posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 06:54 PM
From July through November 2000 I and many people I knew believed my house was haunted. I was 14 at the time. I have never personally seen an
apparition, but I would have stuff of mine misplaced all the time and I would always hear odd things like some one pacing back and forth in
front of my door and several times I thought I felt something touch me as if it had grazed me as it was walking by. These things could all be, of
course, entirely psychological and I reserve judgement as to whether that was the case or not to this day. It started for me personally on my birthday
in July of that year and it ended for me in November. The same is true of others who had experiences in my house. Most of those people were honest,
reliable people, and there was a total of about 12 or 13 of them if I remember correctly. My little brother, who was about 7 at the time, also had
experiences, independant of mine or any one else's experiences. Here is a list of what others and my brother experienced:
- 2 brothers and friends of mine claimed to see 2 white glowing orbs pass through the wall into the rec-room, float around for a minute, and then
leave through another wall at 2 AM when they were sleeping over and when every one else was asleep.
- My friend's wallet disappeared from the desk he left it on. The next day it re-appeared in the same spot. No one had been in the room since except
my family.
- A friend of mine claimed to see a dark figure standing outside of my rec-room window. This window is hidden behind very thick bushes and it would be
difficult for any one else to get back there. My brother, a few weeks later, claimed to see the same thing despite, to my knowledge, not knowing my
friend had claimed to see the same thing earlier.
- A friend of mine claimed to see a person crouched in the fetal position in the corner of my room out of the corner of his eye. Once he glanced back
again, it was gone.
- A friend of mine was leaning against a closet door, and felt something punch the door from the inside of the closet. Me and several others viewed
the door physically move as such and heard the sound.
- A friend of mine claimed to see a hand originating from inside my room grasping the door frame which quickly receded back out of sight into my room
once it was seen.
- When a friend of mine was spending the night, he fell asleep before me. Out of nowhere he sat bold upright and began speaking gibberish. It took me
a good deal of time to shake him awake, at which point he told me he remembered dreaming about a girl he liked wearing red and gold socks. (okay, this
one may be kind of irrelavent but it scared the hell out of both of us at the time)
There are probably a few more things I can't remember at the moment. I told my mother about it and she told me she never experienced anything at the
time. Though many people were involved, it is reasonable to think it was just as likely all psychological as actually paranormal - we were all pretty
young and sensationalistic and except for the incident in which my friend claimed to see the man outside the rec-room window (which was the first
actual sighting) people already knew that my house was supposed to be "haunted."
[edit on 16-9-2004 by spngsambigpants]