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9/11 opposite day: Truthers become OSers and vice versa, See if you can do it (A Challenge)

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Yankee451

Yes, a fence sitter. Unlike EITHER SIDE of this mystery, I have not fully embraced any "explaination". I do admit that there are NUMEROUS inconsistancies and missing links. But, until I see a more holistic and consistent series of events with hard evidence behind it, I am not willing to accept any explaination completely.


OK, I will try this in a Q&A format...

A: Hello, and welcome to DIZ News Radio. Today we have reknowed conspiracy author, Tim Fall Haught. His latest book "Disco Inferno" discusses the 9/11 attacks and his inexplicable views against the facts given by the government. Welcome Tim.

T: Hello.

A: So in your book you discuss the Twin Towers collapsing in NYC. You claim that, in fact, two planes did not cause the collapse. I'm assuming you believe there were planes, yes?

T: Of course there were planes. We saw them on TV and numerous eyewitnesses on the ground also reported them.

A: Then please explain this strange notion that you have that the planes hitting the tower at a high rate of speed and exploding did not bring down the buildings.

T: Well, simply put, there was not enough energy. You see, the planes were loaded with jet fuel known as Jet-A, a form of kerosene. It has a maximum burn temperature of 1800 degrees Fahrenheit.

A: That's pretty hot.

T: Yes, that is hot. But not hot enough to melt steel. And the towers were not a controlled burn so the temperature could not have gotten that high.

A: So what brought those beautiful towers down? Are you claiming that there was something else involved? What about the fact that those planes hit with a huge amount of force and damaged the internal structure of the buildings?

T: Well, there are a number of possibilities. One school of thought is that Thermate was used to destroy critical building columns. This was based on the analysis of the debris of the towers and backed up by the photographic evidence at the scene showing cut and melted steel columns.

A: *laugh* There were no melted steel columns. If there were, it would have been shown on the news. And as I recall, the Thermate investigation was done by one renegade scientist, if you can call him that, and was never peer reviewed. As for the photographs, as I understand, the only photographs from that day showing melted steel were faked by a man who is now a wanted felon. So much for credibility.

T: The thermate paper was indeed peer reviewed. And if the government had not been so quick to destroy all of the evidence, even more reviews could have been done. It is hard to review evidence, though, when it is shipped out in the middle of the night to China under armed guard.

A: Well, we couldn't have it laying around, could we? We had to get back to normalcy as soon as possible to help the victim's families recover.

T: Well, since the site is still under construction 10 years later, I can't imagine they did a very good job of returning to normalcy, did they?

A: You imply that perhaps this was a planned inside job. Don't you think it is a pretty serious, if not traitorous, claim that our government would hurt its own people? I would think any responsible and patriotic American would have wanted us to go after the terrorists responsible for killing thousands of hard working Americans.

T: Of course, I would like the culprits to be found and charged. But we need to get to the bottom of what happened, first.

A: we already know what happened. We have the official story from our the congress that explained it. Oh, wait, you think they all lied to us, right? *laugh* On that note, we go to break. When we return, a discussion with NIST Supervisor and respected structural engineer, Scott James, about the science of building inspections and forensic investigations.
edit on 8-21-2011 by rogerstigers because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by waypastvne
After our new independent investigation everyone will know that al-Qaeda never existed, acted under the control of the US Government and acted on its own initiative but with the passive complicity of the US Government to hijack planes, not hijack planes and try but fail to hijack planes, that the US Government, a small rogue element within the US Government, and Mossad operating without the knowledge of the US Government crashed the planes into the towers under remote control, crashed different planes into the towers undeer remote control, didn't crash any planes into the towers but projected holograms of the planes crashing into the towers, and didn't crash or project anything but convinced everyone that planes hit the towers by showing it to them on TV, after which the towers were blown up by explosives that made lots of explosions that everybody heard, weakened by thermite silently which explains why nobody heard any explosions, blown up by nuclear weapons in the cellar which started collapses from the top, and turned entirely to dust by energy beams from space which is why there was no debris, and that the debris pile was then kept hot for months by thermite that hadn't reacted when it all reacted to bring the towers down, and all the steel that wasn't there was immediately taken to China which is why the steel recovered shows signs of explosives, melting and dustification, and a plane, a missile, a different plane and a hologram all crashed into the Pentagon except that it was only one of them, or pulled up at the last second and flew over the Pentagon, leaving a neat 12 foot hole that caused 90 feet of the bit of the wall that had recently been reinforced to collapse, and another plane was shot down at Shanksville then landed in Cleveland leaving no wreckage at Shanksville that was spread out over too large an area to be from a crash even though it didn't exist. That's what really happened, and some day everyone will figure out how obvious it all is.

I did not write that. I just copy / pasted it. But then again I am pretending to be Truther.

Originally posted by filosophia
Sorry but copy and pasting doesn't work, but I at least like your honesty.

OH YEAH. Well the information is still rock solid. Check it out for your self if you don't believe me.

911 was an inside job

Wake up Sheeple .


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Jibby, I read your post, and instantly thought of this clip, from a documentary called "Collective Evolution"

Check out the whole clip, or skip to 5 minutes in... I recommend checking the whole doc out sometime to everybody... its a good one

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:58 AM
I believe the govt. and the mass media story of 9/11 first and foremost because these entities have an historical and very rock-solid record of truthfulness and integrity. That record has been especially reinforced if it was possible in recent years regarding the very minor financial and economic difficulties. I salute these beacons of honest reporting and information dissemination. Case closed.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:59 AM
OH Yeah. one more thing. You know that information they got from that black box that they found in that plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Well it proves the plane didn't crash into the Pentagon.

And what about the Five Dancing Israelis. I saw them on Dancing With The Stars and they were really good.

Debunk That.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by rogerstigers

that's pretty good, and it just goes to show that if you put your mind to it anyone, even a truther, can come up with the type of hoop-la that the msm gives us.

But, why can't the other side do the same?

The closest any OSer got to doing this was "9/11 happened so Bush could finish what his father couldn't." Or something to that affect. Not much imagination on the part of the OSers. Just saying.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:09 AM
you are all wrong. the OSers and Truthers..

I dont believe this event ever took place. I mean... no one is ever going to attack the Pentagon, too secure.. I mean, they spend billions and hundreds of billions a year of security.... and I saw the WTC on Fringe last season.. so.. they're still there..

doesn't anyone understand fiction?

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
Not much imagination on the part of the OSers. Just saying.

Yeah those OSers are so much dumber than us GPers, We know how to make stuff up.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by filosophia

You Truthers only get your information from all those damn fool conspiracy web sites... Hologram planes! Beams from space?! Thousands and thousands of people in on it!! Controlled Demolitions!! Look at the videos ain't you got eyes in your head?!! That was no controlled demolition there that was damage from a plane (or no plane - WTC7) and fires and gravity.

I mean come on. How long I got to be on here educating all of you Truthers?!

Me, I was on the highway right next to the Pentagon when that plane (Boeing 757) came in and nearly took my head off! I seen it hit the wall and there even was a flash just like at the Trade Centers as it hit. (Don't know why no one ever mentions that but I saw it, and my cousin saw it too.) There were bodies and luggage and plane parts all over. How can you people say the Government did it when even Donald Rumsfeld was out on the lawn that day like a true American (that he is) and was doing his part to help out. His office was in the Pentagon do you understand that?! Though, on the other side, still, he was right there helping out.

And George Bush likes to read to schoolchildren, he does it even now while not even President!!

edit on 21-8-2011 by NWOwned because: spelling

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by kro32
I would be completely immoblized by shock for an unspecified amount of time.

I would also have to rethink every value I have.

But i'm never wrong so I don't have to worry about it.

pft, You've been wrong plenty of times.... You are right on this one though

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:30 AM
I was too on the freeway outside of the Pentagon when that plane came over about 70 feet off the ground at 530 mph. It was silent and no pressure emanated from it and thus it didn´t perturb the traffic a bit. I think the terrorists cut off the engines to counter the ground effect.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by galdur
I was too on the freeway outside of the Pentagon when that plane came over about 70 feet off the ground at 530 mph. It was silent and no pressure emanated from it and thus it didn´t perturb the traffic a bit. I think the terrorists cut off the engines to counter the ground effect.

Yes that's true. Ground effect has been keeping airplanes from crashing for years.How can any one think a plane could crash that close to the ground when ground effect would keep it from happening.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:45 AM
At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour. All on board, as well as many civilian and military personnel in the building, were killed.

What many conspiracy theorists don´t seem to understand is that it´s perfectly natural for a large wing airliner to be able to travel at close to max speed feet off the ground. This is because the air pressure is the same as at 30,000 feet. The only reason they don´t land at 530 mph is that this would require very long runways. So, the official story makes perfect sense in this aspect as in others. It´s simply amazing how well the fine official report has stood the test of time. That´s true quality in govt. work for you.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by galdur

Thats why planes crash in to mountains. Ground effect don't work that high.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by waypastvne

The plane just before it hit the Pentagon at 530 mph (artist´s rendition). Nothing unusual as you can see.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by filosophia

OK, here it goes:

LOL! You truthers and your claims of space lasers and holographic planes get sillier every day! Your super-secret nanothermite is a bunch of hogwash pushed by a washed up physics professor who wants to sell some books and get rich off of you gullible conspiracy theorists. The nanothermite was just paint!

WTC7 was not brought down by explosives, even though every characteristic matches up with one, there was fire and falling debris damage! Don't you wonder why firefighters set up a perimeter? Clearly because they knew fire would bring it down?

Yeah, I'm sure a controlled demolition team just walked in the front door and wired up the buildings with thousands of people inside without anybody noticing.

How many people would have to be involved in this? Thousands? You don't think anybody would blab? There's no way something this big could be kept quiet!

The Pentagon? Are you kidding? The pilot had his pilots license! Sure, he could barely fly a single engine plane based on multiple witness testimonies, but that was then. And clearly a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, did you see the light pole damage on Lloyd Englands taxi? Lloyd England said "9/11 was planned by powerful people with lots of money and he was involved in it and used", yeah right, next you're going to tell me his wife who works for the FBI had something to do with this. Clearly when Lloyd cannot defend himself when confronted with evidence that goes against his claims in that interview, he is just confused!

And didn't you see all of the debris? There were some airplane parts on the lawn! Case closed!

The BBC wasn't involved, they just predicted the future! They just accurately predicted the collapse of a skyscraped due to fire damage, an event that has never happened in history, because they wanted to boost their ratings! It was a simple mistake.

What, so just because we invaded the middle east and entered several wars that continue to this day costing the taxpayers trillions, and we also had our constitutional rights taken away as a result of this attack, that makes it a false flag attack? Get outta town! Some terrorists crippled our multi-billion dollar air defense system with $5 box-cutters, crashed two planes into buildings, and knew that they would both fall down, causing another building to fall down as a result of the falling debris/fire damage!

Here is a link to 911myths that I will use to strawman everybodys posts and single out one detail and turn that into 2 pages of discussion.

What, you're not satisified with the NIST investigation? WHO CARES about the structural behavior of the twin towers during the collapse, can't you just accept what the government tells you and move on?

What, is there something suspicious about the fact that George Bush and Dick Cheney were not under oath when they testified to the 9/11 commission together? Does it strike you loony conspiracy theorists as odd that there was no official transcript or recording of this meeting, and that they had lawyers present during the interview! WOW you guys are crazy!

I don't know why, but the plethora of exclamation points seemed appropriate.

edit on 21-8-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by galdur
reply to post by waypastvne

The plane just before it hit the Pentagon at 530 mph (artist´s rendition). Nothing unusual as you can see.


If you look at theta picture you will see the hole is to small. The plane will never fit in to that hole.

That's why we need a new independent investigation.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:16 PM
Here´s another perspective of the plane just before it hit the Pentagon at 530 mph. This is according to the official report which I say again makes perfect sense. It´s just bullet-proof. They have physics, aerodynamics. the whole shabang of the situation perfectly to a T.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by waypastvne

Originally posted by filosophia
Not much imagination on the part of the OSers. Just saying.

Yeah those OSers are so much dumber than us GPers, We know how to make stuff up.


In case people are not keeping score in this thread, this is the second attempt that I've seen so far for an OSer to take the challenge.

edit: third
edit on 21-8-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by waypastvne

No, the extreme velocity and fuel load resulted in a stupendous explosion which practically liquified the plane so it in effect rushed into the building much like a river through a relatively small aperture.

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