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Are aliens associated with Jesus' birth?

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posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:37 PM
What happened to all of the replies people.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 07:20 PM
Come on this was getting intersting until everyone just stopped replying. Lets lighten things up a bit.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 12:26 AM
and also, if praying was a sin, why would jesus pray to his father, wouldn't that be sinning, and proving that he wasn't God on earth? Again, read before you believe... just cuz its there doesn't make it true. Jesus was not an alien Jesus or Yeshua whatever you wanna call him was a HUMAN BEING! A HOMOSAPIEN! The devil would love for you to believe he was an alien!

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 12:34 PM
Where did you come up with the "praying is a sin" thing. Praying is something good. If it is for something good then it is not a sin.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 01:51 PM
Though there is little evidence (aside from the Bible), lets look at what we do have...

According to the bible,

1. Jesus' birth is connected to a light in the heavens.
Hmm...??? It was a very bright light, the brightest in fact, according to scripture, that the wise men followed.

2. The birth is referred to as a "virgin" birth, i.e. the claim she had slept with no man, not even her husband.
While far-fetched at best, if true, then an abduction (i.e. the bright light, coming to see it's handiwork) may have been where she was impregnated?

3. Jesus had powers other men did not.
Perhaps such powers were the product of an alien ancestry?

There are other things pointing to this. The infamous "Yellow Book" and others allude to the aliens claiming that they are the ones who were responsible for Jesus. With some of the older art surrounding the birth of Jesus, CLEARLY depicting a beam coming from a saucer in the sky, into Mary's head or Jesus' birth, it seems to only reinforce the idea.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 06:30 AM
My music teacher told me that in the bible. It is stated that we will see strange things in the skies. Is this proof that God is an alien or God created aliens.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 10:14 AM
Jesus was a man, but a man with an extrordinary soul. He had to incarnate here, in times of darkness, and he did, through the medium of ET, or angels. The key here is karma, cause and effect, every event in the universe obeys karma.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by SpaceAlienatic88
Come on this was getting intersting until everyone just stopped replying. Lets lighten things up a bit.

Alright, how's this:
Jesus was an alien from outer space. WE are aliens from outer space, or rather our souls come from planets other than Earth. We are born here to live an earthly lifetime to work out our karmic problems. No one on earth is from here originally.

Originally posted by Intelearthling
If God is an alien, then we are all aliens. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the Begotten Son of our Heavenly Father, that means that Jesus is really our brother and since His Father is our Father, then one should come to the conclusion that He is also an alien.

Yes, this is true. (or so I believe fully and wholeheartedly, which makes me feel much better about things
) I don't think God is one alien being, exactly, I think of God as "all the energy there is", which is every universe put together and everything in it.

Are you with me?

SO, I'm sure there were UFOs in the sky and aliens watching out to make sure that little baby Jesus (aka Sananda) was born safely and delivered into this world in one piece, so he could spread the word that we're all connected in the universe (which is why you should treat your neighbor as yourself, because your neighbor is part of you. Also, you shouldn't kill your neighbor as you would be killing part of yourself. No wars.)

Still with me?

OKAY. Now... we live in a 3D world--We all know this. UFOs and aliens live in higher dimensions (5D and up), they have a faster vibratory energy rate than we do. We can't see them because they live and travel in another dimension. They travel at the speed of thought, not the speed of light, which is why we have such a hard time understanding the "travel time" thing between stars and across galaxies. Of course, us, in the 3rd dimension knowing what we know here as humans, NO WAY could space travel occur on the level that it does for our Space Brothers and Sisters. They're so much farther ahead than we are, it ain't even funny.

Our planet is on the verge of entering a higher dimension. We as humans will become telepathic because of this. Children these days already are telepathic, they just need to be helped and encouraged to use it. We are all connected at the soul level. We've been to space and taken rides in space ships, we just have an amnesia going on here so we can work out our karmic stuff by making free will choices, which is the law of the Universe.

Jesus rides in space ships, folks. How cool is that???

[If anyone wants links to this crazy stuff I've been reading, i'll post some. It's definitely amazing to read.]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:55 PM
This world is so unjust~ The mighty dollar fuels ur lust,
And thus~look what has become of us.
In God we trust~ But greed seems to numb'us~with venom,
People are poor~ But we makin bras with diamonds~in'em.
The flaws are endless~Heaven & Hell is crowded with victems,
Some poverty stricten~ Then choosen death to run away from the system.
Misuse of the wizdom~ Could make the mind think that ur the king,
Add evil intentions, now terrorism comes to the scene.
Fight fire with fire~ But in the end we all get burned,
Wars fought, U kill with a surge~But no lessons is learned.
I guess it's the rest that observes~different, I got a image,
Of the homeless, the poor & children lyin dead in the kitchen.
A penny a month to feed em? Can't do much damage to profits!
But it seems like the rich got no arms with sewn shut pockets...
I wish I could stop this~ But all I do is watch with my optics,
Observin motionless events disease that comes from the tropics,
Our found in the projects~ But medicare dont care bout ur status,
We either cough up the money~ Or soon lie dead in a casket.
Its just not fair to the average~ The lower class of citizen people,
The rich snobs amongst the poor~Does that seem equal?
My rage is lethal~ This hate is towards the American country alone,
So imagine the anger i'll hold when I look at the whole globe!
This whole world~Is dieing~ Bullets is flyin~ Mothers is cryin',
children are diein'~Poverty is risin~ And im realizin'~
Theres no controlling it...
Only ONE place has perfection,
But prevention of imperfections never catches tha'attention,
We got abortion distortin the womb for lack of protection...?
Drugs & heat floodin ur streets from over seas connections!
I hate political puppets trying to balance the budget,
But the scale always leans towards the rich~so the poor cannnot touch it.
And I hate the Whitehouse for having hundreds of unused rooms,
But still homeless people have no homes, I'm so confused...
Who makes these rulez?~ This earth inhabits humans & animals,
But it's hard to distinguish the difference when both livin like cannibals.
With a mandible grip~On society, this world is full of sinners,
I'm tha wrong type of specie~In a right world where U are all begginers.
Everyday some more foul #~Is brought to tha'attention,
Theres serial snipers & rapist found in holy conventions,
Communism and racist~Even 12 year old b*tches with facelifts,
Innocents for life in cages~While killers recieve probation,
I wish I could take this~Escape to madness & switch my location,
But every part of THIS world is in tha same situation...
Alone I cannot solve this equation,
Cuz The root of evil leaves no remainders...
I wish I could'of spoke to JESUS when he stood at the manger...
The Love of Jesus couldn't manage to break down the BrotherHood's anger.
And I wish I could tell him that humans became a disaster!
This world will need to see the Son of God,
Cuz half of us believe in you~Other half thinks that your a fraud...
In search of Allah made men commit unspeakable crimes,
These are the times that has this world in a critical bind.
Mother Earth molested by chemicals then left her infested,
Waters unpure the air is tainted soon U all get congested!
I've invested~Time in this rhyme 'n hope it all makes sence,
I'm sick of this stress this world has me needin to vent.
And if you ever get in trouble with a soldier...
Make sure before u hate, to get rid of the dirt on ya shoulder...

"If I Ruuled The Woorld"

I would get rid of the Evil Devil bastards~
And make their death so drastic'
Priests that R catholic~ Who baptize Kris while #in' Brandon...
As long as i'm standin'~ I'll LOVE this Earth untill it vanishes,
Bandages couldnt heal ur wounds, this world is damaged!
Never did & could understand it~ This planet is takin for granted.
This is my canvas~ Imma let you picture this,
We're the record & God's the DJ~I think it's quite time for a Remix~
I mean this, my hate towards the Devil is got me lookin' feindish,
A mean kiss, from death~Would make you all believe this!
God take me back~ I dont wanna live anymore on such a poisoned ground,
Was born with a smile~Raised with a smurk & I'll die with a frown.
I wish Columbus was wrong when he proved that the Earth was round,
Cuz I would put every sinner on a ship and watch them fall down...
I'm gone now~Cuz it's late~I'm sick thinkin' that we're livin to get payed.
# the DARK~I'll stop Fightin when the world doesn't rotate!


posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by SpaceAlienatic88
When they saythat God created us in his own image, they mean that he created us to spread his word in his image of likness. You can say that God is just a force, and we are all brothers and sisters scince we are all created in God's image,

Since you brought it up, Genesis 1 26-27 says we were made in God's image. So okay, what does that mean? 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says we have a spirit, soul, and body. We each are a trinity. God has been called Trinity for centuries.
The subject of this thread is basically--Are Aliens associated with the birth of Jesus? If the word "ALIEN" is defined as "not from this world , then Angel, Demon, Devil, God....they are all defined as Aliens. So, yes, Aliens were involved. They have been involved in all of this world's history. Whether grey, reptilian (Satan WAS called a serpent), angelic, or demonic, they have been intimately involved in our history. At this time I won't get very far into my thoughts and beliefs as I covered some of them , somewhat, in another thread.

[edit on 3-10-2004 by rawiea]

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 07:58 PM

Do you all remember the Star the 3 kings followed to Jesus birth place?
Well could this star actually be a UFO?

Fire, light and other means of explanation has been used in the Bible. Even the burning bush for instance. Could all these instances be UFO's?

Its my belief during those times people explained things to the best of their knowledge and being they were not as technologically advanced, they came up with the only thing they knew of to explain what they saw.

I believe UFO's are truly Angelic. All are not of the Same category of course. There are the Fallen Angels who followed Satan, and also Godly Angels which followed God himself.

They (fallen Angels) will come in the End Time and fool many people of all Religions and backgrounds. So it would be very wise to pay closer attention to the warnings in the Bible for it tells us that there will be Signs and Wonderings in the End Times.


It is my belief that Demons were first known about after the Great Flood of the Bible. If you all remember the Nephilim(Giants) which were ungodly and were very different from the normal Human Being. They were large in stature and had 6 fingers, 6 toes on each hand/foot.

They were destroyed by the flood and Noah was the only one saved. The reason he was saved was because God found grace on Him and his family. The reason God found grace on them was because Noahs family were the only ones left who were not tainted with Fallen Angel Seed. They were the only pure Humans left on Earth.

Therefore, once the Nephilim(Giants) were destroyed they were punished. Their punishment was that they would never have a Body. This explains Demons of this Day. This also explains reincarnation.

Reincarnation would be these Demons who posess people and of course they would have memory of past Lives because they have been around since the Great Flood.


[edit on 4-10-2004 by GodsServant]

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 12:18 PM
God ?
I dont believe it, but as most of us...when we r in trouble He is the first we think about it.
Why that ?
Just because we need something to grip on...(we all were teached like that)
If we find out that aliens exist, and there is no Jesus or God...on what we will think in the desperation moments ?

On of the best things ive heard was from a movie dialog.
"End of Days", some of u must remember.
The dialog between Devil and Arnold.
The Devil says:

- Let me tell u something about Him.
- He is the biggest underachiever of all time. He just had a good publicist, that's all.
- If something good happens, it's His will.
- Something bad happens, He moves in misterious way.
- U take that ?...That overblown press kit they call the Bible.
- U look for the anwsers in there, what do they tell u ?
- # happens !!!
- Please.

Really something to think about it.

All we know about Jesus/God comes from the bible...
When it was wrote and by who ?
Believe in the bible to explain the existence of life, its like to use Harry Potter (book) to explain in the future how cars can fly.

The existence of God/Jesus was never proved, how can some ppl fully trust in something like that.
The proof of aliens existence is much more explicit that that....and lots of ppl still deny to believe it...

If all respect to each one believes, but if u do not believe in ETs why u keep coming here ?
I do not believe in God, and nobody see me going to any catholic forum to say Jesus/God was a hoax.

[edit on 5-10-2004 by Krpano]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by GodsServant

Do you all remember the Star the 3 kings followed to Jesus birth place?
Well could this star actually be a UFO?

Fire, light and other means of explanation has been used in the Bible. Even the burning bush for instance. Could all these instances be UFO's?

Its my belief during those times people explained things to the best of their knowledge and being they were not as technologically advanced, they came up with the only thing they knew of to explain what they saw.

I believe UFO's are truly Angelic. All are not of the Same category of course. There are the Fallen Angels who followed Satan, and also Godly Angels which followed God himself.

They (fallen Angels) will come in the End Time and fool many people of all Religions and backgrounds. So it would be very wise to pay closer attention to the warnings in the Bible for it tells us that there will be Signs and Wonderings in the End Times.


It is my belief that Demons were first known about after the Great Flood of the Bible. If you all remember the Nephilim(Giants) which were ungodly and were very different from the normal Human Being. They were large in stature and had 6 fingers, 6 toes on each hand/foot.

They were destroyed by the flood and Noah was the only one saved. The reason he was saved was because God found grace on Him and his family. The reason God found grace on them was because Noahs family were the only ones left who were not tainted with Fallen Angel Seed. They were the only pure Humans left on Earth.

Therefore, once the Nephilim(Giants) were destroyed they were punished. Their punishment was that they would never have a Body. This explains Demons of this Day. This also explains reincarnation.

Reincarnation would be these Demons who posess people and of course they would have memory of past Lives because they have been around since the Great Flood.


[edit on 4-10-2004 by GodsServant]

You R in lookin in the right direction my friend...^

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 04:37 PM
i think jesus was an alien. thats why he was able to rise again after he was buried in the tomb. its clear that he has some extraordinary or alien power

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by GodsServant

Reincarnation would be these Demons who posess people and of course they would have memory of past Lives because they have been around since the Great Flood.
You've got to be kidding!?
That in no way explains reincarnation..........I'm sorry if I sound short there but iIcouldn't believe I read that for minute there!

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by GodsServant
Therefore, once the Nephilim(Giants) were destroyed they were punished. Their punishment was that they would never have a Body. This explains Demons of this Day. This also explains reincarnation.

Reincarnation would be these Demons who posess people and of course they would have memory of past Lives because they have been around since the Great Flood.

[edit on 4-10-2004 by GodsServant]
Do you have any resources to point me to? I would very much like to look further into this. You see, I thought reincarnation and posession were different things. Reincarnation being the inhabiting of various bodies by a spirit as sole "homesteader". Posession, I thought, is taking posession of somebody elses body, sort of like a "landlord". There is a tennant there, but answerable to the posessor.

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 06:29 AM
I read info else where on the 'net that in the translation from the original bible( Hebrew? ) the word that got translated to God was translated incorrectly, in the original bible the word was Gods. (NOTE the plural!)

Can anyone verify this?
( I'll try to re-find the info on this too )

If it is true then it would mean that there were multiple gods not just one. And could it be that these 'gods' are in fact aliens. In light of all the other info presented in the other replies i would say it is a definite possibilty.

What does everyone think?

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by gold32

incorrectly, in the original bible the word was Gods. (NOTE the plural!)

I to have seen this. Also in the creation stated/states "let us create man in our image"---- Plural

Also. The ten commadmndments never said there are no other gods but says, in essense that you can not put "other" gods before him.

God DID NOT SAY he was the only god! God said:

I am the Lord your G-d who has taken you out of the land of Egypt.
I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
You shall have no other gods but me.

There are three different versions of the Tem Commandments......
from my web site.

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 09:47 AM

Are aliens associated with Jesus' birth?

It depends whether you believe The Jesus story is an accurate and literal account of his life and times, or whether artistic license has been employed to juice the story up to mythological proportions.
I don't want to diss your guy, but what advancements in the Human condition did his life achieve?
Is the belief that Aliens have invested thousands of years of passive/aggresive attention on us just a reflection of Human vanity? Are we still that primitive that we continue to think that the Universe revolves around us?
My own opinion is that the Alien and Super Jesus connection is just the meshing of two fairytales to create a modern mythology.
Look behind their masks and all you will find is yourself. Nothing but the Human imagination and all the good & bad that we ourselves are capable of manifesting.
Don't need no Alien/Christian hybrids to work that one out.

[edit on 9-10-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 10:44 AM

It depends whether you believe The Jesus story is an accurate and literal account of his life and times, or whether artistic license has been employed to juice the story up to mythological proportions.

What we call mythology, was documented as history in some ancient cultures: Mahabharat, Ramayana, Bible, Mayans, epic of galgamesh etc
So don't be too sure that all mythology are myths.

I don't want to diss your guy, but what advancements in the Human condition did his life achieve?

I think you should ask 2.1 billion Christians worldwide how Jesus's teachings changed them. It taught people the value of love, peace and life.

Is the belief that Aliens have invested thousands of years of passive/aggresive attention on us just a reflection of Human vanity? Are we still that primitive that we continue to think that the Universe revolves around us?

You say this, and then refer to aliens as a fairytales.

My own opinion is that the Alien and Super Jesus connection is just the meshing of two fairytales to create a modern mythology.
Look behind their masks and all you will find is yourself. Nothing but the Human imagination and all the good & bad that we ourselves are capable of manifesting.
Don't need no Alien/Christian hybrids to work that one out.

You are welcome to your opinion. I am welcome to rejecting it. There is enough objective truth for me to confidently say, it is not imagination. Paintings of Jesus and Mary with UFO's for me is incontrovertable evidence of the Jesus-ET connection. I personally cannot imagine why it wouldn't be for anyone else, but I am making an assumption here, that "anyone else" is rational.

[edit on 9-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]

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