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The Top 500 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than The Bottom 150 Million Do

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posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by blocula
in 1938 my grand parents bought a house in south,weymouth. mass. built on an acre of land on a quiet street. it came fully furnished! with 8 rooms,full size basement,full size attic,screened in porch and a garage...they paid $13,000 for it and at the time they were offered the acre of land next door,which they turned down,for another $50 dollars!...knowing all this, its painfully obvious and sinister whats being done to the middle class of the usa...and its evil.
it takes money to make money....when your down thats where you'll stay
edit on 19-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by blocula

Get a job and work hard. You would be suprised how well you could do. But I doubt if you know what hard work is.

Just another class warfare thread. ***Yawn***

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:30 AM
I will guarantee you that the "let's-eat-the-rich" crowd is overwhelmingly composed of folks who've never even tried to become rich. I disagree with the posters who say it's impossible to get rich in America. If that's the case, then why are there 18 million millionaires in the U.S.? It may be hard. It may be very hard. It's not impossible by any means. This has been proven countless times. I know a multi-millionaire who worked 80-90 hours\week, 7 days a week for 30 years. Unless you inherit your wealth, you better get ready to do some work! Wanna be a world-class athlete, or play guitar like Jimi Hendrix? Get off your ass, quit whining, and start putting in the time.

To quote Lou Reed: "Life's good, but life isn't fair."

I'd also bet the farm that the ones screaming the most about the evil rich are the same ones who keep voting for the endless cycle of corporate shills who sit in the white house.

Wayyyy back in 2008, there were some people running through the hallowed hauls of ATS screaming to anyone who would listen that Obama was not Robin Hood. They had really done their due diligence and displayed evidence that he was another lying con man and friend to big business. They pointed out some very specific examples of his lying. They were met with: "Oh, heavens no! You're a racist! Obama's going to bring change and make America a utopia!"
Stop electing these morons simply because they talk like used car salesman.

BTW: I have a real problem with anyone who thinks that for whatever reason, they have the moral (let alone legal) authority to take money, land, or property from anyone who legally OWNS it and dole it out to someone they think should have it.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Timing
reply to post by CaDreamer

What is happening isn't capitalism.

What is happening is, for lack of a better word, corruptionism.

In capitalism it would all be equal playing field and the big money corporations would have to compete by the same rules as the smaller guys. The problems is the big money corporations pay politicians to rig the game in their favor. That's called corruption.

Essentially this is what is happening.

All these class warfare threads are just cointelpro....not everyone falls for this baloney.
edit on 19-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by kellynap43
reply to post by blocula

Get a job and work hard. You would be suprised how well you could do. But I doubt if you know what hard work is.

Just another class warfare thread. ***Yawn***
for probably around 90% of the 150 million,working is only just enough to keep their heads above water and they are a couple of pay checks away from being kicked to the curb by the banks and falling into the misery and despair of homelessness. sorry we all cant strut around all high and mighty living a free ride off of mommy and daddys inheritance,i mean blood money,they die and you go to vegas,what a warped society...

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by blocula
in 1938 my grand parents bought a house in south,weymouth. mass. built on an acre of land on a quiet street. it came fully furnished! with 8 rooms,full size basement,full size attic,screened in porch and a garage...they paid $13,000 for it and at the time they were offered the acre of land next door,which they turned down,for another $50 dollars!...knowing all this, its painfully obvious and sinister whats being done to the middle class of the usa...and its evil.
edit on 19-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Right and at the time people made.13 ( 13cents!)/hour or less;

$50.00 was "big" money...Its all "relative".
When I was child in the 60's/70's new 125cc mx motorcycles where $4-700, to an 11year old that could've been a million$ ( I didn't have it) all local "newspaper routes"( kids jobs) were taken; I gritted and gnashed my teeth in frustration, when I grew up and entered the military I received a decent (not "huge") paycheck: they cost $3-$4,000 too much at the time; for a limited use toy.Today: 250cc race machines are $6-$8,000 still alot.Not bringing in alot of money they might as well still be a milllon$ a copy. Istill don't have it to blow on a limited use "toy". I keep myself happy with my fuel efficient, practical street bikes.

Today a factory new race bike for $700 would be a ridiculous find! As would your farm for $13,000: I can assure you it looked like $560,000 to them at the time!

Sinister? Why Its "inflation" directly created by the amount of money in circulation vs the real material wealth it represents.When we were tied to the gold standard it was easy to visualize i.e:

"We have a finite pile of precious metal; we print 100 "bills". Then each bill = 1/100th the pile; if we just print 1,000 bills each is now worth 1/1000th of the pile.No matter what the number printed on it says. Of course we know our currency is based on "debt" or a promise to pay the federal reserve. cut loose from its solid moorings it is free to float at the whims of speculators and traders.
I agree we should End the fed! Produce a constitutional currency ourselves.

edit on 19-8-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by kellynap43
reply to post by blocula

Get a job and work hard. You would be suprised how well you could do. But I doubt if you know what hard work is.

Just another class warfare thread. ***Yawn***

People confuse "The Land of Equal Oppourtunity" with "The Land of Equal Outcome".

Lowering the bar, the standards just makes life easier. And for people who are successful, well, damn them. Damn them all. Because they made (blank) look lazy.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by defcon5

That reply sir was brilliant.

The wealthy are controlling a greater and greater share of Americas wealth at the expense of the American middle class. The wealthy simply don't pay their fair share of the taxes and trickle down economics is exactly right, a trickle that is leaving the middle class dessicated.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by blocula

This same old fight, the haves and the have not's have been fighting for as long as humanity was around and will be fighting the class warfare forever.

But anyways watch the minions of the elite come into this thread, thats always a fun thing to witness. However I probably wont bother reading past the third page, since I seen it all before.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by 46ACE

Originally posted by blocula
in 1938 my grand parents bought a house in south,weymouth. mass. built on an acre of land on a quiet street. it came fully furnished! with 8 rooms,full size basement,full size attic,screened in porch and a garage...they paid $13,000 for it and at the time they were offered the acre of land next door,which they turned down,for another $50 dollars!...knowing all this, its painfully obvious and sinister whats being done to the middle class of the usa...and its evil.
edit on 19-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Right and at the time people made.13 ( 13cents!)/hour or less;

$50.00 was "big" money...Its all "relative".
When I was child in the 60's/70's new 125cc mx motorcycles where $4-700, to an 11year old that could've been a million$ ( I didn't have it) all local "newspaper routes"( kids jobs) were taken; I gritted and gnashed my teeth in frustration, when I grew up and entered the military I received a decent (not "huge") paycheck: they cost $3-$4,000 too much at the time; for a limited use toy.Today: 250cc race machines are $6-$8,000 still alot.Not bringing in alot of money they might as well still be a milllon$ a copy. Istill don't have it to blow on a limited use "toy". I keep myself happy with my fuel efficient, practical street bikes.

Today a factory new race bike for $700 would be a ridiculous find! As would your farm for $13,000: I can assure you it looked like $560,000 to them at the time!

Sinister? Why Its "inflation" directly created by the amount of money in circulation vs the real material wealth it represents.When we were tied to the gold standard it was easy to visualize:I.E.

"We have a finite pile of precious metal; we print 100 "bills". Then each bill = 1/100th the pile; if we just print 1,000 bills each is now worth 1/1000th of the pile.No matter what the number printed on it says. Of course we know our currency is based on "debt" or a promise to pay the federal reserve. cut loose from its solid moorings it is free to float at the whims of speculators and traders.
I agree we should End the fed! Produce a constitutional currency ourselves.

edit on 19-8-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)
paper money is actually worthless and thats probably why there is presently a frenzied scramble to grab up all the gold,sell your gold! sell your gold! everywhere i turn,because the bottom of our socio economic structure is about to drop out...and all over the place i hear young men and women ,who just completed 2 or 4 years of college! and some paid a lot of $$$ to do so! because mommy and daddy went half broke because they wanted their yuppie kid to be special , now working at a cash register and complaining about how they dont know how they will be able to pay off their student loans! which more or less proves that college is just another scam to suck $$$ out of us,in europe you can go to a college with nothing more than a high school diploma! ,the u$a is warped and posessed by greed
edit on 19-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
At one time, Bill Gates and a few of the other 500 were part of the 150 million. You too can be part of the top 500, just invent something that the world desperately needs and patent it.
Instead of hating them how about you learn how to become one of them?

Lol bro Bill Gates did not invent anything, he mostly just stole ideas of others and had the money and timing to turn it into big business. In-fact most inventors die poor. # look at one of the greatest inventors ever, Tesla. He sure was not swiming in the $$$ like the people who profited off him were.

But anyways Tesla did not do all that for the money anyways that is for the bots to take care of, and like he said.

“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.” Nikola Tesla.

Unforgettably they are thinking small and people like Tesla were not only thinking a hundreds years into the future, but hundreds of thousands of years into the future, really there small minds cant even comprehend it, even if Tesla bothered to explain it to them.

Anyways the real money is not in inventing things its in patenting and controlling who gets to put it up for market, and the process of that endeavor, and funneling of profit off of it. That's why rich people are always on the look out for the new and best thing, once you control the money system you really don't need to do anything but just be and invest in the right things. Because money will make money. And when really rich its not even your money your using.

So really its not about inventing things, it's about others inventing it and you taking control of it to profit off there inventions. Pretty much every rich person and giant corporation knows this, control the money and system of getting it out there and you will always be on top no matter who invents anything or whatnot.

But I suppose that has its interesting points as well as we can plainly see by this primitive society that is all around us. But I have to admit it is funny as hell in a sad way, kind of like watching a restarted kid run into a wall over and over again, when all he has to do is just go around it.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:35 AM
Life sucks man.(woman?) (loosely speaking, about work that is)

Just get to work and do the best you can do....Hell I do not wish to be filthy rich, I would just like to be able not to work one day.....But unfortunately unless your dad, uncle, mom, brother, or someone you know is filthy rich and hooks you up, then you have to work to make a living............Find something you love to do and roll with it.

I think that my main concern (if that is what you want to call it) is record profits by corporations

Seriously how much money do you have to make to be happy?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Helmkat
reply to post by defcon5

That reply sir was brilliant.

The wealthy are controlling a greater and greater share of Americas wealth at the expense of the American middle class. The wealthy simply don't pay their fair share of the taxes and trickle down economics is exactly right, a trickle that is leaving the middle class dessicated.

So tell me "good sir" why is the so called "middle class" so dependent on" trickling down"
of tax dollars? Perhaps our idea of a "middle" class is basically poor people living like upper( "wealthier") class people until their second or third cards are maxed out??

edit on 19-8-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Well said. Well said.

Where does it say in the constitution where you are promised someone elses money? No where.

Im sick of this class warfare crap. If you dont like you current situation, go back to school , find a trade, work hard, dont call in sick, volunteer for everyjob, perform well, and the rest takes care of its self.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by blocula

So where does it say in the constitution that those 150 million people need to be compensated by someone elses money when times are hard or during anytime? I believe it says the "pursuit of hapiness", it never says that your entitled to happiness, neither does it say your entightled to someone elses money.
Get over yourself. I have no time for lazy

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:49 AM
It's frightening just how easily people are sucked into this idiotic pyramid scam on the promise that one day it will be their turn. Utter garbage.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by kellynap43
reply to post by beezzer

Well said. Well said.

Where does it say in the constitution where you are promised someone elses money? No where.

Im sick of this class warfare crap. If you dont like you current situation, go back to school , find a trade, work hard, dont call in sick, volunteer for everyjob, perform well, and the rest takes care of its self.

So how many people do what you suggest and still aren't rich?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by MrXYZ
If you look at how tax rates developed ever since Reagan, you realize that there's been a HUGE redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the top 1%. This is an undeniable FACT!

And whereas the poor and middle class spend all their money on tangible stuff inside the US, rich people invest it where the returns are greatest...ASIA! So all those tax breaks don't actually help the US economy, contrary to what the politicians want you to believe.

Then lets STEAL IT!!!
(you grab the torches, I'll grab the pitchforks)

Lets TAKE their money. Lets steal it. Hey, I got a great idea! -ding!-
Lets elect a president that will steal it for us! BONUS!!!
That way we don't get busted for STEALING!!! Because it'll be "legal"!

Well that is the way those in the know have been doing it for eons, though good luck trying to change the rules in your favor using there system.
The whole thing is set up so if your not in there group you wont even make it to the front door.

Hey maybe the poor people can get a bail out from the rich people. Do you think that will work.

Really dude shouldn't you be trolling some political site were all the people party all day and drink tea, eh ol chap. I am sure there is some sort of tea party you should be going to, you can get all emotional there I am sure they will be impressed by it.

Because I don't think anybody in this thread is, exempt the dude who gave you the star that is.

And by the way presidents have so little actual power over things, it is not even worth mentioning. But they are not all powerless they are just mostly stupid, and thats the way tptb like it. You dig.

edit on 19-8-2011 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Who says being rich is a gurantee in life? Its like im talking to children.

This isnt a fantasy world where you get what you want all the time. Did your mother read you one too many fairy tales as a child?

Sorry to say, your not entitled to a flashy car and big house. Or a nice vacation.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Originally posted by blocula
this is what the government expects and demands of the 150,000,000 people and 99% of their children when they grow up >>> "run the rat race till you die and your gonna pay for your coffin and grave as well and if you rock the boat and dont bow down to our iron will you will be left with three choices >>> homelessness,prison or death"........"you have to like yourself to be normal and being normal is expensive"

You have it nailed down: homelessness,prison, or death.

Dont expect much from people though.
A large percentage, maybe even 66% or more, worship those with
money and power and will beg the rich to be allowed to
serve them on their knees.
That is human nature and no amount of education
can change that.
They will starve to death and still worship the rich with
their last breath.

PS: It may be that it is only the top 400 who hold as much wealth
as the bottom 150 million.
the majority of sheeple are posessed by materialism...and in the end,all we take with us is our souls

Nah in the end you probably wont even take that with you.

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