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Masonic Symbols in Israeli Supreme Court Building paid for by the Rothchilds

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posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 04:38 PM
Uh, you might want to go back and reread the first post. The clear inference was that there was something nefarious about the symbols and their usage... which also came through in his reply to my and other questions about the first post...

In this report I will use many pictures showing the establishment of the Illuminati and establish proof that there has been a diabolical plot by those we refer to as the New World Order. Showing the architectural design of the New Israeli Supreme Court Building designed and paid for by the Rothchilds reflex the presence of Free Masonry and the Illuminati. I took all but one of the pictures you are about to see so I can assure that what you are seeing is real and in place.

Perhaps you missed the opening paragraph... as for the significance... probably none other than artistic...

Lighten up? Shoot, I haven't taken anything in this thread seriously yet...

[edit on 22/8/04 by theron dunn]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 04:47 PM
That was from the article he first presented. The writer of the article was trying to establish that. I believe the post NOW is more geared towards the orignal poster's questions. If you want to see the poster's questions here they are:

Why was the courthouse built on the ley-lines?
Why is the library restricted on 3 levels?
Why is there an Egyptian Obelisk? On another note why is there an Egyptian Obelisk in Washington and New York?
Why is there an inverted Christian Cross the only religious emblem designed to walk on?
Why is there Hindu Altars?

I mean, are you looking for a nefarious plot? You tell me, because it seems that you revel in your condescending manor. Can't say that's something I haven't seen from other Masons on ATS. Not all are like that, but a lot. Not surprising that you simply troll around the boards with Mason in the title.

If you want to see the relationship to Masonry, I believe you will see it in the information I provided. Not to say that these are Masonic, but that masons share them.

[edit on 22-8-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 04:56 PM
Condescending manner? I ask for proof of a nefarious plot. It seemed fairly clear to me from the first that is what the poster intended, from posting the article itself. It was I that noted that a pyramid is not a masonic symbol, which degenerated into a brawl over whethere a triangle is or is not a pyramid, then he posted those questions.

I have NOT been condescending, but have, rather, asked questions. Why is it that MY questions are condescending, and the obviously negatively framed questions by the original poster, is not? Could if be because I am skeptical, rather than jumping on the bandwagon?

I noted that there are NO masonic symbols involved in the post, thus negating a portion of the original claim. I note that nothing noted is of significance, and ask for proof otherwise... I guess being skeptical, rational, and seeking proof could be seen as condescending... by folks that do not want to seek proof, rationality or honest skepticism...

Sorry if I came across as condescending.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:02 PM
And you have just proved it right there!

My problem is you wishing to throw out all the information I posted in to a large hump of trash. I had no problem with you until you did that.

Obviously, you are not reading to see the connection that there is to masonry. And obviously you think the debate is over on the triangle and pyramid thing when it is not. But rather we have been directed in another direction. "I have done this, I have done that, I have told everyone how they are wrong, I do not know crap about art or architecture." Yea, we got that last part.

I see now what masonry has taught you and that is arrogance. Good job.

[edit on 22-8-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:21 PM
Look the story interested me so I posted it here, where I thought I would get some decent answers to my questions, I don�t know and don�t care if the Masons worship The Devil, I wanted opinions on why the Rothschild�s would pay for it, I wanted to know the connections to the religious icons, and to me it is a bit mysteries, And the Rothschild didn�t help, they paid for, and hired the engineers, and the pyramid, triangle nice try to railroad my post, the all seeing eye is Masonic, as you agreed to in your second post, so why is the Masonic eye in a courthouse?

[edit on 22-8-2004 by Sauron]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
it seems that you revel in your condescending manor.

I love staying at Condescending Manor. The Greens, the Hedge Maze, the Scenic Outlook (said to have been designed by Walter Condescending himself in the 18th century!) The only problem I have there is the staff -- their attitude can be hard to deal with

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:41 PM
LOL Alex. At least you are fun. What do you call those words? Anyway, damn sounding-alike words. What do you think about all this stuff?

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:55 PM
To theron, kennedy and all the other pro-masons here...

The whole point about this thread was the relation between the pyramid we see in the Israeli Supreme Court building and the one on the American dollar bill, two symbols that share obvious similarities, and yet have the same All Seeing Eye in a TRIANGLE on the top of the pyramid than the All Seeing Eye symbol that is so largely used into freemasonry. I know for a fact that there are no masonic lodges that have that same pyramidal symbol, but still they have the same triangle embedded with the Eye of Horus, that also completes the 13-level pyramid symbol there is on the American dollar bill. Many freemasons here get so sentitive each someone gets even close post something that will cast a shadow on the reputation of the image of their secret society that they just forget to care about the topic of that post...

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:56 PM
Seems as though people see the the Devil behind every symbol, rock, and tree. Wonder what FREUD would say about that. No doubt there are Satanists and I have no idea what drives them. Guess it is the Devil

Almost all Masonic emblems can find their history in Egyptian history and perhaps even the origin of Masonry. Especially after considering they are the epitome of stone workers and construction masters and precision. At any rate here is the oldest interpretation of the inverted cross of the Christians that I could find. And it very much the opposite of the evil interpretation in this thread.

Hope you take a look at it,


[edit on 22-8-2004 by tututkamen]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 06:51 PM
Ok, folks, one more tryl The All Seeing Eye is an ANCIENT symbol, used by many religions to represent the omnipresence of the deity. Strangely enough, masons have adopted this common symbol to symbolize... you guessed it, the omnipresence of the Supreme Architect of the Universe.

it is NOT a "Masonic" symbol. It is a common symbol that Masons have adopted. It is not always represented in a triangle. I my lodge, it is present on all of the officer's aprons, WITHOUT the triangle. The triangle simply reflects the three fold nature of g-d. As an aside, the number three appears quite often in Masonry... as an example the three degrees of masonry, the three principle officers of masonry, the three great lights of masonry etc etc.

I wrote an article at one point on this, and found, as a start, over twenty five examples of the number three in blue lodge masonry alone, hence the triangle and its three sides.

However, the Great Seal on the back of the dollar bill, despite claims to the contrary, is NOT a masonic symbol, and neither is the pyramid. And just to clarify a bit, a pyramid is a three dimensional structure. A triangle is NOT. Lets not get lost in the differences. There is a PYRAMID in the Supreme court building, not a triangle.
The simple fact is that the eye in the pyramid is not now nor has it ever been a Masonic symbol. While the 'Eye of Providence' (sometimes referred to in Masonic ritual as the "All-Seeing Eye") is always prominent to remind a Mason that his words and deeds are being judged by the Supreme Architect of the Universe and the pyramid appears in the ritual as a representation of the great builders of the past, their combined usage is nearly non-existent except by fanciful representations of someone who let their imagination create something. In fact, the infrequency of their combined usage was much more clear to this site's author when, in preparation for this page, we looked for a single example of an emblem or other "Masonic" eye in a pyramid. we couldn't find one! Nearly three years after this page was first written and after tens of thousands of 'hits', we've been provided with but two examples which might be an eye in a pyramid (although arguably, it could just as readily be an eye in a triangle).

The Eye was a representation of Odin, Mithras, g-d, Horus, Udat, Krishna and a host of other "gods" in various pantheons the world over. So to claim that it is a "Masonic" symbol is disingenuous at best and dishonest at worst.

Regarding the great seal on the dollar bill:
Reality, however, is quite different.
Only one person involved in the initial (not the ultimately approved) design was thought to be a Mason; the man who did the design (Hopkinson) - yet there is no proof whatsoever of his Masonic membership!

The designing of a seal of the U.S. was first commissioned by the Continental Congress immediately after the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. A committee consisting of Benjamin Franklin (a Mason), John Adams (not a Mason), and Thomas Jefferson (not a Mason although sometimes erroneously identified as one) submitted a design that was deemed unacceptable, as were designs submitted by two succeeding committees. In 1782 (nearly six years later!) these designs were submitted to Charles Thomson, Secretary to the Continental Congress, (and NOT a Mason) who prepared a design which, with some alterations, was adopted by the congress on June 20, 1782.

Here is what the treasury has to say about it:

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
but still they have the same triangle embedded with the Eye of Horus,

Sigh. OK, I'll bite... what makes it "the Eye of Horus?" Hmmm? Is there any kind of special indication? Does it have "this eye is property of Horus Ben Osiris" printed on the bottom in tiny letters?

Or, more likely, did some anti-Mason somewhere simply say it was the Eye of Horus, in an attempt to thence conclude that Masonry is Satanic. This is the whole problem with this BS... it's a whole bunch of tiny little lies, which are used to add up to the big lie -- that Freemasonry is somehow eeeeeevil. Frankly, it's boring and stupid. I hear people constantly blathering on about "the Eye of Horus" who couldn't tell you what "Argeiphontes" means, or the difference between Set, Anubis, and Apep.

Sorry to sound POed... but why not concentrate your efforts on studying and improving yourself, rather than trying to arm yourself against my Fratenity?

Many freemasons here get so sentitive each someone gets even close post something that will cast a shadow on the reputation of the image of their secret society that they just forget to care about the topic of that post...

Nope. What happens is that "Many Freemasons here" have heard the same anti-Masonic lies so many darn times, that they can recognise the same tune starting in just one or two notes. As far as I'm concerned, the minute I start hearing about how the "All-Seeing eye" is actually an ancient Egyptian symbol, or about how there are hidden messages in some significant gov't building, I'd better see darn solid proof, darn soon, and it better be incontrovertible -- otherwise, you're just spreading the same lies that have been spread for more than a hundred years. Yawn.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:45 PM
Well let's see,

More than occult, secret societies,devil worship, etc.... I would think that a more appropriate and acceptable answer is here.


posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by AlexKennedy

Originally posted by Echtelion
but still they have the same triangle embedded with the Eye of Horus,

Sigh. OK, I'll bite... what makes it "the Eye of Horus?" Hmmm? Is there any kind of special indication? Does it have "this eye is property of Horus Ben Osiris" printed on the bottom in tiny letters?

Or, more likely, did some anti-Mason somewhere simply say it was the Eye of Horus, in an attempt to thence conclude that Masonry is Satanic. This is the whole problem with this BS... it's a whole bunch of tiny little lies, which are used to add up to the big lie -- that Freemasonry is somehow eeeeeevil. Frankly, it's boring and stupid. I hear people constantly blathering on about "the Eye of Horus" who couldn't tell you what "Argeiphontes" means, or the difference between Set, Anubis, and Apep.

Sorry to sound POed... but why not concentrate your efforts on studying and improving yourself, rather than trying to arm yourself against my Fratenity?

How about this:

You helped write for them, right?

Nice link above too.

It seems that the eye of providence started with freemasonry after its popular use, but this article links it to Horus nonetheless. Also, check out the illuminati part.

[edit on 22-8-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
It seems that the eye of providence started with freemasonry after its popular use, but this article links it to Horus nonetheless.

I wouldn't say that it links the modern day use of the symbol with Horus at all, it merely states that the symbol itself can be traced back to Ancient Egypt and Horus.

[edit on 8/22/04 by The Axeman]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:59 PM
Yea...but in the context of this article, you have to wonder why so many religions are represented. We also see the eye presented within a pyramid.

[edit on 22-8-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Yea...but in the context of this article, you have to wonder why so many religions are represented. We also see the eye presented within a pyramid.

Today some conspiracy theorists link the symbol with conspiracy organizations, especially Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati. This is possibly the only context in which the Eye of Providence is shown actually embedded in a pyramid.

Also it is interesting to note that according to this article, the only instance where the all seeing eye has a connection to the Illuminati is if it is indeed inside a pyramid.

[edit on 8/22/04 by The Axeman]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn

How about this:

You helped write for them, right?

Nope. I helped write the article on Freemasonry, not this article. But since you're so gung-ho on using this resource, let's analyse what it actually says.

But representations of an all-seeing eye can be traced back to Egyptian mythology and the Eye of Horus.

(emphasis mine). Here what they're saying is that there have been representations of an all-seeing eye, and that the Egyptians used an All-Seeing eye symbol (which I should note, is just an eye surrounded by radiance) to denote the Eye of Horus. That still doesn't answer my question, however, which is "how do you know that the All-Seeing Eye on the dollar bill is supposed to be the 'Eye of Horus?'". Similarly, someone showed a vaguely triangular tower in an Israeli building, which looks like it might have a dot somewhere near the top (although it could be a mark on the photograph, or a bird, or anything) -- how do we know that this tower is meant to represent the "Eye of Horus?" Hmmm?

Let's look at another quote from the article you feel proves your point:

The later addition of an enclosing triangle is usually seen as a more explicit trinitarian reference to the God of Christianity.

What this seems to say to me is that if an "All-Seeing Eye" is contained within a triangle (as on the American Dollar Bill), then it is explicitly Christian, and most definitely NOT the "Eye of Horus." This makes the claim that it's included in the Israeli building even more dubious (unless it's a Christian building).

It seems that the eye of providence started with freemasonry after its popular use, but this article links it to Horus nonetheless.

Nope. Read the article again. It explicitly says that an "All-Seeing Eye" (an eye surrounded by radiance) was used to represent the "Eye of Horus," but that the "Eye of Providence" (on the Dollar Bill), since it's surrounded by a triangle, is explicitly Christian.

As for the connection to Freemasonry, let's have another quote from the article:

It is a common misconception that the Eye of Providence and unfinished pyramid show the influence of Freemasonry in the foundation of the United States. Although Benjamin Franklin, one of the members of the original design committee for the Great Seal, was a Freemason, it appears he was not responsible for introducing the symbol and may not have been aware of it.

The first official Masonic reference to the Eye of Providence is in 'The Freemasons Monitor' by Thomas Smith Webb in 1797, some years after the Great Seal was designed. The Masonic use of the Eye does not incorporate a pyramid, although the enclosing triangle is often misinterpreted as one (even by many Masons).

Also, check out the illuminati part.

Yes, let's do that, shall we?

Today some conspiracy theorists link the symbol with conspiracy organizations, especially Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati. This is possibly the only context in which the Eye of Providence is shown actually embedded in a pyramid.

I.e., conspiracy theorists link it. It's very interesting that Wikipedia, which is editable by anyone and thus could show any proof the conspiracy theorists wanted, doesn't show any evidence at all linking the Bavarian Illuminati with this motif.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:20 PM
Lol, that was a long-winded post just for me to get back to my original point:

We also see the eye presented within a pyramid.

But the eye is presented within a pyramid nonetheless and that is the context of this thread. For future note, when I post something it is usually directed towards everyone and not just the person I am responding to.

So, next time you don't have to skip of the post I just wrote.

And I wasn't endorsing the Illuminati part, but I thought it interesting. On that note, it could go either way.

Honestly, I didn't even read but the first few words of your post.

[edit on 22-8-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:37 PM
So, if you only read the first few words, it should not be surprising that your responses have little to do with the post, right?

You accuse ME of condesention... you might want to take a gander at the mirror, there, old friend... what I and Alex et al have been presenting are facts. What has been presented by you so far, has been a series of "conspiracy theorists think..." posts, with zero facts.

So, why is it condesention to point out that you are incorrect, and not condesention when you note what is already clear, that you do not read anyone else's posts?

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:42 PM
LOL, it was sarcasm, didn't you see the emoticon.

I said it before, and I'll say it again, lighten up.

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