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Blood On My Shirt - Where Are the Real Men At?

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:13 AM
Real men disappeared when the barber's that pulled teeth and knew how to trim beards disappeared. My quote.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Hey Man,

This is one of those topics that most people have either seen or been a part of.
Although, what annoys me is people saying 'well I would've done this' 'I would have done that and roundhouse kicked him in the face'. No, no you wouldnt you arm chair Chuck Norris!!

Unless you find yourself in those types of situation no one really knows what they would do.

I get on well with practically everyone, when I was a bit younger and going out dancing or whatever, the one thing my mother would say to me is 'dont break up any fights'. I found out what she meant when I got a knife in the face AND I played football with the two guys fighting!

My wife and I were driving home from a gig and saw and old man (late 70's) fall over and smack his head-cutting himself. I pulled the car over, put on the hazzard lights and we both helped him up and steadied him home. On the way a squad car with two police pulled over and asked us were we alright-the old man told the police we were trying to rob him! WTF!!!

Even after stuff like this 9 times out of 10 I stil think I would try and help someone.
I applaud you for stepping in and if you are going to help someone PROTECT YOURSELF and dont forget 'no good deed goes unpunished'

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Gunna make a drive by post here, just to say to the OP:

Great job. Way to be a true human being.

I know violence sucks, but when it comes to defending another human being from undeserved harm - martial arts comes in handy.

Society will only become a better place with more people like you in the world. Just remember that.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by soundofathousandbirds

My wife and I were driving home from a gig and saw and old man (late 70's) fall over and smack his head-cutting himself. I pulled the car over, put on the hazzard lights and we both helped him up and steadied him home. On the way a squad car with two police pulled over and asked us were we alright-the old man told the police we were trying to rob him! WTF!!!

What are you WTFing about?

He had a head injury. And you didn't drive him to the hospital or call him an ambulance.

What a goddamn hero you are.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:36 AM
Well it could have got a lot worse by a man intervening, Imagine this scenario.

Man is beating daughter, another man ( obviously a physical match for the beater) intervenes, the beater senses a real threat to his dominance and draws a pistol, shoots the man about to intervene. Then realising he will go to jail for a long time if identified he then shoots the two women that intervened aswell as anyone else watching and escapes not to be captured.

Were the police called ? Was the girl his daughter or his girlfriend ? Were the other women allowed to remove the girl from the scene ? Who were they. Maybe they were known to the girl and man and are part of the problem.

It just doesn't pay to throw you're self in that situation without thought. It could very well make the situation worse.

What if the guy was not knocked unconcious by the iced tea and wet completely ballistic because of it ?

Where have all the real women gone. What is a real woman ? What is a real man ?

If you had a gun would you have shot him dead to stop him hitting her ?


posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:37 AM
Just plain weird how

I walked closer, and as the man threw his daughter to the ground he turned his focus solely on these women. He struck one of them so hard she hit the ground like she died. As he cocked his arm back to hit the other woman, I grabbed it and spun around his back to face him. Without hesitation he swung at me. I side stepped his blow and cracked my glass bottle of iced tea, that I just bought, over the front of his face. He fell to the ground unconscious.

Turned into

I walked up, he swung, I moved, my hand came up and met his face, and end of story.

And for a person of peace and clarity you state

And I have no problem admitting defeat, I have enough scars and broken bones to speak for themselves. I was lucky, that's it.

Indicating that you are a wery violent person

And this also interests me

I noticed a group of four or five men just standing there watching it unfold as if it was entertaining to them. Or maybe they were too scared to do anything.

You remember everything else in so much detail yet you can´t remember if it was 4-5 guys and you state that they was watching this as entertainment or as they was scared. Im just wondering for how long you were watching them as you clearly had made a opinion about them.

The first 2 columns talk about what happened then you start talking about your feelings towards violence and then other stuff i just can´t make sense off like this column

Right now the natural chaos of a jungle seems so more appealing than this contrived jungle of insanity that we have created for ourselves. There is no natural order here. Everything is contrived out of a desire for immediate gratification for the few. We think laws, policies, and enforcement through the police and military, will bring us order and peace? Is this what we are placing our faith in the future on? Please, save me the laughter. While parents play act like "good law abiding citizens", the government educates their kids and corporations entertain them. Both have no interest other than to fatten their own pockets and empower themselves.

Where does all this come in to place, from what i read is that you were standing on a corner with no cop in the near vicinity dude beating up this chick that you tell us was his daughter with no means of knowing how you know that you stepped in knocked him out. End of story. Good job.

I could keep this up for so many more lines of tearing down your post but i have other things to do,
You did a great job fishing for sympathy and pushing people to talk about human decency and how outraged they are towards those men that stood by, the goverment that isn´t doing anything to help human decency and we even got someone quoting the bible in here.

Purely brilliant story one of the better Star and Flag fishing posts that i have read.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:37 AM
tip of the hat to the op and i hear ya , the paradox of violence , ..

"kids" these day are sheple? , there aint enough fingers on me hand for the times ive had to step in to put someone in line , its not some thing i like to do but something that has to be done at certain moments ,

but i have to point out that the warm feeling you get inside you when a bloke bigger then you is on the ground crying when just a second ago was being a loud mouth and picking on random people is a sight, .

sometimes a mental spanking is better then a physical ,

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:40 AM
Hey man, you did the right thing, if you lived nearby I would have liked to buy you another bottle of tea. As long as you don't bash me in the face with it. but really, in my eyes you are a hero. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 05:19 AM
I have warned for years about how women would be abandoned by the "real men", because they ASKED FOR IT! Statements like "I don't need no man", "we don't need men, we have test tubes now", "don't hold that door open for me, don't you think I can do it myself?"...All of the Xena Princesws warrior type shows and movies illustrate all too well how well women can handle violent men ...don't they? There was a day where men were men and would do anything to help out a woman, but these days......(and I hear it constantly, heck I just heard it yesterday)...any assistance that a woman wants from a man, all I hear is "Welcome to the 21st century, haven't you ever heard of women'a liberation?". So you women can thank the feminists for this. When the recession turns into a depression, I can already see the future. Women everywhere are going to be assaulted by all of the "bad men", and then once called "real men" who have been emasculated and trained by feminists to become soft and feminine-like (metro-sexuals), men that have been taken through the wringer in court and had their children stolen from them by women and then used against them in an attempt to control the men, women who (because the government has subsidized their cause and abandoned the needs of men in the process) have every organization under the sun championing women's rights and protection, programs which usually take from men (jobs) simply because of a quota to fill.....these same women and all other women who aren't even a part of this feminist, illusionary power-trip.....will all have to fend for themselves and actually "man-up" and fight these "bad men" just like we have always been shown they can in the movies. This is not a prediction, it is rather a fact....this will get MUCH worse, and women everywhere have asked men to step back and they have said they need us no more. This is what you've asked for. We men get punched (on average) 50-100 times in the face, in our lives and some fights get pretty bloody and wanted to be a man.......welcome to what it's like to be a man.....a violent existence where you always have to fight the Alpha-male and when you say something, you had better be able to back it up with brute force. At the end of the day, real RAW power ...not an illusion of power, like feminism has portrayed,......this type of power always shows it's true colors and sooner or later and it's time to prove everything you have preached to the world. Welcome to the 21'st century.......where women have a more superior quality of life than men, deny it, and then complain about having to handle everyday life being equals with men. You wanna be equal with men?? You had better be able to fight...and fight well.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

Are we on the same planet? I'm not sure if I subscribe to your.... interesting, albeit fantastical and unreal perspective. Maybe on bizarro earth, it's as you say. But here? Nope.

Power through force is base. Words, gestures, knowledge, and leading by example.... That's powerful.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by HolographicPrincipal

He makes more sense than you do.

You seem to be confused here.

What he is describing is the ways things are - he is letting you know why women should not expect men to come rushing to their aid.

When he speaks about power, he clearly mentioned that he was speaking about RAW physical power - not what feminist agitprop regards as power.

There is a difference between actual power and the power of - for example - a speech, or an idea.

Deal with it lady.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Originally posted by soundofathousandbirds

My wife and I were driving home from a gig and saw and old man (late 70's) fall over and smack his head-cutting himself. I pulled the car over, put on the hazzard lights and we both helped him up and steadied him home. On the way a squad car with two police pulled over and asked us were we alright-the old man told the police we were trying to rob him! WTF!!!

What are you WTFing about?

He had a head injury. And you didn't drive him to the hospital or call him an ambulance.

What a goddamn hero you are.

Did you miss the part where the old man accused them of trying to rob him? The ungrateful old man deserved to be left where he was at. Also with the police there they can call an ambulance for him.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:18 AM
This story story sounds a bit far fetched, in many ways.

I would have believed the story, but it went on to bash men in not just one sentence, but the title and multiple paragraphs, all the while telling how the OP was a hero and saved the day.

Real men? Real Women? Divide and conquer? It's not about men or women it is about society and how the majority of our society does function, most people are intrinsically good and do good. Most people are constructive instead of destructive, yet sometimes people snap.

Sorry but there are way too many holes in this story, but if it did happen like you say, Brava!
edit on 18-8-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

I've no use for the kind of POS you knocked out.

I had a situation at a store one time. Tatted up dirtbag "lake rat" was getting a little "animated" with who I guessed was his girlfriend who was an employee.

Being as it hadnt escalted to striking, I had a second to get someone from the store to go get a manager or whoever. I stayed put, and walked up about 4 feet away from the couple. He started to "feel" me and issued some sort of "tough talk". I took another step and smiled. I told him "come on" and grinned my ass off (I dont cotton to woman beaters).

He said something to her and started to walk off about the time the managers showed.

I saw him about the store a couple of other times. He would do a snarl and walk away like a cowardly dog.

I only prayed he threw a punch. I was really in the mood


You did nothing wrong bro. How could you do anything else? We are men. Our job is to take care of the herd.

Sometimes, you do need to kick a little ass once in a while.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by petrus4

You've got it in one.
Humans are complex creatures, some of them seem to like getting beaten by their spouse, maybe it turns them on, maybe they like the attention, even if it means injury. Sad but true..
Likewise, i see husbands being treated like animals by their wives, if they like it that way, who am i to step in between. I think many men understand this, maybe that's why they won't intervene..
However, violence of any kind, especially on the street, should not be tolerated.
Kids see this every day & they think it's normal.
So what kinds of parents are THEY going to be??
I am no stranger to violence,i came from a violent place. I practise Kung-Fu & other martial arts, not only for my own sake, but for those around me, i have had to step in occasionally to stop a freind or relative getting whacked.
But if you try to step in between such a scene as the OP, then you would probably be attacked by both parties, so it's not a good idea. The legal thing to do is to film the incident, get the persons name & go to the cops with it.
The right thing to do, would be to give them both a good hard kick in the butt & say 'get a life'
But thats just me, maybe i'm the last Real Man left

I have a great relationship with all those around me,my wife, freinds, neighbours, even stray dogs & cats.
But it's something you have to work on, it doesn't all happen by itself (unless you're Jesus or Elvis).and no,
i have NEVER raised my hand against a woman, child or animal, even though i have been bitten by all three

edit on 18-8-2011 by playswithmachines because: Typo

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

I am perfectly clear on his definition of power. Who said anything about women expecting men to come rushing to their aid? What does that have to do with being a man of great character? Or a woman of great character for that matter? I think gender is secondary to this issue.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
This is why I have deliberately avoided even attempting to learn any form of martial art. There are far too many people within contemporary society, who I would not be able to resist the temptation to use it on.

As for why it keeps happening; it happens because between 4-7% of the human population are psychopaths. They are literally demons in human form. They look like us, and sound like us, but they are not us. They don't feel pity, remorse, or empathy; sometimes they don't even feel fear.

Our reaction to them should be to identify them, expose them, and then euthanise them like the sick animals they are. Instead, however, we allow them to become our rulers, and the literal architects of our society.

The result of this, is the world you see before you.
edit on 17-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

soooo, you would let the ladies have the hell beat out of them and not engage?

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
This is why I have deliberately avoided even attempting to learn any form of martial art. There are far too many people within contemporary society, who I would not be able to resist the temptation to use it on.

As for why it keeps happening; it happens because between 4-7% of the human population are psychopaths. They are literally demons in human form. They look like us, and sound like us, but they are not us. They don't feel pity, remorse, or empathy; sometimes they don't even feel fear.

Our reaction to them should be to identify them, expose them, and then euthanise them like the sick animals they are. Instead, however, we allow them to become our rulers, and the literal architects of our society.

The result of this, is the world you see before you.
edit on 17-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

And the psychopaths are the ones in positions of power.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by buster2010

Did you miss the part where the old man accused them of trying to rob him? The ungrateful old man deserved to be left where he was at. Also with the police there they can call an ambulance for him.

Weak tactics bro.

He had a head injury. He was old. He could have been robbed. The robbers would have gotten away if it wasn't for his quick thinking.

Why wasn't an ambulance called? Why didn't they bring him to the hospital?

Now he is the bad guy because he takes precautions.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
See, I'm much more a hit-me-and-you'll-never-sleep-soundly-again kinda woman.

Amen sister.

People ALWAY go to sleep.....eventually LOL!

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