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Are aliens associated with Jesus' birth?

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posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 12:55 PM

I think you should ask 2.1 billion Christians worldwide how Jesus's teachings changed them. It taught people the value of love, peace and life.

That count seems a little on the optimistic side don't you think. You say that Christs teachings taught us the value of love and peace and blah.
Tell that to the indigenous peoples of the New World and South Pacific.
"Hi, we are Christians, we bring you peace and love...oh and the cold hard steel of the sword and gun...and ooooh what alot of gold you hethen savages have."
The Peace and love slogan might be the shop front window dressing, but the dirty business of what happens out in the back office is a different story alltogether.
You can reject my opinion if you choose...after all that would be the Christian thing to do.
What about all those billions of Homo Sapiens that have walked the Earth over the hundred thousand years or so BC? Like, 2000 years ago is just a nano-second ago in Human history. What becomes of all those souls that never got to be indoctrinated in Super Jesus mythology?
The Romans idolised or at least were told to idolise their caesars as Gods, the Egyptians did the same with Pharoh...can you see the pattern here?
Whoever has the ascendancy of power nominates their guy as God. Christianity is the Roman wolf in sheeps clothing. Hey, if you can't beat them.....become them.

[edit on 9-10-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Zero Point

That count seems a little on the optimistic side don't you think. You say that Christs teachings taught us the value of love and peace and blah.
Tell that to the indigenous peoples of the New World and South Pacific.
"Hi, we are Christians, we bring you peace and love...oh and the cold hard steel of the sword and gun...and ooooh what alot of gold you hethen savages have."
The Peace and love slogan might be the shop front window dressing, but the dirty business of what happens out in the back office is a different story alltogether.
You can reject my opinion if you choose...after all that would be the Christian thing to do.

Jesus's teachings were of love and peace. If the chirstian organized religion used this for conquest and power, then who is to fault - Jesus?

Science teaches the values of logic, control and discovery. If politicians use this for power and conquest, then who is to fault - science?

Mankind is inherently destructive and negative and projects this darkness with everything at his disposal - religion, politics, art, religion. There is no one to blame but ourselves.

This is what Jesus came to put right. Mankinds self-destructive habits. For many Christians out there, he did, he gave them meaning, taught them the value of love and peace and told them the universal truths. If he were not there, there would be 2.1 billion more lost souls in this world.

What about all those billions of Homo Sapiens that have walked the Earth over the hundred thousand years or so BC? Like, 2000 years ago is just a nano-second ago in Human history. What becomes of all those souls that never got to be indoctrinated in Super Jesus mythology?

What about them?

The Romans idolised or at least were told to idolise their caesars as Gods, the Egyptians did the same with Pharoh...can you see the pattern here?
Whoever has the ascendancy of power nominates their guy as God. Christianity is the Roman wolf in sheeps clothing. Hey, if you can't beat them.....become them.

Yet we know them as ceasers and pharoahs.

[edit on 9-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 03:22 PM
Wasn't the Bible rewritten several times to support the needs of the powerful Church? Jesus's life was probably more different than written in today's Bible, but who knows...

anyway, I can't believe, that aliens have anything to do with Jesus at all. Perhaps, the role of God(s), are more likely attached to alien activity, but today it is very hard to play God for any alien species.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 08:25 PM
it makes more sence to me that mary was artificialy inceminated by people(angels) from another world(heaven) than some kind of "let their be jesus"
command by god

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 07:55 AM
Then where did the Aliens(Angels) come from???

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:35 AM
Totally support you're idea Space dude...

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by GodsServant
Then where did the Aliens(Angels) come from???

The word "angel" simply means "messenger" is only logical to assume they were/are the hierarchy structure of their race has been translated over 400 times. Re written and added to, subtracted from....whole books left is not the word of god...only if you can go back and read the original text on anyone getting the true has twisted everything in the bible to suit himself.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:40 AM
Whether Jesus existed or not, from what I've read/sceen/heard in my life- I'm leading towards the idea that most christian beliefs (about hell and a place where you will go if you are "bad") are crap.

My bet is Jesus never existed, but I also don't know anything.

Oh and, I believe the hole Christian (or religion) thing was created to make people feel love, happiness and life. You see humans are capable of doing pretty bad things naturally, the only thing that can make the humans choose to be good most of the time is FEAR that doing something bad will fukk him over. After the human has been good for a while, he realizes that being good is the best thing (it makes you "high on life"). After a while, the human doesn't need FEAR to make him keep doing good things, because he realizes good things are the way to go if you wanna feel happy anyway.
But then again, I know nothing.

Oh and, If you read the old testament it seems like a history book (what the bible should be), but now its a history book that has been altered so only people who know how to read it will get the actual "history". If you read the new testament it seems like some guy telling you what to do "or else", this was probably added in later to keep the massess in check.
But, I'm also open to the idea that I know nothing and am wrong.

[edit on 21-10-2004 by THERMOnuclear]

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 02:18 PM
That is a very interesting view SpaceAlienatic. Because if you pay attention to many paintings and scips and whatever they used back in those days, you can see tiny space ships painted or described in them. so that could also be true. They do visit us very often, even WAY back in the days, like the mayans, aztecs and many older civilizations before them show in a certain way of writing or by drawing pictures on rocks. Maybe they put him their to kinda see what our reaction to something like that could do to us, or maybe even influence us for that matter.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 04:44 PM
My answer to this topic is NO..!!! He is not related to the aliens.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
My answer to this topic is NO..!!! He is not related to the aliens.

Check it out....

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 10:20 PM
To reply to an earlier post, yes in Hebrew Genesis reads:
In the beginning Elohim (gods-plural) created the heavens and the earth.

Also in the N.T. Jesus tells a parable that goes something like this.
A man planted some wheat, at night - an evil neighbor came and planted "weeds" in his field...not actually weeds but a type of plant that looks similar to wheat and cannot be distinguished from it until its grown.
The servants come and say "master...did you not plant good seed in your field?...where then did the bad seed come from?"
He replies, "an enemy has done this..." and when asked if they should take out the bad seed, he said, "no let the bad grow up with the good seed and then separate them, or you might damage the good crop."

So it goes on, and the disciples, like usual, said, "Jesus, we havent got a clue what your parable means...please explain it to us in plain hebrew..."

Heres where it gets interesting...(and most christians treat the response as a parable)
He says, the wheat are the sons of the kingdom and the earth is the field.
The harvesters are the angels...and the bad seeds are the sons of the devil.
no parable...hes not saying the seeds are bad people...or people with bad actions...just sons of do with it as you will, but it ties in nicely with the Genesis account when the angels came down and cohabited with women...and had giant offspring.

Now the term for the angels are watchers, and many christians claim they are not angels, but the sons of cain marrying the sons of seth...etc. Saphardic Kabbalistic Judaism, teaches its angels...

Also, this ties in nicer when he tells the pharisees that they are from their father the devil...again, watch this....
Jesus is on the cross, and the religious leaders say,
"If he IS the son of God, let him come down, and WE WILL believe in him..."
Guess what happens? An earthquake shakes the grounds as an angel lands (this is typical when angels land in the Bible...start your speculation as to why...)soldiers are "like dead men" from freight, and then some of them go to the religious leaders and say,
"dudes...this is really wacked...hes alive..."
See, I would crap in my pants knowing that I truly screwed...
whats there reaction? "Here have some gold coins...shut up, dont tell others, and enjoy..." What type of humans are they? This definitley is no everyday occurence.

I really am rushing through ALOT of material...I hope I did not leave out any key points...
feel free to ask questions for clarification...
but most definitely I believe there is more going on then what we learned in Sunday school.(and private school, which I also attended...just pickn' at the dude in the earlier post, dont take any offense, all in good humor.)

Gods peace to all


posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 07:46 PM
maby they evolved on anouther planet or they were created or geneticaly altered by (god or a vip) who evolved from an earlier period

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 10:49 PM
Its true that the Pharisees were tied to the devil. Seeing how they said they would beleive Jesus if he came down form the cross, and then later paying the gaurds to shutup about what they saw at the tomb. Mabye they just cared about there reputation so much that they don't want to be seen as the murderers who killed the one they thought was a fake but was really God whom they adored and prayed to everyday. If what the gaurds saw was spread throught the lands the Pharisees would be deemed horrible killers of God.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:05 AM
Wow! what a read! Bibles flying all over the place. The three kings who followed the star, it took them 2 years to reach where Jesus was at, according to what I read. Love seeing those paintings again with the UFO's, always amazed by them. Questions on if Jesus was an alien, God (s) aliens, or angles, if your heart is full of love and laughter each day you will find the answer within yourself. Meaning truth will be within us all, this would be a great discovery. I have not reached it, or may be not reach it but prayer with your family does give strength to live each day. I not a normal chruch goer, I do have issues with all religions on subjects. Some day we will find out our past and deal with it as it comes.

Thank you.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:34 AM
If Jesus was devine, I would be inclined to think he was a Nephalim- half angel and half man.
The Bible says that Mary and Joseph were visited and before Mary became pregnant and were told that she would bear a chid. I believe she was impregnated during this visit.
Luke 1:26 and the next few verses after describe the first visitation of Mary by an angel.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by SpaceAlienatic88
People say God created the earth, but I say we were created by beings who visit us often. I also think Jesus was an alien hybrid. Today we see that aliens
can communicate with us through telepathy without us seeing them.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by MiTo

Have you heared about the book "Forbidden Archeology". There is evidence and proof that man existed on this planet for a very long time, much before then generally considered by modern science.
[edit on 16/1/05 by MiTo]

When you say men, do mean mean that man was just there or have evolved and beened there. And so what if men were on this earth longer that we know it. It can bee that we were put on this earth longer back that we know it. Its just that everything that happens has a to something. There is always an explaination that we are blind to it. Anything is possible. Yeah it could be thrue that Jesus is just a Godly force put down on the earth for our sakes but you alway have to think abou the possibilities. Anything is possible.

[edit on 16-1-2005 by SpaceAlienatic88]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by SpaceAlienatic88
When you say men, do mean mean that man was just there or have evolved and beened there. And so what if men were on this earth longer that we know it. It can bee that we were put on this earth longer back that we know it. Its just that everything that happens has a to something. There is always an explaination that we are blind to it. Anything is possible. Yeah it could be thrue that Jesus is just a Godly force put down on the earth for our sakes but you alway have to think abou the possibilities. Anything is possible.

Indeed anything is possible,
All I wanted to say is that no alien could have enginnered humans few hundreds of thousands of years if we were here for much longer. That would mean either someone has a time machine or someone is lying. Frankly, my gut feeling tells me a lot of alien BS and stories you can find over the net are fundamentally wrong or a lie.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:45 PM

aliens are actually demons, it describes them in revelations as frogs... they are going to be the false prophet that happens in 2010.

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