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Are aliens associated with Jesus' birth?

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posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 09:05 PM
People say God created the earth, but I say we were created by beings who visit us often. I also think Jesus was an alien hybrid. Today we see that aliens can communicate with us through telepathy without us seeing them. There have been cases of people being abducted and having aliens take his or her sperm or eggs resulting in the making of a hybrid clone. Hybrid clones look and act like us here on earth and we don't even notice them. Hey your friends could be hybrids. Its both cool and scary if you think about it. Now dating back to the birth of Jesus it could be possible that Jesus was an alien. In the bible it states that an angel confronted Mary and told her that she was going to have a baby and give it the name Jesus. Now we don't know for fact that she really saw what she saw or if that was just an alternate memory given to her while the E.Ts cloned an ebryo an inserted into her while she was in some kind of trance, but that's just my opinion. It could be that the angel speaking to her was an alien communicating telepathicaly and the supreme embryo had materialized into her whom. But if aliens did proceed with this is there a heaven or hell. And what about Satan. It would be ridiculous to say that satan is a bad alien right? And I apologize if this makes people uncomfortable I just want to express my thoughts and opinions. And I also apologize if this topic doesn't belong where it is supposed to belong.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 09:21 PM
Maybe Satan , or, okay, Lucifer, or whoever you think the 'Evil One' is, is in fact, a Draconian/reptilian. This would seem to make sense when you put the theories put forward on certain sites and conspiracy groups that the coming war of Armageddon is in fact, an interplanetary war between the NWO/Grey allied forces and the Draconian invasion fleet.

Again, an interesting idea, your mileage may vary.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 09:35 PM
Doesn't make me uncomfortable, on the contrary, I have wondered this many time and where Jesus fits into the alien scenario..... to much I don't understand here and that doesn't make a bit of sense...No Christian has ever been able to give valid answers to many of my questions.....
1) There is no reason that anyone should die for mans sins...this makes no sense at doe his blood do anything for man's sins
2) Old testament sacrificing. Why? why was it necessary for anything to be killed in order to honor a god that can do anything, see anything, know anything?

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 09:38 PM
I think that there is a possibility that the strange events they write about in the bible could be influenced by aliens

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:29 AM
humans are hybrids-alien/monkey
there is good and bad aliens-satan/angels

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:31 AM
Please bare with me..

Read your texts.. for one...
all this talk about alien hybrids and such... only because the lack of knowledge (I don't mean to be

rude whatsoever)

God did create all... and by that I mean ALL ... Paperclips, Toothpaste, to Flames, other Gases, and even

"concepts" -keep this in mind

Before Jesus we were running around like mad idiots trying to find out what the hell our purpose

was and just in general how to live correctly.

So God using Angels which he created before us.... Instructed/Directed selected humans to carry out

divine missions (Moses, King David etc)

Aliens as we have come to call them used to be called angels because of how the bible described

things, Entities that decended from the heavens.

Aliens simply told Mary she was having a special baby and it would be Gods child.. The thing is... We are all Gods children since his son already died to make us such.
and yes they also directed the proper people to his birthplace

Although Satan is a bad angel.. or alien. Just like a stone causes many ripples in a pond
it only takes him manipulating one person to afflict millions

In the same regard, Jesus coincidentally ended up meeting John the Baptist, another "selected


Although the son of God has much more "understanding" or a better perception than the whole

earth, appart from angels (which are not allowed to intervine) because it isn't their job
except for what has been set out to happen, being the "Will of God"

What Jesus was trying to tell us is "God/Jesus" is IN everything around you more importantly he is

inside us:

Split a piece of wood and I am there,
turn a stone and I will be there

Who is splitting the wood? ... Better yet.... Who is turning the stone?
So simple yet so complicated? Let the confusion leave you

It is written, the kingdom of God is within you and outside of you
Let aliens be proof of this
For as the time that heaven will be here, Search no longer for it is already here...
We're so busy with this world, or looking for heaven we can't see it or understand its power

There exists a light in every image which is so bright it blinds you from seeing the true image
likewise there exists a light in God that is so bright you cannot see his face.

There are many scibes, texts and advanced technologies buried and hidden in pyramids
technologies so advanced they may appear simple.

May I encourage some reading...

^^^^^The Above is "The Gospel According to St. Didymos Judas Thomas
it is NOT recognized by The Church (The Pharisees) Just as Jesus wasn't
The importance is it is like a question and answer session between himself(Jesus) and his disciples and onlookers. Not to mention pieces of the text would totally change the worlds church as we know it. Jesus himself says:
[14 Jesus said to them, "If you fast, you will bring sin upon yourselves, and if you pray, you will be condemned, and if you give to charity, you will harm your spirits.]

You are all being lied to whever you turn, your governments, your priests.. I say this to you
become learned in the history of the world, Coincidence doesn't exist.

If you are offended, than you are not openminded. Learn to take the truth from the lies.

[edit on 19/8/04 by dnero6911]

[edit on 19/8/04 by dnero6911]

[edit on 19/8/04 by dnero6911]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 12:37 PM
I understand your point and I am not offened. I find this very interesting and I had my mind on it for years. What about the prophet Ezekiel. He saw four wheels come down from the sky, and where ever the beings moved the wheels then followed. What about the story of the large scrool in the sky. It could have been a cigar shaped ship, and I reall want answers

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 12:49 PM
to dnero6911 //

God created Everything .. Sounds too loud to me, no evidence, we - humans don't remember our history, and you are talking about God creating everything, now i don't believe .. everythings crap .. reality is out there

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 01:10 PM
Hey SpaceAlienatic88, you have a very good idea of what might have happened, and your theory is very much similar to my theory posted awhile back. It's good we have the same thoughts.

The things written in the bible are things I believe to be explainable today, with our technology and knowedge of things. Aliens would definately fit alot of the angel talk and lights decending from the sky.

As for God, who knows. Maybe he is the alien leader, or maybe he isn't, and maybe he uses aliens as messengers for him?

It's very much guess work at the moment. That is, until anything relating to Jesus and God arises in the future, e.g. 'the coming of christ'. Then, and only then, we will be able to see for ourselves!

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 01:46 PM
Just catching on? For I saw Him with the Visitors on more than one occassion.I am not the only one.Wish thinking? Why?I am not religious.

The Church misinformed the public as what is going on.The Visitors are Elementals,which means "of the earth". They also call them Demons.Demons are "Unclean spirits". Unclean in their language does not mean evil.It means soiled,again with earth,the ground,or from there.
Hell,where they are from,means "hole in the ground" .It is also a place where they dug pits for livestock to live in,not building barns for them.To fall ,or to go to hell,means to go to where the animals and filth is.
Lake of fire= magma,simple. Fire and brimstone=sulfer. Natural.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:36 PM
you think saying God created all is too strong?

The war that will end the world will be about information
not oil, or property... it will be about the truth.
and as the saying goes, the truth shall set you free...
Thats why your here.... The war on information.
and it won't be fought by a single nation, or the military
because people in the military will also choose sides to fight for
this war will be fought by the civilians.
I am a student of the world. I learn from everything.
Just open your eyes and begin to piece the puzzle together
leave no stone unturned.. don't let a biased mind keep you from knowledge.

Revelation 3:14
These are the words of the Amen, the
faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's
creation. I know your deeds, that you are
neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either
one or the other! So, because you are
lukewarm -neither hot nor cold- I am
about to spit you out of my mouth

[edit on 19/8/04 by dnero6911]

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911

Revelation 3:14
These are the words of the Amen, the
faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's
creation. I know your deeds, that you are
neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either
one or the other! So, because you are
lukewarm -neither hot nor cold- I am
about to spit you out of my mouth

[edit on 19/8/04 by dnero6911] can't prove something by quoting the bible!!!! This always amazes me!

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 10:50 AM

I understand your point and I am not offened. I find this very interesting and I had my mind on it for years. What about the prophet Ezekiel. He saw four wheels come down from the sky, and where ever the beings moved the wheels then followed. What about the story of the large scrool in the sky. It could have been a cigar shaped ship, and I reall want answers

Perhaps he had access to good cactus, maybe he was a little skew whiff in the mental department, it could be written in a style that only those in the know...the in crowd of wiggly handshakes of the day..knew what he was on about. Then again he did live thousands of years ago when they got the jitters over natural phenomeon. Maybe he was the best selling sci-fi writer of his time.

[edit on 21-8-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 11:30 AM
If you think about it. How else better could they have described the phenominon they were seeing coming out of the sky? Space ships never existed then, planes, machines or crafts. So what we see today in the sky described as a shiny craft with lights or UFOs.. back then all they could say were there were these lights in the sky and shapes... No one knew what a UFO was. So it makes perfect sense that the lights in the sky or wheels seen decending from the heavens were alien crafts... for everyone back in those times, heaven could have simply been the sky or whatever was beyond the clouds. Where the crafts seemed to come from.

From time to time i'm constantly thinking trying to search within myself to figure out why I am Christian... why is the religion that I was brought up into the right one? Are we aliens, does god exist?? But what I do know is I will never stop searching for the truth, even until my dieing day. If we search long enough eventually the truth will be found... or maybe soon the truth will come to us.

I have a feeling it might

[edit on 21-8-2004 by porschedrifter]

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 12:01 PM

From time to time i'm constantly thinking trying to search within myself to figure out why I am Christian... why is the religion that I was brought up into the right one?

Is it a competition? Does your God like the Hindus? Like they are the large bulk of Humanity. Why would the God of Love discard peoples souls over a question of belief? It doesn't sound very loving. IMHO only the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Jeffery Darma have anything to worry about when it comes to the question of the after life.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Please bare with me..

Read your texts.. for one...
all this talk about alien hybrids and such... only because the lack of knowledge (I don't mean to be

rude whatsoever)

God did create all... and by that I mean ALL ... Paperclips, Toothpaste, to Flames, other Gases, and even

"concepts" -keep this in mind

Before Jesus we were running around like mad idiots trying to find out what the hell our purpose

was and just in general how to live correctly.

So God using Angels which he created before us.... Instructed/Directed selected humans to carry out

divine missions (Moses, King David etc)

Aliens as we have come to call them used to be called angels because of how the bible described

things, Entities that decended from the heavens.

Aliens simply told Mary she was having a special baby and it would be Gods child.. The thing is... We are all Gods children since his son already died to make us such.
and yes they also directed the proper people to his birthplace

Although Satan is a bad angel.. or alien. Just like a stone causes many ripples in a pond
it only takes him manipulating one person to afflict millions

In the same regard, Jesus coincidentally ended up meeting John the Baptist, another "selected


Although the son of God has much more "understanding" or a better perception than the whole

earth, appart from angels (which are not allowed to intervine) because it isn't their job
except for what has been set out to happen, being the "Will of God"

What Jesus was trying to tell us is "God/Jesus" is IN everything around you more importantly he is

inside us:

Split a piece of wood and I am there,
turn a stone and I will be there

Who is splitting the wood? ... Better yet.... Who is turning the stone?
So simple yet so complicated? Let the confusion leave you

It is written, the kingdom of God is within you and outside of you
Let aliens be proof of this
For as the time that heaven will be here, Search no longer for it is already here...
We're so busy with this world, or looking for heaven we can't see it or understand its power

There exists a light in every image which is so bright it blinds you from seeing the true image
likewise there exists a light in God that is so bright you cannot see his face.

There are many scibes, texts and advanced technologies buried and hidden in pyramids
technologies so advanced they may appear simple.

May I encourage some reading...

^^^^^The Above is "The Gospel According to St. Didymos Judas Thomas
it is NOT recognized by The Church (The Pharisees) Just as Jesus wasn't
The importance is it is like a question and answer session between himself(Jesus) and his disciples and onlookers. Not to mention pieces of the text would totally change the worlds church as we know it. Jesus himself says:
[14 Jesus said to them, "If you fast, you will bring sin upon yourselves, and if you pray, you will be condemned, and if you give to charity, you will harm your spirits.]

You are all being lied to whever you turn, your governments, your priests.. I say this to you
become learned in the history of the world, Coincidence doesn't exist.

If you are offended, than you are not openminded. Learn to take the truth from the lies.

[edit on 19/8/04 by dnero6911]

[edit on 19/8/04 by dnero6911]

[edit on 19/8/04 by dnero6911]

I beg to differ dnero6911, Ur god is a Scare Tactic!

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 12:16 PM
Does anybody know if there are mentions of 'lights in the sky' or 'visits from above' etc etc in the texts/writings of other religions?

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 12:24 PM

Does anybody know if there are mentions of 'lights in the sky' or 'visits from above' etc etc in the texts/writings of other religions?

I don't know if it counts as a religion, but the Indus Valley Indians claimed all sorts of fantastical things crossed the sky. The Aztecs saw plenty of bright lights, but they considered them to be portents. Like they saw dancing lights that plunged into a lake and they took it to be an omen of impending doom. Fairly soon afterwards the conquistadors turned up and practically wiped their civillization off the map. The North American Indians had their Thunderbirds and the Mothman, once again they interpreted them as omens. Maybe it wasn't a religion in the sense of going to church on Sundays, but it was their beliefs.

[edit on 21-8-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 02:33 PM
PanzerDiv .........a scare tactic.. your scared? If you actually read it unbiasedly you would notice all the knowledge in it.

LadyV ......... I was trying to PROVE nothing.. I was simply saying all these people are undecided.... they are neither cold nor hot. They can't make up their mind.. they sway like a pendelum.
What is it you thought I was proving?
I can prove nothing. I can only prove things to myself.. not to others.. you are the only person who proves anything. No one else proves it for you.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 02:49 PM
I have always thought "aliens" maybe the "angels".

Angelic beings are how they are discribed in the bible, from the heavens. Its a possability i guess.

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