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Did Humans and Dinosaurs Coexist? Yes!

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posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Hold on now. Just because YOUR prayers do not get answered doesnt mean everyone else's prayers do not get answered. Personally, i prayed 2 weeks before arkansas and texas got rain last week, and i told God that our trees and plants were dying and we needed a break from the 105+ degree heat and that we could use 2 good days of rain. Well the rain came, and we got not 2 days of rain, but a whole weeks worth dumped on us and texas got a bit of it too. Keep in mind that this was 2 weeks BEFORE computer models said anything about getting rain in arkansas and texas.
Wow, a naturally occuring weather phenomenon coincided with your prayers, that is rock solid proof.

Why didn't the prayers to end the Holocaust or end the Rwandan genocide get answered?

Why don't prayers to save terminally ill children from dying, cure diseases, help parents find their kidnapped child, have a family member wake up from a coma, have an inoperable brain tumor subside, give the homeless homes, save children from sex trafficking, give starving people a meal, give clean water to people who don't have access to clean water, or end wars get answered?

Why don't any of the important prayers get answered, but the ones asking for rain do get answered? Isn't it more likely that the rain is simply a natural atmospheric weather phenomenon, and it would have happened regardless of your prayer? Eventually a persons prayers will coincide with reality by chance alone, and I bet for every prayer that you've had "answered", you've had 10 that were ignored.

An invisible bearded man in the clouds didn't have anything to do with rain, that has to do with evaporation.

Furthermore nowhere in the Bible does it say that everytime you pray it will be answered, so your statement is FALSE. In order for prayers to be answered it has to be in God's will and preferably not for selfish reasons.
Why don't you pray to give starving, innocent people who have done nothing wrong some food? That's not selfish at all, but thousands have prayed for just that and it's been unsuccessful. God doesn't sound like a very intelligent guy if he won't answer the unselfish prayers to help others and fix the world problems, but he'll answer the prayers to make it rain.
edit on 16-8-2011 by TupacShakur because: to edit my post

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Evanzsayz

its obvious they are the demons controlled by satan trying to make us think the bible is a work of fiction

When your a bible nazi every question is easy to answer.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by nyk537

Not at all. Obviously it has it critics because it is a historical work that lends credence to the Bible, but it has never been disproved.

The major criticisms all lie in the similarities in writing style between Josephus and other writers.
Yeah, I guess it depends on where you get your info. I've read that some say the writings of Jesus in Josephus's account were added much later as it doesn't flow with the rest of the writings.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Unfortunately God is not our butler or servant. A limited understanding of God and what Christians actually believe generally yields that viewpoint though.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
reply to post by Fisherr

My point exactly. This is written from a Creationist viewpoint (which I am) not an evolutionary one. I'm trying to make the case (among others) that evolutionary timelines are wrong, and that the Earth is much younger than we have been led to believe.

There are other test results out there that mirror the ones I have showcased. It is not an isolated incident.

I seem to remember a dr who episode about this lol.
I just wanted to say that there are many reasons why a body might not fully decay - the peat bog man in Ireland for example. Matters of temperature, medium its buried in, humidity etc etc. Its not an 'either or' case and rarely is.
There is much interest recently in paleoart and the stonework of Egypt and the Cambodian temples which depict reliefs of stegasaurous, triceratops and trex etc interacting with human beings. They also depict flying machines and brain surgery and otherwise out of chronological time images.
These images could be representative myths or evidence of actual experience, these images could simply be from the tribes legends handed down over time being depicted in relatively modern masonry. It doesnt automatically mean those people in that temple at that time had f2f contact with dino's and nothing can comptely rule out that it does. We werent 'in the room' so we dont know the context and no ammount of data will provide that living context, ditto the bones of dino's.

W e simply dont know *their* deeply they were burried,. what rock, what medium what forces played on them over the eons, only the most recent..and no we cant garaunteed radio carbon dating and most scientists agree with that despite its predictability. Something is definately amiss in science history. I do feel that, I just dont automatically credit that 'amiss' to deliberate deception or use that unease to try and proove evolutionary theory as being the product of bad science.

I found nothing offensive to creator theory in Darwins observations and do see them as that - Darwins observation of the mechanisms of creation. I see no reason why a debate even need exist outside of peoples own ego desire for religous prothetalizing and points scoring. Evolution as a mechanism of creation isnt offensive to me as I do view evolving as an act of creation. Its the 'thought' that bought the mechanism forth that matters.

shrugs ymmmv


edit on 16-8-2011 by Rosha because: typos

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:00 PM
Well I couldn't read through all the replies but they have found human remains dating back 400000 years... Now 65 million years ago maybe not but anyone who believe the earth is only 6000 years old is retarded! We have scientific evidence that the earth is 6.5 billion years old.

The closest to human remains found date back 3.2 MILLION years ago. Well this article explains it. duh:
edit on 08/14/11 by AutumnAnarchy26 because: Messed up a link ;O)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Hydroman

And that is all based on someones perception of how Josephus would have written something. There are also other historical records of his that detail the lives of Moses and other biblical figures. The Jesus sections simply draw more criticism's Jesus!

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Mallik

I'd love some theories on these old Peruvian burial stones. I'm finding it hard to believe these primitive people dug up a triceratops and organised the bones with the precision archeologists do today, but i guess it's possible.

Yep. See thats what im saying. Look at that third link, that T-Rex is about to chomp down on that poor fool in his hands, its even smiling and licking its lips. LOL. I'm being silly ofcourse but thats what it looks like to me. This is amazing because i've never seen those burial stones, i'd love to have those dated but knowing Peru they will most likely be "sacred" and end up in some vault where no one will ever see them again.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by nyk537

"The fact that there are artifacts that date back much longer than that is immediately a major hurdle for evolutionary thinking."

"This is the type of evidence that no evolutionists wants to see or discuss."

edit on 16-8-2011 by nyk537 because: (no reason given)

Why? What makes you say that? I guess you could call me an "evolutionist" although I am not sure there is a group of people who call themselves that. I think you just made the word into a label against people who believe in evolution.

The difference is, just because you mass yourselves into groups called "religions," people who aren't of that kind of mindset know you can learn about and discuss and understand many things without making a decision one way or the other.

It's always a battle of good versus evil, black versus white, never accounting for the in between, never admitting every answer isn't cut and dry, every outcome isn't one or the other.

Well, if you want to call me an evolutionist, then yes, I certainly do have an interest in this, and I want to see and discuss it. However I wonder if discussion with you on this subject is really going to be useful when your main source of material is a magazine called "Creation" and seems therefore to lean towards a "creationist" belief, and it repeatedly makes broad generalizations against those who don't also share that same blind faith.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by Mallik

The Ica stones? Even wiki knows they were faked. quote below

Cabrera stated Basilio Uschuya, a local farmer, brought the stones to his attention after finding them in a cave (Uschuya was later arrested for selling tourists the stones, and told the police he made them himself).[1] In 1973 Uschuya confirmed that he had forged the stones during an interview with Erich von Däniken, copying the images from comic books, text books and magazines but later recanted that claim during an interview with a German journalist, saying that he had claimed they were a hoax to avoid imprisonment for selling archaeological artifacts. In 1977, during the BBC documentary Pathway to the Gods, Uschuya produced an Ica stone with a dentist's drill and claimed to have produced the patina by baking the stone in cow dung. The Ica stones achieved popular interest when Cabrera abandoned his medical career and opened a museum to feature several thousand of the stones in 1996.[1] That same year, another BBC documentary was released with a skeptical analysis of Cabrera's stones, and the newfound attention to the phenomenon prompted Peruvian authorities to arrest Uschuya, as Peruvian law prohibits the sales of archaeological discoveries. Uschuya recanted his claim that he had found them and instead admitted they were hoaxes, saying "Making these stones is easier than farming the land." He also said that he had not made all the stones. He was not punished, and continued to sell similar stones to tourists as trinkets.[2] The stones continued to be made and carved by other artists as forgeries of the original forgeries.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by nyk537

Is that your answer to everyone that doesn't agree with your views? Jeez man come on, I've seen you say that to numerous people, and avoid answering people that don't agree with your views. This is just ridiculous.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by nyk537

Unfortunately God is not our butler or servant. A limited understanding of God and what Christians actually believe generally yields that viewpoint though.
Then why do you worship him if he won't fix any problems with the world? What do you gain by worshipping God?

Your fear of death is alleviated because you believe you will continue to live on once your brain shuts off and is no longer functioning? You have a code of ethics to live by?

If God is all powerful and capable of doing anything, but won't fix any of the problems that I listed in the last post, he doesn't sound like somebody I would devote my life to, pray to, or worship. It's just "his will" though, right? His will decides that children are sold to grown men who use them as sex slaves? It's his will that millions of people who have done nothing wrong are born with AIDS? It's his will that children die before they turn 10 years old from a disease that he is capable of curing?

Add to his incompetence a religious textbook that's filled with factually inaccurate stories/claims, and theories that don't hold any water when compared to actual science, and what's left? A rulebook?
edit on 16-8-2011 by TupacShakur because: to edit my post

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by nyk537

what nyk537 is saying is very true, there is an abundance of evidence, that either the ancients had already discovered dinosaur fossils and gone to great lengths of investigation,research and re-structuring of the dinosaur to know what they looked like,ate,reproduced etc or.....some, no all, dinosaur's did co-exist with man.

infact in sumerian tablets, mayan temple stone carving, ancient hindi's and good 'ol egyptians were on the band wagon too.
but it does depend on what you define as a dinosaur, since there are numerous defined periods of extinction levels. the sabre tooth tiger is classified as a dinosaur and is excepted by the wider scientific community that man and sabre,mammoth existed side by side. there was also thought to be extinct type of swordfish that deep sea fisherman caught off canada coast, this species was thought to be extinct 2 million years along with many other odd discoveries of living dinosaurs especially those that are aquatic.

extinct means "less than 20 in existence, in both the wild and captive,with a 50/50 ratio of male/female, if all 20 were male, then the creature is extinct as the species cannot sustain"

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by Mallik

I'd love some theories on these old Peruvian burial stones. I'm finding it hard to believe these primitive people dug up a triceratops and organised the bones with the precision archeologists do today, but i guess it's possible.

Yep. See thats what im saying. Look at that third link, that T-Rex is about to chomp down on that poor fool in his hands, its even smiling and licking its lips. LOL. I'm being silly ofcourse but thats what it looks like to me. This is amazing because i've never seen those burial stones, i'd love to have those dated but knowing Peru they will most likely be "sacred" and end up in some vault where no one will ever see them again.

Sad fact is that it's not even possible to date these rocks as they are completely inorganic, so there is the possibility that they are fakes created recently. There's tons of these rocks though so if they are fake, it's been one hell of a job. Hope we will find a technique to truly date them as time passes.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by nyk537

not an eagles fan, but i do think your premise deserves an audience. our limitation in accurately dating the past makes for a rocky road to discovery. aside from the various arguments presented in this thread, i would say that there would be significant upheaval among established nations if the young earth/dinosaurs living in the same era as modern humans. yes, you are a creationist. there is an agenda to what you propose. such a proposition based upon a presupposition of the biblical schematic of world history, will wreak havoc today, if there was strong support, evidentiary or otherwise, from the scientific community. every nation not based on judeo christian beliefs would revolt with horrific anger and rage that their perspective and religion (ultimately their purpose of life) are based upon a falsehood. perhaps even if you are correct in some of your views, this world may not be ready to deal with "truth". i am not saying your premise is correct, but trying to keep an open mind. the path where it leads could be quite frightening and dangerous for the rest of the world.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

It's hard to explain to someone who just doesn't get it sometimes. I don't expect anything in return here and I don't believe simply to gain something from it.

It's not about me...and that's the part you don't seem to get.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
reply to post by TupacShakur

Unfortunately God is not our butler or servant. A limited understanding of God and what Christians actually believe generally yields that viewpoint though.

I know right? Last time i checked God wasn't a christmas tree, and he's not santa claus either.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:08 PM
Someone posted a thread with similar content a few days ago. One of the pictures posted in that thread was particularly stunning - an engraving of what was unmistakably a stegosaurus - on an ancient wall (I think from somewhere in Bangladesh? I'm probably wrong, search for the thread).

I think it's entirely plausible that some species of dinosaur survived into the era of early man, and were most likely hunted to extinction. Take the aforementioned stegosaurus.. A creature that as far as we know, would probably be easy game for a tribe of clever humans.

Many megafauna are documented to have lived in the time of man.. For example, the giant sloth.

Perhaps archaeologists are aware of these historical discrepancies, but it's become a hush-hush sort of thing. Like many other sensitive things (the true origin of man, for example), it will never be disputable within mainstream science.. if you try and dispute those things, you're labelled as 'crazy', and would lose all of your credibility. If I were an established archaeologist, I would surely not want such a label attached to my name (see: Buzz Aldrin's bashing in the media after his extraterrestrial claims).

Science is already figured out.. everything is set in stone already..

No, but what I'm saying is that something as fantastic as the discovery of dinosaurs coexisting with mankind would challenge so many beliefs, not to mention what we've had labelled as historical fact for so many years.
edit on 16-8-2011 by free_form because: dyslexia

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by nyk537

For those that are quick to discount the Bible, there are more historical written documents backing it up than ,If I recall, than Lincoln, Homer, and JFK combined. Maybe some other well documented people, but their writing are totally accepted?

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by free_form

Here is the thread you are talking about. Cambodian Carving written by another staff member no less.

It's a good read.

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