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Several dead in series of terrorist attacks in southern Israel

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by dashen

It's hard to trust anyone caught up in that mess. Like I said, it's real easy to blame an Arab (and it very well might have been Arabs) but to understand the full and complete picture you must look at it from every angle, perspective. Did Israelis themselves send the rockets? No, they, the corrupt Gov't, could have easily paid some Arabs to do it. Money corrupts all, that's for damn sure, and why risk getting caught when you want to risk Arabs getting caught. So right now, before jumping to any conclusion, lets see how this plays out and while its playing out, try not to get stuck blaming this or thinking only that.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:40 PM
Uh oh...

Ehud Barack we will attack Gaza again...

US nationals advised by embassy to evacuate #Gaza.

Power Blackout hits eastern and northern Gaza.

Iron dome knocks out 2 Kassam rockets launched at Ashkelon.

edit on 18-8-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:40 PM
Israel needs to listen to RON PAUL
and defend itself..

Nuclear warheads on Iran and anyone
who supports terrorism.

This will rid the world of evil for the better.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:53 PM
I'll tell you what.

If, come this September, the UN recognizes a Palestinian state, and they continue to attack Israel, I will admit defeat, and admit I was wrong.

Up until then, just stop the blatant racism. I'm sick to death of hearing how I am an antisemite because I don't think Israel should be bombing brown people. Some of you support Israel for whatever reasons you do, that's fine, I'm happy for you. But I will not sit here and let you censor us while spewing vile racist hatred for all arabs. Some Palestinians hate Jews because they are jews. some Jews hate Palestinians because they are arabs. There is hate and racism active on both sides.

Why do some of us take this with a grain of salt?

A few reasons for me personally..

"Through deception....." for starters.
The history of Israeli terrorism blamed on arabs

And the simple fact that, attacking like this, can only lead to more incursions and more death, it does not help the Palestinians at all, it damages their legitimacy. This is something Israel would love. This is why Israel spent so much time and money creating Fatah.

It isn't the most least likely scenario to think maybe this was a self inflicted attack?

Plenty of people are suspicious of some of the rocket attacks, they come at the most opportune time for Israel and seem to usually land in empty parking lots.

With this attack, at least 1 of the targets was civilian, so yes, you can call this a terror attack.

but let me ask you guys, the ones all over us for not supporting Israel enough.

how many of you condemn the actions of some of the settlers when they maim and murder people? Don't those Palestinians have a right to retaliate like the Israelis do?

Gaza is a walled in ghetto with no escape. Every inch is monitored from the barrel of a gun.

I have yet to see a single Palestinian rain white phosphorus down on Israel. I have yet to see evidence of Palestinians using other banned weapons like flechettes and high density bombs. I have yet to see a single Israeli home bulldozed by Palestinians.

Whatever side you are on, you can still condemn murder for what it is, can't you? Or, as some of your posts show, do you truly believe these people aren't human?

Someone asked, if a bunch of Palestinians started shooting up NYC wouldn't you want revenge? Sure, against those who did it, and I'd also go after the root cause of the problem.

You can condemn Palestinian terror attacks all you want, and I agree with you 100%. The problem is, you casually ignore the problem.

If Israel took it's collective boot of the Palestinians collective throats, maybe the attacks would stop? What future does a child in Gaza have right now? None. their best option is a quick and painless death.

What if, instead of shooting that child, or keeping that child locked in a ghetto, we gave that child HOPE.

What if, instead of plastering bandages over the wounds, we address the CAUSE of the problem and nip it in the bud?

Each time a home is demolished, that family can be added to the list of those against Israel. Each time a child is killed, more people join the fight.

Israel has "the most moral army in the world". Prove it. Israel is the occupier, Israel has the support, military, and money. Israel HAS to be the adult in this situation. But that's the problem, they, through propaganda, have managed to convince most of the western world that each and every muslim (all arabs by extension) are future terrorists just waiting to strike. They've done such a good job that the people making this stuff up, actually believe it.

Let me tell you something, if all muslims wanted to wipe "Israel" off the map, we wouldn't be having this discussion, they outnumber us all.

ATS posted a warning about the end of veiled racism. Well lets make that go both ways. I see plenty of racist posts in this thread alone. But they are racist against Muslims, so I guess that doesn't count.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:54 PM
A twitter link took me to this article which sounds more than plausible to me.

If true it would mean that the zionista are prepared to sacrifice some of their own population to further their cause.

Of course some on ATS know that is the case already.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by drfeelme

And your not evil are you?
Where does Iran come into this? shall Israel nuke Norway also or is it only alright to nuke non white nations?
Keep it up Palestine your prayers will one day be answered!
Who would of believe the Berlin wall would come down?
Who would of thought Apartied would of ended?
All evil runs out of steam and to try and cast the palestinians or Iran as evil is wrong they are trying to correct what is wrong in their part of the world.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by bigyin

If true it would mean that the zionista are prepared to sacrifice some of their own population to further their cause.

Some of us believe some, or all of , the 911 hijackers were in fact Mossad agents on a suicide mission using stolen and forged identities (quite possible knowing that at least 7 "hijackers" are still alive today)

now personally, I could never see myself doing this. But if you honestly believe in the religious dogma, i mean HONESTLY believe it to be true, then you would be doing the work of god and rewarded for it.

Take the Fukishima workers. Those first 50 workers are dead, oh, they might still be breathing now, but they knew going it was a suicide mission.

BUT, their deaths could potentially save millions of lives, so they did it.

If a trained soldier, truly believes in biblical prophecy, and truly believes these wars must be started so Israel can rule the world, I could see them signing up in a heartbeat.

Anyways, I'm still unsure, but I'm not at all surprised that Gaza will bear the brunt of it.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:05 PM
*yawn*, Silly immature haters on ATS once again fire their "FALSE FLAGS!!" speeches without even a shred of evidence. Yet when the global media announces it was Hamas and provides a declaration by them saying they take pride in said terrorist act, it's not sufficient proof enough and it "could have easily been faked by the evil Zionists", or the infamous "Zionists control the media so anything you hear in the news is not reliable".

You guys (haters, not everyone, thankfully) are truly lame and are doomed to keyboard-hating for the rest of your sad remains of time on this planet.

By the way, organizers of these attacks have already been gunned down by an IAF bomb which took the lives of six people. You can keep on hating, IDF stands tall and will deliver flaming bunker-busting death from above to anyone that threatens our country.
edit on 18-8-2011 by IsraeliGuy because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2011 by IsraeliGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Mossad agents as a general rule are not religious or observant people. The ones I've met dont really even beleive in a god. Why would you send highly trained, highly valuable assets to be splattered for almost no good reason.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by Vitchilo

The blonde hair and blue eyes were preferred.
I already know that not all germans are blondes.

Do you also know that the German armed forces (back then) also had slavs, jews, even blacks and buddhists in it?
There's a lot of bs spread around and I hate both sides of that war.
The allies spread the seed's that today's generation are now reaping...

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by dashen

Why would you send highly trained, highly valuable assets to be splattered for almost no good reason.

Because, if it works, it's justification for invasion of Egypt to retake the Sinai (sorry of offend you Israeliguy)

The IDF says the target was a Rafah building used by terrorists, and Palestinian sources reported six dead in the strike, among them two senior operatives in the Popular Resistance Committees.
The two senior operatives are, according to Palestinian sources, Abu Oud al-Nirab, the commander of the group's military wing, and Khaled Shaath, a senior member of the terror group.

Preliminary reports say IDF aircraft bombed a house, killing the two men and four others inside. Earlier, the IDF scattered fliers in the area, sources said. It remains unclear what the fliers said.

Palestinian news agencies reported that the PRC was responsible for the attacks in the south. A spokesman for the group threatened retaliation for the strike.


An Egyptian security official denied Thursday that Egypt had any involvement in the attacks. The official told Egyptian media that the armed terrorists operated from within Israel's borders.

"Egypt was in no way involved in the incident, since it is difficult to penetrate the Egypt-Israel border. Moreover, it is impossible to open fire from the Egyptian side to Israel because of the distance," he said.


Still horny to blame it on Hamas?

edit on 18-8-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:09 PM
It's called Sinai, and declaring Israel plans on conquering it is no less fear mongering than the whole concept of 'War on Terror' you whine so much about.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by dashen

Because, if it works, it's justification for invasion of Egypt to retake the sai nai

But they are saying it was Palestinians firing from Egypt. Besides. Israel controls the Sinai anyway. And the Egyptian government and military for that matter.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by IsraeliGuy

coming from IsraeliGuy. Look, the global media can say whatever they like, we don't trust them either.

FALSE FLAG is my opinion.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by dashen

But they are saying it was Palestinians firing from Egypt. Besides. Israel controls the Sinai anyway.

I'm not saying IT IS a false flag, I was merely explaining why some of us would look at it through that filter.

According to Egypt, the attack came from Israeli controlled territory, but of course they'd say that either way.

and declaring Israel plans on conquering it is no less fear mongering than the whole concept of 'War on Terror' you whine so much about.

Ahh yes, but preaching about how the entire religion of Islam is "out the get the jews" isn't fear mongering at all, that's just facts right?

Get bent.
edit on 18-8-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by IsraeliGuy

coming from IsraeliGuy. Look, the global media can say whatever they like, we don't trust them either.

FALSE FLAG is my opinion.

Thanks for proving my point hun.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Swills

FALSE FLAG is my opinion.

up until the PRC was singled out as responsible, you had every reason to suspect that. It still begs questioning, what was the outcome supposed to be from this attack? Surely nothing good for gaza could come from it, so who benefits.

Ah yes, I see who benefits. Better pound gaza into the ground quickly.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by dashen

and declaring Israel plans on conquering it is no less fear mongering than the whole concept of 'War on Terror' you whine so much about.

Ahh yes, but preaching about how the entire religion of Islam is "out the get the jews" isn't fear mongering at all, that's just facts right?

Get bent.
edit on 18-8-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

I will not get bent, you misquoted me.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by dashen

If someone was killing my family and friends with copters and gun ships yea I would build a rocket or two also.
Isrial is a bunch of bitches, pushing around a smaller person , being bullies.
Isrial is the problem with this world, and our suport of them is a problem. so keep suporting them, while they take aid from us in the billions even trillions, for a country smaller then one of our states.
Smells kind of fishy to me.
I hope iran wipes them off the map, completely!
do I hate jews? NO do I hate isrial?YES

There is proof out there that isrial isnt really jews but a bunch of terrorist who blew things up and killed lots of people while stealing a country.

STRAIT PROOF! look it up "how isrial was formed by terrorist acts" look it up, or look up how jews treat christians in isrial"
bunch of animals ,and if I could offend them or chalenge them directly I would, It is eay to beat COWARDS!

This place is the scum of the world ,and the second you wake up from that you will be free. A holy land!come on!, I cant belive there are peole out there who still believe that. I guess when you hold ignorance as a belief, it is hard to counter that.

Of course you are going to present only facts that prove your point, but prove your point with facts. Its called cognative thinking, use it!

Like I said, the world would be a much better place without isrial.

Oh and I know I spell isriel wrong, its to disrespect them, like they do to the rest of the world.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by Swills

FALSE FLAG is my opinion.

Surely nothing good for gaza could come from it, so who benefits.

Saudi telethon funds go direct to Pa;estinian victims

“We support the families of Palestinian martyrs, without differentiating between whether the Palestinian was a bomber or was killed by Israeli troops,” he added

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