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A lie told often enough becomes the truth!

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posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 01:52 AM
Now this is my 3rd thread, I would like to make an index so you can easily find what you are looking for and discard the rest, but first I need to explain what this thread is all about.

1: This thread is an investigation into secret societies and their connection with the �people� behind the One World Order or New World Order.

2: This thread will try to connect the dots, so all of you can see the thick red line that draws between all these secret societies.

3: This thread shall only be filled with known facts.

Now before I can start I would like to say this, expect a lot of noise and disinformation, from people who do not want you to know what we know, expect to be ridiculed and laughed at, as a good mason friend of mine once told me. �If you can�t stand the heat turn on the air conditioner�

Am I the only one seeing the red dots in this world, am I the only one that sees the global quest for world domination, I find it hard to believe that I know that there are many out there that can see the big picture, perhaps it is time to be heard.


A: Bilderberg
B: Rothschild�s
C: United Nations
D: The Round Table
E: The Black Nobility
F: Free Masons
G: The Wardens (*1)

Now this is not a new member guide or an information base for the uninitiated *LOL* always wanted to say that, but I don�t have the time to explain all of the above groups in detail so you need some basic knowledge on this subject if you want to understand all of it.
This isn�t a complete list of all the secret societies or groups that is behind the One World Order but some of the most important to my knowledge.

Chapter A: The Bilderberg Conspiracy

The Bilderberg conference first appeared in 1954 in a Dutch hotel named Bilderberg; you can only attend the Bilderberg conference if you are invited if you don�t have political or financial power that won�t happen. Who attends these meetings well it is mostly serving prime and cabinet ministers, central-bank governors, defence and other experts, there are absolutely no press allowed and photographs are scarce. Now what do they talk about well most of the time its stuff like East-West relations, arms control, deficits, debt, sanctions etc. Their thoughts may not be repeated outside the meetings and never are, why is that so they can relax more or is it to remove all doubt as to what this meeting is about, if they cant say what they have talked about then no one will care what they do, no media will show up *LOL* like they aren�t controlled by the same men in the first place.
So here we have a group of powerful men talking secrets again sounds familiar?
This Bilderberg group is in fact deciding the fate of many countries as they are the advisors of many powerful men or in fact powerful them selves. They can turn a country into civil war or raise a dictator without the normal man even noticing a ripple in the current.

Chapter B: Rothschild�s the Jew infestation

Now I have been labelled as anti-Semite or anti Jew by some, I cast that label away 99% of the Jews I have no problem with, though I don�t understand why so many non Jews call them selves Jews, when they are in fact Asians or eastern Europeans.
But to get to the point, The Rothschild�s are a family of very influential �people�, they have so much power that even in your wettest dream you couldn�t imagine it, they control the world bank, most of the worlds gold and oil, they control the LBMA. Ironical this family which is one of if not the richest family in the world, has managed to hide most of their history, today no one has heard of the Khazarian empire, why is that because if they knew they would never have fallen for the holocaust and claimed that the Rothschild�s should have their own land.
See the Rothschild�s aren�t Jews they were worshippers of Judaism but never had anything to do with original Jews they are ASIANS they belong not to the Dead Sea but the Caucasus Sea.
This family has been in the centre of the stage and have directed it to their personal agenda which is funny enough nothing less than One World Order.

Chapter C: United Nations i.e. One World Order

The United Nations 18 acres of prime Manhattan land was donated by the Rockefeller family, you find this funny wait till you see the big picture here. They have also written that the world should not be many countries but One Big One, the UN Charter Chapters 8 through 11, are using such phrases as "regional arrangements, intergovernmental agreements, and metropolitan areas." members of One World Socialism have already split the world into 85 regions for �policing� purposes.

The writing bellow is some of the doctrines of the UN:

1: Control over whether women are allowed to have babies.
2: Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations.
3: The United Nations has its own Army and all soldiers must swear allegiance to this foreign government.

It is no secret that the UN troops are the first step toward a One World Army. Is this really what we want?

Chapter D: The Round Table which may not be round

The round table isn�t a group in it self it contains some groups of its own like the Bilderberg, UN and the club of Rome. The Round Table was made in London in the 18?? AD. The first leader was Cecil Rhodes, but he was nothing more than a puppet the one in real control of the round table is the House of Rothschild. It was the round table that made the First World War happen, to gain more control and they staged the Second World War to get their precious UN and Israel. These are the channels which the global policies are coordinated out of view of public knowledge through unconnected countries and political parties. The upper levels of secret societies like the Freemasons etc. also connect into this Round Table.

Chapter E: The Black Nobility and their little rituals

Before I write anything on this subject I would to clear out some disinformation I might have received is the Black nobility the "Committee of 300"?
I think I have those mixed up because my knowledge of the black nobility is simply that it is the blue bloods of Europe??
Lots of nasty story on those but I would like this to be cleared out before I continue.

Chapter F: For Freemasons

*LOL* wont say anything here as we don�t want to attract any trolls or flamers *LOL*

Chapter G: Are the watchers watching you

Not much is known about these prison wardens as I like to call them in fact they are not even on this earth at least not in physical form, they are the energies that have the job of keeping us in place so we wont know the truth or be ridiculed by every one else so we wont dare speaking our minds.
Thier home is the 4th density, there is a higher frequency there so it cant be compared to our slow moving 3rd density.
These watchers are the police of the illuminati they hold us in place so we can be exploited again and again.
I would like some feedback on the subject of these so called watchers!

Now I only point out the dots you have to connect them. You will find no links on this page as I have written all of the above myself and have found the information I needed in many sources.

Baron Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo's Empire of the Neutral Zone

*1: Now there are in fact no facts or proof about the wardens but the knowledge I have of them is purely from my higher self so no need to ask for proof on this subject as I cant provide any.

[edit on 19-8-2004 by NeonHelmet]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:55 AM

Good stuff Neon, and I'll be marking this as a favourite thread.

OK, can I add some things here. (I'll start filling in more details such as full names tomorrow).

A) Don't forget the British and Dutch Royal families are both key-members of the Bilderbergers. These two families, plus the de-facto Rothschild and Rockefeller Royal families are really at the heart of it.

No press allowed... except for the actual Presidents of major media companies.

They had their 50th anniversary meeting this year, but it was only a few short years ago that people started to actually believe they existed. People are slowly waking up, because I remember 10 years ago feeling like a nut case for talking about them at all - noone had heard of them. The Internet has been great for this. And Jim Tucker deserves so much credit - he truly is a hero and legend, as well as the people who work with him.

Really, is so comprehensive, I don't think we can go further, but we can make it concise. There is clear ties from the Bilderbergs to the CFR, and to the major political parties in the US. The US is the strongarm of the Illuminati, and is ultimately dispensable.

B) Rothschild, meaning Red Shield in German, came from the red shield they used above their shopfront. It was a change of name. The shield has a hexagram on it (also known as the Star of David). Indeed, so rich you could say they own the world. In fact, they are owed more money than there is money. To create more money Nations have to borrow more. Very sad con they have on us.

C) The UN has been made to seem like the 'good guys'. Whenever there is a dispute, in comes the UN with resolutions and decisions, punishments and sanctions. They are nothing more than a front. The European Union is the model that will be used for the American Union and AustralAsian Union.

The United Nations was formed, apparently, to end brutal wars and create peace and stability in the world... Since the UN was formed there have been more wars on Earth than any other time in her whole history.

D) The City of London, or just "The City" is considered sovereign like "The Vatican" and has been and currently is the Headquarters of the Illuminati. The Round Table, with obvious connection King Arthur's, is right up the top of at least the Royal pyramid, and probably the Banking pyramid as well at the Bank of England (privately owned, deceptively named like most other central banks).

E) The Black Nobility is considered above the Committee of 300 (also known as The Olympians). - At this level of the pyramid, information is scarce, but I'll confirm this tomorrow.

F) As the 3rd degree of Masonry is a graduation, so is the 32nd of the Scottish Rite. The 33rd is an initiation into Illuminated Freemasonry. You cannot become a 33rd degree without being chosen by other 33rds.

G) Very hard to know. There's at least twice as much disinfo as there is real info. It is obvious that so-called "primitive" people all over the world were slaughtered, and robbed of their sacred land, for Europe's Royal Families. Their histories, religions and languages also slaughtered. There is so much knowledge these "old people" had that has been covered-up, including their knowledge of alien beings.

Then there are all the pyramids (and other structures) on Earth (including under the ocean) that for all we know could've been here for a million years, and contain impossibilities for mere "primitive people" to build, as well as unexplained techniques, calendars, maps and material. (For example, the mortar used on the Great Pyramid cannot be reproduced.. it is an unknown material, stronger than any mortar "modern people" have made, and is officially a "mystery". There's a whole topic about whether there pyramids fond on Mars, but again very hard to prove without being up in the Astronautics pyramid.

I'm lovin' it!

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:01 AM
Have you ever heard of the Sabateans? I recently heard some stuff about this other secret society that is purportedly about false jews or something like that. Anything you might have would be greatly appreciated. They did say that the Sabateans worked with the Bilderberg group in some of the info I found.


posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by stoneskull
D) The City of London, or just "The City" is considered sovereign like "The Vatican" and has been and currently is the Headquarters of the Illuminati. The Round Table, with obvious connection King Arthur's, is right up the top of at least the Royal pyramid, and probably the Banking pyramid as well at the Bank of England (privately owned, deceptively named like most other central banks).

Well let me start by saying that there is NO historical evidence of King Arthur or Camelot or The Knights of the Round Table ever even existed. Saying that this group has an "obvious connection to King Arthur" is correct, but the only connection is that if this group exists it has the same name. That's it. I only bring it up because of NeonHelmet's effort to fill this thread "only with known facts".

I do think there is a connection between modern-day Jews and the Khazars. That is not to say I have a problem with Jews, but I do think there has been some "name changing" over time, and people don't know who they really are (or rather who their ancestors were) anymore.

Also, if you want some info on string-pullers, check out PNAC.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 08:28 AM
Baron Bilbo Baggins, Sone of Balder, Guardian of the faith, and Bane of Loki, has spoken.


posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by NeonHelmet
...the Jew infestation...
Now I have been labelled as anti-Semite or anti Jew by some, I cast that label away...

Who could possibly reach the conclusion that a sensitive guy like NeonHelmet is anti-Semetic?

After all he cast that label away.


posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 01:24 PM
Disinformation so far:

Baron Bilbo Baggins, Son of Balder, Guardian of the faith, and Bane of Loki, has spoken

Who could possibly reach the conclusion that a sensitive guy like NeonHelmet is anti-Semitic?
After all he cast that label away

Now I had expected more noise, but I am sure it will come.

StoneSkull thank you for adding to this thread it has made me stand in a stronger position in here I appreciate it mate.

(A) I have nothing to add on the Bilderberg issue except to say that has helped me a lot on this subject and I would like to give it credit for that.

(B) I think it is important to make a statement here, I have been labelled anti-mason and now the masons are trying to get another label at me so they don�t have to shout anti-mason all the time but can shift between anti-Semite and anti-mason, I have a problem with the Rothschild�s and other top bankers who manipulate the world, I don�t how ever have a problem with a single branch of our race, I have never seen any logic in not liking anyone because of their origins. The meaning of the headline to this chapter is that *LOL* didn�t think I had to explain this but here goes, that it is the Rothschild�s that have infested the Jews not the Jews that are infecting the Rothschild�s. *LOL* well anyway some one also thought that I had said that the holocaust did not happen, but its all cool, its very important to remember this that if the Rothschild�s had not manipulated their people in to thinking they were Jews and staged the holocaust (i.e. working with Hitler and Goebel to further their own agenda of a country in the middle east a vital step to make world war 3 happen.) there would not have been an Israel today but this off course ridiculous to even talk about, as this agenda has been written down for more than a thousands years.

(C) Nothing new to add here except to back up StoneSkull�s statement, the world hasn�t been made a safer place because of the UN it is quite the opposite.

(D) The city is also known as the Crown not to be confused with the Queen. I don�t have any facts on King Arthur though I do not deny he�s existence and part in the making of the round table, I think the tale is there for a reason.

(E) The black nobility is to my knowledge the blue bloods of Europe, they have started groups like the Free Masons / Knights of Malta etc. and are behind a genocide of even larger proportions than Hitler and �Bush� (*1), they have written the history as they wanted it to be and controlled Europe for thousands of years I believe them to be ancestors of the old roman empire, its also funny to see that when an empire has served its purpose its destroyed and a new better and bigger one is made. Is it true that Caesar was stabbed 23 times? Just think that�s a funny number but that�s for another thread. (2+3=5)

(F) Nothing to add here.

(G) Isn�t there a sunken city of the coast of Japan? I have had no direct contact or indirect with these watchers, but my 4th chakra tells me they are there. What is this mortar you are talking about StoneSkull perhaps you would u2u me with some info on that I would appreciate that mate? To the mars question I cant understand why they don�t release more pictures of our close neighbours we can see distant stars and galaxies in high resolution but we cant get a close-up of our own moon poles or more pictures from mars I feel that NASA is hiding these things on purpose. Here is a picture taken by Hubble it is supposed to be our universe in the age of 800000000 years, this is because of the time it takes for the light to come to us so we are 12900000000 years behind if you could say that, but look at the details of this photo I want a just as good photo of the entire surface of mars is that to much to ask?

Baron Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo�s Empire of the Neutral Zone

*1: Bush administration and the puppet masters behind him.

[edit on 19-8-2004 by NeonHelmet]

EDIT: removed image as it was too large and disrupted the board dimensions. Sorry

EDIT#2: use a small "q" for the first [ quote ] tag and not a capital "Q" and it will work for you.
See above.

[edit on 19-8-2004 by Genya]

[edit on 19-8-2004 by NeonHelmet]

[edit on 19-8-2004 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:13 PM
Ok I am a little confused on the knights of the round.

Axeman said, "Well let me start by saying that there is NO historical evidence of King Arthur or Camelot or The Knights of the Round Table ever even existed. Saying that this group has an "obvious connection to King Arthur" is correct, but the only connection is that if this group exists it has the same name. That's it. I only bring it up because of NeonHelmet's effort to fill this thread "only with known facts".

Neon, I thought you said this knights of the round has nothing to do with king arthur's in last nights chat? If you made a typing mistake, then edit your post so Axeman can retract his statement

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:16 PM
Looks like this is as good a place to ask about this as any...

A buddy of mine was talking to me about something that his family (grandfather) was involved in, and I was wondering if it was true, or pure horse spit.

He said they were called the Akuma Laudi, or something that sounded similar to that spelling. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this particular secret society.

Oh, and BTW, neon...pretty good stuff there. Hopefully you can cover my question.

(G) Isn�t there a sunken city of the coast of Japan? I have had no direct contact or indirect with these watchers, but my 4th chakra tells me they are there. What is this mortar you are talking about StoneSkull perhaps you would u2u me with some info on that I would appreciate that mate? To the mars question I cant understand why they don�t release more pictures of our close neighbours we can see distant stars and galaxies in high resolution but we cant get a close-up of our own moon poles or more pictures from mars I feel that NASA is hiding these things on purpose. Here is a picture taken by Hubble it is supposed to be our universe in the age of 800000000 years, this is because of the time it takes for the light to come to us so we are 12900000000 years behind if you could say that, but look at the details of this photo I want a just as good photo of the entire surface of mars is that to much to ask?

Yes, there is a sunken city off the coast of Japan, however there isn't anything really amazing about that.

It is a city of the ancient Jomon culture, the natives that lived in japan before the mass migration of modern-day japanese from china. I believe that this occured sometime just after the first Ice age, as the Jomon were driven out of their cities by rapidly rising sea levels.

[edit on 19-8-2004 by Loki]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Loki
He said they were called the Akuma Laudi, or something that sounded similar to that spelling. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this particular secret society.

Akuma is Japanese for demon... are you sure he wasn't just making something up based on an anime he saw or something?

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:24 PM
Lol, i find it funny we have a Son of Loki and a Son of Balder working together in this thread

Anyways, is your friend's family japanese? The word Akuma if i recall correctly means Devil or Demon. As for Laudi I have not found the definition but when I do, I will edit the post.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:27 PM
This might help:

The root of Laudi is a Latin word.

I think that the term very roughly translates to Demon Worshippers.

Any input?

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:33 PM
Perez it is true that I have said to you in PRIVATE chat, that the knights of the round table has nothing to do with the ROUND TABLE of which we are speaking of, but I am not the one to banish an old tale and I think that the tale has some reference to the truth.
I also believe that the name they have is from the tale and not the other way around.
I hope I have made my self clear on this subject but will highlight what I mean again.


Genya no problem mate I will just add a link to the picture instead nice picture though eh?

Baron Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo's Empire of the Neutral Zone

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:34 PM
Well so far my search has found this:

But also, I think the word Laudi is a Maltese Surname

This is pure speculation. While I wait for a translator to return my e-mail, I can only speculate that Laudi means Lady. Therefore Akuma Laudi might mean Demon Lady.

Mores reasons for my speculation:

"Litany of Our Lady as said ... sent to Pope Gregory XIII the "Laudi o lettanie ..."

[edit on 19-8-2004 by DetectivePerez]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:49 PM
If I may be so bold as to indulge in a posting infraction here. I know, no one-liners, but I need to, ''cause it' feels so good. Last one, I promise!

Baron Bilbo Baggins, of Bilbo's Empire of the uh . . . . Neutral Zone . . . . who claims:

1.) This thread shall only be filled with known facts.

and then goes on a what looks like a prozac bender . . .

2.) Not much is known about these prison wardens as I like to call them in fact they are not even on this earth at least not in physical form, they are the energies that have the job of keeping us in place so we wont know the truth or be ridiculed by every one else so we wont dare speaking our minds.
Thier home is the 4th density, there is a higher frequency there so it cant be compared to our slow moving 3rd density.
These watchers are the police of the illuminati they hold us in place so we can be exploited again and again.
I would like some feedback on the subject of these so called watchers!

Bilbo, Son of Zorvlox the Magnificent of the planet Zarblongia . . . ROFL.

Aw, man . . . . . pure entertainment.

Bilbo: You need to stuff a garbage bag under your door and if possible, put tape over the keyhole in order to keep the Watchers out. Their ability to assume a gaseous form at will allows them to enter into any closed area . . . some have even been known to pass through yards of rock. They gather their sustenance from solar flares, and are responsible for the outrageous bus fares you pay. They have also been linked to burrito indigestion and the recipe for the Colonel's 11 herbs and spices.

There's your feedback on the Watchers.

Alright. I've had my fun. I'll go back to being a good boy, probably 250 points poorer, but you gotta pay the piper.


posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:58 PM
Hi theindependentjournal I will try to answer your question but I have no knowledge of the Sabateans you are speaking of except this.
They are Jews.

Try this link if you want some more info on this subject I can�t guarantee the quality of this site as I have not read it my self.

Ahh Loki my good soul mate looking forward to slaying you and your spawn at Ragnarok but for now I will amuse my self with you company, well as we say in Denmark �joke to the side�.
I have no knowledge to this I know what Akuma means in Japanese but I don�t think you will find your answer in looking up Latin words then.
The only thing I can find on this subject is related to Japanese bands and some suicide notes put out on the internet.
Sorry I will try to look into this matter don�t know if there is anything though.

Baron Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo's Empire of the Neutral Zone

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:04 PM
LTD602 please read the (*1) in the first post.

Baron Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo's Empire of the Neutral Zone

Ps: Thank you ZZZ ill do that

[edit on 19-8-2004 by NeonHelmet]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:05 PM
Loki, you should sit down with your family and make a new thread for this. I think although it may be nothing of significance, it could turn up to be something important. For example. Demon Lady could be a hidden meaning for the Demon IMAGE

and Lady IMAGE

of which are both displayed at Rennes Le Chateau.

So I am not saying that this is what I believe to be fact, I am just opening up the posibilities with an example. Loki, I look forward to any Questions and Answers you get from your family about this matter.

EDIT: Formatted image links to shrink width on the page

[edit on 19-8-2004 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:06 PM
You may kill me at ragnarok, but my son eats your dad.


And besides, It's Heimdall who finally kills Loki, right before the giants destroy the earth.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:10 PM
So, let me get this straight...

You ACTUALLY believe all that tripe about bilderbergs and such, or are you just posting it to poke with a pointed stick?

You started off with a claim to stick with facts, but you offer only unsubstantiated opinions and gas... a fact is, for instance, when you drop a hammer while at zero acceleration in a positive gravity, it will fall. Two plus two equals four. Clinton is a liar... you know, actual real things.

Opinons, on the other hand are pretty much... anything, valid or not, like your distrust of masons, and my opinion that you seem to be an antisemite.


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