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"GOP: No tax hikes -- except for the poor"

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posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Mishmashum

ats has got got to do something about its stalkers and you being one of them

if all you do it sit around and look how long people are logged into the site you got issues.

It doesn't take a stalker to notice that the crazy guy who's always standing on the corner with hootch in his left hand and a billboard proclaiming "The End is Nigh" in the other, is not only a bit deranged, but a common feature of the scenery.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 08:35 PM

edit on 23-8-2011 by neo96 because: the idiot isnt worth it

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 08:43 PM
I'm middle class and I vote Republican. It's not the workers who create jobs. It's companies. Business owners.

However, let me say that in exchange for no tax hikes companies should be barred from exporting jobs overseas. China? F*ck China. They've been playing us as fools for years. Bout time people woke up and realized it.

I feel it's fair that if corporations want a tax break, there will be no more jobs overseas at two bucks a day.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:22 PM
I saw a John Huntsman 2012 tag in someone's sig. That made me LOL hard. Alot of the Dems and Repubs are bought and paid for by Big Pharma, Big Agra, Big Oil, Banking. Ron Paul has never taking a cent from any of these guys. If we don't get a true freedom fighter into the presidency we are all doomed. The bankers are toppling Libya and any other sovereign nation that doesn't want foreign oil interests invading their country. It is now known that AlQuaeda and other anti-Qhaddafi interests from Africa and the middle east make up the "rebel" force and that NATO and MI6 along with U.S. special forces are behind the hoaxed uprising in Libya.

Perfect example, google the term "Iran Coup", the CIA and MI6 took out a prime minister in Iran some decades ago because he didn't want BP coming in and exporting their oil. They had him forcefully replaced by a dictator who could be bought and persuaded to follow the MI6 and CIA playbook. This has been going on longer than most of you uninformed sheep could imagine. RON PAUL IS OUR LAST HOPE AT RESTORING A TRULY FREE SOCIETY! If he gets in they will most likely make attempts at his life, JFK was a constitutionalist and was exposing the shadow government and this was why he was knocked off. WAKE UP PEOPLE.
edit: The Prime Minister was instilling a democracy in the country.. LOL. The dictator they replaced him with was absolutely tyrranical. Just goes to show you the hypocrisy of our government's agencies and foreign policy.

We cannot trust any of these politicians that don't care about the working class. So many jobs have been purposefully exported by NAFTA and CAFTA over the years with systematic precision. They've allowed multinational corporations to become massive entities with tremendous amounts of influence in governments around the world. They've systematically taken money out of the people's hands and given it to multinational corporate interests. Mitt Romney said "corporations are people" the other day. While they do create some jobs they destroy alot of others domestically by being allowed to pay off politicians to eliminate competition through regulations to the little guy, and monopolize. They've purposefully kept the border unsecure so that people will continue to lose jobs to mega-cheap labor. If you cannot see that something is very wrong with how we've conducted ourselves over the last 50 years then you need help.

It's funny that "developing nations" ie. where all of our jobs went to, had no regulations on their emissions while the small amount of U.S. Manufacturing that was left after the giant vortex of jobs left our country was strictly regulated to cap their N02 and C02 emissions, and it was very expensive. Banks were bailed out and propped up, and all they did was buy other failed bad-debt crooked banks. Trillions of dollars went overseas to mega-corporate interests. The Fed and Presidents past have been bailing out corruption and dismal failure. The system has been very flawed since the Federal Reserve was created and allowed to create money out of thin air and "regulate" banks, got off the gold standard so that we could start the debt society, all while the Fed remains a private entity. There is supposedly anywhere from $600 TRILLION to $1.4 QUADRILLION in bad debts around the world that never expect to get paid back, all because these banks issue money they don't have, and were bailed out but didn't pay off hardly any debt they just bought more banks and issued more debt, while jacking rates and non-chalantly keeping the working class as debt slaves.

Ron Paul has talked at length about our country's problems and has the right idea. You can visit his fan site at or go to for his official campaign website. I promise you this man has never been compromised and understands the struggle that the debtor society has, and understands it has been systematically flawed to keep people in debt and to keep banks lending money they don't have.
edit on 23-8-2011 by smarterthanyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:26 PM
Despite what they say we have a trickle-up economy in the states and always will.

A percentage of all entitlements given to the poor goes to pay the rich for the products and services they provided. In the end the poor have to spend almost all they have today with little left for tomoror.

Allowing the rich to keep more of their money cannot translate to more jobs. The only way for the poor to get income from the rich is to have products or services for which the rich are willing to pay.

Labor is the one thing the poor have and even if the rich have lots of cash, if they don't need it they won't buy it.

Lower taxes for the rich creating jobs is not a myth it is an absolute lie.

You have to have something someone wants to get paid.

The rich don't need labor any more they make most of their money by trading paper investments. They no longer need the poor to have extra spending money.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by inforeal

The founding fathers where great people who valued truth and freedom, but also morality, and an ethic of generosity, fairness, and justice, and wanted to build a nation where ALL could enjoy the American dream not just a few crafty rich people.

ummm........unless you were an native American or a Black slave.

America has a rich history of violence and abuse to a marginalized population. Now the conservatives want to do that to the poor in favor of their corporate gods.
edit on 23-8-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Gannicus
The rich are taxed. In fact they pay more taxes than anyone.

The IRS recently released preliminary data for 2008 which showed that taxpayers earning less than $100,000 collectively earned roughly half the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) that year, but paid 25 percent of the income taxes. Meanwhile, taxpayers earning more than $250,000 paid close to half (46 percent) of the income taxes collected while they earned roughly a quarter of the total AGI.

Besides, this is not a tax. Calling it a tax is Democrat party/MSM spin. I'm surprised so many here fall for it, considering they scoffed at the exact same spin when Republicans were dishing it out.

This is using stats to benefit your argument deceitfully. If you make $1 and are taxed 100% of your income ($1) and I make $10 and am taxed 10% of my income ($1) then we have each payed 50% of the total tax right???? Fair, right????? See, this percentage of total tax payed stat is complete garbage! There should be no income tax or personal property tax (why in the world should I pay you for something I own???)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Um... this is Social Security payroll tax, which is not the same as income tax. Further, how do those who support the further extending of this payroll tax cut propose that Social Security stays afloat if the amount going into the coffers continues being roughly 17% lower than it was back when Social Security was already bleeding its funding dry?

Further, if we have 46% of wage earners not paying any payroll tax right now under this Obama initiative... I guess that means myself and the other 54% of wage earners are supposed to just keep paying for them? BULLPIES! Not freaking having it anymore. Either pay the fare like the rest of us continue to do, or get off the bus and walk for awhile. Thank you Jon Huntsman et al. for actually giving a flip about folks like me who are by no means "rich" but who make too much money to be considered lower middle class. Seems like my group is the one that consistantly falls through the cracks, even though we're the ones who have been holding this damn economy together, despite the efforts from the left to rip it apart through assbrained spending sprees and the efforts from the right to rip it apart through assbrained program cuts to important issues like our infrastructure.

Too bad the 46% of Americans that are'nt paying taxes are barely surviving and have no health insurance. maybe they should just give up eating or paying rent and live on the street? Maybe if 100% of wage earners were earning a living wage we could all be paying our fare share but until that time taxing the poor is akin to murder. If the republitarts agreed to cut defense spending they would'nt have to rob from the poor to earmark the rich! Blaming the poor for america's debt problems have been done many times before but it wont change the fact we have a spending and a jobless problem and not a revenue problem!

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Misoir

Originally posted by Tangled4u
Thank God when Ron Paul get's elected he will take away all taxes because it's unconstitutional.

Can't wait for that day.

How is something 'unconstitutional' when it is clearly legalized and appropriated to the federal government within the Constitution? That is like saying "free speech is unconstitutional" even though it is clearly stated freedom of speech is a right in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

You cannot just call something unconstitutional if you do not like it, just calling it so does not make it true.

Passed by Congress July 2, 1909. Ratified February 3, 1913.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.


Too bad congress does'nt collect taxes the IRS does which is a private entity like the federal reserve and I believe it's even connected to the fed! look it up if you don't believe me!

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:30 PM
So the Republican counter to this suggestion is "but you're going to kill social security!". Since when have Republicans been worried about social security. If anything, they want it to become insolvent so they have a reason to privatize it.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by dalloway

Originally posted by Grumble
They'll do all of that and rely on racism, anti-intellectualism and religious superstition to convince the poor and stupid to vote against their own interests. The poor and intelligent are Democrats regardless. The challenge lies in convincing the poor and stupid that their economic self-interest is more important than voting their bigotry.

Elegantly and beautifully stated! I get so frustrated with my poor and stupid (more like undereducated) "conservative" friends who fit your description. (I am poor and probably overeducated
) I wish there was something I could say to make them see that they are hurting themselves by voting the way they do! And then I become enraged at the Republican Party for taking advantage of them and playing to their fears and prejudices just to make themselves and their moneyed donors richer! Steal from the poor and give to the rich.Talk about redistribution of wealth!!

It is just plain wrong and even sinister for the Repubs to exploit the poor members of their base that way and take advantage of them like that. It very deeply offends me. I'm not saying the Dems don't exploit and take advantage of their base too, but at least the Dems' agenda seeks to take care of the American people instead of intentionally screwing them! The fact that the Repub politicians and party bigwigs cloak themselves in a false mantle of religion while they're deceiving the poor members of their base somehow makes it more despicable than their Dem counterparts' deceptions.

IMO they both suck equally cause they both cater to the affluent and will work to attain their masters end game but the only difference is the demoncrats are more secretive in their endevors. these are both two sides of the same coin with the only difference being in the size of their government body. Both these parties need to be eliminated and America needs to take a good look in the mirror to see where we are, where we're going and how we will get there but most important is who WE are? Because right now it feels as if we are on the titanic with the poor and middle class bailing the boat while the most affluent are making a break for the few life boats there are! If this continues things will deteriate quickly and class warefare will be more then just rheteric spouted by the rich!

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:55 PM
The upper income people pay way more than the rest, there is no reason for them to pay more. What ever happened to fairness and everyone being treated equal. Actually the poor need to pay in something. If they don't have any skin in the game they will just vote for more government goodies. Our present administration and the social justice BS, has got to go and go soon. Obama is trying to make us a socialist country and that never works. Until the next election we need to hang on and fight his every move to limit the destruction on America.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by inforeal

what does G.O.P. stand for?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by inforeal

what does G.O.P. stand for?

It used to stand for Grand Old Party but now it stands for Government Oil People or Guardians of Privilege or
Geriatric Obsolete Party

I got a million of em...
edit on 24-8-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by whaaa

hi whaa...thx for that...
Gov Oil People...

I was only thinking about the word GOD and wonder what it could stand for... Gov Order Democracy... or Gov Oil Destruction?

anyway...USA terminology..I was not familiar with it.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by inforeal

what does G.O.P. stand for?

Guaranteed Oligarchy Protection

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by inforeal

what does G.O.P. stand for?

It used to stand for Grand Old Party but now it stands for Government Oil People or Guardians of Privilege or
Geriatric Obsolete Party

I got a million of em...
edit on 24-8-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

Good one.

Hey, remember when the G.O.P leader Barack Obama went to Brazil earlier this year and told them that by banning off-shore drilling for the U.S. instead of letting America drill, thus killing any prospects for American businesses to create possibly thousands of jobs for Americans, he wanted the U.S. to be their biggest oil importer?

That was funny, too, wasn't it?


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Painterz
"this country needs another reagan."

Interestingly I've just finished reading the book by David Stockman, who was at the heart of the Reagan Revolution, and you can really see the roots of the current eras global financial crisis in what they did.

Reagans original plan was to cut taxes, and slash government spending.

But what really happened was taxes were cut, but they failed to slash government spending, in fact they massively increased government spending. And thus, America was set down the road of trillions of dollars of deficit.

So you can directly trace the current financial crisis, to Reagan Economics.

nice to see some people still really THINK and read about it and do not fall into the manipulation by some powers we all know !! Reagan / Thatcher / Bush = all the same economics which is neo-capitalism = the destruction of the STATE ! ( call it neo-liberalism also ) but it means as less power as possible for the state so the State cannot do its job as it should and the big corporate powers have the free ride for their dark bizness !!!
it's like a class without a good strong assertiv teacher, some then start playing games and disturb the good pupils, can start stealing and intimidating others etc etc .... the teacher cann't control the class any longer, cannot react, cannot push the education where it should be .....
and the hooligans in the class, the Raegan/Thatcher boys ( remember them ?? remember also the dictators that were put in place in South America by those nice neo-liberals ??? ) those "boys" can start the manipulation of the markets, of the financial world and decide with their masters about big tax cuts for the rich !!
It's all about greed, as much $$$ for the rich, as less for the State ( and for the poor of course !! ), caviar and champaign, Bentleys and diamonds, yachts and mansions, as much as possible with as little as possible control ..... it becomes some kind of maffia of course !!! us know us and the politicians are paid by us to protect us and our bizness and corporations that do everything they want ( Monsanto/BP etc etc ... ).
crazy world this is all about, but they are killing our society, yes they do !! is it too late ??? Don't know .....
edit on 24-8-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Riposte

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
Wow! Sounds like this is your first incarnation on this plane and you're overwhelmed by the carnal delight of being physical?

I'm afraid once you die and look back on your life if these views don't'll reincarnate as a kid born without arms and legs to learn some compassion and humility.

Haha, you think it is compassionate to steal, BY FORCE, someone's possessions? So you can skim 80% of it off the top to pay all your corporate cronies and black government projects (and fund a bunch of wars)... and maybe... MAYBE give a few dimes and nickels to the poor?

Haha, yeah. You're the one who is in his first incarnation here.

if paying taxes like EVERYBODY !!! should fairly do, if you call that stealing your money by force well then ok, you cannot understand what's all about man !! you just have to live on your own and forget the society and the other people around you, forget your family, because WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE STATE !! YOU ARE THE STATE !! Forgotten maybe ??? so we are stealing you ??? you live in a society where everybody should pay a fair contribution to its development and good running !
You may not harm other people ok ??? then why those corporations may destroy our living planet like Monsanto and BP are doing just for profit ??? why do you go to jail when you hurt someone, why they may make as much profit as possible, without respect for the people and nature, just for big profit ??
all the profit for them and all the losses/misery/sickness/pollution for us the people ????
No way man, if you accept this logic, then you are part of them = inhuman greed bast**ds !!

edit on 24-8-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:25 AM
i have known for around 10 years now that republicans are for the rich, my mom even told me so...

people know, so i say...why vote for them?

i would vote for ron though or dennis...i pray we get either of them next and i pray the americans grab their pitch forks and get off their fat asses and do something


sorry, i too get frustrated...

action must be taken right now!

thank you

it is so.

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