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Several dead in series of terrorist attacks in southern Israel

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by casinoed
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

Israeli military reactions are tantamount to a kid bloodying a bullys nose.

Interesting analogy and perhaps it depends on one's perspective. But some would argue that, to borrow your analogy, the 'bully' is a starving wee bugger forced to live as a refugee while your 'brave kid' lives in a big expensive house, takes steroids, has the biggest bully in school as his best mate....oh and a nuclear arsenal.

Yes, it does seem to be a matter of perspective. You could also say that the Israelis have been this land decades ago and are trying to make the best of a crappy situation. You could also say that Israel does not act but rather they react to attacks on their citizens, as would any country who are constantly being attacked. I'm sure that the reason for the overwhelming use of force that happens now is because they have lost patience and are pretty damn well fed up.

I don't agree with everything that they do, such as the most recent settlement, but I don't blame them for the extreme force they use when reacting to an attack. If Hamas has an issue, why don't they take it to their buddys in the UN. They seem to have their back in nearly everything they want to do now.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

Not that I agree with Peruvianmonk very often. But if you are directly targeting specfic military assets with gurellia style attacks, that's not terrorism. Sounds like some aspects of this attack were randomly targeting people ( ie the 6 people killed when the rocket hit their car, who were civillians according to the Israelis), that's still terrorism in my book. I don't have a problem with attacks that go after military/government targets, even if they are done in "terrorist style" guerilla tactics.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by casinoed

Again fair enough...
I support Israel because they are G-d's chosen people.
Salvation is to the jew first,then the gentile.

That's the biggest load of crap I have heard on ATS in a while. Normally I ignore ignorant posts such as yours but I took the bait. The worm looked too good.

Using your logic, this attack would have never happened since G-D protects his chosen people

On a serious note though, religion aside, people of all race and religion will be suffering in that region. Even the chosen people you speak of. Do you honestly think all us "Gentiles" are less valuable as human beings?

It's my turn to say "That's retarded!".

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood
You are broadening the argument and subject beyond the point I was making that
collective punishment and the situation inside gaza is inhumane and morally unjustifiable.
I stand by what I said and think its a reasonable position to take on the subject. Also you
should refrain from personal attacks and insults just because someone has a different
point of view than you, this site is designed for debate after all....

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Sorry. While I respect your individual right to worship whoever or whatever, that has to be the biggest load of guff I have ever heard.

Your answer proves why religion is such a source of trouble in the world.

Go to church, pray, sing hymns, help the poor and needy, try to live as good a life as possible and do no harm to others. That's all absolutely fine. But don't tell me that God has a chosen people who can do absolutely anything they want, start wars, kill, inflict suffering, all in his name because that is just wrong, wrong, WRONG!

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Atzil321
reply to post by JohhnyBGood
You are broadening the argument and subject beyond the point I was making that
collective punishment and the situation inside gaza is inhumane and morally unjustifiable.
I stand by what I said and think its a reasonable position to take on the subject. Also you
should refrain from personal attacks and insults just because someone has a different
point of view than you, this site is designed for debate after all....

This article spells out what I think of your ' different perspective'

Today we are surrounded by moral cowards; people who have chosen to evade choices between good and evil. Every day when they hear the news they shrivel up again like snails drawing into their shells, because moral cowardice is not a one-time thing. It a lifetime practice of shifty evasions.

Courage is a muscle that can be trained, and so is cowardice. Israel isn't the only question liberals keep dodging. Shifty evasion is how they run their lives. Ask an honest question and you'll get a shifty answer. Just watch their eyes.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by casinoed


Thats exactly what I thought when I read the title.
Its a distraction, and not only that, but also a fear tactic.

Hoards of people were expressing their discontent with their government, leave it to a terrorist attack to make them forget all about it and thank the government for their safety.

Something isn't right about this, and the fact that the rockets came from the egyptian side of things is even more alluring.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Ahhh,but G-d punishes His people.
That is why Israel is surrounded by her enemies.
Israel is being punished for her past transgressions.
When the Messiah returns,He will save Israel from
being completely destroyed.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

lol who told you alernative logic was acceptable here on ATS.

Haha- here at ATS you're not allowed to care or see past the issue at hand only to see the root cause of everything.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Using your logic, this attack would have never happened since G-D protects his chosen people

LMAO, flawless victory!
On another note, if they were really the chosen ones- how could they have ever lost the land in the first place, and lose it for centuries?

In fact, the only god Israel should be worshipping is Lady Liberty and all her gold and riches- because if it weren't for her- something tells me they wouldn't have lasted too long.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by casinoed

I did not say that Israel can do whatever she wants and get
away with it.The U.S.A. is a prime example of a country going
out of control.The blessings that we had are slowly slipping away.
One of the reasons for this is our governments' attitude towards
WE are the ENDTIMES generation and Israel is the key.I walk
by faith not by sight.You and others walk by sight not by faith.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

I'm not religious, but current day Israel reminds me of Sodom and Gomorrah. They were areas riddled with sin so God punished them with fire and brimstone. If something similar happens will you happily accept it because it was "God's will"?

Real people are being killed for nefarious reasons and you try to justify it because of the words of an ancient book that has been rewritten so many times that it is now complete fiction. I thought most people stopped having imaginary friends around the age of 4.

It sickens me to see the whole world on the verge of destruction and we have crackpots from all sides using their religions to justify it.

This is all part of their plan. If you move when they pull the strings, it means you're a puppet. End of story.
edit on 18-8-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: Stupid auto spell check!

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

God didn't just "Put" those enemies there...
Last time I checked, you MAKE friends just as you would an ally.
If what you say is true...
And God truly cares about one people first, so much he will protect their land when the moment comes. Why didn't he step in before, during WW2.
Oh right punishment.
So if anything bad happens to an Israeli, is it punishment, thats why they have so many enemies?
Thats why there are terrorist attacks on them?
Thats why they expect war with neighbouring regions?
Is that what they really tell their children?
I don't know if heaven is soo alluring now.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by tribaltrip

Israel lost the land because she embraced idolatry!
Her people were scattered and became captives to her
conquerors.This "punishment" lasted until 1948.

I don't have anymore time to play right now!
I'll be back...
edit on 18-8-2011 by mamabeth because: added

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by EvanB

I hope Israel turns these oxygen stealers into squidgy blobs of poo.

And you sir get the Nobel Peace Prize ( Blatant sarcasm btw )

It is very painful to watch someone say something so hateful.

They have the same rite to the same oxygen as you do. Considering the suffering they have been through and your cowardly display of ignorance, I would say they deserve the oxygen twice as much as you do.

"Let's blow the # up out of all those terrorists breathing all my oxygen"

It's easy for a lot of us to talk smack because were not the ones on the front lines being melted by white phosphorus and cluster bombs among other things.

Things are going to get real ugly, and all some of you can do is ask for more death.

Unfreaking believable!

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Cool story bro.

I don't know how I feel about them being captives, but okay.

My question if the land was taken from them for a sin, and now once again they sin, are they not bound by gods will to suffer again.

"You didn't learn the lesson the first time, so I'm going to have to teach you again."
kinda thing?

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:26 AM

IDF: Situation is not final; Civilians should avoid the area; roads 10 and 12 are under military closure, reports of 40 wounded, not 30 as previously stated. Israel's Counter Terror Agency (part of the PM's office) warns Israelis not to visit Sinai.

40 wounded...

Hamas braces for IDF retaliation Terror group vacates HQ after Barak announces Gaza to be 'severely hit' in response to terror attacks

Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu will conduct a press conference and issue a statement on today's terror attack at 7:15 PM this evening

Gaza sources: If IAF attacks Gaza,we will respond back firing missiles toward Israel

Israeli media reporting #israel knew a week ago up to 20 gunmen on their way to Sinai for attack.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:30 AM
False flag is such an irresponsible term to use.

It pretty much ignores whats going on in the Sinai - with terrorist activity - in Gaza - with Hamas, Al Aqsa Brigades etc etc.

WE know a definite enemy exists which wants to destroy the Jewish state. And YET, that irritating term "false flag" comes out, in order to redirect the blame towards the victims of the attacks.

Think about what that means. It not only reveals where you sympathies lie - toward the Palestinians - but also that you cant even approach this situation logically.

Logically speaking, this attack was executed by Arab terrorists who hate Israel. We ALL KNOW there is no need to create an enemy here. Islam and the "zionist occupation" suffice as reasons. .

Thus, what is Israel to do? To do nothing would be morally indolent, and indeed it would encourage more such attacks; it would give terrorists free licence to do as they want - and succeed - in their violent methods against the Jewish state.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

And so the # storm begins. There won't be much left of Palestine come September. They might as well kiss declaring statehood good bye.

I sure hope this just settles down before it gets too ugly. A lot of innocent people are about to get killed.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood
The copy/pasted comment you put in there actually applies more to what I was
saying, its moral cowardice for the for the world to continue sitting on its ass and allowing
Israel a free hand to continue its repression of the palestinian people and treating Gaza
like the worlds largest open prison and practice range. I realy feel you fail to see the point im
making, or maybe your just the type of guy who has to have the final say? Well im done
explaining myself on this subject so you can have the final comment if it makes you happy.

yours faithfully from a retarded snail in his shell.

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