Comet Elenin.